• فهرست مقالات Integer programming

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - طراحی مدل ریاضی برنامه ریزی تولید و تحویل در سیستم های زنجیره تامین
        میربهادر قلی آریانژاد محمود مدیری
        در دهه 1980 میلادی شاهد استقرار تعدادی از، راهبردهای جدید تولید، نظیر تولید بهنگام ، تولید ناب، سیستم های کانبان ومدیریت کیفیت جامع بودیم. این راهبردهای جدید تولید توسط تعدادی از شرکت ها برای بهبود سیستم مدیریت، افزایش تولید وبهبود کیفیت فرآیند و همچنین کاهش ضایعات تولی چکیده کامل
        در دهه 1980 میلادی شاهد استقرار تعدادی از، راهبردهای جدید تولید، نظیر تولید بهنگام ، تولید ناب، سیستم های کانبان ومدیریت کیفیت جامع بودیم. این راهبردهای جدید تولید توسط تعدادی از شرکت ها برای بهبود سیستم مدیریت، افزایش تولید وبهبود کیفیت فرآیند و همچنین کاهش ضایعات تولید و هزینه های موجودی، به منظور بهتر کردن رقابت در بازارهای گوناگون مورداستفاده قرار گرفت ه اند. اخیراً با وجود ی که این راهبردها بیشتر برروی بهبود مدیریت زنجیره تأمین برای دست یابی به آرمان های آنهامتمرکز شده است، از این رو تعدادی از راهبردهای توسعه یافته مدیریت زنجیره تأمین را می توان به کمک یک رایانه تجزیه و تحلیلنمود. ابزارهای پشتیبانی کننده تصمیم به کمک رای انه، نقش بسیار مهمی را در همکاری و اداره کردن بازارهای پشتیبان کنندهتصمیم گیرندگان از یک مجموعه با چندین جزء مرکب زنجیره تأمین، ارائه می کنند. این مقاله یک ابزار پشتیبانی کننده تصمیم گیریبه کمک رایانه را با یک مدل بهینه سازی خطی عدد صحیح، از یک شبکه تعمی م یافته ، با چند محصول ، چند مرحله ای، چند دورهزمانی، با ظرفیت، با تقاضای قطعی، سیستم زنجیره تأمین را توسعه داده است. مدل مطرح شده یک سسیستم کنترل کانبان را برایطراحی و اختصاص تولید و تحویل در سر تا سر زنجیره تأمین مورد استفاده قرار داده است. هدف اولیه مدل ، حداقل کردن هزینهتزریق کردن کانبان، هزینه موجودی کالای ساخته شده و هزینه موجودی کار در جریان ساخت ، در سیستم است . مسائل عملیسیستم های زنجیره تأمین با بهینه سازی اختصاص تولید و تحویل ارتباط داده شده است. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - توسعه سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم مدیریت ریسک سازمان در شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور
        نرگس نعمتی سینا نعمتی زاده
        شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور[i] به‌دلیل نداشتن سازوکاری نظام مند به منظور مدیریت رویدادهای ریسک، دچار مشکلاتی در تصمیمات راهبردی بوده است. از این‌رو برای تسهیل در فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان (ERM)، یک سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم که بتواند تصمیم‌گیری در کلیه مراحل فرآیند چکیده کامل
        شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور[i] به‌دلیل نداشتن سازوکاری نظام مند به منظور مدیریت رویدادهای ریسک، دچار مشکلاتی در تصمیمات راهبردی بوده است. از این‌رو برای تسهیل در فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان (ERM)، یک سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم که بتواند تصمیم‌گیری در کلیه مراحل فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان را پشتیبانی کند توسعه داده شد. در این پژوهش ضمن این که سعی می شود تا تصمیم گیری در کلیه مراحل مدیریت ریسک پشتیبانی شود، از ابزار های تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره شامل روش وزن دهی بردار ویژه و روش TOPSIS، سیستم استنتاج فازی و برنامه ریزی عدد صحیح نیز استفاده می شود. استفاده از مدل‌های تصمیم‌گیری چندمعیاره به‌علت استفاده از معیارهای کمی و کیفی و گاه متناقض در آن ها و همچنین استفاده از نظر خبرگان، نیازمند یک سیستم پشتیبانی از تصمیم است. بنابراین برای اجرا و بررسی عملکرد مدل پیشنهادی، یک نرم افزار توسعه داده شده و در شرکت توسعه و به‌صورت خاص در مجموعه فرهنگی ورزشی انقلاب اجرا شد. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - توسعه سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم مدیریت ریسک سازمان در شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور
        نرگس نعمتی سینا نعمتی‌زاده
        شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور به‌دلیل نداشتن سازوکاری نظام مند به منظور مدیریت رویدادهای ریسک، دچار مشکلاتی در تصمیمات راهبردی بوده است. از این‌رو برای تسهیل در فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان (ERM)، یک سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم که بتواند تصمیم‌گیری در کلیه مراحل فرآیند مدی چکیده کامل
        شرکت توسعه و نگهداری اماکن ورزشی کشور به‌دلیل نداشتن سازوکاری نظام مند به منظور مدیریت رویدادهای ریسک، دچار مشکلاتی در تصمیمات راهبردی بوده است. از این‌رو برای تسهیل در فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان (ERM)، یک سیستم پشتیبان تصمیم که بتواند تصمیم‌گیری در کلیه مراحل فرآیند مدیریت ریسک سازمان را پشتیبانی کند توسعه داده شد. در این پژوهش ضمن این که سعی می شود تا تصمیم گیری در کلیه مراحل مدیریت ریسک پشتیبانی شود، از ابزار های تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره شامل روش وزن دهی بردار ویژه و روش TOPSIS، سیستم استنتاج فازی و برنامه ریزی عدد صحیح نیز استفاده می شود. استفاده از مدل‌های تصمیم‌گیری چندمعیاره به‌علت استفاده از معیارهای کمی و کیفی و گاه متناقض در آن ها و همچنین استفاده از نظر خبرگان، نیازمند یک سیستم پشتیبانی از تصمیم است. بنابراین برای اجرا و بررسی عملکرد مدل پیشنهادی، یک نرم افزار توسعه داده شده و در شرکت توسعه و به‌صورت خاص در مجموعه فرهنگی ورزشی انقلاب اجرا شد. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        4 - Fuzzy Approach to Solve a Global Mixed Integer Multi-Objective FractionalL Signomial Geometric Programming ‎Problem‎
        Zh. Shirinnejad M. Saraj S. Shokrolahi F. Kiany
        This study proposes a method for solving mixed integer multi-objective fractional signomial geometric programming (MIMOFSGP) problems. A few methods have been applied in the recent past to convert a fractional signomial objective function into a non-fractional signomial چکیده کامل
        This study proposes a method for solving mixed integer multi-objective fractional signomial geometric programming (MIMOFSGP) problems. A few methods have been applied in the recent past to convert a fractional signomial objective function into a non-fractional signomial objective function to find the optimal solution by use of some common mathematical programming techniques. In this paper, at first a multi-objective fractional signomial programming is converted into a non-fractional multi-objective signomial programming problem by a new convenient reformulation strategy. A convex relaxation is used to reach global solution and then fuzzy programming technique is applied to find the optimal compromise solution. A mixed integer compromise optimal solution of the convex programming problem can finally be found by use of nonlinear branch and bound algorithm. Then 0n using the Spacial branch and bound algorithm, we find a solution that has the shortest distance from the solution of original problem. Finally two illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed strategy and compare the results with the other solutions obtained by the other methods. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        5 - اولویت بندی تأمین کنندگان به کمک تصمیم گیری گروهی و تعیین برنامه بهینه خرید (مطالعه موردی: شرکت ایساکو)
        Salomeh Ghasempour Farsani Alireza Rashidi komijan
