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    New Approaches in Cellular and Molecular Sciences ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    New Approaches in Cellular and Molecular is a quarterly magazine with open access (to the articles) which is an anonymous two-sided expert political judgment in the review of the use of articles and important and fundamental topics in the field of microbiology, molecular genetics of microorganisms, biotechnology. , food microbiology, veterinary medicine, etc. In reviewing and publishing scientific articles, this journal follows the principles and indicators of the publishing ethics committee. All submitted articles are checked with Hamiyab similarity finder software to confirm their authenticity and then carefully evaluated by reliable and experienced judges. In this publication, research, review and selected articles in the thematic axes of the publication will be the subject of review.

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    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 5
    Printed Articles 23
    Number of Authors 119
    Article Views 3371
    Article Downloads 1380
    Number of Submitted Articles 30
    Number of Rejected Articles 1
    Number of Accepted Articles 22
    Acceptance 30 %
    Time to Accept(day) 20
    Reviewer Count 13
    Last Update 10/5/2024