• فهرست مقالات زبان دوم

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی زبان فارسی نوشتاری معیار در نوشته‌های فضای تلگرام: بررسی تأثیر هویت زبانی و کاربرد زبان فارسی به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم
        هوشیار رشیدی عادل دست‌گشاده(نویسنده مسئول) محمد صدیق زاهدی
        این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه چکیده کامل
        این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه زبان مادری و زبان دوم هرکدام با زیرگروه‌های هویت زبانی بالا و پایین تقسیم شدند (مجموعاً چهار گروه ۲۵ نفری). سپس، صفحاتی از نوشته‌های آن‌ها در تلگرام از حیث فنی و بلاغی بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که در املا و کاربرد ویرگول، هویت زبانی در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم نقش تعیین‌کننده‌ای داشت، ولی در کاربرد نقطه، هویت زبانی فقط در گروه زبان اول مؤثر افتاد و در کاربرد علامت سوال، هویت زبانی نقش مؤثری ایفا نکرد. هم‌چنین، در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم، هویت زبانی با استفاده از تعابیر مناسب و چینش صحیح ارکان جمله توأم بود. در املا، ویرگول، علامت سؤال، تعابیر مناسب و ترتیب ارکان جمله، عامل زبان دوم بودن مؤثرتر از هویت زبانی بود ولی در حیطه کاربرد ویرگول، این عامل فقط برای گروه هویت زبانی بالا مؤثر بود. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - نقش بازخورد اصلاحی در فراگیری زبان دوم
        مهران غفوری
        چکیدهدر فرایند فراگیری زبان ایفا نموده، موضوعی داغ و بحث (corrective feedback) نقشی که بازخورد اصلاحیپژوهشگران محافظه کاری خاصی را در مورد ،(FLA) برانگیز در بین محققین بوده است. در زمینه فراگیری زبان اولمطرح م ی سازند . در هر حال، به ظاهر در زمینه فراگیری زبان دوم (nega چکیده کامل
        چکیدهدر فرایند فراگیری زبان ایفا نموده، موضوعی داغ و بحث (corrective feedback) نقشی که بازخورد اصلاحیپژوهشگران محافظه کاری خاصی را در مورد ،(FLA) برانگیز در بین محققین بوده است. در زمینه فراگیری زبان اولمطرح م ی سازند . در هر حال، به ظاهر در زمینه فراگیری زبان دوم (negative evidence) شاهد بازدارندهاجماع نظر رو به رشدی در بین اکثریت محققین در حال شک لگیری است و این اجماع نظر ، به خصوص در (SLA)اهمیت نقشی است که شاهد باز دارنده در فرآیند یادگیری زبان دوم ایفا می کند. اگرچه بازخورد اصلاحی به وضوح باهر دو وجه زبان یعنی کلامی و نوشتاری مرتبط است، اما تمرکز این بحث در کل بر روی تولیدات زبانی گفتاریخواهد بود؛ زیرا که عمده ترین بخش تحقیقات، به طور گسترده ای، بر روی این بعد زبانی صورت گرفت ه است . دردومین بخشی که در ادامه این بحث خواهیم داشت، معنای بازخورد اصلاحی و همچنین مواضع تئوری های مختلفی راکه در راستای نقش این بازخورد در فراگیری زبان دوم بررسی شده است، مورد بحث قرار می دهیم . دیگر آنکه بهمرور آن دسته از تحقیقات تجربی می پردازیم که در مورد تأثیر بازخورد اصلاحی بر امر فراگیری زبان دوم است ودر ادامه، مواردی که به شکل گسترد های در زمینه بازخورد اصلاحی به فراگیری زبان دوم مرتبط است مورد بحثقرار می گیرد.واژه های کلیدی:باز خورد اصلاحی، شاهد باز دارنده، فراگیری زبان دوم، باز خورد بازدارنده. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - تاثیر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی زبان آموزان ایرانی
        رامین رحیمی روزیتا اتابکی
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگی چکیده کامل
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگیرندگان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی را در سطح دانشگاهی ارتقاء بخشد یا خیر. به منظور یافتن پاسخ پرسش مذکور 60 ترجمه آموز سال دوم کارشناسی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح آکسفورد (OPT) از میان100 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان جامع آماری انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه جهت شرکت در آزمایش تقسیم گردیدند. سپس پیش آزمون پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی از هر دو گروه به عمل آمد و به دنبال آن گروه آزمایشی در معرض 10 جلسه تمرین متغیر مستقل شامل آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی به همراه آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو که پنج مقوله: نظام حمل ونقل، نظام آموزشی، ورزش، آداب و رسوم و جشن ها و رفتار های مذهبی را در بر میگرفت، قرار گرفت؛ در حالیکه گروه گواه از روش های موجود آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در کلاس درس بدون آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی مذکور بهره جست. پس از آن، از هر دو گروه پس آزمون نوشتار توصیفی به عمل آمد. داده های بدست آمده از طریق آزمون تی وتحلیل کوواریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند و نتیجه گرفته شد که توانایی پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان آزمودنی های گروه آزمایشی در اثر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو ارتقاء یافته است. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Second-language (L2) Research: Key Concepts and Fundamental Reconsiderations
        حسام الدین قنبر
        As conceptual models of language learning, use, and processing mature, it is both natural and necessary for the statistical models we apply to follow suit. One statistical approach with great potential in the field Applied Linguistics and L2 studies is structural equati چکیده کامل
        As conceptual models of language learning, use, and processing mature, it is both natural and necessary for the statistical models we apply to follow suit. One statistical approach with great potential in the field Applied Linguistics and L2 studies is structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM is introduced in this paper as a powerful and highly flexible family of analyses. In doing so, the paper outlines (a) the types of variables and possible modeled relationships that SEM is equipped to address and (b) statistical considerations for applying SEM in L2 research, and (c) a number of additional and key considerations for those interested in delving deeper into SEM (e.g., goodness of fit indices, model modification procedures, etc.). This paper also describes the potential of SEM to contribute to construct validation (e.g., convergent and discriminant validity). Throughout the paper, a plethora of examples pertaining to applications of SEM in L2 research are provided. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - The Relationship between First and Second Language Literacy in Writing