        مدیریت زنجیره تأمین از مباحث جدید در حوزه مدیریت صنعتی می باشند. در محیط کسب وکار در حال تغییر امروز، ارتباط بین بخش های مختلف زنجیره تأمین از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است. یکی از مهمترین این بخش ها، بخش خرید و تأمین مواد می باشد، زیرا قسمت عمده ای از هزینه نهایی تولید یک چکیده کامل
        مدیریت زنجیره تأمین از مباحث جدید در حوزه مدیریت صنعتی می باشند. در محیط کسب وکار در حال تغییر امروز، ارتباط بین بخش های مختلف زنجیره تأمین از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است. یکی از مهمترین این بخش ها، بخش خرید و تأمین مواد می باشد، زیرا قسمت عمده ای از هزینه نهایی تولید یک محصول را هزینه خرید مواد اولیه تشکیل خواهد داد. انتخاب صحیح تأمین کنندگان، ضمن کاهش هزینه های خرید رقابت پذیری شرکت را افزایش می دهد. علاوه بر این یکی از مهم ترین تصمیماتی که می بایست در کنار انتخاب تأمین کننده در نظر گرفته شود، تعیین میزان خرید از هر تأمین کننده است. با توجه به اینکه خودرو از هزاران قطعه تشکیل می شود، این امر در صنعت خودرو از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار است. در این مقاله ابتدا با بکارگیری تکنیک هایی از تصمیم گیری گروهی چند شاخصه، به شناسایی معیارهای مؤثر در انتخاب تأمین کنندگان شرکت ایساکو پرداخته و سپس تأمین کنندگان اقلام مصرفی این شرکت را اولویت بندی می نماییم. در نهایت نیز با استفاه از یک مدل برنامه ریزی عدد صحیح مختلط، برنامه بهینه خرید را مشخص خواهیم نمود. نتایج این تحقیق که بیانگر برترین تأمین کنندگان اقلام مصرفی و مقدار بهینه خرید است به مدیریت بهتر تأمین کنندگان این اقلام توسط ایساکو کمک خواهد کرد. برای مثال ما نشان می دهیم که یک تأمین کننده در خرید اکثر اقلام مصرفی اولویت دارد و یا تأمین کننده ای دیگر برای هیچ خریدی مناسب نیست. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        6 - کمینه‌سازی انحراف از عیارهای حد بهینه در برنامه‌ریزی تولید بلند مدت معادن روباز با استفاده از برنامه‌‌ریزی عدد صحیح مختلط
        احسان موسوی رضا شیرین آبادی
        هدف اساسی برنامه ریزی تولید بلند مدت، اتخاذ تدابیری جهت اجرای عیارهای حد استخراجی و برنامه‌ریزی تولید کوتاه مدت است. از این رو، عیارهای حد استخراجی، مهمترین ابزار اجرای راهبردی و برنامه ای بلند مدت در معادن روباز بشمار می روند. روش های ارائه شده حاکی از عدم توجه به تنظی چکیده کامل
        هدف اساسی برنامه ریزی تولید بلند مدت، اتخاذ تدابیری جهت اجرای عیارهای حد استخراجی و برنامه‌ریزی تولید کوتاه مدت است. از این رو، عیارهای حد استخراجی، مهمترین ابزار اجرای راهبردی و برنامه ای بلند مدت در معادن روباز بشمار می روند. روش های ارائه شده حاکی از عدم توجه به تنظیم دقیق عیار استخراجی در بازه های زمانی مختلف است. لزوم بهینه سازی عیارهای حد استخراجی در برنامه ریزی تولید بلند مدت، مدیریت صحیح کانسنگ ارسالی به کارخانه فرآوری بلحاظ کیفیت مطلوب است. در این مقاله، مدل برنامه ریزی خطی جهت تعیین توالی استخراج بلوک ها با توجه به کنترل عیارهای حد استخراجی ارائه شده است. مدل برنامه ریزی تولید بلند مدت با استفاده از برنامه ریزی ریاضی عدد صحیح مختلط فرموله شده است. هدف از مدل ارائه شده، کمینه سازی انحراف عیارهای استخراجی در دوره های برنامه ریزی است. این مهم سبب می شود که عیارهای استخراجی در هر دورۀ زمانی بر اساس عیار مورد پذیرش کارخانه مورد تنظیم دقیق قرار گیرند. به منظور اعتبارسنجی از مدل پیشنهادی، معدن آهن چادرملو به عنوان مورد مطالعاتی انتخاب شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد عیارهای حد استخراجی بدست آمده از مدل پیشنهادی، متوسط عیار مورد پذیرش کارخانه فرآوری را در هر دورۀ برنامه ریزی با دقت بالایی مورد لحاظ قرار داده است. همچنین تمام محدودیت های عملیاتی موجود برآورده شده است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        7 - یک رویکرد ترکیبی فازی برای انتخاب تامین‏ کنندگان و تخصیص مقدار سفارش
        ریحانه حاجتی مجید نوجوان داود محمدی تبار
        ارزیابی و انتخاب تامین کنندگان و تعیین میزان خرید اقلام یکی از تصمیمات راهبردی و از اجزای مهم در مدیریت زنجیره تامین است. در این مقاله برای این منظور یک رویکرد ترکیبی جدید پیشنهاد شده که شامل شش مرحله است. ابتدا در مرحله اول شاخصها و زیرشاخصهای ارزیابی تامین کنندگان ب چکیده کامل
        ارزیابی و انتخاب تامین کنندگان و تعیین میزان خرید اقلام یکی از تصمیمات راهبردی و از اجزای مهم در مدیریت زنجیره تامین است. در این مقاله برای این منظور یک رویکرد ترکیبی جدید پیشنهاد شده که شامل شش مرحله است. ابتدا در مرحله اول شاخصها و زیرشاخصهای ارزیابی تامین کنندگان با استفاده از نظرات خبرگان تعیین و در مرحله دوم روابط و درجه اهمیت آنها با استفاده از روش DEMATEL-ANP فازی، مشخص می شود. سپس در مرحله سوم با در نظرگرفتن چهار گروه برای اقلام، تامین کنندگان در هر گروه با استفاده از روش WASPAS فازی رتبه بندی می شوند. آنگاه در مرحله چهارم یک سیستم استنتاج فازی طراحی و با استفاده از آن همه اقلام خریدنی به یکی از چهار گروه تخصیص داده می شود. در مرحله پنجم، برای تعیین مقدار سفارش یک مدل برنامه ریزی عدد صحیح مختلط با سه هدف: کمینه سازی هزینه ، بیشینه سازی مطلوبیت خرید و تابع هدف جدید کمینه سازی تغییرات در تامین کنندگان انتخابی، طراحی می شود. نهایتا در مرحله آخر برای حل مدل پیشنهادی، از روشLP متریک استفاده و با تغییر ضرایب این روش، جوابهای پارتوی مسئله تعیین می شود. از رویکرد پیشنهادی برای ارزیابی تامین کنندگان و تخصیص مقدار سفارش در یک شرکت بزرگ تولیدکننده محصولات شیمیایی با تعداد زیادی از اقلام خریدنی و تامین کننده استفاده و با بررسی خبرگان صحت نتایج بدست آمده تایید شده است. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - The project portfolio selection and scheduling problem: mathematical model and algorithms
        Bahman Naderi
        This paper investigates the problem of selecting and scheduling a set of projects among available projects. Each project consists of several tasks and to perform each one some resource is required. The objective is to maximize total benefit. The paper constructs a mathe چکیده کامل
        This paper investigates the problem of selecting and scheduling a set of projects among available projects. Each project consists of several tasks and to perform each one some resource is required. The objective is to maximize total benefit. The paper constructs a mathematical formulation in form of mixed integer linear programming model. Three effective metaheuristics in form of the imperialist competitive algorithm, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm are developed to solve such a hard problem. The proposed algorithms employ advanced operators. The performance of the proposed algorithms is numerically evaluated. The results show the high performance of the imperialist competitive algorithm outperforms the other algorithms. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - A Multi-Objective Fuzzy Approach to Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design with Regard to Dynamic Pricing
        Soroush Avakh Darestani Faranak Pourasadollah
        During the last decade, reverse logistics networks received a considerable attention due to economic importance and environmental regulations and customer awareness. Integration of leading and reverse logistics networks during logistical network design is one of the mos چکیده کامل
