• فهرست مقالات یادگیری زبان

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - بررسی تأثیر هوش ‌فرهنگی بر سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی و عملکرد زبان‌آموزان غیرفارسی‌زبان در یادگیری زبان‌فارسی
        مهدی صادقی
        امروزه مسأله آموزش و یادگیری در نظام آموزشی ایران بسیار متفاوت از گذشته است. بخش اعظم این تفاوت ناشی از حضور زبان‌آموزانی از ملّیت‌های مختلف از اقصی نقاط دنیاست. این حضور و به تبع آن قرارگرفتن در محیط فرهنگی جدید، نیازمند سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی است. در چنین شرایطی برای عملک چکیده کامل
        امروزه مسأله آموزش و یادگیری در نظام آموزشی ایران بسیار متفاوت از گذشته است. بخش اعظم این تفاوت ناشی از حضور زبان‌آموزانی از ملّیت‌های مختلف از اقصی نقاط دنیاست. این حضور و به تبع آن قرارگرفتن در محیط فرهنگی جدید، نیازمند سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی است. در چنین شرایطی برای عملکرد بهتر زبان‌آموزان و درک آن‌ها از مسائل بین‌فرهنگی، توجه به مسأله هوش فرهنگی و استفاده مطلوب از آن یک ضرورت به حساب می‌آید. پژوهش حاضر در پی آن است تا با نگاه به دو مفهوم هوش فرهنگی و سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی، تأثیر این دو مفهوم را در عملکرد زبان‌آموزان غیرفارسی‌زبان در یادگیری زبان فارسی بررسی نماید. برای نیل به این هدف، مباحث نظری ارائه شده در این زمینه و تعدادی از پژوهش-های انجام شده از منابع داخلی و خارجی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج به دست آمده از پژوهش‌ها حاکی از آن است که بین برخی از مؤلفه‌های هوش فرهنگی و سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی رابطه معنادار و بین برخی از مؤلفه‌ها با سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی رابطه منفی وجود دارد. همچنین، در شرایطی که از هوش فرهنگی استفاده مطلوبی شود، بر سازگاری بین‌فرهنگی و عملکرد زبان‌آموزان در یادگیری زبان فارسی تأثیر مثبت می‌گذارد. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - مقایسۀ اثربخشی درمان فراشناختی و آموزش جرأت‌مندی بر اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی دانش‌آموزان متوسطۀ اول دارای اضطراب یادگیری زبان خارجی
        خوشدوی ابراهیم زاده اسماعیل سلیمانی کریم صادقی
        این پژوهش با هدف مقایسۀ اثربخشی درمان فراشناختی و آموزش جرأت‌مندی بر اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی دانش آموزان متوسطۀ اول دارای اضطراب یادگیری زبان خارجی انجام پذیرفت. طرح پژوهش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش‌آزمون – پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش، کلیۀ دان چکیده کامل
        این پژوهش با هدف مقایسۀ اثربخشی درمان فراشناختی و آموزش جرأت‌مندی بر اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی دانش آموزان متوسطۀ اول دارای اضطراب یادگیری زبان خارجی انجام پذیرفت. طرح پژوهش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش‌آزمون – پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش، کلیۀ دانش‌آموزان مدارس متوسطۀ اول دولتی شهر ارو‌میه در سال 99-1398 بود. برای گزینش نمونه از روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای چند مرحله ای استفاده شد و داده ها با پرسشنامۀ اضطراب کلاس زبان (Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope, 1986) و مقیاس اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی (Watson & Friend, 1969) جمع‌آوری شدند. 60 نفر از دانش‌آموزان به طور تصادفی انتخاب و در گروه های آزمایشی (فراشناخت و جرأت‌مندی) و گروه کنترل گمارده شدند (20 نفر برای هر گروه). داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس چندمتغیری تجزیه و تحلیل شد. نتایج نشان داد که فراشناخت و جرأت‌مندی باعث کاهش اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی شده است و اثرات آنها در مرحلة پیگیری نیز ماندگار بود (001/0P<). براساس نتایج به دست آمده بین گروه های درمان فراشناخت و آموزش جرأت‌مندی در کاهش اجتناب و فشار اجتماعی دانش آموزان تفاوت معناداری مشاهده نشد (05/0<P). پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - بررسی نگرش دانشجویان دانشگاههای آزاد منطقۀ 4 کشور نسبت به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی
        شهرام قهرکی حمیدرضا حق وردی
        هدف از این پژوهش بررسی نگرش دانشجویان منطقۀ 4 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی نسبت به زبان انگلیسی بوده است. عوامل دیگری مانند جنسیت و رشتۀ تحصیلی که ممکن است روی نگرش افراد اثر داشته باشد نیز در نظر گرفته شد. برای نیل به این هدف تعداد 3418 نفر (1859 نفر پسر و 1559 نفر دختر) دانشجو چکیده کامل
        هدف از این پژوهش بررسی نگرش دانشجویان منطقۀ 4 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی نسبت به زبان انگلیسی بوده است. عوامل دیگری مانند جنسیت و رشتۀ تحصیلی که ممکن است روی نگرش افراد اثر داشته باشد نیز در نظر گرفته شد. برای نیل به این هدف تعداد 3418 نفر (1859 نفر پسر و 1559 نفر دختر) دانشجویان رشته‌های فنی ‌ـ مهندسی، علوم پزشکی و علوم انسانی به‌صورت نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌ای از 18 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی منطقۀ 4 انتخاب شدند. پرسشنامۀ اصلاح شدۀ لاین (1987) پس از تعیین روایی محتوا و محاسبۀ پایایی از روش آلفای کرونباخ 85/0 محاسبه گردید و میان آزمودنی‌ها توزیع شد. داده‌ها به‌وسیلۀ آزمون‌های آماری مانند تحلیل واریانس و آزمون‌های شفه و خی‌دو تحلیل گردید. نتایج کلی بیانگر علاقه و نگرش مثبت میان دانشجویان نسبت به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی، درس زبان و فرهنگ انگلیسی‌زبانان است. با توجه به نتایج آزمون‌های آمار توصیفی نظیر فراوانی، درصد، میانگین، انحراف معیار و آزمون‌های آماری پارامتریک نظیر تحلیل واریانس، آزمون‌های شفه و آزمون‌های غیرپارامتریک نظیر خی‌دو، دانشجویان رشته‌های فنی مهندسی و دانشجویان علوم پزشکی نسبت به دانشجویان علوم انسانی نگرش مثبت‌تری به زبان انگلیسی در جنبه‌های گوناگون آن داشته‌اند. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - Effects of WhatsApp, Adobe Connect, and Face-to-face Classes on Learning Collocations by Iranian EFL Learners
        Faezeh Roudgar Seyyed Abdolmajid Tabatabaee Lotfi Narjes Ashari Tabar Seyyed Amir Hosein Sarkeshikian
        Technology has crept into every aspect of human life, and second language education is not an exception, giving rise to computer-enhanced language learning and mobile-assisted language learning. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of WhatsApp, Adobe Connec چکیده کامل
        Technology has crept into every aspect of human life, and second language education is not an exception, giving rise to computer-enhanced language learning and mobile-assisted language learning. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of WhatsApp, Adobe Connect, and face-to-face classes on learning collocations by Iranian EFL learners in Qom, and to make comparisons among these three platforms. Thus, a quasi-experimental design was set up in which a number of available intermediate-level students were assigned to a WhatsApp group, an Adobe Connect group, and a Control group. The three groups were given a collocation pretest at the outset of the study and they were exposed to collocations, though through different media. In the treatment, which lasted for 10 sessions, for the learners in the WAG and ACG, the collocations were presented via a picture, an example sentence, and a follow-up quiz, which the CG learners received the same collocations in a similar fashion except that they were not provided with videos/pictures. At the end of the experiment, the learners were given a posttest of collocations, and the following results were obtained after running paired-samples t tests and a one-way ANCOVA: (a) the three groups of WAG, ACG, and CG were fruitful and the learners in all these environments improved significantly from pretest to posttest of collocations, and (b) ACG learners significantly outperformed WAG learners, who in turn could perform significantly better than the CG learners. The obtained results bear implications for education in general and second language instruction in particular. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        5 - Foreign Language Learning Boredom among High School EFL Students of Zahedan: Its Relationship with Foreign Language Learning Enjoyment, and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
        Saher Ashrafinia Mahdiya Afrashteh Nahid Afrashteh
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between three foreign language learning emotions: foreign language learning enjoyment, foreign language classroom anxiety, and foreign language learning boredom among high school EFL students in Zahedan, Sistan and Baluch چکیده کامل
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between three foreign language learning emotions: foreign language learning enjoyment, foreign language classroom anxiety, and foreign language learning boredom among high school EFL students in Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan Province. In this research 200 male and female EFL learners were selected as participants The sampling was done through convenience sampling. Three research instruments were used as a questionnaire named short-form foreign language classroom anxiety scale, foreign language enjoyment scale and foreign language learning boredom scale. In order to find the relationship between the defined variables, multiple correlation was conducted. The findings revealed that the relationship between foreign language enjoyment and foreign language boredom was negatively significant. Furthermore, the relationship between foreign language anxiety and foreign language boredom was positively significant. Additionally, foreign language enjoyment and foreign language anxiety had a negative relationship. The obtained results bear implications for education in general and EFL instruction in particular. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        6 - Educational Technology in Language Learning: Analyzing Advanced EFL Learners’ Perception on the Use of Technology at Language Institute
