The process of accepting and publishing an article in Management Future Studies Quarterly
Submitting steps to finalize the article
Visit the Quarterly website
Sign up and submit articles based on the format of the respective script
The initial review will be done weekly by the editorial board and the result (rejection or confirmation for submission to the jury of the quarterly) will be announced by email to the correspondent writer.
If approved, while submitting the article to the author of the correspondence, the paper will be sent to at least two referees and the maximum will be obtained within 3 to 9 months within 3 to 9 months. It should be noted that the follow up to the article will be possible through the declaration of the paper.
Referee comments will be sent to the author of the correspondence by email and the author (or authors) will be required to submit responses and corrections within 10 days and submit the final article file to the Quarterly website.
After the amendments have been made by the author (or authors) and the reappointment of the referees and the editorial board, the final approval will be issued to the author or authors and the paper will be published at the time of publication and will be published within 12 months.
It should be noted that if the article is rejected, the result will be announced to the author or authors through the site and its records will be archived in the quarterly.