        During the last decade, reverse logistics networks received a considerable attention due to economic importance and environmental regulations and customer awareness. Integration of leading and reverse logistics networks during logistical network design is one of the most important factors in supply chain. In this research, an Integer Linear Programming model is presented to design a multi-layer reverse-leading, multi-product, and multi-period integrated logistics network by considering multi-capacity level for facilities under uncertainty condition. This model included three objectives: maximizing profit, minimizing delay of goods delivering to customer, and minimizing returned raw material from suppliers. This research gives financial incentives to encourage customers in order to return their used product. Considering that the remaining value of used products is the main incentive of a company to buy second-handed goods, a dynamic pricing approach is determined to define purchase price for these types of products, and based on that, the percentage of returned products were collected by customers. In addition, in this study, parameters have uncertainty features and are vague; therefore, at first, they are converted into exact parameters and, then, because model is multi-objective, the fuzzy mathematical programming approach is used to convert multi-objective model into a single objective; finally, the model by version 8 of Lingo is run. In order to solve a large-sized model, a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) was applied. Computational results indicate the effect of the proposed purchase price on encourage customers to return the used products. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - Centralized Supply Chain Network Ddesign: Monopoly, Duopoly, and Ooligopoly Competitions under Uncertainty
        kaveh Fahimi Seyed Mohammad Seyed Hosseini Ahmad Makui
        This paper presents a competitive supply chain network design problem in which one, two, or three supply chains are planning to enter the price-dependent markets simultaneously in uncertain environments and decide to set the prices and shape their networks. The chains p چکیده کامل
        This paper presents a competitive supply chain network design problem in which one, two, or three supply chains are planning to enter the price-dependent markets simultaneously in uncertain environments and decide to set the prices and shape their networks. The chains produce competitive products either identical or highly substitutable. Fuzzy multi-level mixed integer programming is used to model the competition modes, and then the models are converted into an integrated bi-level one to be solved, in which the inner part sets the prices in dynamic competition and the outer part shapes the network cooperatively.Finally, a real-world problem is investigatedto illustrate how the bi-level model works and discuss how price, market share, total income, and supply chain network behave with respect to key marketing activities such as advertising, promotions, and brand loyalty. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Optimization of Inventory Controlling System Using Integrated Seasonal Forecasting and Integer Programming
        Hagazi Heniey Kidane Gebrehiwot Tsegay Desta Leake Gebrehiwot
        Ethiopia's industrial development strategy is characterized by manufacturing-led and expansion labor-intensive industrialization. The country expects to generate more income from the exported market. However, the case company is still known not to become productive as m چکیده کامل
        Ethiopia's industrial development strategy is characterized by manufacturing-led and expansion labor-intensive industrialization. The country expects to generate more income from the exported market. However, the case company is still known not to become productive as much as possible due to different reasons. One of the big challenges of the company has the problem with holding inappropriate inventory and with determines their optimal cost due to poor production planning. So that to solve this problem objective of the paper is to minimize total cost through the integration of seasonal forecasting and integer programming model without violating demand fulfillments. This technique improves resource utilization and enhances inventory control or stock control system. Currently, the company produces different kinds of products grouped into four common types of products (knitted garment, knitted fabric, woven garment, and woven fabric). The data survey system was both primary and secondary system and classified the products using A B C (always better classification) classification. The optimal solution was settled through the integration of seasonal forecasting and integer programming. As the Sensitivity analysis indicated the a big gap between production capacity and actual demand of the products. As the optimized solution indicated that total cost of production cost and inventory cost was minimized and the optimal production plan as well safety stock levels in each quarter was settled. Seasonal demand forecasting is a key activity for a garment which more or less controls all activities of production processes since garment products are affected by seasonal. As the result and discussion have shown that after optimized increase profit of the company through minimizing production cost and inventory costs since both costs are the big constraint of the company. Based on the optimized solution finding annually total cost needs for each A, B, and C – categories products are 57,225,920 BIRR 4,733,013 BIRR, 8,229,309 BIRR, respectively for production and inventory costs. The optimized solution indicated that if the company implemented exactly the proposed solution it will get an additional,4,219,788.8 BIRR,772,055.8 BIRR,2,119,824.2 BIRR respectively for A, B, C categories products totally around 7,111,668.8 BIRR profit per year will get. To end, it was concluded that this remarkable profit increment of the case company can certainly enhance its productivity and worldwide competitiveness. This research will create further pathways for other researchers to accomplish substantial studies on other garment sectors or other manufacturing industries based on local and international perspectives. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Open Vehicle Routing Problem
        Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Frazad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati
        The heterogeneous fixed fleet open vehicle routing problem (HFFOVRP) is one of the most significant extension problems of the open vehicle routing problem (OVRP). The HFFOVRP is the problem of designing collection routes to a number of predefined nodes by a fixed fleet چکیده کامل
        The heterogeneous fixed fleet open vehicle routing problem (HFFOVRP) is one of the most significant extension problems of the open vehicle routing problem (OVRP). The HFFOVRP is the problem of designing collection routes to a number of predefined nodes by a fixed fleet number of vehicles with various capacities and related costs. In this problem, the vehicle doesn’t return to the depot after serving the last customer. Because of its numerous applications in industrial and service problems, a new model of the HFFOVRP based on mixed integer programming is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, due to its NP-hard nature, an ant colony system (ACS) algorithm was proposed. Since there were no existing benchmarks, this study generated some test problems. From the comparison with the results of exact algorithm, the proposed algorithm showed that it can provide better solutions within a comparatively shorter period of time. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - تأثیر برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات بر عملکرد کلی زنجیرۀ تأمین: مطالعه موردی در صنعت فرمینگ