        Soraya Omara
        The present study made an attempt to investigate advanced EFL learners' perception in a private language institute on the use of technology. It also analyzed the possible difference between the EFL learners' perceptions in terms of their genders. To do this, a quantitat چکیده کامل
        The present study made an attempt to investigate advanced EFL learners' perception in a private language institute on the use of technology. It also analyzed the possible difference between the EFL learners' perceptions in terms of their genders. To do this, a quantitative study based on survey data and a structured interview was conducted. A group of 88 learners, 44 males, and 44 females made up the subjects. These learners had already studied in the institute using some technological devices; thus, they were familiar with the use of these devices in the language class. The questionnaire was distributed among the participants during their class time and soon after it, they were collected and submitted for analysis using SPSS. Afterwards, the participants were interviewed for cross validation purpose. The results of the study proved that the learners, both males and females, had positive perception towards the use of technology in their language class. In addition, all of the question items without much differences between them supported the positive effect of using different aspects of technology in the language class. In other words, both genders expressed the same type of attitudes towards the given ideas and not much difference could be observed between them. Findings of the present work can suggest the usefulness and practicality of educational technology in the area of language teaching and learning. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        7 - Analysis of language Learning Needs of Tenth-grade Iranian Students
        Fatemeh Mohammadi Sadegh
        The present study examined and analyzed the language learning needs of Tenth-grade Iranian Students. Despite the significant role of needs analysis in language learning, no attempt has been made to explore the current language learning needs of Tenth- grade students and چکیده کامل
        The present study examined and analyzed the language learning needs of Tenth-grade Iranian Students. Despite the significant role of needs analysis in language learning, no attempt has been made to explore the current language learning needs of Tenth- grade students and these needs are apparently unknown at present. To do this, this research evaluate and discussed the current language learning needs of Tenth-grade students. Also, this project highlighted the most and the least important language learning needs of them. To this purpose, the data was collected through questionnaire. 250 EFL learners of different high schools in Zahedan were selected to answer the questionnaire. The questionnaire developed by Kittidhaworn (2001) and surveyed seven dimensions of language learning needs, and the extent of the importance, was remarked by Tenth-grade learners of high schools. According to obtained data, the most important language learning need was "listening Skill", and the least one attributed to the "Language Function" from their points of view. It is expected that the findings of this study may help teachers, students, and researchers who are interested in effective assessment of language learning needs and also administrators who are responsible for organizing and implementing them. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        8 - Scrutinizing the Utility of Collaborative Tasks for Ameliorating Male and Female EFL Learners’ Flow Experiences
        سید حسین کاشف هانیه خیری
        The present study strived to determine the degree to which collaborative tasks and EFL learners’ gender affected their flow experiences. To this end, first, the researchers selected 56 intermediate-level EFL learners in two intact classrooms at a private language چکیده کامل
        The present study strived to determine the degree to which collaborative tasks and EFL learners’ gender affected their flow experiences. To this end, first, the researchers selected 56 intermediate-level EFL learners in two intact classrooms at a private language institute in Urmia (Iran) as the participants. Second, they randomly assigned the classes to an experimental group and a control group. Third, they used a flow state questionnaire to determine the participants’ flow experiences prior to the onset of the study. Fourth, they provided the experimental group with collaborative language learning treatment during 12 sessions. Nonetheless, they deprived the control group of this treatment. Finally, they administered the flow state questionnaire to the groups anew to appraise the efficacy of collaborative tasks for augmenting the participants’ flow experiences. The results indicated that the above-mentioned tasks had an advantageous impact on the EFL learners’ flow state of mind. Furthermore, based on the results, female learners’ flow experiences were more positively affected by the collaborative tasks in comparison with the male learners’ flow experiences. The obtained results may empower the teacher educators, syllabus designers, and researchers to take account of the flow state of mind during the process of language acquisition. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        9 - Inductive vs. Deductive Grammar Instruction and the Grammatical Performance of EFL Learners
        فاطمه بهجت
        Learning a foreign language offers a great challenge to students since it involves learning different skills and subskills. Quite a few number of researches have been done so far on the relationship between gender and learning a foreign language. On the other hand, two چکیده کامل
        Learning a foreign language offers a great challenge to students since it involves learning different skills and subskills. Quite a few number of researches have been done so far on the relationship between gender and learning a foreign language. On the other hand, two major approaches in teaching grammar have been offered by language experts, inductive and deductive. The present study examines which method of teaching grammar is more fruitful for Iranian male and female students. For this purpose, 150 freshman students, 110 females and 40 males, majoring in English were selected from all available students at Abadeh and Shiraz Azad universities. All the subjects took the NTC's grammar test prior to the instruction as pre-test. Then, they were divided into two groups and were taught grammar inductively and deductively in each group for one semester. At the end of the instruction, the same test was taken as post-test. The comparison between the students' pre and post-test indicated that there was a significant improvement in their knowledge of grammar. By the way, through a two-way ANOVA, it was found out that males learned grammar better when they were taught inductively and females showed a better performance when they were taught deductively. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        10 - The Relationship between Stress Factors and the Amount of Learning among Language Learners at Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch
        خداوردی علیزاده محمود رضالو
        Stress is considered as an inseparable part of life. Although it is sometimes useful and positive, if there is overstress, there would be some disturbances created in human life as the negative aspect of stress. In this research the different dimensions of stress regard چکیده کامل
        Stress is considered as an inseparable part of life. Although it is sometimes useful and positive, if there is overstress, there would be some disturbances created in human life as the negative aspect of stress. In this research the different dimensions of stress regarding family, environmental, and personal stress and their effects on the amount of learning English among students at Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch have been investigated. The statistical population of the present research includes students majoring in different courses at Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch who have selected to pass the courses entitled: ‘General English’ or ‘Prerequisite to General English’. In the present study we have used a random sampling method. To determine the participants of the study, a questionnaire was distributed among them. Then, based on Cochran's formula our sample was calculated. Results showed that all stress factors (personal, environmental, family) affected the performance of the students in English learning, and they should be regarded as important factors in devising new materials to be presented to General English classes. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - E-Tools to Assist EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Wikis, Weblogs, and Podcasts
        فاطمه بهجت مرتضی یمینی
