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    Journal of applied research in chemisry ( Scientific )
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    Scientific-research publications have always played an effective role in the expansion and development of sciences and technologies. Obviously, the growth of such publications inside the country can also take an effective step towards the scientific progress of our country. On the other hand, the expansion of applied chemistry in different levels of study in domestic universities and the importance of research works in this branch of science doubles the necessity of publishing articles resulting from applied chemistry research. With the grace of Almighty God and the efforts of the colleagues, the quarterly Journal of Applied Research in Chemistry has entered the field of scientific publications in the country and found its real place in the hearts of enthusiasts. Due to the importance of the subject, all the academic staffs and researchers of different fields of chemistry whose research activities have an applied aspect are invited to help this journal in providing more comprehensive information by sending their valuable articles

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    Address: Tehran - Shahid Babaei Highway (West to East) - Hakimieh Exit - Shahid Sadoughi St. - Shahid Abbaspour Boulevard - Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch - Laboratory Complex - 4th Floor - Secretariat of the Journal of Applied Research in ChemistryTel: 77009806-021Website:


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    Number of Volumes 18
    Number of Issues 73
    Printed Articles 602
    Number of Authors 2774
    Article Views 128873
    Article Downloads 40311
    Number of Submitted Articles 1659
    Number of Rejected Articles 711
    Number of Accepted Articles 839
    Acceptance 46 %
    Time to Accept(day) 186
    Reviewer Count 257
    Last Update 2025-3-09