• فهرست مقالات Decision Making Unit

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - یک مدل راسل توسعه یافته برای اندازه گیری کارایی تجمیعی سیستم‌های تولید چند دوره‌ای
        محمد نجاری الموتی محسن خون سیاوش رضا کاظمی متین زهره مقدس
        ارزیابی عملکرد سیستم‌های تولید با در نظر گرفتن داده‌های مربوط به دوره‌های زمانی مختلف یکی از مهمترین مسائل نظریه تولید است. در این مقاله یک روش جدید برای اندازه گیری کارایی تجمیعی سیستم‌های تولید چند دوره‌ای با استفاده از روش تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها ارائه می‌شود. رویکرد ارا چکیده کامل
        ارزیابی عملکرد سیستم‌های تولید با در نظر گرفتن داده‌های مربوط به دوره‌های زمانی مختلف یکی از مهمترین مسائل نظریه تولید است. در این مقاله یک روش جدید برای اندازه گیری کارایی تجمیعی سیستم‌های تولید چند دوره‌ای با استفاده از روش تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها ارائه می‌شود. رویکرد ارائه شده را می‌توان به عنوان توسعه‌ای از روش‌های شعاعی در ادبیات در نظر گرفت. یک مدل مبتنی بر راسل توسعه یافته برای اولین بار برای اندازه گیری کارایی تجمیعی با در نظر گرفتن بازه‌های زمانی مراحل تولید ارائه می‌شود. یکی از ویژگی‌های مفید مدل پیشنهادی این است که ناکارایی رویکرد تجمیعی موجود در یک مرحله بدون نیاز به در نظر گرفتن مرحله دوم برای بهینه سازی متغیرهای کمکی، قابل تشخیص است. ویژگی‌ها و مزایای مدل جدید بحث می‌شوند. در پایان، برای نشان دادن قابلیت اجرای رویکرد جدید، دو مثال کاربردی بررسی و تحلیل می‌شوند. نتایج، عملکرد خوب روش پیشنهادی را نشان می دهند. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - تخصیص منابع در تحلیل پوششی داده ها بر روی ورودی ها و خروجی های فازی
        عصمت نوروزی حمید شرفی
        تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها برای ارزیابی کارایی نسبی مجموعه ای از واحدهای تصمیم گیری استفاده می شود. تجزیه و تحلیل پوششی داده ها در زمینه های مختلف مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است، به عنوان مثال، تجزیه و تحلیل حساسیت در DEA. تحلیل حساسیت مدل های تحلیل پوششی داده ها بسیار مهم ا چکیده کامل
        تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها برای ارزیابی کارایی نسبی مجموعه ای از واحدهای تصمیم گیری استفاده می شود. تجزیه و تحلیل پوششی داده ها در زمینه های مختلف مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است، به عنوان مثال، تجزیه و تحلیل حساسیت در DEA. تحلیل حساسیت مدل های تحلیل پوششی داده ها بسیار مهم است. متعاقباً مقالات زیادی در این زمینه ارائه شده است،در بعضی مواقع مدیران به مسایلی بر خورد می‌کنندکه تخصیص یک هزینه‌ی ثابت به واحدهای تصمیم‌گیرنده مهم می‌باشدواز آنجا که در اغلب مسایل واقعی داده ها و اطلاعات اولیه دقیق نیستند بلکه کیفی، بازه ای و یا ترتیبی می باشندلذا سعی شده است که در این مقاله این موضوع را مورد بحث قرار داده و مدلی‌ ارائه ‌شودکه تخصیص یک هزینه‌ی ثابت که از نوع فازی است را به واحدهای تصمیم‌گیرنده مورد بررسی قرار دهد. علاوه بر این فرض می‌شود تمامی ورودی‌ها و خروجی‌های واحدها فازی هستند و تخصیص هزینه‌ی جدید باید به گونه‌ای باشد که بیشترین تعدادواحد ناکارا کارا شود و در انتها با دو مثال عددی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته شده و نتایج ارائه شده است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - مدلDEA احتمالی- امکان با داده‌های تصادفی فازی در حضور توزیع چوله- نرمال
        بهرخ مهرآسا محمدحسن بهزادی
        تحلیل پوششی داده­ها (DEA) یک روش ریاضی برای بررسی عملکرد واحدهای تحت تصمیم­گیری (DMU) می­باشد. در نظریه­ی کلاسیک DEA برای ارزیابی عملکرد یک سازمان فرض بر این است که داده­های ورودی و خروجی به­صورت قطعی می­باشند. در حالی که در دنیای واقعی اغلب چکیده کامل
        تحلیل پوششی داده­ها (DEA) یک روش ریاضی برای بررسی عملکرد واحدهای تحت تصمیم­گیری (DMU) می­باشد. در نظریه­ی کلاسیک DEA برای ارزیابی عملکرد یک سازمان فرض بر این است که داده­های ورودی و خروجی به­صورت قطعی می­باشند. در حالی که در دنیای واقعی اغلب ورودی و خروجی­ها مبهم و تصادفی می­باشند. توزیع نرمال یک توزیع پیوسته است که با توجه به ویژگی­هایش از اهمیت ویژه­ای در آمار برخوردار است. در بسیاری از موارد فرض شده است که داده­های تصادفی فازی دارای توزیع متقارن نرمال هستند اما در عمل ممکن است چنین فرضی برقرار نباشد. بنابراین استفاده از توزیع نرمال منجر به نتیجه­گیری غلط خواهد شد. در این مقاله مدل DEA تصادفی فازی را در حالت امکان در حضور توزیع چوله نرمال مورد بررسی قرار داده­ایم. این روش در یک حالت خاص روش­های قبلی را شامل می­شود. در نهایت مدل بیان شده را در یک مثال عددی نشان داده­ایم. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        4 - پیدا کردن ابرصفحه‌های سازای مجموعه امکان تولید با بازده به مقیاس متغیر به روش بردارهای مستقل خطی
        نادر رفعتی ملکی محسن رستمی مال خلیفه
        مجموعه امکان تولید  به عنوان یک سیستم از مجموعه ای از ورودی‌ها و خروجی‌ها تعریف می شود که در آن ورودی‌ها می‌توانند خروجی‌ها را تولید کنند. در تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها  شناسایی ابرصفحه‌های سازا (تعریف کننده) و به خصوص ابرصفحه‌های سازای قوی بسیار مهم می‌باشد. هر چکیده کامل