        سعیده آهنگری
        This paper explores the ways in which the transfer of assumptions from first language (L1) writing can help the process of writing in second language (L2). In learning second language writing skills, learners have two primary sources from which they construct a second l چکیده کامل
        This paper explores the ways in which the transfer of assumptions from first language (L1) writing can help the process of writing in second language (L2). In learning second language writing skills, learners have two primary sources from which they construct a second language system: knowledge and skills from first language and input from second language. To investigate the relative impact of first language literacy skills on second language writing ability, 60 EFL students from Tabriz Islamic Azad University were chosen as participants of this study, based on their language proficiency scores. The subjects were given two topics to write about: the experimental group subjects were asked to write in Persian and then translate their writing into English. The control group wrote in English. The results obtained in this study indicate that the content and vocabulary components of the compositions were mostly affected by the use of first language. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - Lexical and Grammatical Collocations in Writing Production of EFL Learners
        مریم بهاردوست محمد رئوف معینی
        Lewis (1993) recognized significance of word combinations including collocations by presenting lexical approach. Because of the crucial role of collocation in vocabulary acquisition, this research set out to evaluate the rate of collocations in Iranian EFL learners' wri چکیده کامل
        Lewis (1993) recognized significance of word combinations including collocations by presenting lexical approach. Because of the crucial role of collocation in vocabulary acquisition, this research set out to evaluate the rate of collocations in Iranian EFL learners' writing production across L1 and L2. In addition, L1 interference with L2 collocational use in the learner' writing samples was studied. To achieve this goal, 200 Persian EFL learners at BA level were selected. These participants were taking paragraph writing and essay writing courses in two successive semesters. As for the data analysis, mid-term, final exam, and also the assignments of L2 learners were evaluated. Because of the nominal nature of the data, chi-square test was utilized for data analysis. Then, the rate of lexical and grammatical collocations was calculated. Results showed that the lexical collocations outnumbered the grammatical collocations. Different categories of lexical collocations were also compared with regard to their frequencies in EFL writing production. The rate of the verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations appeared to be the highest and noun-verb collocations the lowest. The results also showed that L1 had both positive and negative effect on the occurrence of both grammatical and lexical collocations. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - The Comparative Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback in Process-Based Vs. Product-Based Writing Instruction on EFL Learners` Writing Performance
        ندا اوصانلو Sholeh Kolahi
        This study attempted to systematically inspect the impact of direct and indirect corrective feedbacks on the writing ability of EFL learners when using product/process based instructions. To do so, 110 female EFL learners, between the ages of 15 and 18, were randomly as چکیده کامل
        This study attempted to systematically inspect the impact of direct and indirect corrective feedbacks on the writing ability of EFL learners when using product/process based instructions. To do so, 110 female EFL learners, between the ages of 15 and 18, were randomly assigned into four experimental groups to receive four different kinds of treatments, namely product-based instruction with direct feedback, product-based instruction with indirect feedback, process-based instruction with direct feedback, and process-based instruction with indirect feedback. The treatment took 10 sessions. Analyzing the results of the two writing tests (pretest and posttest) showed that direct feedback had significant effects on EFL learners' writing in process-based instruction and product-based instruction but indirect feedback failed to show any significant effect on EFL learners' writing in both process-based instruction and product-based instruction. The results also indicated that direct feedback had significantly better impact on EFL learners writing in the process-based instruction than product-based one. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - The Effect of Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Condition on L2 Learners' Monologue Speaking Ability, Speaking Apprehension, L2 Self-Confidence, and Willingness to Communicate
        متین رامک حسین سیاه پوش مهران داوری بینا