        مهرداد مدهوشی عبدالحمید صفایی قادیکلایی یاسر نعمتی
        برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات[1] امروزه به یک فرایند شناخته شده و پرکاربرد در زنجیرۀ تأمین تبدیل شده است. با این حال تا به امروز، ارزیابی و محاسبه منافع بکارگیری این فرایند مورد غفلت قرارگرفته است. این مقاله، عملکرد فرایند برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات را از طریق مدل سازی ریاضی چکیده کامل
        برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات[1] امروزه به یک فرایند شناخته شده و پرکاربرد در زنجیرۀ تأمین تبدیل شده است. با این حال تا به امروز، ارزیابی و محاسبه منافع بکارگیری این فرایند مورد غفلت قرارگرفته است. این مقاله، عملکرد فرایند برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات را از طریق مدل سازی ریاضی مورد ارزیابی قرار می دهد. در این مطالعه، سه مدل برنامه ریزی مختلط اعداد صحیح[2] ارائه شدند که به ترتیب نشان می دهنده: "برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات کاملاً یکپارچه[3]" که در آن برنامه ریزی فروش، تولید، توزیع و تأمین بصورت متمرکز و یکپارچه انجام می پذیرد؛ "برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات نسبتاً یکپارچه[4]" که درآن برنامه ریزی فروش و تولید بصورت متمرکز انجام گرفته، درحالی که برنامه ریزی توزیع و تأمین بصورت مجزا در هر سایت انجام می گیرد؛ یک مدل "برنامه ریزی گسسته[5]" که در آن برنامه ریزی فروش به صورت متمرکز انجام شده، در حالی که برنامه ریزی تولید، توزیع و تأمین به صورت مجزا و محلی انجام می گیرد. هرسه مدل مذکور برای یک سیستم تولیدی چندسایتی توسعه داده شده اند که دارای تأمین کنندگان متعدد بوده، محصولات متفاوتی را تولید می کنند و به مشتریان بسیاری سرویس می دهند. در انتها، عملکرد برنامه ریزی فروش و عملیات کاملاً یکپارچه نسبت به دو مدل دیگر، از طریق مقایسه تأثیرات مالی این رویکردها تحت تقاضای ماهانه و قیمت بازار واقعی دریک شرکت تولید صنایع فرمینگ[6] در ایران مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. نتایج، بیانگر برتری مدل برنامه ریزی کاملا یکپارچه نسبت به دو مدل دیگر است. [1].Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) [2].Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) [3].Fully Integrated S&OP (FI-S&OP) [4].Partially Integrated S&OP (PI-S&OP) [5].Decoupled Planning (DP) [6].Forming Industry پرونده مقاله
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        14 - Feature Selection in Big Data by Using the enhancement of Mahalanobis–Taguchi System; Case Study, Identifiying Bad Credit clients of a Private Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran
        Shahin Ordikhani Sara Habibi
        The Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) is a relatively new collection of methods proposed for diagnosis and forecasting using multivariate data. It consists of two main parts: Part 1, the selection of useful variables in order to reduce the complexity of multi-dimensional چکیده کامل
        The Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) is a relatively new collection of methods proposed for diagnosis and forecasting using multivariate data. It consists of two main parts: Part 1, the selection of useful variables in order to reduce the complexity of multi-dimensional systems and part 2, diagnosis and prediction, which are used to predict the abnormal group according to the remaining useful variables. The main purpose of this research is presenting a new method to select useful variables by using and combining the concept of Mahalanobis distance and Integer Programming. Due to the inaccuracy and the difficulties in selecting the useful variables by the design of experiments method, we have used an innovative and accurate method to solve the problem. The proposed model finds the solutions faster and has a better performance than other common methods. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - A New Approach for Solving Interval Neutrosophic Integer Programming Problems
        Seyed Mohammadtaghi Azimi Hu Chun Chen Zhihong Amirhossein Nafei
        A B S T R A C TLinear Programming as a practical technique for solving optimization problems with linear objective functions and linear constraint plays an essential role in mathematical programming. Most of the real-world problems are included in inconsistent and astut چکیده کامل
        A B S T R A C TLinear Programming as a practical technique for solving optimization problems with linear objective functions and linear constraint plays an essential role in mathematical programming. Most of the real-world problems are included in inconsistent and astute uncertainty. That's why the optimal solution can't be found easily. The Neutrosophic theory, as an extension of fuzzy set theory, is a powerful instrument to handle inconsistent, indeterminate, and incomplete information. This paper presents an applied approach for solving Interval Neutrosophic Integer Programming problems. By using the proposed approach, we can handle both incomplete and indeterminate data. In this respect, using a ranking function, we present a technique to convert the Interval Neutrosophic Integer Programming problem into a crisp model and then solve it by standard methods. پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Supplier selection among alternative scenarios by Data envelopment analysis
        محسن واعظ قاسمی
        A considerable problem in competitive trade world is choosing the best supply chain. As a result in much more serious circumstances of competitions looking for the best supplier for manufacturing, for preparing raw material, is very significant. Meantime suppliers have چکیده کامل
        A considerable problem in competitive trade world is choosing the best supply chain. As a result in much more serious circumstances of competitions looking for the best supplier for manufacturing, for preparing raw material, is very significant. Meantime suppliers have different scenarios to be fulfilled, such as changing selection variables like lead-time, transportation cost and transportation path. In this paper a mathematical model using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique and binary algorithm for selecting suppliers with different scenarios is used which can evaluate suppliers with variable preferences and replacement for other suppliers.A considerable problem in competitive trade world is choosing the best supply chain. As a result in much more serious circumstances of competitions looking for the best supplier for manufacturing, for preparing raw material, is very significant. Meantime suppliers have different scenarios to be fulfilled, such as changing selection variables like lead-time, transportation cost and transportation path. In this paper a mathematical model using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique and binary algorithm for selecting suppliers with different scenarios is used which can evaluate suppliers with variable preferences and replacement for other suppliers. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - A Review on sequencing approaches for mixed-model just-in-time production system