        One of the promises of web-based education is to help students take control of their learning pace as the basic requirement of language learning is being life-long. The purpose of the present study was to find out which of the e-tools -- weblogs, wikis, or podcasts -- c چکیده کامل
        One of the promises of web-based education is to help students take control of their learning pace as the basic requirement of language learning is being life-long. The purpose of the present study was to find out which of the e-tools -- weblogs, wikis, or podcasts -- can better help EFL learners excel in their writing skill. To this end, 156 Iranian sophomore students majoring in English and studying at Islamic Azad University, Abadeh and Shiraz Branches and the Zand Institute of Higher Education were selected based on random sampling as participants. As the design of the study was a pre-experimental one, there were three experimental groups involved but no control group. Before the instruction, the participants were given an essay writing test, whose results were used to divide them into three groups. Two of the groups received in-class instruction and were assigned out-of-class activities through weblogs and wikis. The third group received the instruction through podcasts. The treatment lasted for two and a half months and at the end, another essay writing test was given to all groups. A two-way ANOVA for the comparison of the participants' gain scores indicated that using the tools available on the Internet could lead to improvement in the EFL students writing abilities, and gender was not a determining factor. The study reveals the fact that web tools, in general, and blogs, wikis, and podcasts, in particular, can foster EFL students’ writing skills and teachers can use them as supplements in their language instruction. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - Foreign Language Anxiety and the EFL Learners’ Intention to Continue their English Language Learning
        ناصر فلاح رویا موحد
        Anxiety undoubtedly plays an influential role in the experience of foreign language learning. This affective factor has attracted lots of researchers and has been the subject pool of scholarly research worldwide. However, research on the effect of demographic variables چکیده کامل
        Anxiety undoubtedly plays an influential role in the experience of foreign language learning. This affective factor has attracted lots of researchers and has been the subject pool of scholarly research worldwide. However, research on the effect of demographic variables on foreign language anxiety (FLA) and the effect of FLA on the learners’ intention to continue their English language education is still limited. Therefore, to bridge this gap, the present study intended to explore the role of gender and age in EFL learners’ FLA level. In addition, the potential effect of learners’ FLA in their decision whether to continue their English studies was tested. To this end, a sample of 295 university EFL learners completed FLA questionnaire and a demographic form. The findings showed that there was no significant correlation between the age of the learners and their FLA level. FLA differences with respect to gender did not reach the statistical significance either. However, it was found that FLA could significantly affect the learners’ willingness to continue their English language education. The findings were discussed and implications were made. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Students` Academic Achievements in General EFL Classes
        سپیده برنجی
        Emotional Intelligence, the ability to be aware of, understand, and express oneself, the ability to be aware of, understand, and relate to others, the ability to deal with strong emotions, and the ability to adapt to change and solve problems of a social or personal nat چکیده کامل
        Emotional Intelligence, the ability to be aware of, understand, and express oneself, the ability to be aware of, understand, and relate to others, the ability to deal with strong emotions, and the ability to adapt to change and solve problems of a social or personal nature, can be considered an important factor in learning a language as it enhances the verbal fluency which is the ultimate goal in FLL. The present study intended to consider the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance in Osku-Iran Islamic Azad University`s EFL classes. For this purpose, 110 undergraduate EFL sophomore and junior students participated in this study. First, in the middle of the term they were required to complete Bar-On (1997) Emotional Intelligence Inventory and their EI scores were computed based on the guidelines Bar-On (1997) provided. At the end of the term the academic course final exam was administered to the students to achieve their academic mean score which was computed out of 20. After that the degree of correlation between EI and academic mean score was found. It became evident that there is no meaningful relationship between total EI score and academic mean score but there is a meaningful and positive relationship between some sub-scales of emotional intelligence and academic mean score. Therefore, material developers and syllabus designers are required to take emotional factors into account when they want to design syllabuses or make materials ready for teaching. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - Perceptual Learning Style Preferences and Computer-Assisted Writing Achievement within the Activity Theory Framework
        آرزو حاجی مقصودی Parviz Maftoon
        Learning styles are considered among the significant factors that aid instructors in deciding how well their students learn a second or foreign language (Oxford, 2003). Although this issue has been accepted broadly in educational psychology,further research is required چکیده کامل
        Learning styles are considered among the significant factors that aid instructors in deciding how well their students learn a second or foreign language (Oxford, 2003). Although this issue has been accepted broadly in educational psychology,further research is required to examine the relationship between learning styles and language learning skills. Thus, the present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between the perceptual learning style preferences and the participants’ writing achievement after receiving instruction based on computer-assisted language learning within the activity theory framework. For this purpose, 67 students majoring in English translation at a university in Iran were selected as the participants of the study based on their performance on a version of The Oxford Placement Test. A correlational research design was employed using a writing pretest and posttest and a style preference questionnaire. The writing instruction was based on an e-learning platform designed according to the activity theory framework. The results indicated lack of significant relationship between the participants’learning style preferences and theirwriting achievement. It was also found that there was no significant difference in the writing achievement of the participants across different learning style preferences. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - University Students’ Perception of Demotivating Factors in Learning English as a Foreign Language
        نفیسه حسین پور حسین حیدری تبریزی
        Demotivation is a relatively new topic in the field of second or foreign language acquisition which is in need of more rigorous research. In this regard, the present study was an attempt to investigate demotivating factors in learning English as a foreign language in an چکیده کامل
        Demotivation is a relatively new topic in the field of second or foreign language acquisition which is in need of more rigorous research. In this regard, the present study was an attempt to investigate demotivating factors in learning English as a foreign language in an Iranian context. To this end, 382 Persian learners of English were selected through stratified clustering sampling procedure to participate in this mixed method study. The Data was collected through a 40-item Likert type questionnaire. The Factor analysis of the data extracted seven factors including a) inadequate facilities, b) reduced self-confidence, c) class characteristics, d) lack of purpose to study English, e) teaching methods, f) teachers and teaching styles, and g) negative attitudes toward English and the culture of English-speaking countries as demotivators. The Students’ perceptions of these seven factors were compared based on their general English proficiency levels. The Results revealed that low proficient learners perceived reduced self-confidence and negative attitudes more demotivating than their counterparts at other levels of proficiency. پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Exploring Male and Female Iranian EFL Learners’ Attitude towards Native and Non-native Varieties of English
        هدی طالبی حبیب آبادی Laya Heidary Darani
        This study investigated whether Iranian EFL learners are aware of different varieties of English spoken throughout the world and whether they have tendency towards a particular variety of English. Likewise, it explored the attitudes of Iranian EFL learners towards the n چکیده کامل
