• List of Articles Domination

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Co-Roman domination in trees
        Rana Khoeilar Marzieh sorudi
        Abstract: Let G=(V,E) be a graph and let f:V(G)→{0,1,2} be a function‎. ‎A vertex v is protected with respect to f‎, ‎if f(v)>0 or f(v)=0 and v is adjacent to a vertex of positive weight‎. ‎The function f is a co-Roman dominating function More
        Abstract: Let G=(V,E) be a graph and let f:V(G)→{0,1,2} be a function‎. ‎A vertex v is protected with respect to f‎, ‎if f(v)>0 or f(v)=0 and v is adjacent to a vertex of positive weight‎. ‎The function f is a co-Roman dominating function‎, ‎abbreviated CRDF if‎: ‎(i) every vertex in V is protected‎, ‎and (ii) each u∈V with positive weight has a neighbor v∈V with f(v)=0 such that the function f_uv:V→{0,1,2}‎, ‎defined by f_uv (v)=1‎, ‎f_uv (u)=f(u)-1 and f_uv (x)=f(x)for x∈V-\{v,u}‎, ‎has no unprotected vertex‎. ‎The weight of f is ω(f)=∑_(v∈V)▒〖f(v)〗‎. ‎The co-Roman domination number of a graph G ‎, ‎denoted by γ_cr G)‎, ‎is the minimum weight of a co-Roman dominating function on G ‎. ‎In this paper, we first present an upper bound on the co-Roman domination number of trees in terms of order, the number of leaves and supports‎. Then we find bounds on the co-Roman domination number of a graph and its other dominating parameters . Manuscript profile
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        2 - Improvment Upper Bound of the Independence Nnmber of Maximum Independent Set in Unit Disk Graph
        Gholam Hassan Shirdel mehdi jalinousi
        In a unit disk graph two vertices are adjacent if the distance between them is less than or equal to one with a two-dimensional Euclidean meter. The size of the maximal independent set in a graph G is called the independent number denoted by α(G). The size of the More
        In a unit disk graph two vertices are adjacent if the distance between them is less than or equal to one with a two-dimensional Euclidean meter. The size of the maximal independent set in a graph G is called the independent number denoted by α(G). The size of the minimal connected dominating set in a graph G is called the connected domination number denoted by γ_c^((G)). A subset S of vertices in a graph is called a dominating set if every vertex is either in the subset or adjacent to a vertex in the S. A dominating set is connected if it induces a connected subgraph. A connected dominating set is often used as a virtual backbone in wireless sensor networks to improve communication and storage performance. Clearly the smaller virtual backbone gives the better performance.However computing a minimal connected dominating set is NP-hard. In other hand relation between the size of the minimal connected dominating set in a graph G is very important. The aim of this paper is to determine two better upper bounds of the independence number dependent on the connected domination number for a unit disk graph. Further we improve the upper bound to obtain the best bound with respect to the upper bounds obtained thus far. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Characterization of Trees with Large Roman Domination Number
        حسین . Abdollahzadeh Ahangar مهلا . Khaibari N. Jafari Rad
        A Roman dominating function (RDF) on a graph G = 􀵫V،E􀵯 is a function f: V(G) → {0،1،2}satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least onevertex v for which f(v) = 2. The weight of an RDF f is w(f) = Σ􀭴∈􀭚 f(v). More
        A Roman dominating function (RDF) on a graph G = 􀵫V،E􀵯 is a function f: V(G) → {0،1،2}satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least onevertex v for which f(v) = 2. The weight of an RDF f is w(f) = Σ􀭴∈􀭚 f(v). The Romandomination number of G is the minimum weight of an RDF in G. In this paper, wecharacterize all trees T of order n whose Roman domination number is n − 3. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Some Results on the Maximal 2-Rainbow Domination Number in Graphs
        H. Abdollahzadeh Ahangar Z. Ghandali
        A 2-rainbow dominating function ( ) of a graph is a function from the vertex set to the set of all subsets of the set such that for any vertex with the condition is fulfilled, where is the open neighborhood of . A maximal 2-rainbow dominating function on a graph is a 2- More
        A 2-rainbow dominating function ( ) of a graph is a function from the vertex set to the set of all subsets of the set such that for any vertex with the condition is fulfilled, where is the open neighborhood of . A maximal 2-rainbow dominating function on a graph is a 2-rainbow dominating function such that the set is not a dominating set of . The weight of a maximal is the value . The maximal 2-rainbow domination number of a graph , denoted by , is the the minimum weight of a maximal of . In this paper, we continue the study of maximal 2-rainbow domination number. We characterize all graphs of order whose maximal 2-rainbow domination number is equal to 2 or 3. Finally, we characterize all graphs of order with for which . Manuscript profile
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        5 - Some properties and domination number of the complement of a new graph associated to a commutative ring
        J. amjadi
        In this paper some properties of the complement of a new graph associated with a commutative ring are investigated ....
