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    Organization of space economy ( Scientific )
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    About the Quarterly Journal of Organizing the Space Economy

    Standard summary: JOSE

    Award: Scientific of Islamic Azad University, Yadgar Imam Khomeini Branch (RA)

    Name of the quarterly: Organization of space economy

    Order of publication: quarterly (scientific)

    Publication language: Farsi (with English abstract)

    Referral policy: double blind

    Average arbitration time: 2 months

      Publication status: Open access to all articles

    Website of the quarterly:

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    The permission of the Space Economy Quarterly was obtained by the approval of the "38th Meeting of the Commission for Determining the Credibility of Publications in Humanities and Arts of Islamic Azad University" under letter number 32/23052/S dated 4/20/1401

    According to the Memorandum No. 454/454 dated 29/03/1402 concluded between the Islamic Azad University of Yadgar Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Scientific Association of Architecture and Urban Planning of Iran, the Quarterly Journal of Space Economy has a joint cooperation with this association for publication.

    Scientific quality of the quarterly

    Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this quarterly is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works. Readers of this quarterly can copy and distribute the content  under the international copyright and access permission (CC BY 0.4)

    he responsible author is required to download the conflict of interest form and the commitment letter form and upload it to the system after completion

    In order to protect the rights and intellectual and intellectual property of researchers and authors of scientific articles and to prevent receiving duplicate researches, the Space Economy Quarterly uses a system similar to the peer finder.

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    Islamic Azad University Yadgar Imam Shahrari branch
    Executive Manager

    Publication period: Quarterly
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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 5
    Printed Articles 30
    Number of Authors 102
    Article Views 5664
    Article Downloads 1922
    Number of Submitted Articles 50
    Number of Rejected Articles 6
    Number of Accepted Articles 39
    Acceptance 69 %
    Time to Accept(day) 28
    Reviewer Count 25
    Last Update 9/16/2024