        Tanka Dhamala Shree Khadka
        Research interests have been focused on the concept of penalizing jobs both for being early and for being tardy because not only of modern competitive industrial challenges of providing a variety of products at a very low cost by smoothing productions but also of its in چکیده کامل
        Research interests have been focused on the concept of penalizing jobs both for being early and for being tardy because not only of modern competitive industrial challenges of providing a variety of products at a very low cost by smoothing productions but also of its increasing and exciting computer applications. Here, sequencing approaches of the mixed- model just-in-time production systems is reviewed. In this note, realizing a need of critical review, a survey on the elegant mathematical models, methods and complexity of the mixed- model just-in-time sequencing problem with an insight into the existing analytical literature is given. The established research results together with open problems and possible extensions are presented. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - On Bottleneck Product Rate Variation Problem with Batching
        Shree Khadka Tanka Dhamala
        The product rate variation problem minimizes the variation in the rate at which different models of a common base product are produced on the assembly lines with the assumption of negligible switch-over cost and unit processing time for each copy of each model. The assu چکیده کامل
        The product rate variation problem minimizes the variation in the rate at which different models of a common base product are produced on the assembly lines with the assumption of negligible switch-over cost and unit processing time for each copy of each model. The assumption of significant setup and arbitrary processing times forces the problem to be a two phase problem. The first phase determines the size and the number of batches and the second one sequences the batches of models.In this paper, the bottleneck case i.e. the min-max case of the problem with a generalized objective function is formulated. A Pareto optimal solution is proposed and a relation between optimal sequences for the problem with different objective functions is investigated. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - Efficient Harvesting of Saffron Using Integer Programming
        سیامک خیبری امیر بکاییان سید علی ناجی نصرآبادی یزد
        Among various products available in agriculture, saffron plays a major role in contributing to Iran's gross domestic product and per capita income growth. Due to shortage of workforce and short duration of harvesting, areas under cultivation of saffron in Iran will be d چکیده کامل
        Among various products available in agriculture, saffron plays a major role in contributing to Iran's gross domestic product and per capita income growth. Due to shortage of workforce and short duration of harvesting, areas under cultivation of saffron in Iran will be declining in coming years. Thus, proper planning for optimum use of workforce is one of the most important techniques to access efficient harvesting. In this regard, an integer programming model is proposed to solve the problem in this paper. Number of working shift and working hours in each shift are among decision variables in the proposed model, which satisfy the objective function, i.e. minimizing the total cost of workforce, with constrains including number of working hours in each shift, speed of workforce, number of fields that should be harvested in each day and relationship between working hours of each worker and the cost allocated . To evaluate the proposed model, we employ the data collected from fields located in different areas of Qaen, South Khorasan province, Iran. By comparing the output of the proposed model to the real situation, the ability of the model is confirmed. Finally, concluding remarks and suggestions for future research are provided. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - A Facility Location Problem in a Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design by Considering Defective Products
        Zahra Zanjani Foumani Ensieh Ghaedy heidary Amir Aghsami Masoud Rabbani
        This paper proposes a bi-objective model for a green closed-loop supply chain network design. Four levels for forward and five levels for reverse flow were considered, including plants, distribution centers, online retailers, traditional retailers and customers for forw چکیده کامل
        This paper proposes a bi-objective model for a green closed-loop supply chain network design. Four levels for forward and five levels for reverse flow were considered, including plants, distribution centers, online retailers, traditional retailers and customers for forward flow and customers, collecting centers, disposal centers, repair centers and plants for the reverse flow. The objectives are minimizing the GHG emission and maximizing profit by considering defective products and a second market for these products. Also, online retailers were considered alongside with traditional ones, since the Covid-19 pandemic has led to increase in the amount of online shopping. GAMS software and the Lpmetric technique were used to solve the model in the small and medium sizes. However, for the large size, we used Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA) as a meta-heuristic approach since solving the large size problem with GAMS is a complicated and time-consuming process. We provided Numerical and computational results to prove the efficiency and feasibility of the presented model. Finally, the managerial insights and future works were provided. پرونده مقاله
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        21 - A new mathematical model for gate assignment problem considering transit passengers and safety constraints: Benders decomposition approach
        Alireza Rashidi Komijan Fatemeh Nasrollahpourniazi
        Inappropriate gate assignment has some consequences such as flight delays, inefficient usage of resources and customer’s dissatisfaction. Airports are service sectors and provide services to their customers. Passengers and airlines are two main customers of an air چکیده کامل