        In this paper some properties of the complement of a new graph associated with a commutative ring are investigated .... Manuscript profile
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        6 - Edge 2-rainbow domination number and annihilation number in trees
        N. Dehgardi
        A edge 2-rainbow dominating function (E2RDF) of a graph G is a ‎function f from the edge set E(G) to the set of all subsets‎ ‎of the set {1,2} such that for any edge.......................
        A edge 2-rainbow dominating function (E2RDF) of a graph G is a ‎function f from the edge set E(G) to the set of all subsets‎ ‎of the set {1,2} such that for any edge....................... Manuscript profile
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        7 - Jurisprudential-Legal Review of Decision Making Difference Between Apartment Owners and Partners in Joint Ownership
        Seyed Hasan  Hoseini Moghadam Vajihe Rastegari
        Joint ownership means the ownership of multiple persons in one property. According to Article 576 of the Civil Code, the administration of communal property is initially subject to the terms of the agreement between the partners, otherwise the majority opinion cannot be More
        Joint ownership means the ownership of multiple persons in one property. According to Article 576 of the Civil Code, the administration of communal property is initially subject to the terms of the agreement between the partners, otherwise the majority opinion cannot be imposed on the minority. But does the management of the common parts of the apartment, like the common property, require the intervention of all the owners, and in this respect, is there a difference between the possession of the common property and the common parts of the apartment? The law of ownership of apartments does not require the permission of all partners and the decision of the owners of more than half of the relative area of the private parts is mandatory for other occupants of the apartment. Or the permission of each of the common partners is not possible; Moreover, in apartments, due to its special condition and the growing growth of apartment construction, any decision to materially occupy and consequently conclude a contract in order to take the necessary measures for the optimal use and maintenance of the building, in common areas subject to the general rules of common property management in Article 582 BC. It is not and there is no need for the permission of all partners. In practice, the management of apartments is based on principles that come from the management of commercial companies, especially joint stock companies due to its special conditions. This privilege should be applied in the management of other common property that has multiple partners and a majority is expected and necessary changes in law. To occur. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Feasibility of Recognizing Human Right to Self by Rule of Rule (Dominion)
        Hojjatullah Rahmani Nia Aboalhasan Mojtahed Soleimani
        One of the indisputable and important rules of jurisprudence is the rule of Domination. According to this rule, man has dominion over his property and, consequently, the right to possess. The issue that has been raised in this regard and has caused controversy among jur More
        One of the indisputable and important rules of jurisprudence is the rule of Domination. According to this rule, man has dominion over his property and, consequently, the right to possess. The issue that has been raised in this regard and has caused controversy among jurists as well as jurists is the possibility of recognizing the human right to the body based on the rule of Domination. The specific question in this regard is whether the human right to one's body can be justified on the basis of the rule of Domination or whether another approach should be sought? The results of the analysis of this issue in the present paper are that the inference of kingship over the organs of the body, by analogy with the priority of human kingship over rubbing, does not seem correct because our kingship over property is not absolute so that we can By analogy of priority, let us conclude that we have dominion over the organs of the body. Also, the delegation of human affairs to him can not be considered as a reason for man's dominion over his body parts, because the delegation of human affairs to him is only in matters not related to body (blood) and includes political and social issues. It does not enter into the circle of sensitive issues in which the Shari'a procedure is based on excessive precaution. On the contrary, reliance on the rule and theory of guardianship seems to be a better explanation of the human right to his body. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Civil Responsibility from Enforcement of Rights in Iranian Law and Imami jurisprudence by a Glance at Qur'anic Doctrines
        Ali Azadi Ali Abbas Hayati Mohammad Malekiyan
        According to the rules of civil responsibility, anyone who harms another, must be able to compensate. But if someone harms another along with administrating justice, is also responsible for the loss? In Islamic jurisprudence, the mentioned issue has been studied under t More