        This study was conducted to examine the effect of asynchronous computer-mediated condition on L2 learners' speaking ability, speaking apprehension, L2 self-confidence, and willingness to communicate. The participants of this study included 40 intermediate undergraduate چکیده کامل
        This study was conducted to examine the effect of asynchronous computer-mediated condition on L2 learners' speaking ability, speaking apprehension, L2 self-confidence, and willingness to communicate. The participants of this study included 40 intermediate undergraduate students of English language teaching at an Iranian university. The participants were assigned to two experimental (asynchronous computer-mediated) and control (face-to-face) conditions randomly. In the experimental group, the participants practiced speaking in an asynchronous online environment, and in the control group, the students spent a part of their class time accomplishing monologue tasks. Using questionnaires, the participants' speaking ability, speaking apprehension, L2 self-confidence, and willingness to communicate were measured at the beginning and at the end of the term. The findings showed that the monologue speaking ability mean score of those in the computer-mediated group improved significantly more than that of the face-to-face group. Another finding of this study was the superiority of the computer-mediated condition with regard to the participants' speaking self-confidence, speaking apprehension, and willingness to communicate. Overall, the results suggest that asynchronous computer-mediated condition can provide learners with a less-threatening condition that can improve the chances of their L2 monologue speaking ability. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - The Relationship between L2 Listening Comprehension and Listening Fatigue among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        سعید نجفی صارم حمید مرعشی مسعود سیری
        Listening is referred to by many scholars as the most important as well as the most complicated skill in the language, which can cause mental fatigue in the learners. This study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between L2 listening comprehension and listen چکیده کامل
        Listening is referred to by many scholars as the most important as well as the most complicated skill in the language, which can cause mental fatigue in the learners. This study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between L2 listening comprehension and listening fatigue among Iranian EFL learners. For this purpose, 86 intermediate and upper-intermediate Iranian EFL learners randomly selected after administering a paper-based TOEFL among an initial sample of 120 BA learners majoring in English language translation, took part in the study. A TOEFL listening test and a researcher-made validated listening fatigue questionnaire were utilized in order to gather the necessary data. Afterwards, during the qualitative phase, oral interviews were employed to obtain 30 % of the participant’s’ attitudes about the relationship between listening comprehension and listening fatigue. Applying a Pearson product-moment correlation revealed that there was a significant relationship between L2 listening fatigue and their listening comprehension. These findings were also supported by a small qualitative phase and learners gave their positive support and attitude about the relationship. These findings have some pedagogical implications for teaching and learning an L2, the most important of which is that in order to enhance EFL learners’ L2 listening comprehension, it is better to reduce their debilitative listening fatigue. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - Authenticating ‘Cover to Cover’ Reader Series vis-à-vis Cultural Norms for the Iranian community
        مرجان وثوقی
        This research study was an attempt to explore hidden cultural components in an ELT textbook from Oxford University Press (OUP) titled 'Cover to Cover'. Two research methodologies were relied on to unveil the western ideologies in this series: Firstly, a qualitative revi چکیده کامل
        This research study was an attempt to explore hidden cultural components in an ELT textbook from Oxford University Press (OUP) titled 'Cover to Cover'. Two research methodologies were relied on to unveil the western ideologies in this series: Firstly, a qualitative review over its reading textbooks was undertaken for authenticating the hidden western values for Iranian contexts. At this stage, analyses over randomly chosen units of the three-volume CTC book were managed via qualitative content analysis using inductive category formation techniques. In a second stage, a focus group including English language teachers indulged in teaching this series were interviewed to enrich the data with lived experiences. Overall, the findings revealed that the hidden values in the sampled texts might transmit some counter-local perspectives against Iranian leaners' local culture. Pedagogical suggestions as to improving critical cultural awareness practices for non-native students in the light of material development practices for EFL settings were discussed at the end. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Reactions to Different Feedbacks in Writing Classrooms: Teacher Written Comments (TWC) vs. Peer Written Comments (PWC)
        میترا ربیعی
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with چکیده کامل
