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  • Publication Ethics

    Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

    The ethical policy  Journal of Knowledge Studies , is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with International Committee of journal Editorial Board codes of conduct. Readers, authors, reviewers and editors should follow these ethical policies once working with journal.The publishing decision is based on the suggestion of the journal's reviewers and editorial board members. The publishing decision is based on the suggestion of the journal's reviewers and editorial board members. The ethical policy insisted the Editor-in-Chief, may confer with other editors or reviewers in making the decision. The reviewers are necessary to evaluate the research papers based on the submitted content in confidential manner.The reviewers also suggest the authors to improve the quality of research paper by their reviewing comments.Authors should ensure that their submitted research work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions should be followed by the authors. Any kind of plagiarism constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

     Publisher responsibilities
    • publisher should ensure that editorial decisions on manuscript submissions are final and are only made based on professional judgment and will not be affected by any commercial interests.
    • publisher should monitor the ethics of Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members, Reviewers, Authors, and Readers.
    • publisher is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, and retractions involving its publications as and when needed.
     Editorial responsibilities
    • The editorial team should have the full authority to reject/accept a manuscript.
    • The editorial team (editor, managing director and editorial board) has full authority to reject or accept any article.
    • The editorial team should maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts under review or until they are published.
    • The editorial team should preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
    • The editorial team should disclose and try to avoid any conflict of interest.
    • The editorial team should be willing to investigate plagiarism and fraudulent data issues and willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
    • Due to the journal's review policy (Double-Blind), the anonymity of the judges and authors should be maintained.
    • The editorial team should not disclose the information and content of the articles to anyone other than the lead author, the reviewers and, if necessary, other editorial staff.


    Reviewers’ responsibilities  
    •  Reviewers should refrain from judging articles with conflict of interest and report any conflict of interest as soon as possible.
    • Confidentiality of article information must be observed in all areas. The article review process is to be done anonymously.
    • Reviewers should judge articles at the appropriate time and assist the editorial team in deciding whether or not to accept the article.
    • Reviewers' judgments about the quality and content of articles should be based on professional and objective opinions.
    • The referees' suggestions regarding the published articles should be submitted in the form of judging forms and in the comment section for the author and editor. Also, when submitting an article to a quarterly magazine, it is necessary to identify the responsible author.
    Authors’ responsibilities
    • The articles sent to the quarterly should not be published in another publication or be reviewed by another publication.
    • All authors whose names are mentioned in the article and in the letter of commitment form must participate in writing and compiling the article.
    • It is necessary to observe the basic principles of writing and research in writing articles, and the articles should be written and organized according to the format of the this journal.It should be noted that articles that do not comply with the conditions mentioned in the "Authors' Guide" will not be sent for judging.
    • The corresponding author must confirm and submit the consent and knowledge of other co-authors of the article in this publication through the authors' commitment form.
    • Appreciation and organizational affiliation of authors should be mentioned in the article and any conflicts of interest between authors or organizations should be mentioned.
    • Authors should clearly report the sponsor of the research (if any).
    • Authors have a duty to notify the editor as soon as possible if they find a mistake or incorrection in their published article to correct or revoke the article.
    • In case of not receiving a timely response from the authorsIn correcting the cases announced by the judges,The article is out of the evaluation process and the authors must submit the revised article as a new article to the journal.
    • The author should not create data (data creation is when the researcher has not actually conducted a study but has presented data and conclusions) and distortion (distortion also occurs when he has conducted a research but changed the data and results) and if the magazine becomes aware of it, will be dealt with the author.
    • Every article derived from a dissertation or thesis must mention only one student's name in it, and failure to comply is the responsibility of the sender of the article.
    • In order to prevent plagiarism, before the acceptance of the article, the author is asked for a certificate of non-plagiarism with one of the plagiarism software.
    • Authors should cite correctly and appropriately all the sources they have used, both directly and indirectly.