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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Fuzzy Model to Determine the Structural Dimensions of Organization Based on the Contextual Dimensions
        S. Khan Mohammadi A.R. Bafandeh Zendeh
        This paper introduces a fuzzy-based model for analysis of organizational structure. This model has threestages. In the first stage, it applies a fuzzy system to obtain the desired structural dimensions (system’soutputs) based on the contextual dimensions (system&r More
        This paper introduces a fuzzy-based model for analysis of organizational structure. This model has threestages. In the first stage, it applies a fuzzy system to obtain the desired structural dimensions (system’soutputs) based on the contextual dimensions (system’s inputs). According to management literature the mostsignificant structural dimensions consist of formalization, centralization and complexity and the majorcontextual dimensions are strategy, technology, environmental uncertainty and size of organization. In thisstage, the model estimates the present structural dimensions too. In the second stage, the model presents afuzzy system to determine the mechanistic and organic aspects of organizational structure (theoreticalstructure), which is estimated for both of the desired and present status. In this stage the system’s inputs arecomputed structural dimensions in first stage and its out put is theoretical structure. Finally after testing themodel, a method is presented to analyze the gap existing between the desired and present structure in thethird stage Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Organizational communication in Information Society: Effectiveness of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Organizational Communication Efficiency
        A.A. Farhangi V. Tarzami nejad
        Today, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are not only a simple tool for working but alsodraw on many contexts for changes in organizations. For example, changes in communication ways provideimportant challenges how we use ICTs for facilitating communicat More
        Today, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are not only a simple tool for working but alsodraw on many contexts for changes in organizations. For example, changes in communication ways provideimportant challenges how we use ICTs for facilitating communication in organization. Effectiveness thatICTs play in collaborative communication is resulted fostering improvements in human resourcedevelopment via coordination of communication abilities and capabilities. Together, these factors conductcommunication empowerment and productivity, increase organizational communication efficiency.In previous thirty years, the extant literature findings are differences about ICTs' effecting withinorganizations. In the other way, changes in the kinds of ICTs and different impact of everyone have reducedgeneralizable of previous findings. So, in this paper, we try to explain effectiveness of ICTs such as intranet,extranet, e-mail, teleconferences and etc on social structure variables (a succession of complexity andformalization) and physical structure variables (time-location independency of activities) that entailcommunication efficiency in base on communication empowerment inside the organization. These factorscomprise elements of our conceptual model that depicts this literature in area of organizationalcommunication.In order to fulfill the aim of the paper, the study was carried out among the performance employees inIslamic Republic Iranian Broadcasting (IRIB) which access ICTs and use it, till tested our conceptualframework. Data are analyzed with SPSS and empirical analysis showed how data on ICTs make it possiblethat communicational empowerment is effected by formalization, time-location independency and finallycomplexity in hierarchy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Designing a Model of the Vulnerability and Assessments Analysis of Innovation in Iran Industries
        M.R. Mohseni Azghandi M. Seyyed Hoseini
        Competition in the sphere of industry for the sake of betterment the quality of productions and services, isunavoidable.Therefore, due to the existing of old structures in the field of industry, these structures should be upgrade.In this present research, main structure More
        Competition in the sphere of industry for the sake of betterment the quality of productions and services, isunavoidable.Therefore, due to the existing of old structures in the field of industry, these structures should be upgrade.In this present research, main structures, which include legal (governmental), economic, industrial,technological and inter – institutional aspects, were discussed. Then, we proceed to discuss the semiindictorsthrough analytical diagrams and using point of views of experts.In the meantime, we attach due importance to these sixteen indictors through using various reliable decision– making methods. These importance were considered in two main spheres and discussed through tworelatively independent methalogy along with indignant not close to the indicators.This importance, paid the way for discussing the vulnerability of indicators in the sphere of industry.In the other side, the main industry of the country according to the category provided by ministry of industryand mines, was discussed, In the final phase, the results achieved from two methods for ranking the sixteenindicators, were compared. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Finance and Profitability in Tehran Stock Exchange listed Firmes
        F. Rahnamaye Roudposhti A. Aslani
