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  • Publication Ethics

    Ethical Charter cope

    Ethical principles of the magazine (we follow the ethical principles of the magazine).

    Publications should aim to publish scientific-research, problem-oriented and innovative articles.

      The author and the person active in the journal (editor of the journal, members of the editorial board, editor-in-chief and publisher) must have accepted and agreed to the ethical rules and charter of the journal.

    The COPE Ethics Charter is a guide for authors and contributors to publications

      Publishing decisions

    Copyright laws and copying of other literary works must be observed by the publication and the rights of individuals are protected at the time of publication.

    Make fair decisions about articles

    Decisions about articles should be made at any stage regardless of the authors's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.

    Confidentiality of information

    The personal information of the authors of the articles should be kept strictly confidential to all persons who have access to it, such as the editor, members of the editorial board and the internal and executive director of the journal, and other active actors (other than the author). Protect it at all times.

      Respect the interests of individuals

    The possibility of using the results of other people's research should be done with the reference and written permission of the author

    Duties of judges

    1 Help editorial decisions

    The judges should assist the editor of the journal in the qualitative, content and scientific review of the articles or help to improve and enhance the quality and content of the articles through the communication of the editorial members with the respected author.

     2- Speed ​​of action

    The selected judges should immediately inform the editor of the publication about the result after the initial review, which includes:

    Lack of judging the article is due to the lack of subject matter in the field of referee work, lack of time or

    Judging is accompanied by delays due to busy time, lack of access to sufficient facilities, and so on

     3- Confidentiality of information

    All information in the articles should be considered confidential to the referee and the referee should try to keep it.

       4- Arbitration by presenting scientific and transparent documents and arguments

      The judging of articles should be based on sufficient scientific documents and reasoning, should be clearly stated and these documents should be presented to publications and authors and refrain from expressing taste, personal, racial and religious opinions, etc. in judging articles.

    5- Paying attention to the sources used in the article

     Paying attention to the sources used in the article is another task of the judges. All research, topics and citations used in the article should be accompanied by a complete reference in the bibliography

    6- Lack of judging articles for personal purposes

    Referees should not accept articles for which the interests of certain individuals, institutions and companies are obtained or personal relationships are observed.

     Duties of authors

    1- Presenting scientific and standard articles

    Authors of articles should be prepared scientifically and coherently, according to the standard of publications. The method used in the article should be done accurately and objectively and the data should be reported correctly. Observe the rights of other people in the article through full citation. Refrain from expressing sensitive and immoral issues, tastes and personalities, race and religion, and false and inaccurate information and translations of other people's works without mentioning the title in the article.

     2- Provide raw data if needed

      The author should be asked to provide raw data, interviews, questionnaires, and other research tools as needed. Public access to this information (consistent with the ALPSP-STM statement) helps to improve the performance of articles

    3- The originality of the presented article

    Articles submitted by authors should be the work of the author of the article and any use of other people's research should be cited in the article.

    4- Not publishing at the same time an article or article accepted and published

      It is against the law to submit an article to several publications or articles published or accepted to other publications at the same time

     5- Mention the appropriate referral

    Referrals include all books, publications and Internet sites and other personal research in the bibliography

    Mention the person in charge and colleagues in the article and be careful in the absence of unrelated names

    The person in charge of the article is the person who has played a major role in preparing, preparing, designing and executing the article, and other authors are also mentioned as collaborators in the article. Make sure there are no names other than the authors of the article. Also, all authors of the article have read and agreed to submit it.

      Inform about the possible dangers to humans or other living organisms

    Any dangers posed to humans or other creatures by any author's research should be clearly stated in the article.

    Mention financial support

    Authors should also submit all sponsorships for their article

      Reporting major errors in articles

    Whenever the author notices any error or carelessness in his article, he informs the publication about it, takes action to correct it or withdraws the article.

     Click here to download the file "Ethical Commitment Form for Article Printing".

    Click here to download the "Conflict of Interest Form" file.