        According to the rules of civil responsibility, anyone who harms another, must be able to compensate. But if someone harms another along with administrating justice, is also responsible for the loss? In Islamic jurisprudence, the mentioned issue has been studied under the title of conflict between the no-harm rule and the domination rule and to sum up the theory has been strengthened that the no-harm rule governs the domination rule. In the case rights, the legislature has stated this in Article 40 of the Constitution and Article 132 of the Civil Code; by analyzing law principles it is concluded that if someone takes possession of his right that causes another one trouble and hardship, he is responsible, he would be prohibited of his possession if these seizures are not necessary for him legally. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Quranic fundamentals and legitimacy regulations of governmental agencies controlling the privacy
        mino khaki sayed mostafa mohaqeq damad mahdi darghey
        This resaerch peformed with a descriptive- analytical approach aimed at studying the level, necessity and limits of legitimacy for protecting system, national and public interests as well as their contention and interaction with the individuals’ privacy. The impor More
        This resaerch peformed with a descriptive- analytical approach aimed at studying the level, necessity and limits of legitimacy for protecting system, national and public interests as well as their contention and interaction with the individuals’ privacy. The importance of the research problem is that the individuals in the society and as a collective life are of different rights including personal and social ones where, in practice, those rights partly are in contention with other’s right and public interests. Hence, to establish the social order, it is required to refer to inclusive rules, which respects, from one hand, the personal rights and freedoms as privacy and protects, from the other hand, the social rights or public interest. Consequently, considering the jurisprudential resources as well as referring to the legal fundamentals and statutes based on the public wisdom, it can be stated that the rules legislated for the purpose of protecting the system and public interests have been established generally and in fact for protecting the privacy and peace of individuals though at times interfering and in contention with protecting the individuals’ privacy. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Examining the Reasons for the Sanctity of Marriage to Infidels in Imami Jurisprudence with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings
        Mojtaba Ghafari
        One of the obstacles to marriage from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, according to the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers is the marriage of a Muslim to a non-Muslim. This article contains three questions that we are going to answer t More
        One of the obstacles to marriage from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, according to the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers is the marriage of a Muslim to a non-Muslim. This article contains three questions that we are going to answer these questions. Question 1: What are the sayings of Imamiye jurists regarding marriage to infidels? Second: How the reasons for the sanctity of marriage to infidels are evaluated from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence and the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers? Third: How is acted in conflict with the jurisprudential rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers with other rules? In answer to the first question, it is hypothesized that the sayings of the jurists in this regard are different and the most important promise is the prohibition of permanent marriage to infidels and the permission of temporary marriage to them. It seems that the most important reasons for the sanctity of marriage to infidels are the domination of infidels over the property of Muslims, the weakening of the spirit of jihad, the difficulty in training children and family disputes between couples, endangering unity in society, preventing spying and enemy influence. In conflict with the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers and other rules, sovereignty is with the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers. In this article, we believe that the various sayings of the jurists in this regard are examined and according to the verses, hadiths and reason, the reasons for the prohibition of marriage to infidels are discussed, and in the end, it deals with the sovereignty of this rule over other rules. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Check the rule Tlqyt
        هادی غلامرضاراوی محمود یوسف وند
        Is one of the legal rules Tlqyt.This means that instead or sales or whatever is supposed to be given a free transfer and which is not right.n this paper, to be answered is whether or issues of law or rule of law Qvadh Tlqyt the basics?Is this Tlqyt independent rule is a More
        Is one of the legal rules Tlqyt.This means that instead or sales or whatever is supposed to be given a free transfer and which is not right.n this paper, to be answered is whether or issues of law or rule of law Qvadh Tlqyt the basics?Is this Tlqyt independent rule is a rule or not? Is Tlqyt condition is bilateral or obstacles?In this article we have tried to these questions by studying books and taking notes and refer to religious books and summarizing the analytical method to be performed according to the jurists. It seems that the rule of law is Tlqyt And is a principle that Ksyrh legal issues in various legal fields is ongoing And the contract should be discussed barriers And whether or not its cause inaccuracy of the contract.The rule is that the rules of tradition has been concluded and there is no particular narrative in this case. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Comparative analysis of Abolhassan Mawardi's political views and Joveyni's writings in the Tarikh-i Jahangosha