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for a revision. This study reports on the effectiveness of two types of feedback provided by two different sources– the teacher and the peers– on students’ overall writing quality in an EFL context. To fulfill such an aim, a group of 60 Iranian Persian native speakers aged between 22 and 25 majoring in English Translation were chosen from among a greater population of 98. They were assigned to three homogeneous groups based on their scores on Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and a sample writing assignment on a given topic by emphasizing the expository genre through providing some reasons. They covered five topics before and after receiving feedback– ten written texts– in the span of a 15-week semester. Then, the papers were rated analytically. The findings revealed that feedback had a noticeable effect on the students’ draft editing, and of the two sources of feedback, the students benefited from teacher’s feedback more than their peers’ feedback. Other possible implications interpreted from this study supported the occurrence of a change in students’ roles in communicative foreign language learning settings and that, they could take the role of autonomous learners and turn into common respondents to other students’ writings and in this way their L2 knowledge construction and implementation increased پرونده مقاله
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        12 - Teacher Autonomy and Personality Traits: A Comparative Study of Iranian Male and Female EFL Teachers
        Elaheh Fadaee Amir Marzban Shaaban Najafi Karimi
        Teacher autonomy and teacher personality, both affecting teaching and learning processes, were focused on in this gender-comparative study. The required data was gathered through convenience sampling by online distributing two sets of questionnaires, which were responde چکیده کامل
        Teacher autonomy and teacher personality, both affecting teaching and learning processes, were focused on in this gender-comparative study. The required data was gathered through convenience sampling by online distributing two sets of questionnaires, which were responded by 156 Iranian EFL teachers, including both males and females. Then, SPSS-26 was used to analyze the data in this quantitative correlational survey to answer the two research questions, and the results indicated that a) among the five sub-constructs of personality traits, the Extraversion construct stayed on the first place according to its correlation degree to teacher autonomy, which was assessed very strong; b) male teachers naturally felt more sense of autonomy than females did; also, they are more extraverted, open, and conscientious than female teachers. Finally, Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was applied to support the acquired results. This survey can be best suited for EFL teachers to become more sensitive about their personality constructs. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - Motivation and International Posture of Multiple Language Learners in Burundi Urban and Rural Settings
        Elvis Nizigama Ali Mohammad Fazilatfar Ali Akbar Jabbari Mohammad Rezai
        AbstractThe present study compares the motivation of Burundi junior high school students from urban and rural settings to learn L2 French and L3 English, mainly focusing on Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) L2 Motivational Self System. A total of 348 (grade 7 through 9) چکیده کامل
        AbstractThe present study compares the motivation of Burundi junior high school students from urban and rural settings to learn L2 French and L3 English, mainly focusing on Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) L2 Motivational Self System. A total of 348 (grade 7 through 9) pupils participated in the present study which used a 40-item questionnaire to collect the data. The results indicated that the students from both learning contexts have distinct motivational dispositions for learning both French and English. French is more popular among rural school learners while English enjoys more popularity among urban school students. Moreover, region-specific differences were found in the participants with learners from rural schools exhibiting more positive motivation to learn both languages than their urban counterparts. The results also revealed that, independent of the region, L2 learning experience and ideal L2 self were the two variables that respectively predicted most the students’ intended effort to learn each target language. One region and language-related difference was that the variable of international posture emerged as a significant contributor to the students’ intended language learning effort only among urban school learners uniquely in relation to their English learning. In the light of the results of this study, pedagogical implications are provided. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - The Relationship between Iranian English Learners’ Linguistic Intelligence and their Writing Ability, and Writing Assessment Criteria
        موسی احمدیان سمانه حسینی
        Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms o چکیده کامل
        Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms of language. This new theory of intelligence which gives emphasis to learner variable has been used in language learning and teaching settings. The present paper studies possible relationship between L2 learners’ linguistic intelligence and their writing ability, and writing assessment criteria. 33 female homogeneous Persian speaking EFL learners participated in this study. The instruments used were the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales (MIDAS), designed by Shearer (1996), and the participants’ two writings. The linguistic intelligence index was taken from the MIDAS and the participants' average scores on two writing tasks were used as an index of writing products. The writings were scored based on Jacobs et al.’s scale of five criteria: content, organisation, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. The correlational analysis of the results revealed a significant relationship between participants' linguistic intelligence and their performance on writing. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis showed that among all five criteria, vocabulary shows higher correlation with linguistic intelligence. Possible implications of the findings for language teaching and teaching writing will be discussed. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - Understanding the Misunderstood: An Insight into the ESL Student
        زهره اسلامی راسخ تریشیا کر
        English is now considered a global language used for communication in diverse settings and between interlocutors with different linguistic and cultural background (Eslami, 2013). As a result, there are increasingly more culturally and linguistically diverse students lea چکیده کامل
        English is now considered a global language used for communication in diverse settings and between interlocutors with different linguistic and cultural background (Eslami, 2013). As a result, there are increasingly more culturally and linguistically diverse students learning English for social, economic, and educational purposes. This diversity can be overwhelming to teachers, particularly those that have not had meaningful interactions with people different from themselves and for those ill prepared to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners (CLDLs) (Arias & Poyner, 2001). The lack of teacher preparation for second language student requires further investigation and examination if we are to create institutions of learning that are equitable and fair for all. This paper addresses the challenges that English as a Second Language (ESL) students face in English dominant countries such as the United States. We also provide research-based instructional suggestions for teachers to address the needs of CLDLs. To this end, the tenets of culturally responsive teaching are also discussed. The review has implications worldwide for teaching English to the culturally and linguistically diverse while validating the students’ first language and culture. پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Failure in Communication in a Second Language Context, a Threat to Identity
        مهرداد عرفانیان جلیلی غلامرضا زارعی
        The present study investigated the effect of L2 communication failure on the identity of an individual. As identity is a social construct and a function of communication and group membership, we aimed to investigate how failure in language use by itself, as a dimension چکیده کامل
        The present study investigated the effect of L2 communication failure on the identity of an individual. As identity is a social construct and a function of communication and group membership, we aimed to investigate how failure in language use by itself, as a dimension of socialization process, can influence an individual’s identity. To study the effect of communication failure on the mental states of individuals, 25 adult subjects of both genders, 13 men and 12 women having had a failing experience of L2 communication in L2 context were randomly selected. An in-depth interview including and reflecting the feelings of the research participants at the time of their unsuccessful communication rendered much information about the social effects of such failure. A qualitative analysis of the interviews revealed that communication failure resulting from low language proficiency can threaten a person’s identity not only in the second language, but also to some extent in the first language. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - Undergraduate Argumentative Writing in English as a Foreign Language: a Gendered Perspective
        عباس زارعی شینا کوار
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumenta چکیده کامل
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumentative writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) in terms of lexical and discoursal features. Around 100 Persian-speaking male and female EFL learners with insignificant differences in English proficiency at the time of the study and with similar background literacy experiences performed an opinion-based writing task under exam conditions. Combined corpus analysis and discourse analysis techniques were used to describe and compare their texts in terms of writing quality, lexical properties, and rhetorical organization. Results showed that a) male learners received significantly higher mean scores in the content and organization of their argumentative writing (t= 2.03 and 2.08 respectively, p≤ 0.04); b) female EFL learners wrote less assertively and expressed positions more obscurely as shown in the analysis of their topic sentences; and c) While male learners used both inductive and deductive overall organizations for their texts, most female learners (74.4%) wrote more deductively. Results of concordance and keyword analyses through Wordsmith Tools also illustrated that learners’ social and ideological contexts of gender contributes to their approach to academic writing in English. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - Investigating the Effects of Online and Traditional Modes of Corrective Feedback on the Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Quality