        Inappropriate gate assignment has some consequences such as flight delays, inefficient usage of resources and customer’s dissatisfaction. Airports are service sectors and provide services to their customers. Passengers and airlines are two main customers of an airport. Current research presents a novel mathematical model for gate assignment problem to minimize customers’ dissatisfaction. In other words, passengers walking time as well as flight delays are minimized in as objective function. In this model, transit and non-transit passengers and also arrival and departure flights are considered. Moreover, operational safety constraints are inserted to avoid collision of large aircraft. The proposed model is solved by Benders decomposition approach. The model is applied in San Francisco International Airport for a 24-hour horizon. The result shows that walking time of non-transit passengers, walking time of transit passengers, delay in departure flights and delay in arrivals include 74.55, 23.32, 0.96 and 1.17 percent of the objective function, respectively. پرونده مقاله
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        22 - Optimization model for remanufacturing in a real sawmill
        Lorena Pradenas German Bravo Rodrigo Linfati
        Sawmills are an important part of the forest supply chain, and as at any company, their production planning is highly complex. Planning in the remanufacturing area, in terms of its economic contribution to the sawmill and the supply chain, has not been studied in the sc چکیده کامل
        Sawmills are an important part of the forest supply chain, and as at any company, their production planning is highly complex. Planning in the remanufacturing area, in terms of its economic contribution to the sawmill and the supply chain, has not been studied in the scientific literature. The goal of this study was to develop and solve a mixed-integer linear programming model by employing an efficient allocation of cutting patterns on in-stock logs to maximize profits. To quantify the impact of an appropriate use of raw materials in the remanufacturing area in a sawmill, real and generated data were used. The model considers fixed and variable production costs, the availability of raw material, the capacity of the processes, the sale price of the products and the demand, for a process period of one month. The proposed compact mixed-integer linear programming model was solved using the commercial solver IBM ILGO CPLEX12.8. It was determined that the additional margin in USD earned in the remanufacturing area for the considered scenarios amounted to an average of 21.6%. The proposed method facilitates evaluating the economic contribution of remanufacturing while identifying bottlenecks and assessing proposed scenarios. پرونده مقاله
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        23 - The sustainable supply chain of CO2 emissions during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
        sina abbasi Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr Armin Ghane Kanafi
        This investigation aims to demonstrate an application mathematical model of the sustainable closed-loop supply chain network (SCLSCN) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The suggested model can illustrate the trade-offs between environmental, economic, and social dimensions d چکیده کامل
        This investigation aims to demonstrate an application mathematical model of the sustainable closed-loop supply chain network (SCLSCN) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The suggested model can illustrate the trade-offs between environmental, economic, and social dimensions during the epidemic. The costs include the normal costs and the hygienic costs. The total cost was increased in the COVID-19 pandemic by 25.14 %. The novelty social aspects of this model include the average number of lost days caused by COVID-19 damage and the number of created new job opportunities related to COVID-19. The average number of lost days caused by damages increased by 51.64 % during COVID-19. The CO2 emissions were decreased by17.42 %. This paper presents a multi-objective mixed-integer programming (MOMIP) problem. We use the weighted sum method (WSM) approach for the scalarization approach. To optimize the process, Lingo software has been used. Our contributions to this research are i) Suggested an application model of SSC to show better the trade-offs between three aspects of sustainability in the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown periods, ii) Designing the hygienic and safe SC for employees, iii) developing the social and economic indicators, iv) We have found the negative and positive impacts of COVID-19 and lockdowns on SC, v) Finally, we analyze the mathematical model and discuss managerial implications. Therefore, this investigation tries to fill this gap for COVID-19 condition disaster. This research's novelty is to simultaneously present a MOMIP model, COVID-19 issues, and hygienic rules, in a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) framework. پرونده مقاله
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        24 - A mixed integer bi-level DEA model for bank branch performance evaluation by Stackelberg approach
        Morteza Shafiee Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Hilda Saleh Mehdi Ghaderi
        One of the most complicated decision making problems for managers is the evaluation of bank performance, which involves various criteria. There are many studies about bank efficiency evaluation by network DEA in the literature review. These studies do not focus on multi چکیده کامل
        One of the most complicated decision making problems for managers is the evaluation of bank performance, which involves various criteria. There are many studies about bank efficiency evaluation by network DEA in the literature review. These studies do not focus on multi-level network. Wu (Eur J Oper Res 207:856–864,2010) proposed a bi-level structure for cost efficiency at the first time. In this model, multi-level programming and cost efficiency were used. He used a nonlinear programming to solve the model. In this paper, we have focused on multi-level structure and proposed a bi-level DEA model. We then used a liner programming to solve our model. In other hand, we significantly improved the way to achieve the optimum solution in comparison with the work by Wu (2010) by converting the NP-hard nonlinear programing into a mixed integer linear programming. This study uses a bi-level programming data envelopment analysis model that embodies internal structure with Stackelberg-game relationships to evaluate the performance of banking chain. The perspective of decentralized decisions is taken in this paper to cope with complex interactions in banking chain. The results derived from bi-level programming DEA can provide valuable insights and detailed information for managers to help them evaluate the performance of the banking chain as a whole using Stackelberg-game relationships. Finally, this model was applied in the Iranian bank to evaluate cost efficiency. پرونده مقاله
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        25 - Fuzzy Reliability Optimization Models for Redundant Systems
        ل Nematian
        In this paper, a special class of redundancy optimization problem with fuzzy random variables is presented. In this model, fuzzy random lifetimes are considered as basic parameters and the Er-expected of system lifetime is used as a major type of system performance. The چکیده کامل