        مجموعه امکان تولید  به عنوان یک سیستم از مجموعه ای از ورودی‌ها و خروجی‌ها تعریف می شود که در آن ورودی‌ها می‌توانند خروجی‌ها را تولید کنند. در تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها  شناسایی ابرصفحه‌های سازا (تعریف کننده) و به خصوص ابرصفحه‌های سازای قوی بسیار مهم می‌باشد. هر چند مدل‌های در  وجود دارند که می‌توانند کارایی یک واحد تصمیم‌‌گیرنده  را تعیین کنند، اما نمی‌توانند مرز کارایی مجموعه امکان تولید را به طور کامل مشخص نمایند. از مفهوم ابرصفحه‌های سازا برای بحث‌های حاشیه‌ای، نرخ‌های حاشیه‌ای، نرخ حاشیه جایگزینی، تحلیل حساسیت، بازده به مقیاس و به خصوص محاسبه کاراییها می‌توان استفاده کرد. در این مقاله،  یک روش جدید برای تعیین‌‌های کارای قوی (پاراتوکارا) و ابرصفحه‌های سازای قوی با بازده به مقیاس متغیرکه شامل تحت ارزیابی باشد، ارائه می‌شود. همچنین با استفاده از روش ارائه شده، بردار نرمال ابرصفحه‌های سازای قوی شامل پاراتو کارای تحت ارزیابی و در نتیجه معادلات آنها تعیین می‌شوند. برای نشان دادن توانایی روش پیشنهادی، دو مثال عددی ارائه شده است. روش ارائه شده به راحتی با استفاده از نرم افزارهای موجود مانند GAMS  اجرا  می‌شود. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - Performance Evaluation of Decision Making Units Using Data Envelopment Model and Artificial Neural Network (Case Study: Fars Regional Water Corporation)
        Morteza shafiee Saeedeh Akbarpoor Sara Salari Dargi
        One of the problems with using the DEA is the lack of resolution for decision makers. The performance limit obtained by the DEA is also sensitive to statistical perturbations and outliers caused by measurement error or any other external factor, causing the efficiency l چکیده کامل
        One of the problems with using the DEA is the lack of resolution for decision makers. The performance limit obtained by the DEA is also sensitive to statistical perturbations and outliers caused by measurement error or any other external factor, causing the efficiency limit to be shifted and diverting the DEA analysis path. The DEA can also hardly predict the performance of decision-making units in the future. Therefore, artificial neural networks are a good tool to use in such issues because the nature of ANN performance is due to its learning power and generalizability in a way that is more resistant to outliers and perturbations resulting from inaccurate data measurement and can As a useful tool for managers to predict and observe the behavior of their system in the organization in the future. Also, in order to implement the theoretical findings from practical research, 27 district units of Fars Regional Water Company to increase the volume Groundwater was evaluated. Initially, the input-driven CCR model and the Anderson-Peterson (AP) method were used to rank the units in the DEA model, and then the ANN approach was used to evaluate the performance of the units using the hybrid models (DEA - Neuro). The results of the computational efficiency analysis of the units using this model demonstrate the high power of the network in computing and resolving the performance. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - Malmquist Productivity Index Based on Means of Weights for Ranking of Decision Making Units in Data Envelopment Analysis
        Sorena Jafarigorzin Iraj Asadi Talooki
        The Malmquist Index is the prominent Index for measuring the productivity change of Decision Making Units (DMUs) in multiple time periods that use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models with Variable Return to Scale (VRS) and Constant Return to Scale (CRS) technology. O چکیده کامل
        The Malmquist Index is the prominent Index for measuring the productivity change of Decision Making Units (DMUs) in multiple time periods that use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models with Variable Return to Scale (VRS) and Constant Return to Scale (CRS) technology. One of the drawbacks of DEA is the problem of lack of discrimination among efficient DMUs and hence yielding many numbers of DMUs as efficient. The main purpose of this paper is to overcome this inability. In this paper, we compute the Malmquist Index based on means of weights evaluation, and by using this method we can rank DMUs by logical criteria. For illustration numerical example is given. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - Using Multi-Objective Linear Programming (MOLP) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models in Non-discretionary Performance Measurement
        Sahar Khoshfetrat Mojtaba Ghiyasi
