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  • Peer Review Process

    The process of reviewing and accepting articles in the Journal of curriculum Development and Educational Planning Research (JCDEPR) includes the following stages:


    1- Review by the editor: At first, the article is reviewed by the editor for the initial evaluation of the scientific level and compatibility with the scope of JCDEPR. If deemed suitable, the submission can enter the review process:

    If the editor's opinion is positive about the above-mentioned issues, the article will be referred to the editorial board.

    If the editor's opinion is negative, a letter of non-acceptance will be issued.

    2- meeting of the editorial board: After the number of articles referred to the editorial board reaches the minimum requirement, a meeting of the board will be held and the articles will be reviewed by the members of the editorial board:

    If the opinion of the editorial board members is positive, 3 reviewers will be selected for the scientific review of the article.

    If the opinion of the editorial board members is negative, a letter of non-acceptance of the article will be issued.

    3- Sending to reviewers: If the article information is complete, the article will be sent to 3 reviewers at the same time:

    If the result of 3 reviewers is positive, the opinions of the reviewers will be sent to the author(s) under the supervision of the editor.

    If the result is 2 positive reviews and 1 negative review, the comments of the reviewers will be sent to the author(s) under the supervision of the editor.

    If the result of 2 reviewers is negative, a letter of non-acceptance of the article will be issued.

    4- Applying the comments of the reviewers by the author(s): The author(s) whose articles are in the revision and correction stage have 2 weeks to modify the article according to the reviewers’ comments and send it again to the journal. Revised sections should be highlighted and the reviewers' comments must be replied.

    5- Receiving the modified version for final evaluation: The modified version of the article will be sent to all three reviewers for final evaluation.

    If the author's revision is fully approved by the reviewers, the article will be referred to the editor for the final decision.

    If some corrections are not approved by the referees, the article will be returned to the author. It is worth noting that this step is done only once. After making corrections for the second time, the article is once again sent to the reviewers for control. If the corrections made at this stage are still not approved by the reviewers, the article will be referred to the editor to make the final decision.

    6- Announcement of the editor's final opinion: After the article is approved by the reviewers, the editor declares his final decision.

    If the editor approves the article to be sent to the publication process, the article will be referred to the editor of the publication for literary editing.

    7- Putting the accepted articles in the list of articles in press: after the editing is completed, the accepted article will be uploaded in the list of articles in press.

    8- Publication of the article: All the accepted articles will be published in the upcoming issues of the journal.