About the journal
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra (JLTA) is an international mathematical journal founded at the middle of 2012. This journal is published by the IAU, Central Tehran Branch, and it appears four times a year (March, June, September, December). Articles that have previously been published, fully or in part, in a conference proceedings or else, should not be submitted to Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra for publication. All papers published by Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra are rigorously peer reviewed, free of charge and open access.
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra publishes original papers that advance study of linear algebra, topological algebras and their numerous applications. Particularly papers are sought that contribute new information to one of the fields of functional analysis and operator theory, convex analysis, matrix analysis, control and optimization, combinatorial linear algebra, ring theory and module theory, numerical linear algebra or immediate application of any of these fields to other branches of mathematics, including (but not limited to), differential equations, mathematical physics, geometry and probability.
NEW News (2023)
Also, according to Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra has been received new Quartiles and impact factor for year 2022, which it can be found in News section.
NEW News (2022)
Dear Researchers
It is our pleasure to inform you that the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra has been received a Digital Article ID (DOI) from MEDRA International Institute. All published articles will get a DOI from 2022.
NEW News (2022)
Dear Researchers
It is our pleasure to inform you that the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra has been included in the list of scientific Journals of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) and has been obtained a new rank in 2022. Please, see https://journals.msrt.ir/home/detail/11611/.
NEW News (2021)
Dear Researchers
It is our pleasure to inform you that the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra has been included in the list of scientific Journals of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) and has been obtained a new rank. Also, our journal has been received a Digital Object Recognizer (DOR) from ISC since 2020. Moreover, we will add DOR in the PDF file of each published paper from 2021 (issue 4).
Please, follow on us in the following addresses:
NEW comments and Editorial Board decisions (2021)
Please, before submitting a paper, see the section of guide for authors and read the following parts.
1. From 2021, this journal will accept Research papers, Review papers and Short communications. Also, we will check the novelty of all submitted papers by iThenticate (http://www.ithenticate.com/) against plagiarism. Note that the similarities above 25% will not be accepted for the review process.
2. It is not allowed to have more than two submitted papers in one time, including papers with different coauthors. During the submission process, the corresponding author has to insert all names of coauthors keeping the order of names in the same way as it is in the submitted PDF file. Note that the changes of names or orders of names and the changes of the corresponding author will not be done after accepting a paper.
3. Before submitting a paper, please prepare your manuscript according to the Guide for Authors. The Managing Editor will check your submission and will back it if you don't consider all of the essentials. Also, accepted papers will be published if the corresponding author sends both completed Copyright and Conflict-of-Interest forms.
4. The standard abbreviation form for this title is "J. Linear. Topological. Algebra.". If you need to cite this journal, please use this abbreviated form.
5. Since JLTA wants to register for the evaluation by ESCI-WOS and SCOPUS, please seriously avoid of self-citation and consider a special journal in your references.
Open Access Article
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9 - Bornological linearly topologized modules over a discrete valuation ring
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10 - Topologically simple semihypergroup
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