        Inverse DEA (InvDEA) models put one step forward, in contrast with the DEA models by estimating required input level for producing a perturbed output level with the current efficiency status. In many real world applications, decision-makers face non-discretionary factor چکیده کامل
        Inverse DEA (InvDEA) models put one step forward, in contrast with the DEA models by estimating required input level for producing a perturbed output level with the current efficiency status. In many real world applications, decision-makers face non-discretionary factors which can be hardly controlled by the Decision Making Units (DMUs). However, these types of factor are not dealt in the inverse DEA problems. Thus, the current covers the research methodological gap of the literature by developing mathematical foundation of the InDEA models capable of dealing with non-discretionary factors. To do this end, an MOLP model along with its required constraints is developed to be linked with the developed models. A numerical example and a real-world case study are provided to illustrate the proposed models and demonstrate their applicability and validity for the real world problems. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - Identification of congestion in two-stage data envelopment analysis
        Mohhamad Seyfpanah
        This paper aims at examining congestion in two-stage decision making units. Providing an example, it will be proved that presence or absence of congestion in the whole process of a two-stage decision making unit has nothing to do with presence or absence of it in each o چکیده کامل
        This paper aims at examining congestion in two-stage decision making units. Providing an example, it will be proved that presence or absence of congestion in the whole process of a two-stage decision making unit has nothing to do with presence or absence of it in each of stages. In other words, it is likely that the first stage to be weak efficient and the second one will have congestion, while the whole process lacks congestion. It is also possible that each stage has congestion, but it doesn’t mean that the whole process should have congestion. Then, to identify congestion in two-stage decision making units, modified Cooper model is developed. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - Computation of Output Losses due to Congestion in Data Envelopment Analysis
        M. Khodabakhshi H. Zare Haghighi
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an approach for evaluating performances of Decision Making Units (DMUs). The performances of DMUs are affected by the amount of sources that DMUs used. Usually increases in inputs cause increases in outputs. However, there are situatio چکیده کامل
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an approach for evaluating performances of Decision Making Units (DMUs). The performances of DMUs are affected by the amount of sources that DMUs used. Usually increases in inputs cause increases in outputs. However, there are situations where increases in one or more inputs generate a reduction in one or more outputs. In such situations there is congestion in inputs or production process. In this study, we review two approaches that are available in the DEA literature for evaluating congestion. Afterwards, we focus on output losses due to congestion, and a model is introduced to compute output reduction. Then, the mentioned models are applied on an empirical example and the results are presented and interpreted. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - The Most Revenue Efficiency with Price Uncertainty
        Samira Salehpour Nazila Aghayi
        In this paper, a new revenue efficiency data envelopment analysis (RE-DEA) approach is considered for finding the most revenue efficient unit with price uncertainty in both optimistic and pessimistic perspectives. The optimistic and pessimistic perspectives use efficien چکیده کامل
        In this paper, a new revenue efficiency data envelopment analysis (RE-DEA) approach is considered for finding the most revenue efficient unit with price uncertainty in both optimistic and pessimistic perspectives. The optimistic and pessimistic perspectives use efficient frontier and inefficient frontier, respectively. An integrated model is introduced to find decision making units (DMUs) that can be a candidate for most revenue efficient unit, in both optimistic and pessimistic points. Consequently, the revenue efficiency of all DMUs is calculated with by solving one model. Then a mix integer programming (MIP) model is proposed for finding the most revenue efficient DMU with common set of weights. The proposed model ensures that just one unit has been revenue efficiency. To illustrate the applicability of the new approach, the model is utilized for data from 21 medical centers in Taiwan. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Efficiency Evaluation and Ranking DMUs in the Presence of Interval Data with Stochastic Bounds