        pooran poodat maryam sadeghi givi Ashraf Sheibani Aqdam
           Abolhassan Mawardi is a fifth-century political theorist who played an important role in shaping the foundations of the Islamic State's political power. The political ideas of Muslim policymakers have also found their way into historical texts over time. In More
           Abolhassan Mawardi is a fifth-century political theorist who played an important role in shaping the foundations of the Islamic State's political power. The political ideas of Muslim policymakers have also found their way into historical texts over time. In this study, the authors have tried to examine in a descriptive-analytical way the similarities between the political views of Mawardi on the requirements of government and the duties of rulers in the book Al-ahkam al-soltaniyya wa al-welayat-e al-diniyya and the religious provinces in the Tarikh-i Jahangosha. Findings show that the main components of common political views in the two books "Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniyya wa alwelayat-e al-diniyya" and "Tarikh-i Jahangosha-ye Joveyni" in six main areas of rule, duties of Imam and ruler, removal of Imam and ruler, rulers of domination, suppression of opposition, bureaucracy and nine can be checked. In the writings of both authors, the attainment of power and the permanence of government for the ruler is a matter of divine will and approval. The three main duties of the ruler are to help religion, jihad and justice.The caliph and the sultan, in obedience, have equal rights and duties, and the suppression of political enemies is interpreted as jihad, and efficient government agents and institutions increase the longevity of the state. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Investigating the Components of Cultural Ecofeminism In Fig Tree Temples
        Khadijeh Bahram irahnama
        Ecofeminism is one of the movements which fights against any form of domination, hierarchical male / female dualism, contradictions, and conflicts between them. Eco-feminists believe that violence against the mother of nature and women, the inheritance of patriarchal cu More
        Ecofeminism is one of the movements which fights against any form of domination, hierarchical male / female dualism, contradictions, and conflicts between them. Eco-feminists believe that violence against the mother of nature and women, the inheritance of patriarchal culture and many feminine variables are imposed on women by men. The negation of feminine values, men's domination and dominance, simultaneously against nature and women is one of the ecofeminist components depicted in the fig tree temples novel. Therefore, the present study, using descriptive-analytic method, has investigated on the relationship problems between women and nature, violence against nature and woman, men transcendent and humiliating women, by using ecofeminists’ opinions in the fig tree novel. The research results show that women have a close relationship with nature and have been very responsive to its destruction. Violence against nature and women by men, is portrayed greatly in this novel. Violence against the environment, including the destruction of flowers and trees, capturing of birds and animals, environmental pollution and urbanization, and the simultaneous violence against women, have manifested physical, verbal, erotic and economic vision and have caused irreparable damage to them. Nature and women have been become commodity, instrumental look and double exploitation of them both illustrate the hegemony of male / patriarchal power as well as the marginalization of women in the novel. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Domination Number of Nagata Extension Ring
        Abbas Shariatinia
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Many algorithms for approximation of restrained 2-rainbow domination in GP(n,5)
        Mojtaba Ghanbari
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Upper bounds for 2-restrained domination number of GP(n,2)
        Mojtaba Ghanbari Mehdi Jalinoosi
      • Open Access Article

        18 - An Introduction to the Role of the Women in Literary Revolutions
        فرخنده Baha-Mirian سهیلا Lovami
        In this paper, the role of the women in the literary revolutions has been studied. Since many intellectual women have been mentioned and recorded in Persian literature history, only those who have created new styles and / or caused distinct literary revolutions, have be More
        In this paper, the role of the women in the literary revolutions has been studied. Since many intellectual women have been mentioned and recorded in Persian literature history, only those who have created new styles and / or caused distinct literary revolutions, have been noted here. In view of the fact that Persian literature history has been recorded under the influence of masculine domination. Finding the works of the intellectual women in some cases is a difficult task. However, in the period of constitutionalism and thanks to constitution revolution, due to the fact that the women managed to earn their legal rights. Finding the appropriate resources has become easier. While introducing the works of the intellectual women, their literary and social prominences are being considered here as well. The main topic of this research is the poet women, because women in Iran have less experience in prose and story writing than poetry and also the number of intellectual poet women are much more than prose writing women. Manuscript profile
