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    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Marketing Management ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    Based on the decision of the 28th session of the Commission for the Validation of Publications in the Field of Humanities and Arts of the Islamic Azad University, dated 07/26/1400, it was agreed to launch a journal entitled Interdisciplinary Studies in Marketing Management.

    The purpose of the Quarterly Journal of Marketing Management Interdisciplinary Studies is to provide a scientific environment for researchers in the field of marketing and related interdisciplinary topics as a scientific resource for the production, dissemination and introduction of scientific research findings and results. It is hoped that this quarterly will raise the scientific level of researchers in this field.

    In order to achieve this goal, this quarterly asks researchers to submit their valid and unpublished articles to the quarterly for judging and publishing. Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Marketing Management, with respect to the rules of professional ethics in journals and the obligation to comply with them, follows the executive regulations of the law on prevention and combating Fraud in scientific works.

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    Dear authors, in order to follow the status of the article, you can be informed about the review process at any time through your personal page.

     Address: Golestan Province, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Publications Office, Postal Code: 944517-93451

    Contact number: 34230167-017

    Contact days: Sunday to Wednesday (9-14)



    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 3
    Number of Issues 10
    Printed Articles 72
    Number of Authors 438
    Article Views 10438
    Article Downloads 3346
    Number of Submitted Articles 189
    Number of Rejected Articles 40
    Number of Accepted Articles 106
    Acceptance 42 %
    Time to Accept(day) 101
    Reviewer Count 31
    Last Update 10/1/2024