        Hamid Sharafi Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh Alireza Salehi Mohammad Izadikhah
        On account of the existence of uncertainty, DEA occasionally faces the situation of imprecise data, especially when a set of DMUs include missing data, ordinal data, interval data, stochastic data, or fuzzy data. Therefore, how to evaluate the efficiency of a set of DMU چکیده کامل
        On account of the existence of uncertainty, DEA occasionally faces the situation of imprecise data, especially when a set of DMUs include missing data, ordinal data, interval data, stochastic data, or fuzzy data. Therefore, how to evaluate the efficiency of a set of DMUs in interval environments is a problem worth studying. In this paper, we discussed the new method for evaluation and ranking interval data with stochastic bounds. The approach is exemplified by numerical examples. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - Revise Approach to Measuring Congestion Based on the Comparison of Inputs
        A.A. Nouraa E. Hosseini
        the method for measuring the congestion of Noura et al. [A.A. Noura, F. ‎Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, G.R. Jahanshahloo, S. ‎Fanati Rashidi, R.P. Barnett, A new method for measuring congestion in data envelopment analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 44 (2010) 240- چکیده کامل
        the method for measuring the congestion of Noura et al. [A.A. Noura, F. ‎Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, G.R. Jahanshahloo, S. ‎Fanati Rashidi, R.P. Barnett, A new method for measuring congestion in data envelopment analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 44 (2010) 240-246] ,there is no problem for congestion detection In the case of one input and one output but in higher space is not able to detect congestion of some units. we offer modification of the method of measuring the congestion of Noura et al. The proposed method ability congestion units go up and this method detect all congestion units. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - Satisfaction Function in Present Undesirable Factors
        Zohreh Iravani Mohammad Mohseni Takaloo
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an efficient method to perform evaluation of units. In DEA we try to evaluate units with undesirable factors in input & outputs by satisfaction function, testing some models. On the other hand benefiting this concept, we can identi چکیده کامل
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an efficient method to perform evaluation of units. In DEA we try to evaluate units with undesirable factors in input & outputs by satisfaction function, testing some models. On the other hand benefiting this concept, we can identify non-efficient units. Also we can recognize why these units are inefficient and calculate the reason of their inefficiency and how they turn efficient. In DEA we cannot know why some units are non -efficient and how these units can be efficient, but by this paper we can do this work. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - Presentation of a Novel Integrated DEA-BSC Model with Network Structure in Multi Objective Programmig
        Kianoosh Kianfar Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin Akbar Alam Tabriz Esmaeil Najafi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric approach to estimate relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). DEA and is one of the best quantitative approach and balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the best qualitative method to measure efficiency of an o چکیده کامل