        This study investigated whether Iranian EFL learners are aware of different varieties of English spoken throughout the world and whether they have tendency towards a particular variety of English. Likewise, it explored the attitudes of Iranian EFL learners towards the native and non-native varieties of English. Moreover, it made an attempt to investigate whether such attitudes are gender-oriented. To this end, 30 intermediate male and female Iranian EFL learners whose age ranged from 22 to 30 formed the sample population of this study. They responded to three questionnaires. Then, the collected data were subjected to a one-way repeated measure ANOVA, Fisher's LSD post hoc test, and independent-samples t-tests. The main conclusion of this study was that Iranian EFL learners do not believe in a single world English anymore; instead, they gradually believe in "world Englishes". They are indeed receding from that perfect English accent and are accepting other Englishes for their communication with people around the world. In addition, although the participants accepted non-native varieties, having tendency towards American and British accents reveals the fact that they have positive attitudes towards language learning. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - Impacts of Utilizing E-Mind Maps on Iranian Adolescent vs. Adult EFL Learners’ Language Learning Strategy Choices
        نسیم نصر اصفهانی عزیزه چالاک حسین حیدری تبریزی
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the probable effects of E-Mind Maps on the prevailing Language Learning Strategy Choices of adolescent versus adult Iranian EFL learners (LLSC). Besides, their preferred strategies were investigated across each dominant LLSC چکیده کامل
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the probable effects of E-Mind Maps on the prevailing Language Learning Strategy Choices of adolescent versus adult Iranian EFL learners (LLSC). Besides, their preferred strategies were investigated across each dominant LLSC for some volunteer participants through structured interviews. According to a mixed-method design, 76 available Iranian adolescent and adult EFL learners, both male and female, were randomly divided into four equal groups of experimental and control ones. Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was conducted for all participants in the pre-and post-intervention phases, followed by a structured interview in just the post-intervention phase in the qualitative phase. The intervention presented the teaching content through E-Mind Maps vs. the conventional way of teaching for 20 sessions. The data were analyzed using descriptive and Chi-Square statistics. The results confirmed that using E-Mind Maps shifted the dominant LLSC of adolescent and adult EFL learners to memory and cognitive strategies. Moreover, preferred strategies across each dominant LLSC were discussed in detail for both groups. The conclusion can provide critical implications for English language teaching, learning, and educational technology in using E-Mind Maps as an effective strategy in EFL classrooms. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - The Effect of Multimedia-Based Instruction on Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Grammar Knowledge and their Attitudes
        سیده فاطمه تقوی تکیار مهری جلالی
        Applying technologies has recently caused language education to undertake influential modifications. Hence, this study tried to investigate the impact of using technology in form of multimedia on improving grammar knowledge of Iranian high school students and also exami چکیده کامل
        Applying technologies has recently caused language education to undertake influential modifications. Hence, this study tried to investigate the impact of using technology in form of multimedia on improving grammar knowledge of Iranian high school students and also examined their attitudes toward multimedia-based mode of instruction. To do so, three intact classes of lower intermediate students were randomly divided into three groups: multimedia, multimedia + textbook, and control group. After homogenizing the groups regarding their proficiency level, the pre-test was run and results indicated no significant difference. Treatment lasted for 8 sessions, during which the first experimental group was taught through using multimedia elements like cartoons, texts, and Power Point Presentation. The second group had their textbook besides multimedia, while the control group was instructed traditionally by means of the textbook. Comparing the groups’ scores on the post-test revealed the superiority of multimedia + textbook group over the other groups in their grammar test performance. The questionnaire outcomes also showed more positive tendency of the students in this group in comparison to the multimedia only group toward application of multimedia programs. Findings of this study might open a novel way to assist EFL learners to increase their grammar knowledge more successfully. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - The Effect of Teaching Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension Ability
        Mohammad Ali Torabi الهام قلی نیا
        The demands of the changing world impose on learners the need to become autonomous readers. This places a responsibility on the shoulders of the teachers to develop an approach to teaching reading which will help readers become independent strategic ones. The purpose of چکیده کامل
        The demands of the changing world impose on learners the need to become autonomous readers. This places a responsibility on the shoulders of the teachers to develop an approach to teaching reading which will help readers become independent strategic ones. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of teaching reading strategies on the development of reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. An experimental design was adopted to accomplish this investigation. To do so, two intact classes of 35 students were selected. Then to find out the homogeneity of the participants, Oxford Placement Test was administrated to both classes’ among whom 60 students who scored above 47 were selected as homogeneous and were assigned to two experimental and control groups. The students in the experimental group participated in 10 sessions and were taught two strategies of reading comprehension: activating background knowledge and contextual strategies. At the same time, the materials in the control group were taught through conventional methods of reading and translating the texts into Persian. In the 10th session, the post-test was administrated to both groups. The results of the t-test confirmed the positive effect of reading strategies instruction on the development of reading comprehension ability. These findings may furnish language teachers with the empirical evidence that capitalizing on the students' awareness of the strategies and helping them to use these strategies will significantly develop their reading abilities. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - A Study of the Challenging Sociocultural Variables Affecting EFL Learners’ Identity in an Iranian Context
        هاجر مقدسی حاجی آباد شعله کلاهی بهدخت مال‌امیری
        The present research probed the sociocultural challenging variables which may affect EFL learners’ identity formation during their language studies in an Iranian context. A thorough analysis of the literature encompassing EFL teachers’ opinions and EFL cours چکیده کامل
        The present research probed the sociocultural challenging variables which may affect EFL learners’ identity formation during their language studies in an Iranian context. A thorough analysis of the literature encompassing EFL teachers’ opinions and EFL coursebook analyses was performed to develop a comprehensive view of the recognized sociocultural domains and variables. Furthermore, an open-ended questionnaire was designed and distributed among 50 adolescent male and female EFL learners at the age range of 13-21 years (M=16) as Erickson’s identity confusion stage to identify the newest sociocultural challenging variables in the present Iranian context. The result of the research led to compilation of a Sociocultural Variables Inventory presenting an extended range of variables operating in the context of Iranian EFL learners’ identity formation. The inventory could act as a basis for research in the fields of TEFL, sociolinguistics, cultural studies, and further interdisciplinary research. پرونده مقاله
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        21 - بررسی تأثیر استفاده از وبلاگ نویسی بر پیشرفت تحصیلی و میزان علاقة دانش‌آموزان به یادگیری درس زبان‌انگلیسی
        سیدداود حسینی‌نسب غلامرضا گل‌محمدنژاد یوسف ساجدی‌فر
        تلفیق ارتباط ناهمزمان مبتنی بر رایانه در داخل و خارج از کلاس امروزه نیاز به یک پژوهش دارد. در پژوهش حاضر ما پیاده سازی این تکنولوژی برای بهبود دانش گرامری و علاقه‌مندسازی دانش آموزان به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را وضوح مشاهده کردیم. به منظور انجام پژوهش حاضر از بین تمام دبی چکیده کامل