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        19 - and Social support in Sports and Non-sports Women in Ahwaz City
        Sahar Safarzadeh
        The research objective was the comparison of self-efficacy, domination and social support in sports and non-sports women in Ahwaz city. The sample consisted of 200 subjects (100 sports woman, 100 non-sports woman), which were selected by random. For data collecting thre More
        The research objective was the comparison of self-efficacy, domination and social support in sports and non-sports women in Ahwaz city. The sample consisted of 200 subjects (100 sports woman, 100 non-sports woman), which were selected by random. For data collecting three questionnaires were used: self-efficacy questionnaire (GSE), Domination (F) California questionnaire and Philips Social support Questionnaire. Statistical results were significant on P value less then   0/05     (P<0/05) and showed significant difference between sports and non-sports women on self-efficacy, domination and social support. Therefore the research hypotheses were confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Analysis of Cognitive domination of love in the Leily and Majnoon the military insane based on the sociological perspective of Lukach, Bourdieu and Adorno
        Zahra NourmohammadiNajafabadi Shahrzad Niazi Mahboobeh Khorasani
         The premise of lover and lover dominance over each other is the result of a sociological approach of theorists such as George Lukach, Pierre Bourdieu and Theodore Adorno in the category of love. In this paper, through reading the relevant sociological elements wit More
         The premise of lover and lover dominance over each other is the result of a sociological approach of theorists such as George Lukach, Pierre Bourdieu and Theodore Adorno in the category of love. In this paper, through reading the relevant sociological elements with love, we can address the status of domination, its causes and consequences in the love of Leily u Majnun Neziganjoy. The research method is descriptive-analytical, the research revealed that love was carried out by the conflict of dokodak otherness until adolescence and youth, in a geographical way that the objects, minds, habits and social base dominated the behavioral hierarchy of lovers, not their will. Unity of pluralism and domination has permeated the thinking of lovers and social solidarity with Leily and Majnun has not been able to cope with the system of tarigi. The sociology of their behavior showed that the male dominance, as an addition and variable, has occasionally dominated Leily, but the force of mistress has often disturbed the balance of domination in Lily's favor, and ultimately the objects and minds of society have entered another active and class variable, ibn Salam, into the story so that failed love, which is desired by the minds of the Stonak society and more influential in the space of the story. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Sociological Study of Language differences between men and women
        Narmineh Moeinian
        The present study based on documentary research of sociolinguistic and sociology of language and gender relations shows that, there are differences in the language used by males and females in societies. Furthermore, the content and structure of languages regarding male More
        The present study based on documentary research of sociolinguistic and sociology of language and gender relations shows that, there are differences in the language used by males and females in societies. Furthermore, the content and structure of languages regarding male and female interlocutors is not neutral. There is gendered orientation and gendered use of language between male and female language-users. These differences are related to the tone, style, and diction of language-users (both genders) as well as the structure, internal cohesion and natural characteristics of a language. The reasons for these differences are different depending on different time eras and societies. For example, in some societies these differences are related to taboo words or expressions for the females. Also, some differences are dependent on the domination of one country by the enemy forces and assimilation of the native language of the females of that country by the dominant ones’ language. Moreover, most of the time the differences are related to different social functions performed by each gender as well as the gendered expectations of the society. Also, some feministic linguists who have gendered orientations believe that the difference in language use between males and females are related to the male domination situation of that society. Manifestations of these differences were discussed in the present study. These manifestations include aspects like language representation in the social life of the society, i.e. language echoes the value system and functional aspects of a social system in dealing with males and females and strengthening and foregrounding these gendered differences. According to the relativity of language proposed by Sapir and Whorf, it may result in exploitation, explication, emphasis, strengthening and commonality of these differences and superiorities between males and females. The present study uses the theoretical framework of the relativity of language proposed by Sapir and Whorf, the theory of taboo, the theory of domination, the theory of the differences in functions, and the theory of the domination in explanation or definition. The research methodology is of qualitative type with interpretive-comparative approach using documentary data with reference to sociology of language and sociolinguistics. The population comprises different languages of the world.   Manuscript profile