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric approach to estimate relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). DEA and is one of the best quantitative approach and balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the best qualitative method to measure efficiency of an organization. Since simultaneous evaluation of network performance of the quad areas of BSC model is considered as a necessity and separate use of DEA and BSC is not effective and leads to miscalculation of performance, integrated DEA-BSC model is applied. Regarding to multi-objective nature of the proposed model, two techniques including goal programming and weighted average method are used to solve such problems. At the end of the study, based on data relating to indexes of quad areas of BSC model, the results of the mentioned methods is compared. Besides assessing validation of the proposed model, the overall efficiency and each of the different stages of BSC is obtained. So that, finding a model for decision making units in various stages of BSC is the innovation of this research study. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - Data Envelopment Analysis with Sensitive Analysis and Super-efficiency in Indian Banking Sector
        Q. Farooq Dar T. Rao Pad A. Muhammad Tali Yaser Hamid F Danish
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is non-parametric linear programming (LP) based technique for estimating the relative efficiency of different decision making units (DMUs) assessing the homogeneous type of multiple-inputs and multiple-outputs. The procedure does not requ چکیده کامل
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is non-parametric linear programming (LP) based technique for estimating the relative efficiency of different decision making units (DMUs) assessing the homogeneous type of multiple-inputs and multiple-outputs. The procedure does not require a priori knowledge of weights, while the main concern of this non-parametric technique is to estimate the optimal weights of inputs and outputs through which the proper classifications of DMUs are possible. DMUs classification with DEA has many challenges in the case of volatility in the values of inputs and outputs. Sensitivity classifications (either efficient or inefficient) as well as returns to scale (RTS) classification (CRS, IRS and DRS) of DMUs are the prominent and vital challenges in DEA studies. Flexible and feasible convex regions with changing values of the reference units from the reference set of inefficient DMUs. This paper has proposed the issues of sensitivities regarding the above mentioned classifications of DMUs and assessing the technical efficiencies by using SBM case of DEA models. Super-efficiency is estimated in case of input and output slacks approach measure and ranking was mad as per the super-efficiency score. Validity of the proposed model is carried with the suitable numerical illustration. پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Measuring a Dynamic Efficiency Based on MONLP Model under DEA Control
        K. Gholami Z. Ghelej Beigi
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a common technique in measuring the relative efficiency of a set of decision making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. ‎‎Standard DEA models are ‎‎quite limited models‎, ‎in the sense that t چکیده کامل
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a common technique in measuring the relative efficiency of a set of decision making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. ‎‎Standard DEA models are ‎‎quite limited models‎, ‎in the sense that they do not consider a DMU ‎‎at different times‎. ‎To resolve this problem‎, ‎DEA models with dynamic ‎‎structures have been proposed‎.‎In a recent paper by afarian-Moghaddam and Ghoseiri [Jafarian-Moghaddam, A.R., Ghoseiri k., 2011. Fuzzy dynamic multi-objective Data Envelopment Analysis model. Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (1), 850-855.] they contribute to an interesting topic by presenting a ‎‎fuzzy dynamic multi-objective DEA model to evaluate DMUs in which ‎‎data are changing with time‎. However, this paper finds that their approach has some problems in the proposed models. In this paper, we first stress the present shortcomings in their modeling and then we propose a new DEA method for improving fuzzy dynamic multi-objective DEA model. The proposed model is a ‎‎multi-objective non-linear programming (MONLP) problem and there are ‎‎several methods for solving it; We use the goal programming (GP) method‎. ‎The proposed model calculates the efficiency scores of DMUs by‎‎ solving only one linear programming problem‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎we present an ‎‎example with ten DMUs at three times to illustrate the applicability the proposed model. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - Network ‎D‎ata Envelopment Analysis Models For Measuring Efficiency Of a Four-Stage Supply Chain With Returned Outputs‎
        M. Vaez-Ghasemi Z. Moghaddas B. Rahmani