        تلفیق ارتباط ناهمزمان مبتنی بر رایانه در داخل و خارج از کلاس امروزه نیاز به یک پژوهش دارد. در پژوهش حاضر ما پیاده سازی این تکنولوژی برای بهبود دانش گرامری و علاقه‌مندسازی دانش آموزان به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را وضوح مشاهده کردیم. به منظور انجام پژوهش حاضر از بین تمام دبیرستان‌های پسرانة شهر تبریز به صورت تصادفی 2 دبیرستان با سطح تقریباً یکسان 30 نفر گروه آزمایش و 30 نفر گروه کنترل به روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی خوشه‌ای انتخاب شدند. روش پژوهش حاضر نیمه تجربی بود و ابزار جمع‌آوری اطلاعات آزمون پیشرفت تحصیلی معلم ساخته است که به صورت پیش آزمون و پس آزمون برای سنجش تأثیر وبلاگ نویسی بر یادگیری و میزان علاقه دانش‌آموزان به زبان انگلیسی استفاده شده است. برای آزمون فرضیه‌ها از تحلیل کوواریانس ANCOVA استفاده شده است. تحلیل نتایج نشان داد بین گروه‌ها در دو آزمون گرامر و علاقه تفاوت معنی‌داری وجود دارد اما در آزمون مهارت خواندن تفاوت معنی‌دار نبود. نتایج تحلیل نشان داد که علاقه دانش‌آموزان به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی افزایش یافته و نکات گرامری آنها در کاربرد زبان پیشرفت زیادی داشته است. پژوهش حاضر نشان داد که آموزش از طریق وبلاگ نویسی می‌تواند به عنوان یکی از ابزار یادگیری اجتماعی در آموزش مهارت‌های زبان نقش مهمی داشته باشد. پرونده مقاله
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        22 - بررسی تأثیر آموزش به کمک رایانه (CAI) در مقایسه با روش آموزش سنتی بر یادگیری زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان های دخترانه ناحیه 1 تبریز
        بیتا یزدانی سیدداود حسینی‌نسب محمّدعلی فرنیا
        کاربرد صحیح فناوری‌های جدید مثل رایانه و تجهیزات وابسته به آن، به خصوص چند رسانه‌ای‌ها، در آموزش و یادگیری اهمیت بسزایی دارد و به بهبود فرایند یاددهی و یادگیری کمک می‌کند. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر تعیین تأثیر آموزش به کمک رایانه (CAI) در مقایسه با آموزش سنتی بر یادگیری ز چکیده کامل
        کاربرد صحیح فناوری‌های جدید مثل رایانه و تجهیزات وابسته به آن، به خصوص چند رسانه‌ای‌ها، در آموزش و یادگیری اهمیت بسزایی دارد و به بهبود فرایند یاددهی و یادگیری کمک می‌کند. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر تعیین تأثیر آموزش به کمک رایانه (CAI) در مقایسه با آموزش سنتی بر یادگیری زبان‌انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان‌ها می‌باشد. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر عبارت است از کلیه دانش‌آموزان دختر پایه دوم دبیرستان‌های دخترانه ناحیه یک تبریز که در سال‌تحصیلی 92-1391 مشغول تحصیل بودند و تعداد آنها 489 نفر بود. حجم نمونه برای هر گروه 22 نفر (گروه آزمایش و گروه کنترل) که به روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی از بین کلاس‌های دوم دبیرستان‌ها انتخاب شد. در پژوهش حاضر روش تحقیق، نیمه آزمایشی می‌باشد. به منظور گردآوری داده‌ها از آزمون پیشرفت تحصیلی معلم ساخته به صورت پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون و بسته آموزشی زبان انگلیسی استفاده شد. با استفاده از نرم‌افزار spss برای تجزیه و تحلیل فرضیه‌ها از آزمون‌های tو Ancova استفاده شد. نتایج یافته‌های پژوهش حاضر نشان داد که آموزش به کمک رایانه بر یادگیری زبان‌انگلیسی (دستور و ساختار جملات، مهارت‌های نوشتاری، درک مطلب و لغات و اصطلاحات) مؤثر است. پرونده مقاله
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        23 - Social Factors Influencing Non-English Major Professors' Attitudes in Islamic Azad Universities of Third Area towards Learning English as an Academic Language (Case Study: Babol Branch)
        مریم کاویانی چراتی شعبان بریمانی ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی
        Nowadays, professors of different universities around the world with different majors need to learn English for their academic advancement and research promotion. This requires that they have positive attitudes towards English language learning. In this regard, the role چکیده کامل
        Nowadays, professors of different universities around the world with different majors need to learn English for their academic advancement and research promotion. This requires that they have positive attitudes towards English language learning. In this regard, the role of social factors can be useful. Hence, this study was an endeavor to examine the social factors influencing non-English major professors' attitudes towards English as an academic language. To this end, a questionnaire was used as a research instrument. It was administered to 100 non-English major professors of Islamic Azad University Babol Branch, Babol, Iran. The findings revealed that there was a meaningful relationship between social factors and non-English major professors' attitudes towards English language learning. In this regard, about 44/7 percent of attitudes changes related to the independent variable and the variables of the level of English language proficiency and parents and friends' encouragement are more meaningful than other variables with the probability 99 percent. Also, the role of English language proficiency is more prominent than other variables. Finally, on the basis of the findings, the study recommended that the university policy should stipulated that English should be strictly used as a language of learning and teaching with the aim of helping teachers because they need English for their academic improvement. پرونده مقاله
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        24 - Fostering Academic Vocabulary Learning: Opportunities for Explicit Learning through a Mobile-Assisted App in the Field of Applied Linguistics
        زینب عبداله پور ننفیسه اسدراده ملکی
        Over the last decade, Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) has led to an authentic and contextual language learning process across the globe (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009). It has played a pivotal role in language learning in general and vocabulary learning in particular as چکیده کامل
        Over the last decade, Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) has led to an authentic and contextual language learning process across the globe (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009). It has played a pivotal role in language learning in general and vocabulary learning in particular as a building block of academic writing. The current study examined the effect of a mobile application (i.e. AWL builder) on academic vocabulary learning among sophomore university students in applied linguistics. The study also focused on measuring students' perceptions and problems in utilizing mobile-assisted applications in acquiring English academic vocabulary. Accordingly, using convenience sampling procedures the participants were divided into experimental (N =36) and control (N = 36) groups. The experimental group used a mobile application (i.e. AWL builder), while the control group used a traditional approach. Furthermore, to answer research questions academic vocabulary pre-and post-tests and a questionnaire were employed. The findings show that the AWL group showed prominent performance in academic vocabulary tests. The current study concludes that instructors should take into account mobile devices as useful supplementary tools to enhance L2 academic word retention and include them in regular language curriculum. پرونده مقاله
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        25 - A Study of the Utility of Meta-Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Ameliorating ESP Learners’ Autonomy
        Fatemeh Jafari Nasser Ghafoori Shima Ahmadiazad
        The present study made an effort to determine the impacts of proactive and retroactive meta-cognitive strategy instruction on Iranian ESP learners’ autonomy. Furthermore, it strived to examine the degree to which the interaction between this instruction and proact چکیده کامل
        The present study made an effort to determine the impacts of proactive and retroactive meta-cognitive strategy instruction on Iranian ESP learners’ autonomy. Furthermore, it strived to examine the degree to which the interaction between this instruction and proactive/retroactive instruction conditions influenced these learners’ autonomy in their courses. To this end, first, the researchers selected 168 intermediate-level ESP learners from among the ESP learners of Islamic Azad University (Tabriz Branch) as the participants. Second, they non-randomly assigned the participants to four groups including the proactive experimental group, retroactive experimental group, proactive control group, and retroactive control group. Third, the researchers administered the autonomy pretest to all of the groups. Fourth, they used the Adobe Connect Learning Management System to provide the proactive experimental group, and the retroactive experimental group with their relevant treatments in ten sessions. Nonetheless, they used traditional language instruction techniques to provide the control groups with their instruction. Fifth, the researchers administered the autonomy posttest of the study to the participants after the end of the treatment sessions. Finally, they used SPSS 24 to analyze the data. The results showed that meta-cognitive strategy instruction ameliorated the participants’ autonomy. Moreover, the retroactive instruction condition was more efficacious than the proactive condition. In addition, the interaction between meta-cognitive strategy instruction and retroactive condition had a significant positive effect on the learners’ autonomy development. The results may provide ESP teacher educators, syllabus designers, and instructors with guiding principles regarding meta-cognitive strategy instruction. پرونده مقاله
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        26 - Technology in Teaching Translation: Problems and Challenges of Current State of Teaching Translation in Post-graduate Studies