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        22 - Analysis Domination of the Beloved Over Lovers in the Manzoomeh Khosrow and Shirin Nezami of based on the Sociological Perspective of Lukacs, Bourdieu and Adorno
        Zahra Nourmohammadi Najafabadi Shahrzad Niazi, Mahboobeh Khorasani
        The poems of Khosrow and Shirin Hakim Nezami are among the famous Persian poems in the field of lyrical literature. The basis of the story is love. In this story, in which several loves are flowing, the position of the lover and the beloved is often shifting and fluctua More
        The poems of Khosrow and Shirin Hakim Nezami are among the famous Persian poems in the field of lyrical literature. The basis of the story is love. In this story, in which several loves are flowing, the position of the lover and the beloved is often shifting and fluctuating. The course of the story becomes sometimes normal and sometimes unconventional. One of the unconventional actions is the domination of the lover over the beloved. It was expected that in proportion to the gravity and magnetic field of the beloved, the proportionality of domination would be exercised in favor of the beloved, but; Contrary to expectations, we are witnessing fluctuations and changes in the position of our domination. In an interdisciplinary study using descriptive-analytical sources, documents and library tools, this study examines the nature and reasons for the fluctuation of lover domination in these systems from a sociological perspective, based on the views of George Lukács, Pierre Bourdieu and Theodore Adorno. Because; Behavior is derived from the psyche. This study also approaches psychoanalytic critique. Findings show: hegemony of power, class bases, objects and mentalities of society and the poet; the fluctuation of domination has been in favor of the upper classes, and this dialectic has led to a military attitude and approach to the fluctuation of domination. Manuscript profile
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        23 - بررسی گفتمان مراسم خواستگاری از دیدگاه گفتمان شناسی انتقادی
        غلام رضا زارعی الهام صدری
        برخلاف فرهنگ های غربی، در فرهنگ ایران درخواست ازدواج در یک گردهمایی رسمی خانوادگی و طی مذاکراتی بین خانواده های زوج آینده صورت می گیرد. فاکتورهای پنهانی وجود دارند که این مذاکرات را کنترل می کنند. کلمات و رفتارهای افراد در جلسات خواستگاری می تواند منابع نامرئی سلطه در پ More
        برخلاف فرهنگ های غربی، در فرهنگ ایران درخواست ازدواج در یک گردهمایی رسمی خانوادگی و طی مذاکراتی بین خانواده های زوج آینده صورت می گیرد. فاکتورهای پنهانی وجود دارند که این مذاکرات را کنترل می کنند. کلمات و رفتارهای افراد در جلسات خواستگاری می تواند منابع نامرئی سلطه در پس این مذاکرات را بازنمایی کند. با در نظر گرفتن تعریف گفتمان به عنوان هرگونه رفتار نمادین معنادار، تحقیق حاضر قصد دارد به کاوش لایه های عمیق مبادلات گفتمانی در جلسات خواستگاری بپردازد و منابع مهم فرهنگی-اجتماعی سلطه را در این سنت باستانی ایرانی مورد بررسی قرار دهد. داده های حاصله از مشاهده ی جلسات خواستگاری از طریق آنالیز مضمونی وبا استفاده از بینش های برگرفته ازرویکرد تحلیل انتقادی گفتمان، بررسی شد. یافته ها حاکی از آن است که مبادلات گفتمانی در خواستگاری برتری سنتی خانواده و والدین بر فرزندان را بازنمایی می کند و هم چنین روابط مبتنی بر تمایز جنسیتی در زندگی اجتماعی ایران را باز تولید می نماید. به علاوه، مشخص گردید که جستجوی حیثیت اجتماعی و رعایت هنجارهای مذهبی دو منبع سلطه ی دیگرهستند که نقش تجویزی در گفتمان خواستگاری دارند. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The Khazar region; How much Trouble for Iran?
        Kamal Pouladi
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        25 - گفتمان جنسیت و میل در شکل گیری هویت زنانه در رمان های پاپ ژوان و پرتقال تنها میوه نیست
        Aylin Haezi Roya Yaghoubi Vida Rahiminezhad
        تحقیق حاضر به بررسی شیوه تصویرسازی زنان در رمان های پرتقال تنها میوه نیست ژانت وینترسون و پاپ ژوان دانا وولفوک کراس می پردازد و نشان می دهد این نویسندگان چگونه به بازتعریف هویت زنانه و مفهوم فردیت در زنان می پردازند. برای این منظور، از نظریه ایفاگری جودیت باتلر استفاده More
        تحقیق حاضر به بررسی شیوه تصویرسازی زنان در رمان های پرتقال تنها میوه نیست ژانت وینترسون و پاپ ژوان دانا وولفوک کراس می پردازد و نشان می دهد این نویسندگان چگونه به بازتعریف هویت زنانه و مفهوم فردیت در زنان می پردازند. برای این منظور، از نظریه ایفاگری جودیت باتلر استفاده شده است تا تصویر دقیقی از شخصیت های زن این رمان ها مورد تحلیل قرار گیرد. علاوه بر تحلیل دقیق روابط بین جنسیت های مخالف، تخقیق حاضر به بررسی ارتباط بین زنان با دیدگاه های متفاوت از هم می پردازد. این تحقیق نشان می دهد که این دو نویسنده علیه مفهوم مردانگی و روابط زنانه ای که باعث توجیه و تثبیت نقش فرعی زنان و ویژگیهای زنانه می شوند و هویت زنانه مغلوب را شکل می دهند قلم می زنند. با استفاده از نظریه ایفاگری جودیت بانلر، این تحقیق نشان می دهد که این دو نویسنده هویت زنانه متفاوتی از عرف حاکم بر جامعه به تصویر می کشند و مرزهای حاکم بر شخصیت زنانه را کنار می زنند تا هویت تازه ای برای زنان ایجاد کنند که به هیچ وجه سازگار با تصویر زنان در جوامع حاضر نیست. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The Concept of Lie in Ancient Persia
        Shervin Vakīlī
          By studying the concept of lie in the Gathas, Avesta and the Bistun inscription, the present article considers the evolution of this concept in ancient Persia, the Achaemenian period, and its relation with political structures of that period. The present article More
