Study of religious tolerance in the poems Elias Farahat
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesHasan Majidi 1 , Tabibeh Shokohi 2
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Keywords: Islam, الإسلام, إلیاس فرحات, وحدة الأدیان, التسامح الدینی, Elias Farhat, the unification of religions, religious tolerance,
Abstract :
Praise of the Prophet (PBUH) is one of the issues that poets were interested in it. Some of the Diaspora Christian poets Sang poems in praise of the Prophet (s) in the modern era, especially Elias Farahat, and called on Arabs to tolerance, brotherhood and unity. What are the ideas and motives that led to the praise of the Prophet? In fact, some of the Diaspora poets believe the unity of religions, and that’s why they glorify the Prophet and exalt him in their poem and prose. These poets make patriotism their religion and Arabism, its center. The religious tolerance in the poems of Elias Farhat,is considered a rejection of the intolerance and rigidity, and this is one of the salient elements in the literature of the Diaspora. Farhat glorifies the religion of Islam because this religion has made a significant effect in the unification of nations. As he prefers good work to the ordinances of religion, and sees that Islam is right, although he is a hristian rebel on ritual of the Christian religion.
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