        Mehrnaz Ganjalikhanizadeh Neda Fatehi Rad
        This study sought to investigate the problems and challenges of the current state of teaching translation in post-graduate studies. In so doing, it used a content analysis design within a qualitative method. The participants consisted of 20 (10 males and ten females) tr چکیده کامل
        This study sought to investigate the problems and challenges of the current state of teaching translation in post-graduate studies. In so doing, it used a content analysis design within a qualitative method. The participants consisted of 20 (10 males and ten females) translation teachers who were selected through purposive sampling. To collect the required data, a semi-structured interview was used in the form of individual and focus group interviews. To analyze interview data, the content of transcribed interviews was qualitatively analyzed by the researcher to identify the common themes and categories in them, based on an exploratory theme-based approach. The results of the thematic analysis of interview data led to the identification of some problems and challenges including students’ lack of willingness to learn translation, the emphasis on practical elements in teaching translation, lack of an effective teaching translation program, students’ demotivation, and so on. Moreover, a program consisting of five steps was suggested for using technology in teaching translation in post-graduate studies in Iran. The findings have some implications for translation teachers and students, and authorities. پرونده مقاله
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        27 - A TELL-Based TBLT in ESP Courses: Focus on Undergraduates’ Metacognitive Reading Comprehension Strategies
        مهناز شعله محمد رضا طالبی نژاد محسن شاهرخی
        Achievements of either CALL or TBLT methods especially in ESP courses in a globalized world demand TELL-based TBLT and online tasks to be appropriately designed and applied to ESP programs. Thus, 87 ESP learners were assigned as the control (ESP+TBLT) and experimental ( چکیده کامل
        Achievements of either CALL or TBLT methods especially in ESP courses in a globalized world demand TELL-based TBLT and online tasks to be appropriately designed and applied to ESP programs. Thus, 87 ESP learners were assigned as the control (ESP+TBLT) and experimental (ESP+TELL+TBLT) groups in this investigation. A metacognitive reading strategies questionnaire was modified and translated by the researchers. Moreover, a Computer Attitude questionnaire was employed to check the experimental participants’ interest in learning via technology. Data analysis was conducted via SPSS 24. Their metacognitive reading comprehension strategies were analyzed via a set of mixed between-within subjects’ analysis of variance (SPANOVA). Results revealed that there was a significant interaction between treatment method and time, i.e., both groups revealed a change in metacognitive reading strategies score across time, though the control group performed negatively, showing a slight decrease. The findings also indicated that while a mean difference was mathematically observed between the control and experimental groups in terms of metacognitive reading strategies, such a difference was not considered statistically significant. That is, there was no significant difference in the strategies for both groups, yet the experimental group revealed an increase in the mean scores. The experimental participants did not reach any significantly different level for metacognitive reading strategies compared to their control-group counterparts. Nonetheless, since SAMT material was instructed to learners during one academic semester, this study implied a single academic semester was not adequate time to work on and improve the learners’ metacognitive reading comprehension strategies. پرونده مقاله
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        28 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Attitudes Toward Autonomous English Learning Through the HelloTalk Mobile Application
        علی صادقی عزیزه چالاک
        This study investigated Iranian intermediate EFL learners' attitudes toward using the HelloTalk app to improve their independent learning ability. Moreover, it examined the experts’ and learners’ attitudes toward utilizing the application. The study enjoyed چکیده کامل
        This study investigated Iranian intermediate EFL learners' attitudes toward using the HelloTalk app to improve their independent learning ability. Moreover, it examined the experts’ and learners’ attitudes toward utilizing the application. The study enjoyed a quasi-experimental design. In doing so, 54 intermediate EFL learners were selected from Fargooyan Language Institute in Isfahan, Iran. In this connection, six experts in the field were also asked to review the app, complete a questionnaire, and provide written feedback to add multiple perspectives to the design. They received the TAM questionnaire for better results on the use of the app. Furthermore, the interview adopted from the TAM questionnaire was used to explore the external and internal factors involved in this type of mobile learning. The results revealed that utilizing the HelloTalk app significantly and positively affected Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ autonomy. Besides, experts and learners had a positive attitude toward using the application. The findings of this study could be fruitful for learners with enough competence but who do not know how to be autonomous through mobile applications. It could also provide insight into how technology tools and computer programs could facilitate teaching and learning English. پرونده مقاله
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        29 - The Effect of Output on Subsequent Input in EFL Contexts
        مینا کاظم زاده سعید تاکی
        This study sought to investigate the effect of output processing on subsequent input processing. To this end, a recall task was used to measure the effect of output on subsequent input processing. The participants were selected from learners of English as a foreign lang چکیده کامل
        This study sought to investigate the effect of output processing on subsequent input processing. To this end, a recall task was used to measure the effect of output on subsequent input processing. The participants were selected from learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). They were homogeneous in terms of their language proficiency. The participants were assigned to two treatment groups: one output and one non-output. The output group went through three phases beginning with writing a story in English based on four cartoon pictures. Then, they read a model story describing these cartoon pictures. Finally, they were asked to recall the story in as much detail as possible. While the non-output group went through only the last two steps (input and recall). The results showed that when the participants produced the output and then received the input, they could recall the subsequent input better. پرونده مقاله
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        30 - Relationship between Reflective Teaching and Iranian EFL Learners’ Language Achievement
        Farzaneh Abazari Behzad Ghonsooly Shahram Afraz
        Language learning and achievement are related to the skills teachers practice and the presence of expert capability such as teachers’ reflectivity. The objective of the present study was to search the extent to which EFL teachers are involved in reflective instruc چکیده کامل
        Language learning and achievement are related to the skills teachers practice and the presence of expert capability such as teachers’ reflectivity. The objective of the present study was to search the extent to which EFL teachers are involved in reflective instruction, and test the level of growing teachers’ awareness of reflective teaching which leads to students’ language achievement. Data were collected by the following instruments: a) a TOEFL test administered to 350 Iranian EFL students, b) reflective journals written by 120 Iranian EFL teachers, and c) Reflective Teaching Inventory. For the qualitative stage, 120 male and female EFL teachers from two language institutes in Kerman, the center of Iran, were selected through convenient sampling and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. After completing the treatment, a reflective teaching inventory as a post-test was given to the two groups to test the impact of the treatment. The results of the t-test indicated that the experimental group outdid the control group in taking advantage of reflective teaching components. This finding raises provocative questions regarding reflective teaching and teaching skills. پرونده مقاله
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        31 - Reflective Teaching and Practice Skills: Correlation between EFL Teachers’ Reflection and Students’ Practice
        Farzaneh Abazari Behzad Ghonsooly Shahram Afraz
        Language learning and achievement are related to the skills teachers practice and the presence of expert capability such as teachers’ reflectivity. The objective of the present study was to search the extent to which EFL teachers are involved in reflective instruc چکیده کامل