          By studying the concept of lie in the Gathas, Avesta and the Bistun inscription, the present article considers the evolution of this concept in ancient Persia, the Achaemenian period, and its relation with political structures of that period. The present article tries to show that in ancient Persian civilization, the concept of lie is not only the central topic of ethics but it also plays a role in political arena.   Keywords:Lie, Truth, Political Domination, Bistun inscription, Cyrus the Great. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Domination of MetaphysicalIssues and its Challenges
        Moosa Malayeri Saeideh Saeidi
        Philosophyof science, among Muslim philosophers, embraces certain priory and crucial rules which the discursive-real sciences must take them as their logical structures. On the basis of the rules, each science should have its own subject and follow in the explanation, t More
        Philosophyof science, among Muslim philosophers, embraces certain priory and crucial rules which the discursive-real sciences must take them as their logical structures. On the basis of the rules, each science should have its own subject and follow in the explanation, the principles and rules of proof expand their domination in their determined boundaries, in their researches should intend the essential properties of subject as well. The later point has not been respected in the metaphysics and violated repeatedly by the philosophers. The subject of metaphysics is being qua being, and all predictions of issues must be essential accidents of the topic while many metaphysical predictions are not such. This methodological error has not been considered by most philosophers. Some others, representing certain solutions, having confessed and acknowledged this error. The most important solutions are two things: the first, the metaphysics has no specific subject. The second, the rules of the philosophy of science are preferable and unnecessary to be followed. The first solution which is the ancient one with a little revise has been accepted in this article as a modern solution. Accordingly, the different branches of philosophy which have their own specific and independent subjects and issues, in virtue of their method and basic issues, can be laid under general topic of philosophy as we can put the sciences under the title of experimental sciences. Manuscript profile
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        28 - A New Cold War in Russian-US Relations
        Jahanbakhsh Mohebbinia Mansour Salehi
        After two decades of the Cold War between Russia and America, we can see also the rigorous arena of competition between the two powers over various issues which has rooted from competing view in the cold war that is not at the interaction and cooperation but also confli More
        After two decades of the Cold War between Russia and America, we can see also the rigorous arena of competition between the two powers over various issues which has rooted from competing view in the cold war that is not at the interaction and cooperation but also conflict idea to look at the issues surroundingand how to manage international politics. With the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, America launched the world's lone Greyhound and showed itself as the only power in the world to impose on other nations. Russia because of its nuclear power, its huge human capital, its skills in cyber technology, its proximity to Europe and potential alliance with China, as well as the resources at hand will be against the power of defiance to America. While issues such as the Syria issue and Iran's nuclear case, the "Magnytsky" and the "Dymayakvlvf" and Snowden case in recent years made challenges in relations between Russia and America and faced them in a critical point. These events increased differences between the two countries in broader aspects. Differences in the persistence of Cold War mistrust and rivalry between the two countries will rise. Russian officials in response to America's missile defense shield in Eastern Europe,the suspension of Russian membership in CFP, English diplomats expelled from Britain in retaliation, With America's competitiveness over the Arctic and start transcontinental Russian aircraft fleet, Show all new Russian policy toward global developments. Some explain these developments both inside and outside as a New Cold Warand of course, others disagree with this thinking. Some of these measures are a response to America's efforts to make the fundamental changes in the strategic balance between America and Russia. But whether the public relations can work toward a new arms raceand Strategic confrontation of the Cold War bring? Due to theabsence ofconflictingideology, RussiaandAmerica, an eraof competition andcooperation invarious fieldswill experienceacrisis 2 Email: mohebbinia@yahoo.com inUkraineis oneof them.With the onset ofthe crisisin Ukraine(March 2014) andoutofgovernmentcontrol andthe rule ofthe Crimean Peninsulabags,witnessinga new round ofpoliticalconflictbetween theWest, led by AmericaandRussiaare. According to the head of a MoscowWashington rivalry opening on such topics of missile shield plan, Libya, Syria, etc., some believe that the crisis in Ukraine should be divided as Berlin after World War II and the cold war as the vanguard of the new. In such a situation a global paradigm shift in control system and Russia play a major role in the formation of new international relations undertaken so that this article is trying to make Russia policy in conformity with the United States in the fields of policy reviews. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Domination parameters of Cayley graphs of some groups