        Quality of controling and directing of firms and their patterns of finance are important discussions incorporate governance in recent years in the world .Ownership is a key element in corporate control andgovernance. Quality of ownership concentration of top stock holde More
        Quality of controling and directing of firms and their patterns of finance are important discussions incorporate governance in recent years in the world .Ownership is a key element in corporate control andgovernance. Quality of ownership concentration of top stock holders affect directly patterns of finance.Implementation of specific financing pattern in southeast Asia led to financial crisis. This thesis surveycontrol structure and patterns of financing of listed firms in Tehran stock exchange .Financial datas areissued by Tehran stock exchange in period 2000-2004 in the formes of balance sheet and income statementand other information are used in this thesis .Ownership concentration is measured by the proportion ofshares owned by top one shareholders. The iranian corporate sector’s owenership concentration iscategorized into three groups based on percentage of ownership (i) 0%-33% (ii) 33%-66% (iii) 66%-100%.By firm size, the corporate sector is divided into large, medium, and small companies, depending on capitals.The relationship bettween ownership concentration and firms size are tested, then their relations withpatterns of financing (retained earning, debting, issuing equities) are tested. The effect of each abovevariables on sale and profitability are tested, too. The conclusions indicated, the most important source offinancing in Iranian firms is debting, with average ratio 0.6, and also stock issue with average ratio 0.3 is thesecond, and retained earning with average ratio 0.1 is the thired patterns of financing in compare with othercountries. Ownership and control of corporations in Iran are highly concentrated, ownership concentration oftop one stockholder in Iranian firms held, on average 50/1 percent of shares, is the highest in compare withother countries. Based on a Regression analysis,there is statistically significant relationship between capitaland profitability, increasing in capital led to high profitability and also reduction in depending on financingin debt and a little increase in issuing equities, in Iranian firms .On the other hand, results show a significantpositive relationship between ownership concentration and financial leverage, as measured by total debt – to-total assets ratios.These are consistent with the hypothesis that companies with more concentratedownership tend to engage in higher debt financing because their controling owners do not want to dilute theircontrol by bringing in new equity holders Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Stress Management, Work, Stress and Health
        R. Najafbagy
        Stress is a part of social life and urbanization. Lifestyle can affect our health and well-being. Stress is theoutcome or reaction of mind and body to anything which a person faces. Stress not only affects our health,but it would also affect our physical ability and str More
        Stress is a part of social life and urbanization. Lifestyle can affect our health and well-being. Stress is theoutcome or reaction of mind and body to anything which a person faces. Stress not only affects our health,but it would also affect our physical ability and strength. Therefore, those who enjoy from healthier mind andbody, can better cope with stress, because body and mind are interconnected. Those individuals who becomean active participant in their health care, try to learn how to cope with stress. We must find ways to controlthe harmful aspects of stress, and neutralize the negative effects of it on our social life. The effects of stresscould be observed on all parts of our body and mind such as on our blood pressure, heart rates, physical andmental tiredness. There are various ways for tuning your body and your mind, and in this context, one canbecome own "biofeedback monitor Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Bankruptcy Prediction Using Artifical Neural Networks with Camparsion to the Altman Model
        M.R. Setayesh D. Ahadianpoor Parvin
        This research has been done under title: Bankruptcy Prediction using Artificsl Neural Networks withcamparsion to the Altman Model.The goal of this study is to provide exact explanation and presentation of theoretical basis of research andmeasurement of usefulness bankru More
        This research has been done under title: Bankruptcy Prediction using Artificsl Neural Networks withcamparsion to the Altman Model.The goal of this study is to provide exact explanation and presentation of theoretical basis of research andmeasurement of usefulness bankruptcy financial models. We presented the research hypotheses in order toprovide suitable scientific context for the study.Hypothese 1: Artificsl Neural Networks and Altman models are suitable instrumental for prediction ofbankruptcy.Hypothese 2: In prediction of bankruptcy one firm, have significant difference the resultsof this two models.The means of the research statements (Balance sheets, Income statement, cash flow statement) of thecompanies which were accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. The library method was employed in datagathering. Statistical population of research includes active companies whose financial statements areaccessable in Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical sample of the research includes active companies inproductive industries, from 1379 to 1384.In order to analysis data, We used statistical metods of nonparametric binomial, and for cointegrationsignificant difference two models employed wilcoxon signed- rank test and sign test for hypothese 2. Afteranalyzing the data the results gained id confirmed and supported by above tests Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Study on Status of Higher Education System in Our Country Using Dynamics Systems Modeling
