The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Finance and Profitability in Tehran Stock Exchange listed Firmes
Subject Areas : FuturologyF. Rahnamaye Roudposhti 1 * , A. Aslani 2 *
1 - نویسنده مسئول
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Ownership concentration, size, Profitability, Majority shareholders, finance, Debting, Retained Earning, Equity issue,
Abstract :
Quality of controling and directing of firms and their patterns of finance are important discussions incorporate governance in recent years in the world .Ownership is a key element in corporate control andgovernance. Quality of ownership concentration of top stock holders affect directly patterns of finance.Implementation of specific financing pattern in southeast Asia led to financial crisis. This thesis surveycontrol structure and patterns of financing of listed firms in Tehran stock exchange .Financial datas areissued by Tehran stock exchange in period 2000-2004 in the formes of balance sheet and income statementand other information are used in this thesis .Ownership concentration is measured by the proportion ofshares owned by top one shareholders. The iranian corporate sector’s owenership concentration iscategorized into three groups based on percentage of ownership (i) 0%-33% (ii) 33%-66% (iii) 66%-100%.By firm size, the corporate sector is divided into large, medium, and small companies, depending on capitals.The relationship bettween ownership concentration and firms size are tested, then their relations withpatterns of financing (retained earning, debting, issuing equities) are tested. The effect of each abovevariables on sale and profitability are tested, too. The conclusions indicated, the most important source offinancing in Iranian firms is debting, with average ratio 0.6, and also stock issue with average ratio 0.3 is thesecond, and retained earning with average ratio 0.1 is the thired patterns of financing in compare with othercountries. Ownership and control of corporations in Iran are highly concentrated, ownership concentration oftop one stockholder in Iranian firms held, on average 50/1 percent of shares, is the highest in compare withother countries. Based on a Regression analysis,there is statistically significant relationship between capitaland profitability, increasing in capital led to high profitability and also reduction in depending on financingin debt and a little increase in issuing equities, in Iranian firms .On the other hand, results show a significantpositive relationship between ownership concentration and financial leverage, as measured by total debt – to-total assets ratios.These are consistent with the hypothesis that companies with more concentratedownership tend to engage in higher debt financing because their controling owners do not want to dilute theircontrol by bringing in new equity holders