        Language learning and achievement are related to the skills teachers practice and the presence of expert capability such as teachers’ reflectivity. The objective of the present study was to search the extent to which EFL teachers are involved in reflective instruction and test the level of growing teachers’ awareness of reflective teaching which leads to students’ language achievement. Data were collected by the following instruments: a) a TOEFL test administered to 350 Iranian EFL students, b) reflective journals written by 120 Iranian EFL teachers, and c) a Reflective Teaching Inventory. For the qualitative stage, 120 male and female EFL teachers from two language institutes in Kerman, the center of Iran, were selected through convenient sampling and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. After completing the treatment, a reflective teaching inventory as a post-test was given to the two groups to test the impact of the treatment. The results of the t-test indicated that the experimental group outdid the control group in taking advantage of reflective teaching components. This finding raises provocative questions regarding reflective teaching and teaching skills. پرونده مقاله
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        32 - The Role of Vision Ignition in Enhancing Motivated Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior of ADHD Adolescents Involved in Online English Learning
        امیر ارسلان شریفی حسین حیدری تبریزی عزیزه چالاک
        Learners with ADHD, even those adapted to online instructional regulations, readily become frustrated with the typical tenor of instruction and, as a result, may stray from the core learning content. The current mixed-method study explored how manipulating these learner چکیده کامل
        Learners with ADHD, even those adapted to online instructional regulations, readily become frustrated with the typical tenor of instruction and, as a result, may stray from the core learning content. The current mixed-method study explored how manipulating these learners into envisaging their ideal L2 selves could avoid motivational pitfalls in their way to L2 learning, affecting their motivated cognition, emotion, and behavior. Based on the motivational paradigm proposed by You and Dörnyei (2014), a multifaceted construct, including the future L2 selves, L2 learning experience, and intended effort, was compared between an experimental and a control group of Iranian EFL learners. The control group only received regular language instruction, whereas the experimental one, along with this instruction, was exposed to a supplementary vision ignition intervention. The comparison of the multifaceted construct, measured by a standard Likert-scale questionnaire, revealed significant between-group differences in the overall motivational construct and the ideal L2 self. Nonetheless, the significant raises in the learners’ overall motivation and cognitive motivation failed to be reflected significantly in their emotional states and motivated behavior. Further analysis of the affective and behavioral components through interview and checklist data revealed that the intervention achieved some success in improving the short-lived learning experiences of the learners and helping them invest more time and effort in language learning. The findings may offer new insights to the broad range of practitioners and specialists eager to help learners with neurodevelopmental disabilities cultivate motivational drives required to meet educational success in today’s remotely-managed globe. پرونده مقاله
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        33 - Implication of Face-to-Face Project Based Learning in Teaching Speaking Skills
        Maryam Miraei Mohammadi Sayyed Mohammad Alavi Mohammad Khatib
        This study aimed to examine the extent of familiarity of speaking instructors with the notion of Project Based Learning (PBL) and to find the effect of face-to-face PBL method on speaking ability of university language learners at different language proficiency levels. چکیده کامل
        This study aimed to examine the extent of familiarity of speaking instructors with the notion of Project Based Learning (PBL) and to find the effect of face-to-face PBL method on speaking ability of university language learners at different language proficiency levels. To reach this goal, four university speaking instructors‟ were asked to score the learners after some sessions of instructions. Then, to have teacher education sessions, the instructors were interviewed and given handouts on the basis of PBL themes. Af- ter the teacher training, their classes were observed and video recorded. To find the effect of the instruc- tion on both teacher education and students learning, the instructors were asked to score the learners at the end of the speaking courses. To examine the differences in the speaking scores of language learners be- fore and after the teacher education, a paired samples t-test was performed. The results indicated that all participants in the groups progressed in their speaking skills by comparing their pretests and posttests. The outcomes suggest the policy makers should provide opportunities for university instructors to observe principles of PBL in language teaching and replace the traditional methods and methods with it. پرونده مقاله
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        34 - Washback Effect of the English Proficiency Test (EPT) on PhD Candidates’ Language Learning Strategies
        Golnaz Jamalifar Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        Washback has been defined as the impact of testing on curriculum design, teaching practice, and learning behaviours. The English Proficiency Test (EPT) is a high-stakes test in Iran and is prone to bring degrees of washback both at micro and macro levels. This study was چکیده کامل
        Washback has been defined as the impact of testing on curriculum design, teaching practice, and learning behaviours. The English Proficiency Test (EPT) is a high-stakes test in Iran and is prone to bring degrees of washback both at micro and macro levels. This study was an attempt to examine the washback effect of the EPT on Iranian PhD candidates’ language learning strategies. To this end, a mixed-methods approach of data collection was used to collect, analyze, and integrate quantitative and qualitative data to reach a better grasp of the research topic and enhance the validity and reliability of the information. Based on the sequential exploratory design, two phases of data collection were conducted with a two-week interval. In the first phase, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was administered to 200 students at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan). In the second phase, 20 students who filled out the questionnaire showed their willingness to participate in the interview session and write their language learning diaries. Finally, the quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed via descriptive and thematic analysis, respectively. The results showed both positive and negative washback effects on the students’ language learning strategies. The findings of this study have practical implications for EFL language teachers, syllabus designers, and material developers. پرونده مقاله
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        35 - Analyzing the Effect of Using Meta-cognitive Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
        محمدشریف حسینی
        The present paper was an endeavour to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance of a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. Also, the students’ views on the use of these strategies in EFL classes and their effect on چکیده کامل
        The present paper was an endeavour to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance of a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. Also, the students’ views on the use of these strategies in EFL classes and their effect on the writing performance were assessed. To this end, 40 intermediate learners were recruited to participate in this study. The experimental group included 20 students who adopted metacognitive writing strategies, while the control group included 20 students who followed a conventional teaching writing skill. Firstly, all participants took part in the same pre-test of writing, and the scores were recorded. Then, implementing the mentioned strategies started after running the pre-test. Finally, the students of both groups took part in the post-test and the scores were recorded carefully. Moreover, a metacognitive writing questionnaire was published to explore the views toward employing the mentioned strategies. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results indicated that the employment of metacognitive strategy significantly affected the Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance. Further, the EFL learners hold positive views on the effectiveness of the mentioned strategies regarding planning, monitoring, and evaluating their writing performance, and among all, “Monitoring” was used mainly by the participants. پرونده مقاله
