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Open Access Article
1 - Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Ryff’s scale of Psychological well-being, short form (18-item) among male and female students
Mehdi Khanjani ، Shahiyar Shahidi * ، Jalil Fathabadi ، Mohamad Ali Mazaheri ، Omid ShokriIssue 32 , Vol. 9 , Summer 2014 -
Open Access Article
2 - Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Anger Management Therapy on Physical Aggression and Self-Esteem of Students
Akram Ansari moghaddam * ، Jitendra Mohan * ، Meena Sehgal *Issue 54 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2020 -
Open Access Article
3 - Study of factor structure, reliability and validity of the sexual self efficacy questionnaire
Shahram Vaziri * ، Farah LOtfi kashaniIssue 29 , Vol. 8 , Winter 2013 -
Open Access Article
4 - The relationship between marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction with couple mental health
Fakhri Talayizadeh ، Saeid Bakhtiyarpour *Issue 40 , Vol. 11 , Summer 2016 -
Open Access Article
5 - The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy on cognitive flexibility of depressed people
Mozhghan Fazeli * ، Parvin Ehteshamzadeh ، Seyyed Esmali HashemiIssue 34 , Vol. 9 , Winter 2015 -
Open Access Article
6 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Integrative Psychotherapy, Spiritual Therapy, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on sexual dysfunction in Patients with Breast Cancer
Shovan Sheydaei Aghdam ، Farah LotfiKashani * ، Shahram Vaziri ، ًَAfsaneh khajevand khoshliIssue 54 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2020 -
Open Access Article
7 - An Investigation into the Reliability and Validity of Beck Anxiety Inventory among the University Students
Issue 27 , Vol. 8 , Summer 2013 -
Open Access Article
8 - Forecasting suicidal thoughts based on components of borderline and schizotypal personality in medical students
Ahmad Valikhani ، Ali Firouzshahi *Issue 37 , Vol. 10 , Winter 2015 -
Open Access Article
9 - The Lived Experience of Precocious Puberty Girls: Qualitative study
Najmeh Gholami * ، Asma Azadi ، Aloreza BakhshayeshIssue 57 , Vol. 15 , Autumn 2020 -
Open Access Article
10 - Challenges and Integrative Treatment Models Based on Acceptance and Commitment in social anxiety disorder
Hamid Asadi ، Masoud Mohammadi * ، Qasim Naziri,Issue 55 , Vol. 15 , Spring 2020