        F. Ramezani
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        30 - Domination number of complements of functigraphs
        A. Shaminejad E. Vatandoost
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        31 - Structure of the Cultural Influence of the Domination System in Anti-Domination Systems
        ahmadreza habibi javad ostad mohamadi Rasoul Berjisian
        Due to the importance of the strategy of cultural influence of the domination system in the transformation or overthrow of anti-domination systems, it is necessary to examine the structure of cultural influence and recognize anti-domination systems. Therefore, the prese More
        Due to the importance of the strategy of cultural influence of the domination system in the transformation or overthrow of anti-domination systems, it is necessary to examine the structure of cultural influence and recognize anti-domination systems. Therefore, the present article uses analytical-descriptive method and library collection, and in response to the question of how the cultural influence of the domination system in anti-domination systems is done, it examines the structure of the project of cultural influence of global arrogance. For this purpose, the nature of the structure of cultural influence and its structural features including functional structure, normative structure and process structure have been studied.  The present study shows that the system of domination is based on a flexible, complex, informal horizontal structure, multifaceted and extensive cultural influence, and due to its effectiveness during the three processes of change in attitude space, change in action and change in objective space, it has to use cultural influence patterns, including belief war, Andalusianization, cultural alienation, human rights war, lifestyle change, and the Western model of civil society with the aim of changing values, beliefs, norms, promoting Western culture, and ultimately transforming anti-domination systems Manuscript profile
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        32 - Discourse as an Effective Methodology in International Relations Studies
        Tayebeh Mohammadi kia عبدالمجید مبلغی
        Today Discourse is widely used in the social sciences. Discourse is generally known by Foucault name and as an Genealogy theory. But this theory has the same methodological applicability. This article studies the meaning of discourse, the views of influential thinkers a More
        Today Discourse is widely used in the social sciences. Discourse is generally known by Foucault name and as an Genealogy theory. But this theory has the same methodological applicability. This article studies the meaning of discourse, the views of influential thinkers and the Methodology of discourse. It also explains the possibilities of using Discourse as a methodology in the field of international relations. It discusses the methodology of Discourse as a Post-Structural Methodology in the international relations studying. This paper consists of two parts and each part includes different subjects. The first part, titled “Discourse as a theory and methodology”, includes subjects such as Foucault's Discourse and Genealogy and Archaeology. It also includes a methodological approach to discourse from the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe. The second part, titled "Using Discourse Methodology in International Relations Studies", includes the use of Discourse in the international relations Studies and the understanding of international relations from the Perspective of Discourse Methodology. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis and evaluation of the Iranian resistance from the arrival of the Arabs to the Umayyad caliphate: Its effect on the Identify of Iranians
        Afshin Eshkevar kiaei
        This article examines the confrontation and resistance of the Iranians against the subjugation of the Islamic-Arab identity of the Arabs (especially the Umayyads) from the time of the arrival of the Muslim Arabs until before the Abbasids came to power. On the one hand, More
        This article examines the confrontation and resistance of the Iranians against the subjugation of the Islamic-Arab identity of the Arabs (especially the Umayyads) from the time of the arrival of the Muslim Arabs until before the Abbasids came to power. On the one hand, this study refers to the strategies of groups and currents that tried to escape from the relations and mechanisms of subjugation of Arab-Islamic identity with various forms of resistance, and on the other hand, it examines the results of these resistances on Iranian identity.The results of this study show that the resistance of Iranians was irregularly distributed among different currents and groups and the centers of resistance were different according to the time and place that occurred: Sometimes by relying on their own thoughts and ideas (like the Zonbilis) and sometimes by relying on non-Iranian forces such as the Kharijites; Others accompanied the Arabs and joined the Islamic army as infantry in the hope of trophy or fearing for their lives; Others, hoping for revenge on the Arab fighters, went to the support of any force opposed to the central caliphate so that they could resist the central caliphate and escape Arab domination. Manuscript profile