        Sahar Farrahi Avval Hassan Asadollahfam Bahram Behin
        Corrective feedback (CF) is an inseparable part of second language acquisition (SLA) and has been the focus of numerous studies since the concept of CF was introduced in the field of SLA. This study focused on investigating the differences between two modes of providing چکیده کامل
        Corrective feedback (CF) is an inseparable part of second language acquisition (SLA) and has been the focus of numerous studies since the concept of CF was introduced in the field of SLA. This study focused on investigating the differences between two modes of providing CF, namely, online and traditional modes, which would affect Iranian EFL learners’ writing ability. To serve this purpose, 317 EFL learners from four language schools in Tabriz took the TOEFL: 271 participants scored between 477 and 510, the scores of 164 of them fell between ±1SD, and 66 of them agreed to participate in the study who were asked to deliver a 200-word composition. Their compositions were analyzed based on CAF (complexity, accuracy, and fluency). They were then divided into two groups; one group underwent a treatment of 10 sessions of online chatting (1 hour each session), and the other group was asked to deliver 10 writing tasks. Afterward, all participants were asked to deliver another 200-word writing task. These tasks were analyzed based on the CAF criteria. The obtained results proved a significant difference between the writing ability of the participants receiving CF through online sessions and that of those receiving CF in traditional mode. The findings implicate that EFL teachers could be encouraged and allowed to use up-to-date ways of providing CF if more development in the teaching and learning of English as a second language is anticipated. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Unique Language Acquisition Device Construction in Second Language Acquisition Process: Grounded Theory
        Milad Omidi Hamid Reza Khalaji Keyvan Mahmoudi
        In this study, the perceptions of selected experienced English teachers about the construction of their unique language acquisition device (LAD) in the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) process is investigated. The grounded theory and constructive design were employed a چکیده کامل
        In this study, the perceptions of selected experienced English teachers about the construction of their unique language acquisition device (LAD) in the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) process is investigated. The grounded theory and constructive design were employed and open, axial, and selective coding after semi-structured interviews ranging from 30 to 90 was used. The teachers' perceptions showed seven categories related to the construction of their unique LAD, namely, (a) unique environment; (b) Psychological problems; (c) genetic factors; and (d) cyberspace. Perceptions showed that the following mentioned factors have been affected uniquely by those mentioned categories separately and uniquely. Factors such as motivation, interest, self-confidence, self-esteem, attitude, viewpoint, opinion, intentions, learning styles and strategies, exposure to the TL, rate of acquisition, acquisition progress, IQ and intelligence, social interaction, mental status, memory capacity, concentration, learning potential, metaphorical thinking, and ideology so that they would be equipped with the unique language acquisition device (ULAD) in SLA. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - A Transformational Shift through Pedagogical Translanguaging: English Language Teaching and the Content of Courses
        Mohammad Iman Askari Mahsa Ranjbar
        Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and considerable reliance on virtual education and communication, the language acquisition contexts are focusing on the transformational shift in pedagogies applying multilingual communicative capacities like ‘translanguaging’. P چکیده کامل
        Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and considerable reliance on virtual education and communication, the language acquisition contexts are focusing on the transformational shift in pedagogies applying multilingual communicative capacities like ‘translanguaging’. Perhaps the best academic resources to explore about the issue are translation-oriented courses taught through typical teaching strategies in academic English programs. The issue led to reinforcement of considering pedagogical translanguaging within English Language Teaching (ELT) context among EFL learners who attend the related courses of the ELT programs focusing on translation skills. Thus, a sequential explanatory mixed design was selected to study the possible transformation resulted by translanguaging among EFL learners and teachers in the current study. As the pedagogical implications of the study, it is possible to declare that translanguaging within EFL context is considered as an influential strategy in helping teachers and learners to benefit from bilingual capacities in providing and understanding the content of courses. The issue also emphasizes on the transformational shift among the scholars and experts of the EFL context to have a new look over the role of translation, as an interactive code-switching procedure between First Language (L1) and Second Language (L2), which is not banning the language learners’ linguistic repertoire application. پرونده مقاله
