Examining the Reasons for the Sanctity of Marriage to Infidels in Imami Jurisprudence with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Ph.D in Jurisprudence and Principles, Islamic Azad University, Mahdishahr Branch, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: نکاح, اضطرار, marriage, Urgency, fault, hardship, حرج, عسر, نفی سبیل, Denying the domination of unbelievers over believers,
Abstract :
One of the obstacles to marriage from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, according to the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers is the marriage of a Muslim to a non-Muslim. This article contains three questions that we are going to answer these questions. Question 1: What are the sayings of Imamiye jurists regarding marriage to infidels? Second: How the reasons for the sanctity of marriage to infidels are evaluated from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence and the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers? Third: How is acted in conflict with the jurisprudential rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers with other rules? In answer to the first question, it is hypothesized that the sayings of the jurists in this regard are different and the most important promise is the prohibition of permanent marriage to infidels and the permission of temporary marriage to them. It seems that the most important reasons for the sanctity of marriage to infidels are the domination of infidels over the property of Muslims, the weakening of the spirit of jihad, the difficulty in training children and family disputes between couples, endangering unity in society, preventing spying and enemy influence. In conflict with the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers and other rules, sovereignty is with the rule of denying the domination of unbelievers over believers. In this article, we believe that the various sayings of the jurists in this regard are examined and according to the verses, hadiths and reason, the reasons for the prohibition of marriage to infidels are discussed, and in the end, it deals with the sovereignty of this rule over other rules.
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