Organizational communication in Information Society: Effectiveness of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Organizational Communication Efficiency
Subject Areas : FuturologyA.A. Farhangi 1 * , V. Tarzami nejad 2 *
1 - نویسنده مسئول
2 - ندارد
Keywords: effectiveness of information a, Information society, organizational communication e, Social structure, physical structure, communicational
, empowerment ,
Abstract :
Today, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are not only a simple tool for working but alsodraw on many contexts for changes in organizations. For example, changes in communication ways provideimportant challenges how we use ICTs for facilitating communication in organization. Effectiveness thatICTs play in collaborative communication is resulted fostering improvements in human resourcedevelopment via coordination of communication abilities and capabilities. Together, these factors conductcommunication empowerment and productivity, increase organizational communication efficiency.In previous thirty years, the extant literature findings are differences about ICTs' effecting withinorganizations. In the other way, changes in the kinds of ICTs and different impact of everyone have reducedgeneralizable of previous findings. So, in this paper, we try to explain effectiveness of ICTs such as intranet,extranet, e-mail, teleconferences and etc on social structure variables (a succession of complexity andformalization) and physical structure variables (time-location independency of activities) that entailcommunication efficiency in base on communication empowerment inside the organization. These factorscomprise elements of our conceptual model that depicts this literature in area of organizationalcommunication.In order to fulfill the aim of the paper, the study was carried out among the performance employees inIslamic Republic Iranian Broadcasting (IRIB) which access ICTs and use it, till tested our conceptualframework. Data are analyzed with SPSS and empirical analysis showed how data on ICTs make it possiblethat communicational empowerment is effected by formalization, time-location independency and finallycomplexity in hierarchy.