Developing a strategic plan for the growth and development of the first generation of new cities in Iran (Study case: new pardis city)
Subject Areas :
seyed mahdi hedayat
زهره داوود پور
کیانوش ذاکرحقیقی
1 - PhD in Urban Planning, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2 - دانشگاه قزوین
3 - عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد همدان
Keywords: strategic planning, strategic map, growth and development, new pardis city.,
Abstract :
new cities have been built with the approach of attracting the overflowing population of big cities in the near distance, and with the continuation of the process of population attraction, these cities are also facing many economic, social, management and environmental challenges that these issues The future growth and development of new cities will be exposed to unbalanced and imbalanced conditions. In this regard, this article has tried to formulate and propose a strategic map for the growth and development of the new city of Pardis with a resource-based perspective and strategic thinking in analyzing resources and barriers, explaining the position and competitive advantage, and evaluating the strategic suitability of resources. The method of the article is descriptive-analytical, and due to its strategic nature, it has practical achievements. Theoretical data was prepared by documentary method and experimental data was prepared by survey method, and Meta-SWOT model and PESTEL analysis were used in information processing and strategic map formulation. The results show that the internal resources of the new city of Pardis do not have the same importance in its growth and development; This city has several capabilities that are valuable, inimitable, irreplaceable and strategically appropriate in its growth and development compared to other internal resources; These factors are the existence of Iran's first international science and technology park, the beginning of the construction of the Tehran-Perdis metro line, Qutb Industries Tech, Khormadasht and Siahseng industrial zones, tourism capabilities and very quick investment. These drivers play a fundamental role in sustainable growth and supporting the growth and development of Pardis city.
منابع و مأخذ
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