        In this paper, a special class of redundancy optimization problem with fuzzy random variables is presented. In this model, fuzzy random lifetimes are considered as basic parameters and the Er-expected of system lifetime is used as a major type of system performance. Then a redundancy optimization problem is formulated as a binary integer programming model. Furthermore, illustrative numerical examples are also given to clarify the methods discussed in this paper. پرونده مقاله
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        26 - A heuristic approach for multi-stage sequence-dependent group scheduling problems
        N Salmasi
        We present several heuristic algorithms based on tabu search for solving the multi-stage sequence-dependent group scheduling (SDGS) problem by considering minimization of makespan as the criterion. As the problem is recognized to be strongly NP-hard, several meta (tabu) چکیده کامل
        We present several heuristic algorithms based on tabu search for solving the multi-stage sequence-dependent group scheduling (SDGS) problem by considering minimization of makespan as the criterion. As the problem is recognized to be strongly NP-hard, several meta (tabu) search-based solution algorithms are developed to efficiently solve industry-size problem instances. Also, two different initial solution generators are developed to aid in the application of the tabu search-based algorithms. A lower bounding technique based on relaxing the mathematical model for the original SDGS problem is applied to estimate the quality of the heuristic algorithms. To find the best heuristic algorithm, random test problems, ranging in size from small, medium, to large are created and solved by the heuristic algorithms. A detailed statistical experiment, based on nested split-plot design, is performed to find the best heuristic algorithm and the best initial solution gen-erator. The results of the experiment show that the tabu search-based algorithms can provide high quality so-lutions for the problems with an average percentage error of only 1.00%. پرونده مقاله
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        27 - A generalized implicit enumeration algorithm for a class of integer nonlinear programming problems
        M.S Sabbagh M Roshanjooy
        Presented here is a generalization of the implicit enumeration algorithm that can be applied when the objec-tive function is being maximized and can be rewritten as the difference of two non-decreasing functions. Also developed is a computational algorithm, named linear چکیده کامل
        Presented here is a generalization of the implicit enumeration algorithm that can be applied when the objec-tive function is being maximized and can be rewritten as the difference of two non-decreasing functions. Also developed is a computational algorithm, named linear speedup, to use whatever explicit linear constraints are present to speedup the search for a solution. The method is easy to understand and implement, yet very effec-tive in dealing with many integer programming problems, including knapsack problems, reliability optimiza-tion, and spare allocation problems. To see some application of the generalized algorithm, we notice that the branch-and-bound is the popular method to solve integer linear programming problems. But branch-and-bound cannot efficiently solve all integer linear programming problems. For example, De Loera et al. in their 2005 paper discuss some knapsack problems that CPLEX cannot solve in hours. We use our generalized algo-rithm to find a global or near global optimal solutions for those problems, in less than 100 seconds. The algo-rithm is based on function values only; it does not require continuity or differentiability of the problem func-tions. This allows its use on problems whose functions cannot be expressed in closed algebraic form. The re-liability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm has been demonstrated on some integer optimization prob-lems taken from the literature. پرونده مقاله
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        28 - Solving a generalized aggregate production planning problem by genetic algorithms
        R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam N Safaei
        This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) for solving a generalized model of single-item resource-constrained aggregate production planning (APP) with linear cost functions. APP belongs to a class of pro-duction planning problems in which there is a single production چکیده کامل
        This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) for solving a generalized model of single-item resource-constrained aggregate production planning (APP) with linear cost functions. APP belongs to a class of pro-duction planning problems in which there is a single production variable representing the total production of all products. We linearize a linear mixed-integer model of APP subject to hiring/firing of workforce, avail-able regular/over time, and inventory/shortage/subcontracting allowable level where the total demand must fully be satisfied at end of the horizon planning. Due to NP-hard class of APP, the real-world sized problems cannot optimality be solved within a reasonable time. In this paper, we develop the proposed genetic algo-rithm with effective operators for solving the proposed model with an integer representation. This model is optimally solved and validated in small-sized problems by an optimization software package, in which the obtained results are compared with GA results. The results imply the efficiency of the proposed GA achiev-ing to near optimal solutions within a reasonably computational time. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        29 - Scheduling of undergraduate thesis examination: a case study in Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret
        Cucuk Nur Rosyidi Endah Budiningsih Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari
        Undergraduate thesis examination in Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret conducted through two stages, namely intermediate and final examination. Currently, the scheduling process of such examinations is done by the undergraduate thesis coordin چکیده کامل