        In this paper using DEA technique, four-stage DEA model mooted in order to consider the situation in which returned products exist. Returned products are the inputs of the previous sub-processes that need to be reprocessed due to existence of flaws. Here, a supply chain چکیده کامل
        In this paper using DEA technique, four-stage DEA model mooted in order to consider the situation in which returned products exist. Returned products are the inputs of the previous sub-processes that need to be reprocessed due to existence of flaws. Here, a supply chain with four stages as supplier, manufacture, distributor, and retailer with intermediate and return products has been considered and a DEA model formulated for performance analysis. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - Review of the methods for evaluating congestion in DEA and computing output losses due to congestion
        H. Zare Haghighi M. Khodabakhshi G. R. Jahanshahloo
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a branch of management, concerned with evaluating the performances of homogeneous Decision Making Units (DMUs). The performances of DMUs are affected by the amount of sources that DMUs used. Usually increases in inputs cause increases چکیده کامل
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a branch of management, concerned with evaluating the performances of homogeneous Decision Making Units (DMUs). The performances of DMUs are affected by the amount of sources that DMUs used. Usually increases in inputs cause increases in outputs. However, there are situations where increase in one or more inputs generate a reduction in one or more outputs. In such situations there is congestion in inputs or production process. In this study, we review the approaches that are available in the DEA literature for evaluating congestion. Also we introduce a model to compute output losses due to congestion. Then, we present the results of the mentioned models on an empirical example and interpret the results. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - Efficiency Measurement in Two-Stage Network Structures Considering Undesirable Outputs
        A. Amirteimoori A. Toloie-Eshlaghi M. Homayoonfar
        Since data envelopment analysis (DEA) introduced in 1970s, it has been widely applied to measure the efficiency of a wide variety of production and operation systems. Recently DEA has been extended to examine the efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with two-stage چکیده کامل
        Since data envelopment analysis (DEA) introduced in 1970s, it has been widely applied to measure the efficiency of a wide variety of production and operation systems. Recently DEA has been extended to examine the efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with two-stage network structures or processes, where the outputs from the first stage are intermediate measures that make up the inputs of the second stage. Many researchers developed several DEA based models for evaluating the efficiencies of such systems. This paper considers evaluation of the general two-stage network structures, while each stage may produce undesirable output, in addition to desirable ones. The developed model is applied to Green Hen poultry chain in Guilan province, Iran. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - A ‎n‎onlinear model for common weights set identification in‎ ‎network Data Envelopment ‎Analysis
        J. Pourmahmoud Z. Zeynali‎
        ‎‎In the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) the efficiency of the units‎ ‎can be obtained by identifying the degree of the importance of the‎ ‎criteria (inputs-outputs).In DEA basic models‎, ‎challenges are zero‎ ‎and unequal weights چکیده کامل
        ‎‎In the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) the efficiency of the units‎ ‎can be obtained by identifying the degree of the importance of the‎ ‎criteria (inputs-outputs).In DEA basic models‎, ‎challenges are zero‎ ‎and unequal weights of the criteria when decision‎- ‎making units are‎ ‎evaluated‎. ‎One of the strategies applied to deal with these problems‎ ‎is using common weights of the each input/output in all decision‎ ‎making units (DMUs)‎. ‎In practice the DMUs are containing‎ ‎intermediate process‎. ‎However‎, ‎these units are considered as a black‎ ‎box in DEA basic models‎, ‎disregarding internal process‎. ‎This was‎ ‎the main reason network data envelopment analysis was introduced‎. ‎On‎ ‎the other hand‎, ‎similar challenges mentioned for DEA‎, ‎zero and‎ ‎unequal weights of the criteria‎, ‎exist for network structures as‎ ‎well‎. ‎This paper suggests a common set of the weights for network‎ ‎structures to deal with the above problems using nonlinear models,‎ ‎for general case‎. ‎Also some numerical examples using proposed models‎ ‎are presented.‎‎‎ پرونده مقاله
