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    Management and Leadership Studies in Educational Organizations ( Scientific )
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    Dear Researcher

    According to the executive instructions, the financial support of the scientific journals of the Islamic Azad University, No. 10/62815, dated 10/4/1398, was determined, in case of initial approval by the editor; For sending each article for judging, the amount of 1/500/000 Rials and after the final approval, the amount of another 3/500/000 Rials for printing the article should be received from the respected authors. (It should be noted that if the article is rejected by the respected judges, the initial amount of 1/500/000 Rials can not be returned to the author).

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    Postal address: Tehran - Sohanak - Ghaem Square - Khandian Khayndani - Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Quarterly Office of Management and Leadership Studies in Educational Organizations

    Contact number: 73681550-021 Internal: 1550




    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 4
    Number of Issues 16
    Printed Articles 92
    Number of Authors 636
    Article Views 84790
    Article Downloads 37568
    Number of Submitted Articles 334
    Number of Rejected Articles 132
    Number of Accepted Articles 162
    Acceptance 42 %
    Time to Accept(day) 212
    Reviewer Count 62
    Last Update 2025-2-10