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        21 - Impact of Needs Analysis on Intermediate Learners' L2 Writing Development
        Sara Zafari Hossein Heidari Tabrizi َAzizeh Chalak
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedag چکیده کامل
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedagogical components that must be included or excluded to cater to the needs and preferences of learners. This research study specifically focused on the impact of user needs analysis on enhancing the writing ability of L2 learners. The study involved 128 intermediate English language learners from Iran who were enrolled in two private language centers and were fortuitously split up into an experimental or a control group. The researchers employed interview and questionnaire data to tailor the syllabus according to the learners' requirements, while the control group gained instructions based on the general outline of the institute. The outcomes revealed a significant difference in the average score of the learners in the experimental group in comparison to those in the control group. These outcomes suggest that performing a needs analysis at the outset of each course, based on empirical data that captures individual groups' needs and wants, is crucial for adjusting the pedagogical approaches accordingly. پرونده مقاله
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        22 - Wiki-based Collaborative Writing in EFL Classrooms: Writing Accuracy in Focus
        محمدشریف حسینی محمد بوالی رضا رضوانی
        Wikis, as one of the Web social networking tools, have been increasingly integrated into second language instruction to promote collaborative writing. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the use of wikis as a collaborative tool affected language learners&rs چکیده کامل
        Wikis, as one of the Web social networking tools, have been increasingly integrated into second language instruction to promote collaborative writing. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the use of wikis as a collaborative tool affected language learners’ writing accuracy. To this end, 72 EFL learners were selected from a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. The selection of participants were based on the results of their OPT test scores (among 80 students). They were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups. The participants of experimental group were asked to upload their writing assignments in the teacher- created wiki site where they edited and corrected their classmates’ writings and sometimes discussed their writing topics. On the other hand, the control group delivered their writing assignments to the teacher for corrections and corrective comments. The participants’ performances in pre-test and post-test were compared. The obtained results indicated that the participants in the experimental group significantly outperformed their counterparts in the control group in terms of writing accuracy. The results confirmed the positive effect of teaching writing through wiki. پرونده مقاله
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        23 - بررسی و ارزشیابی کمی دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی زبان انگلیسی در ایران
        پرویز بیرجندی مانیا نصرتی نیا
        چکیده: هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی و ارزیابی دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی زبان انگلیسی می باشد. با وجود اینکه حدودا هشت سال از تشکیل این دوره می گذرد اما از ابتدای تشکیل هیچ نوع ارزیابی از این رشته انجام نشده است. به منظور انجام ارزشیابی حاضر، بعد از مطالعه بیش از چکیده کامل
        چکیده: هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی و ارزیابی دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی زبان انگلیسی می باشد. با وجود اینکه حدودا هشت سال از تشکیل این دوره می گذرد اما از ابتدای تشکیل هیچ نوع ارزیابی از این رشته انجام نشده است. به منظور انجام ارزشیابی حاضر، بعد از مطالعه بیش از 30 مدل ارزشیابی ابتدا مدل 2002) CIPP (Stufflebeam, که برای این تحقیق مناسبتر از بقیه مدلها بود انتخاب شد و سوالات تحقیق بر اساس چهار قسمت این مدل (Context, Input, Process, and Product) به شرح زیر نوشته شدند: 1- مهمترین مهارتهای زبانی(عمومی- آکادمیک) دانشجویان دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مترجمی زبان انگلیسی از نظر مدیران گروه، استادان و خود دانشجویان کدامند؟ 2- آیا برنامه آموزشی این دوره بر مبنای اهداف مصوبه شورای عالی برنامه ریزی وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی طرح ریزی و اجرا شده است ؟ 3- آیا در مورد ارزیابی دانش ومیزان تسلط دانشجویان روی مهارتهای زبانی، بین نظر استادان و دانشجویان هماهنگی وجود دارد؟ 4- به عنوان شاخص ونشان دهنده میزان موفقیت یا عدم موفقیت این دوره، آیا بین دانش و مهارتهایی که دانشجویان در این دوره کسب می نمایند و میزان رضایت آنان رابطه ای وجود دارد؟ اولین گام درجهت انجام این تحقیق نیاز سنجی جامعه ای بود که نیازها و اهداف دانشجویان، همچنین مشکلات زبانی و ترجمه ای آنها را در این دوره نشان دهند. این نیاز سنجی از طریق مشاهده کلاسی، انجام مصاحبه، تهیه و توزیع پرسشنامه ها در کلیه واحدهای دانشگاهی (سراسری و آزاد) که این رشته در آنها تدریس می شود (بغیر از واحد چابهار) انجام گرفت. بطور کلی اطلاعات بدست آمده حا کی از آن است که هدف اول این دوره آموزشی یعنی "تربیت مترجمان زبده در زمینه های علوم انسانی، علوم اجتماعی وغیره" که مورد نیاز جامعه می باشد چنا نکه باید وشاید تحقق پیدا نکرده است. بنظر می رسد که رفع این نا رسا یی نیاز به بررسی و انجام اقدامات اصلاحی نیاز دارد که امید می رود با راهنمایی و نظریات استادان و مسئولین امر به مرحله اجرا گذاشته شود. پرونده مقاله