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        21 - New model for ranking DMUs in DDEA as a special ‎case‎
        J. Pourmahmoud
        ‎The purpose of this paper is to offer the equitable method for ranking Decision Making Units(DMUs) based on the Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DDEA) concept, where quasi-fixed inputs or intermediate products are the source of inter-temporal dependence between c چکیده کامل
        ‎The purpose of this paper is to offer the equitable method for ranking Decision Making Units(DMUs) based on the Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DDEA) concept, where quasi-fixed inputs or intermediate products are the source of inter-temporal dependence between consecutive periods. In fact, this paper originally makes the use of an approach extending the ranking of DMUs in DEA by Khodabakhshi and Aryavash into the Dynamic DEA framework. Hence, firstly, we compute minimum and maximum efficiency values of each DMUs in dynamic state, under the assumption that the sum of efficiency values of all DMUs in dynamic state is equal to unity. Thus, with the combination of its minimum and maximum efficiency values, the rank of each DMUs is ‎determined.‎ پرونده مقاله
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        22 - ارائه مدلی جدید به منظور پیش بینی عملکرد واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده براساس تحلیل پوششی داده های تصادفی فازی
        علی یعقوبی الهام قبادی
        از مهم ترین ابزارها جهت محاسبه کارایی واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده، تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها (DEA) است که برای محاسبه کارایی از ورودی ها و خروجی های گذشته واحدها استفاده می کند. عدم امکان تخمین کارایی، استفاده از ورودی و خروجیهای قطعی و توزیع غیرواقعی اوزان به ورودی ها و خروجی چکیده کامل
        از مهم ترین ابزارها جهت محاسبه کارایی واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده، تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده ها (DEA) است که برای محاسبه کارایی از ورودی ها و خروجی های گذشته واحدها استفاده می کند. عدم امکان تخمین کارایی، استفاده از ورودی و خروجیهای قطعی و توزیع غیرواقعی اوزان به ورودی ها و خروجی‌ها از نقاط ضعف DEA می باشد. بنابراین در این مقاله در راستای رفع مشکلات مذکور، مدلی جدید با لحاظ عدم قطعیت در تحلیل پوششی داده های تصادفی (SDEA) ارائه گردیده که با درنظرگرفتن همزمان ورودی ها و خروجی های واحدها بصورت متغیرهای تصادفی نرمال همراه با اوزان فازی برای آن ها، سعی در پیش بینی کارایی واحدهای تصمیم گیرنده دارد. نهایتاً در راستای تایید اثربخشی مدل پیشنهادی، یک مطالعه کاربردی در صنعت بانکداری صورت گرفته و کارایی های پیش بینی شده شعب با کارایی واقعی آنها مقایسه می گردد. همبستگی بالای بین نتایج، نشان از دقت و صحت مدل پیشنهادی دارد. پرونده مقاله
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        23 - Performance Evaluation of Banking Organizations Using the New Proposed Integrated DEA-BSC Model
        Kianoosh Kianfar Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin Akbar Alam Tabriz Esmaeil Najafi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric approach to estimate relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). DEA is one of the best quantitative approaches and balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the best qualitative methods to measure efficiency of an or چکیده کامل
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric approach to estimate relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). DEA is one of the best quantitative approaches and balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the best qualitative methods to measure efficiency of an organization. Since simultaneous evaluation of network performance of the quad areas of BSC model is considered as a necessity and separate use of DEA and BSC is not effective and leads to miscalculation of performance, integrated DEA-BSC model is applied. Regarding to multi-objective nature of the proposed model, two techniques including goal programming and weighted average method are used to solve such problems. At the end of the study, based on data relating to indexes of quad areas of BSC model, the results of the mentioned methods are compared. Besides assessing validation of the proposed model, the overall efficiency and each of the different stages of BSC are obtained. So that, finding a model for decision making units in various stages of BSC is the innovation of this research study. پرونده مقاله