        Undergraduate thesis examination in Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret conducted through two stages, namely intermediate and final examination. Currently, the scheduling process of such examinations is done by the undergraduate thesis coordinator manually without certain systematic method or approach. In this paper, we develop an optimization model for the examinations scheduling considering several factors, namely the number of lecturers that must attend the examinations, the availability of rooms for examinations, the availability of each lecturer, and the assignment distributions. The model uses integer programming approach. Two performance criteria are used in the model, namely the difference between the number of each lecturer’s assignment with the average number of lecturer assignments and the number of penalties from the assignment of lecturers on certain time slot. The developed model is able to solve the scheduling problem more efficiently than manual scheduling done by thesis coordinator. The optimal solutions from the optimization model show a total difference in the assignment of lecturer with an average of 29.6 and a penalty of 0. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        30 - Security Constrained Unit Commitment in the Simultaneous Presence of Demand Response Sources and Electric Vehicles
        javad nikoukar Majid Khalili
        Due to the ever-growing load, especially peak load, the increase in the capacity of plants is inevitable for the response to this growth. Peak load causes increases in customer costs and vast investments in generating and transmission parts. Therefore, restructuring in چکیده کامل
        Due to the ever-growing load, especially peak load, the increase in the capacity of plants is inevitable for the response to this growth. Peak load causes increases in customer costs and vast investments in generating and transmission parts. Therefore, restructuring in the electrical industry, competition in the electrical market and Demand Response Programs (DRPs) are of special importance in power systems. In DRPs, customers in certain periods, such as peak or times when the price is high, decrease self-consumption. It means profit for costumers and prevention of expensive production in peak time for a genera-tion source. Moreover, to decrease the operation cost of network and ever-growing technology significantly, the power sys-tems operators have employed new sources of energy production as well as thermal units, and it has led to the emergence of Electric Vehicles (EVs) technology as a new source of energy production. This paper studies the simultaneous presence of DRPs and EVs to minimize the total operation cost of a network from one hand and from the other to improve the level of system reserve in Unit Commitment (UC) problem with considering the security constraint. Here, the proposed framework is structured as a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) and solved using CPLEX solver. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        31 - Approximate Solution of General mp-MILP Problems and Its Application in Urban Traffic Networks
        Maryam Mahmoudi Aghileh Heydari Ali Karimpour
        The multi-parametric programming (mp-P) is designed to minimize the number of unnecessary calculations to obtain the optimal solution under uncertainty, and since we widely encounter that kind of problem in mathematical models, its importance is increased. Although mp-P چکیده کامل
        The multi-parametric programming (mp-P) is designed to minimize the number of unnecessary calculations to obtain the optimal solution under uncertainty, and since we widely encounter that kind of problem in mathematical models, its importance is increased. Although mp-P under uncertainty in objective function coefficients (OFC) and right-hand sides of constraints (RHS) has been highly considered and numerous methods have been proposed to solve them so far, uncertainty in the coefficient matrix (i.e., left-hand side (LHS) uncertainty) has been less considered. In this work, a new method for solving multi-parametric mixed integer linear programming (mp-MILP) problems under simultaneous uncertainty OFC, RHS, and LHS is presented. The method consists of two stages which in the first step, using tightening McCormick relaxation, the boundaries of the bilinear terms in the original mp-MILP problem are improved, the approximate model of the problem is obtained based on the improved boundaries of the first stage, and finally, an algorithm is presented to solve these kinds of problems. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is investigated via different examples and the number of required calculations for solving the problem in different partitioning factors is compared. Also, model predictive control (MPC) using mp-P is designed for an example of an urban traffic network to examine the practical application of the proposed algorithm. پرونده مقاله
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        M. Toloo Z. Khoshhal Nakhjiry
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) cannot provide adequate discrimination among efficient decision making units (DMUs). To discriminate these efficient DMUs is an interesting research subject. The purpose of this paper is to develop the mix integer linear model which was p چکیده کامل
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) cannot provide adequate discrimination among efficient decision making units (DMUs). To discriminate these efficient DMUs is an interesting research subject. The purpose of this paper is to develop the mix integer linear model which was proposed by Foroughi (Foroughi A.A. A new mixed integer linear model for selecting the best decision making units in data envelopment analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering 60 (2011) 550-554) to present new alternative mix integer programming DEA (MIP-DEA) models which can be used to improve discrimination power of DEA and select the most BCC-efficient decision making unit (DMU). We will demonstrate that proposed model is able to select DMU throughout the real data sets. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        33 - ارائه مدلی جدید برای مدیریت هوشمند مصرف برق تجهیزات بیمارستانی با استفاده از رویکرد برنامه‌ریزی آرمانی
        حوریه سادات حدادی حامد شکوری گنجوی عالیه کاظمی آرمین دهناد
        امروزه مدیریت مصرف انرژی در کانون توجه دولتمردان سراسر جهان قرار گرفته است. مصرف بالای انرژی، هزینه‌های بالایی را در بلندمدت ونیز در سطح ملی به دنبال دارد. محققان زیادی مدل‌هایی را برای بهینه‌سازی مصرف انرژی در ساختمان‌ها ارائه داده‌اند. در این مقاله سعی شده است که با ا چکیده کامل
        امروزه مدیریت مصرف انرژی در کانون توجه دولتمردان سراسر جهان قرار گرفته است. مصرف بالای انرژی، هزینه‌های بالایی را در بلندمدت ونیز در سطح ملی به دنبال دارد. محققان زیادی مدل‌هایی را برای بهینه‌سازی مصرف انرژی در ساختمان‌ها ارائه داده‌اند. در این مقاله سعی شده است که با اصلاح الگوی مصرف و ارائه یک برنامه پیشنهادی، مصرف‌ انرژی برق در بیمارستان‌ها بهینه شود. مدل پیشنهادی، یک مدل برنامه‌ریزی آرمانی است. توابع هدف شامل حداقل‌کردن پیک مصرف انرژی و حداقل کردن هزینه برق است و محدودیت‌هایی همچون الزامات انرژی روزانه و ترجیحات صرف‌کننده در چارچوب مدل پیشنهادی و با استفاده از برنامه‌ریزی عدد صحیح مختلط مدل شده است. سه سناریوی مختلف با توجه به توابع هدف متفاوت در نظر گرفته شده است. مدل طراحی شده قابلیت پیاده‌سازی در یک واحد بیمارستانی را دارد. سناریوی تلفیقی که هر دو هدف را به‌طور همزمان در نظر می‌گیرد، سناریوی برتر است. مدلپیشنهادی برای مدیریت هوشمند مصرف برق قابلیت اجرایی دارد و اجرای آن در بیمارستان‌ها توصیه می‌شود. پرونده مقاله