Bidel in realm of mystical lyrics
Subject Areas : epic
1 - عضوهیأت علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ـ واحد رودهن (دانشیار).
Keywords: Bidel Dehlavi, mysticism, mystical lyrics, Indian school of poetry, monism,
Abstract :
Mirza Abdul-Qader Bidel Dehlavi is a prominent poet of mystical poetry in the subcontinent of India. He has transformed the Indian school of poetry from mere superficiality to the utmost wisdom. Bidel's poetry in realm of mystical lyrics is the continuation of Mawlana Jalalud-din Mohammad Balkhi's line of thought in his Diwan Shams. The purpose of this article is to introduce Bidel in the realm of mystical lyrics. According to Bidel all multiplicities in man's journey towards God leads to unity. In his descent however all multiplicities are regarded as the attributes of Deity which have descended from the zenith of the universal and Absolute to the nadir of the particular and relative. Bidel's mystical lyrics is a spiritual epic which expresses love and yearnings for the Divine beloved. These often merge with a sort of surrealist thinking, thus mystical terms in his Indian style of poetry mostly are complex and implicit, and it is difficult of find an equivalent for them. Nevertheless, his mastery in using prosodic forms and verbal rhymes gives such dynamism and fervor to his lyrics that only reveals the hidden charm and passion within the Ghazals.
- (بوطیقای سوررآلیستی بیدل دهلوی. زبان پارادوکسی ـ دگر دیسی دائم جهان. اصالت وهم. حیرت)
- بلاغت تصویر: دکتر محمود فتوحی انتشارات سخن: 1386 هـ .ش.
- بیدل سپهری و سبک هندی: حسن حسینی: انتشارات سروش. 1367 هـ .ش.
- شاعر آینهها (بررسی سبک هندی و شعر بیدل): دکتر محمدرضا شفیعی کدکنی: انتشارات آگاه 1366 هـ .ش.
- صائب و سبک هندی: محمد رسولی دریا گشت: انتشارات کتابخانه مرکزی اسناد دانشگاه تهران.1354 هـ .ش.
- کلیات اقبال لاهوری: اقبال لاهوری. نشر دکتر وحید قریشی. آکادمی پاکستان، لاهور: 1993 م.
- لغتنامه دهخدا: شادروان علامه دهخدا. دانشگاه تهران. مؤسسة لغتنامه دهخدا.
- نقد بیدل: صلاحالدین سلجوقی افغانی. ناشر دپو هنی دزدات. دارالتألیف ریاست 1343 هـ .ش.
- نگاهی به صائب: علی دشتی: انتشارات اساطیر. 1364 هـ .ش.