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        24 - Merging DMUs Based on of the idea Inverse DEA
        الهه زین الدین سعید قبادی
        In this paper, we propose a novel method using multiple-objective programming problems to answer the following question: if among a group of decision making units (DMUs), a subset of DMUs are required to merge and form a new DMU with specific input/output levels and a p چکیده کامل
        In this paper, we propose a novel method using multiple-objective programming problems to answer the following question: if among a group of decision making units (DMUs), a subset of DMUs are required to merge and form a new DMU with specific input/output levels and a predefined efficiency target, how much should be the outputs/inputs of the merged DMU? This question answered according to the concept of inverse DEA. Sufficient conditions are established for input/output-estimation of the merged DMU using multiple-objective programming problems. A numerical example with real data is presented to illustrate the goals of this paper. پرونده مقاله
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        25 - Ideal and anti-ideal decision making units: A fuzzy DEA approach
        A Hatami-Marbini Saber Saati A Makui
        In this paper, by introducing two virtual decision-making units (DMUs) called ideal DMU (IDMU) and anti-ideal DMU (ADMU) with fuzzy inputs-outputs, the efficiency evaluation of DMUs are done by fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA). Therefore, we evaluate DMUs from the چکیده کامل
        In this paper, by introducing two virtual decision-making units (DMUs) called ideal DMU (IDMU) and anti-ideal DMU (ADMU) with fuzzy inputs-outputs, the efficiency evaluation of DMUs are done by fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA). Therefore, we evaluate DMUs from the perspective of the best and worst possible relative efficiency. For each DMU two efficiencies are calculated while inputs and outputs are fuzzy. These two distinctive efficiencies are combined with the closeness coefficient (CC) index. The CC index is then used for an overall ranking of all DMUs. Finally, we compare the result of proposed fuzzy DEA model with León et al.’s (2003) results by representing a numerical example. پرونده مقاله
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        26 - A new approach to determine efficient DMUs in DEA models using inverse optimization
        GH.R Amin
        This paper proposes a new approach for determining efficient DMUs in DEA models using inverse optimi-zation and without solving any LPs. It is shown that how a two-phase algorithm can be applied to detect effi-cient DMUs. It is important to compare computational perform چکیده کامل
        This paper proposes a new approach for determining efficient DMUs in DEA models using inverse optimi-zation and without solving any LPs. It is shown that how a two-phase algorithm can be applied to detect effi-cient DMUs. It is important to compare computational performance of solving the simultaneous linear equa-tions with that of the LP, when computational issues and complexity analysis are at focus. پرونده مقاله
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        Shokoofeh Banihashemi Ghasem Tohidi Masoud Sanei
        One of the issues in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is sensitivity and stability region of the speci c decision making unit (DMU), included ecient and inecient DMUs. In sensitivity analysis of ecient DMUs,the largest region should be found namely stability region tha چکیده کامل
        One of the issues in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is sensitivity and stability region of the speci c decision making unit (DMU), included ecient and inecient DMUs. In sensitivity analysis of ecient DMUs,the largest region should be found namely stability region thatdata variations are only for ecient DMU under evaluation and the data for the remainingDMUs are assumed xed. Also ecient DMU under evaluation remains ecient with thesevariations. In sensitivity analysis of inecient DMU, it can obtain an eciency score whichis de ned by the manager. In traditional DEA we assume that all inputs and outputs are realamounts and consider continuous inputs and outputs. Although,there are some applicationsin which one or more inputs and/or outputs can only take integer quantities. In this paper,we obtain the stability region for ecient DMU and the eciency score of a speci c inecientDMU changes to a de ned eciency score by management, with integer data پرونده مقاله