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        36 - ارتباط بین استفاده از تکنیک های یادگیری با انگیزه ی فراگیری و تفکر انتقادی در بین فراگیران زبان انگلیسی در رشته بهداشت و تکنولوژی مواد غذایی
        Fariba Rahimi مریم آغایلی Esmail Hosseini
        این تحقیق با هدف کشف نوع تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان آموزی مورد استفاده دانشجویان ایرانی در رشته بهداشت و تکنولوژی مواد غذایی و همچنین یافتن رابطه بین استفاده از تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان با تفکر انتقادی و سطح انگیزش این زبان آموزان انجام شد. بدین منظور 60 شرکت کننده به صورت تصا چکیده کامل
        این تحقیق با هدف کشف نوع تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان آموزی مورد استفاده دانشجویان ایرانی در رشته بهداشت و تکنولوژی مواد غذایی و همچنین یافتن رابطه بین استفاده از تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان با تفکر انتقادی و سطح انگیزش این زبان آموزان انجام شد. بدین منظور 60 شرکت کننده به صورت تصادفی از بین دانشجویان کارشناسی در رشته بهداشت وتکنولوژی مواد غذایی انتخاب شدند. دانشجویان نامبرده که در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد شهرکرد در حال تحصیل بودند از نظر تسلط بر زبان انگلیسی از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح سریع آکسفورد (OQPT) همگن شدند. سپس، یک فهرست 50 موردی استراتژی یادگیری زبان برای شرکت‌کنندگان اجرا شد تا انواع تکنیکهای یادگیری مورد استفاده توسط آنها در طول دوره زبان آموزی خود را کشف کنند. سپس توانایی تفکر انتقادی و انگیزه شرکت کنندگان از طریق پرسشنامه های مربوطه تعیین شد. نتایج به‌دست‌آمده نشان داد که اکثر این دانشجویان استفاده از تکنیکهای شناختی را ترجیح می‌دهند. همچنین، نتایج به رابطه معنادار بین استفاده از تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان و پتانسیل تفکر انتقادی این دانشجویان و عدم وجود رابطه معنا داربین استفاده از تکنیکهای یادگیری زبان و انگیزه دانشجویان نامبرده اشاره کرد. نتایج همچنین کاربرد این یافته ها را برای دوره های فراگیری زبان برای اهداف ویژه ESP)) را ارائه می دهد. پرونده مقاله
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        37 - بررسی نظریه میدان شکل ساز در یادگیری زبان
        رزیتا ذبیحی حسن احدی
        چکیده:هدف این پژوهش مطالعه وکاربرد نظریه میدان شکل ساز در حیطه یادگیری زبان است. روش پژوهش از نوع علی- مقایسه ای بوده و جامعة آماری آن کلیه دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکز در رشته های علوم انسانی به جز زبان های خارجی بودند. با استفاده از نمونه گیری خوشه ای چکیده کامل
        چکیده:هدف این پژوهش مطالعه وکاربرد نظریه میدان شکل ساز در حیطه یادگیری زبان است. روش پژوهش از نوع علی- مقایسه ای بوده و جامعة آماری آن کلیه دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکز در رشته های علوم انسانی به جز زبان های خارجی بودند. با استفاده از نمونه گیری خوشه ای 300 دانشجوی زن و مرد انتخاب شدند. با استفاده از نرم افزار آموزش زبان سواحیلی 20 لغت صحیح انتخاب شده و سپس با درهم ریختن حروف این لغات 20 کلمه در هم ریخته نیز تهیه گردید. با نرم افزار پاورپوینت 20 قاب شامل 20 لغت صحیح و 20 لغت درهم ریخته از زبان سواحیلی تهیه شد. همسانی درونی لغت های این قاب ها براساس آلفای کرونباخ 84/0 و پایایی بازآزمایی این لغت ها نیز معادل 87/0 برآورد شد. هر قاب به مدت 10 ثانیه برای آزمودنی ها به نمایش گذاشته شده وآنها لغاتی را که صحیح تشخیص می دادند، انتخاب و یادداشت می کردند. برای تحلیل داده ها از روش آزمون دوجمله ای استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که: 1. در 13 مورد از 20 مورد، انتخاب لغات درست به طور مشخصی بیشتر از انتخاب نادرست لغات بوده است. 2. لغات درست در 25/56 درصد از موارد، توسط شرکت کنندگان انتخاب شدند. 3 . نظریه میدان شکل ساز در یادگیری مهارت کلامی پاسخگواست. 4. بین دقت ترسیم لغات صحیح و در هم ریخته زبان سواحیلی تفاوت وجود دارد. 5. بین زنان و مردان در دقت ترسیم لغات صحیح و در هم ریخته زبان سواحیلی تفاوت وجود ندارد. این یافته ها با پژوهش هایی که در سایر کشورها در مورد زبان های چینی و روسی انجام شده همخوانی دارد، بنابراین نظریة میدان شکل ساز در رابطه با جایگاه حافظه و تسهیل یادگیری در مهارت های کلامی پاسخگو است. پرونده مقاله
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        38 - ارتباط به‎کارگیری راهبردهای یادگیری و سطح مهارت فراگیران زبان انگلیسی به‎عنوان یک زبان خارجی
        مجتبی محمدی
        چکیده: هدف اصلی این تحقیق بررسی ارتباط به‎کارگیری راهبردهای یادگیری در فرآیند یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و مهارت زبانی آنها در میان دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی می‎باشد. این گروه شامل 189 دانشجوی سال اول زبان انگلیسی بوده که به روش نمونه‎گیری تصادفی گروهی از میان 368 دا چکیده کامل
        چکیده: هدف اصلی این تحقیق بررسی ارتباط به‎کارگیری راهبردهای یادگیری در فرآیند یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و مهارت زبانی آنها در میان دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی می‎باشد. این گروه شامل 189 دانشجوی سال اول زبان انگلیسی بوده که به روش نمونه‎گیری تصادفی گروهی از میان 368 دانشجوی سال اول زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی رودهن انتخاب شده‌اند. در این تحقیق از پرسش‎نامه راهبردهای یادگیری زبان آکسفورد (SILL) و نسخه آزمون سنجش بسندگی زبان انگلیسی تافل ETS)) سال 2003 استفاده شده است. یافته‌های این تحقیق نمایانگر وجود همبستگی میان به‎کارگیری راهبردهای یادگیری و سطح مهارت زبان انگلیسی این دانشجویان می‎باشد. علاوه بر این، تفاوت قابل ملاحظه‌ای بین دانشجویان دختر و پسر در به‎کارگیری راهبردهای یادگیری و سطح مهارت آنها مشاهده نشده است. پرونده مقاله
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        39 - مقایسه‌ی یادگیری زبان انگلیسی دانش‌آموزان دو زبانه با دانش‌آموزان یک زبانه
        ناصر یوسفی احمد سهرابی عذرا اعتمادی سیداحمد احمدی
        چکیده: این پژوهش به بررسی رابطه دو زبانه و یک زبانه با یادگیری زبان انگلیسی در میان دانش آموزان پسر پایه سوم مقطع راهنمایی با کنترل سه متغیر فردی(هوش)، خانوادگی وآموزشگاهی می پردازد. در این پژوهش200 دانش‌آموز پایه سوم مقطع راهنمایی(نیمی عرب زبان ونیمی فارسی زبان)از مد چکیده کامل
        چکیده: این پژوهش به بررسی رابطه دو زبانه و یک زبانه با یادگیری زبان انگلیسی در میان دانش آموزان پسر پایه سوم مقطع راهنمایی با کنترل سه متغیر فردی(هوش)، خانوادگی وآموزشگاهی می پردازد. در این پژوهش200 دانش‌آموز پایه سوم مقطع راهنمایی(نیمی عرب زبان ونیمی فارسی زبان)از مدارس ناحیه چهار اهواز به طور تصادفی خوشه ای انتخاب شدند.برای جمع آوری اطلاعات از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته،آزمون هوشی ریون وامتحان معلم ساخته پایانی برای متغیرهای کنترل و یادگیری زبان انگلیسی استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد بیشترین همبستگی ساده بین یادگیری زبان انگلیسی دانش آموز با تدریس شاگردمحور بدست آمده است.دراین پژوهش به جز متغیر های درسی محور و ترتیب تولد،بقیه متغیرها با یادگیری زبان انگلیسی رابطه داشته اند بخصوص متغیر دو زبانگی،تدریس شاگردمحور،موقعیت اقتصادی،فرهنگی خانواده،وضعیت مطلوب آموزشگاهی،تحصیلات معلم وهوش دانش آموز در معادله رگریسون مؤثر بوده اند.این متغیرها حدود 88 درصد واریانس یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را تبیین می کنند. با کنترل متغیرهای فردی،نمره زبان با دو زبانگی همبستگی معنی داری بدست آمد:( r = 47، 050/0α<). بدین ترتیب دو زبانگی بعد از کنترل برخی متغیرهای مربوط به دانش آموزان از قبیل هوش،خانواده،وضعیت، مدرسه معلم وتدریس شاگردمحور،می تواند 25درصد واریانس یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را تبیین کند که در سطح آلفای ( 05/0α<) معنی دار است.به طور کلی بعد از کنترل یا خنثی کردن متغیرهای خانوادگی،فردی وآموزشگاهی،دانش آموز دو زبانه ویک زبانه دریادگیری زبان انگلیسی با هم تفاوت معنی داری دارند.(یعنی دانش آموزان دو زبانه بیشتر از دانش آموزان یک زبانه،انگلیسی را یاد می گیرند)تحلیل کواریانس هم نتایج مشابهی نشان می دهد،که در بخش تبیین کاملاّ به آن اشاره شده است. پرونده مقاله
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        40 - نوآوری در فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی با رویکرد فرهنگ یادگیری زبانی: پارادایم اختراع مکرر چرخ در 2022
        مجتبی تیمورتاش مرتضی تیمورتاش
        چکیده-امروزه سازمانها فارغ از اینکه فعالیت آنها درمقیاس خرد یا کلان بوده و یا وسعت فعالیتشان کوچک و یا وسیع باشد، همواره باید نوآوری را سرلوحهء فعالیتهای خود قرارداده تا مسیر تعالی سازمانی خود را در بازار رقابتی و پیچیدهء پیش روی خویش با موفقیت طی نمایند. به این منظور، چکیده کامل
        چکیده-امروزه سازمانها فارغ از اینکه فعالیت آنها درمقیاس خرد یا کلان بوده و یا وسعت فعالیتشان کوچک و یا وسیع باشد، همواره باید نوآوری را سرلوحهء فعالیتهای خود قرارداده تا مسیر تعالی سازمانی خود را در بازار رقابتی و پیچیدهء پیش روی خویش با موفقیت طی نمایند. به این منظور، سازمانها در جهت غنی سازی مهمترین عنصر تاثیرگذار که همانا نیروی انسانی میباشد اهتمام میورزند چراکه فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی از اصول بنیادین در این خصوص میباشد. در این پژوهش، بر آن شدیم تا با تبیین نوآوری در فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی ، رویکرد جدید و نوینی در این حوزه ارائه داده که این امر با تطبیق فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی با فرهنگ یادگیری زبانی امکانپذیر مینمایاند. در فرهنگ یادگیری زبانی، افراد جامعه زبانی منحصرا در جهت انجام وظایف محوله در بالاترین سطح کیفی اقدام مینمایند بااین رویکرد که ضرورتی ندارد که افراد این فرهنگ به جزیئات سازندهء آن مباحث اشراف کامل داشته باشند. به بیان بهتر اینکه ضرورتی احساس نمیشود که همهء افراد در مقولهء یادگیری زبان، به نحوهء ساختن و ارائهء حروف الفبای زبانی ورود کنند و به بیان بهتر، افراد برای فراگیری زبان نیازی به اختراع سیستم آوایی جدیدی ندارند. فلذا اصطلاحی در زبان انگلیسی وجود دارد: نیاز نیست همهء استفاده کنندگان از چرخ ارابه، نحوه و مهارت فرآیند اختراع چرخ را تکرار کنند. این چنین رویکردی میتواند پارادایم نوینی در حوزهء مدیریت فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی ارائه داده و تاثیر بسزایی در ارتقاء سطح تعالی سازمانی در دنیای مدرن، پیچیده وسریع امروز ایفا نماید. پرونده مقاله