        M.A. Afshar Kazemi H. Asgarian
        One of the important and determining sectors of each society is its higher education system. The highereducation of each country is the factor which creates expert workforce and resolves the various problems ofthe country in a scientific way. In our society these factor More
        One of the important and determining sectors of each society is its higher education system. The highereducation of each country is the factor which creates expert workforce and resolves the various problems ofthe country in a scientific way. In our society these factors and other various factors cause the everincreasingdemand for continuation of higher education at the university and entry to this system and create agap between the number of applicants and the existing facilities, encourage creation of new capacities(mostly with planning) because there is a delay between the beginning of capacity-creation and its fruition.At time of delivery of newly-created capacities, again there is not a harmony between the demand andcapacity. Sometimes this causes the existing capacities not to be filled and completed.In this research we have tried to model the structure of capacity-creation for applicants of entering theIranian higher-education system and execute it in the framework of systemic thought and dynamic systemtools in VENSIM software.Accordingly at first the main variables defining this system to a considerable extent are identified andrealized and their relations are codified according to casual loop diagrams. Then its technical structure iscompleted through design of the main model according to Flow & Stock diagram and assimilated in thesoftware. Through execution of model and analysis of its results the status of the higher education system infuture, derived from today's policies and planning, will be specified. At last more important, more effectiveand more principal indexes will be identified. Some variables can be added to this model. Furthermore anystrategy and solution can be tested and assessed without witnessing the probably negative consequences inreal world. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Effect of Critical Thinking Instruction on Students' Achievement
        A. Khalkhali M. Sadooghi
        The single direct way to succeed in teaching/learning methods is whether or not circumstances that provide abetter thinking condition are taken in to account (Dewey, 1946). Critical thinking is that mode of thinkingaboutany subject, content, or problem - in which the th More
        The single direct way to succeed in teaching/learning methods is whether or not circumstances that provide abetter thinking condition are taken in to account (Dewey, 1946). Critical thinking is that mode of thinkingaboutany subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking byskillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it (Paul et al, 1997).Teaching "critical reading" should be at the core of any discussion of critical thinking (carr, 1990). The studywith consideration to this hypothesis that, "critical thinking instruction affects on students' achievement" ,presents a model in order to students' critical thinking assessment and studies on the effect of critical thinkinginstruction on students' achievement. Thus following hypothesizes are formed:Main hypothesis:critical thinking instruction affect on students' achievement.Derivative hypothesises:1. the quantity of effecting critical thinking instruction on students' achievement is different, regarding theirmajor field of study.2. the quantity of effecting critical thinking instruction on students' achievement is different, regarding totheir gender.3. critical thinking instruction increases students critical thinking.On the basis of topic and purpose, this study is an applied one, while it is an experimental study regardingthe procedures of data collection. In order to make the subjects of the study homogenous, a pretest-posttestdesign with a control group was used. The population of the study, includes conditioned students (those withterm average score of less than 12 [ out of 20]). Studying in the first semester of the educational calendar2005-06 in the Islamic Azad university at Tonekabon. They are studying science and humanities withvarious majors. The frequency of the population includes 485 conditioned students, from among whom 63were randomly selected as samples, using the formula 2 2 22 2. .. . .N d t sN t sR+= .30 were assigned into the experimental and 30 others, were also assigned into the control group of the study.The experimental group was divided into two sub-groups of 15 subjects: one sub-group was instructedcritical thinking and the other was instructed on unrelated topic (time management). The control group wasassigned to ordinary instruction. After the administration of the pretest and posttest, the subjects' scores incritical thinking were determined; meanwhile, their semesters average scores were taken from universityeducational office. Then the hypotheses of the study were analyzed in descriptive statistics (Mean,percentage, tables and chart) and in inferential statistics (using the spss software, T-test, Tuki and the onewayANOVA). The findings, show that first: teaching critical thinking instruction with the method presentedin the study will increase students critical thinking. Second: there is a significant relationship between criticalthinking and students' achievement: teaching critical thinking will increase students' achievement, and third,no significant difference was found in the degree of effect form critical thinking instruction on students'achievement, taking variables such as "major of study" and "gender" into consideration Manuscript profile