• List of Articles Nigeria

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        1 - Islamic Education in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (1893-1960)
        Oladiti Abiodun Akeem Kamal-deen Olawale Sulaiman
        This paper examines how the growth of Islamic literacy and the Muslims participation in Western education were influenced since 1893 to 1960 when the British authorities compelled to agree whit establishing and improving the Muslim educational institutions and so the sc More
        This paper examines how the growth of Islamic literacy and the Muslims participation in Western education were influenced since 1893 to 1960 when the British authorities compelled to agree whit establishing and improving the Muslim educational institutions and so the schools promoted Islamic culture and thought as well as Arabic language. They maintained regulation and control of the structure, curriculum and teachers of the school. It seems that the schools promoted religious pluralism among the various religious groups in Ibadan. The study also notes that the British did not support Islamic groups financially to build their school and suggesting that the genuine interest in reducing the imbalance between western education among Muslims and Christians in Ibadan is in doubt. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identification and Assessment of Key Political Risk Factors Influencing Corporate Performance of International Construction Companies in North- Eastern (NE), Nigeria
        John Adebiyi abriel Sanni
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Nexus between Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage in Nigeria: A Cultural Inhibition to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
        Olukemi Adebola
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Synergy between Gender Socialization and Women Unpaid Care Work in Nigeria: Implication for the Sustainable Development Goals
        Olukemi Grace Adebola
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Challenges and Strategic Imperatives of Nigeria’s Defense and Internal Security Measures since the Fourth Republic
        Nse Etim Akpan
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Macroeconomic Determinants of Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria: an Asymmetric Non-Linear Approach
        Oluwaseyi Adelowokan Musa Olanrewaju Olanrewaju Oduola Rahmon Popoolac
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Factors Affecting Health Seeking Behavior among Rural Dwellers in Nigeria and its Implication on Rural Livelihood
        Edward Omeire
      • Open Access Article

        8 - An Analysis of the Influence of Radio Political Campaign Messages on Voters’ Electoral Behavior in Kano, Nigeria
        Hamid Abdollahyan Aliyu Machika
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Poverty, Illiteracy cum Prosperity Theology: A Quantitative Study
        Don Enahimion Okosun
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Role of Microfinance in Poverty Reduction in the Bauchi State of Nigeria
        Emmanuel Kaka
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Relationship between Corporate Reputation and Customer Loyalty on Nigerian Food and Beverages Industry: PLS Approach
        A. H. Gorondutse H. Hilman M. Nasidi
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Augmented Dickey Fuller and Johansen Co-integration Tests of Oil Price Volatility and Stock Price in Emerging Capital Market: A Case of Nigeria
        E. Godsday Okoro
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        13 - Technical Efficiency of Nigerian Insurance Companies: A Data Envelopment Analysis and Latent Growth Curve Modelling Approach
        Jaiyeoba Jaiyeoba Haruna Babatunde Razali Haron
      • Open Access Article

        14 - فعالیت ضد باکتریایی گیاهان دارویی نیجریه به عنوان دارو برای مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی: یک بررسی سیستماتیک
        آدام مصطفی اوبی چیدیبر فاسوگبون ویکتور مشلیا باتا نوحو تانکو مایکل یاکوبو زنوح علی آلگب دیوید
        Background & Aim: Antibiotic resistance is one of the global public health threats facing modern health care system. The development of new effective agents has been challenging. Thus, the interest in the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of bacterial infect More
        Background & Aim: Antibiotic resistance is one of the global public health threats facing modern health care system. The development of new effective agents has been challenging. Thus, the interest in the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of bacterial infections has increased. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review Nigerian medicinal plants with antibacterial activity.Experimental: This study retrieved data from published articles on Nigerian medicinal plants with antibacterial activity. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were adopted. A systematic search of PUBMED CENTRAL was conducted. The included studies were those published in peer-reviewed English language journals between 1st January 2000 and 31st December 2020 and reported on the key terms; Nigerian medicinal plants with antibacterial activity. Results: The database searches yielded a total of 817 results, and 765 articles were ineligible. After reviewing relevant titles and abstracts, a total of 52 articles on antibacterial were retrieved for full text review. After extensive review of each article, 13 articles were excluded and a total of 39 articles were retained. Furthermore, 4 articles were also removed due to lack of specific compounds stated. Finally, only 35 articles met the inclusion criteria for the assessment of antibacterial activity of Nigerian medicinal plants. The narrative synthesis of the included studies revealed different plants families with broad activities against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Among the bacterial isolates, Staphylococcus aureus was tested more, followed by Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the bacteria were subjected to 97 medicinal plants species for antibacterial activity.Recommended applications/industries: The results from this study reveal that many Nigerian medicinal plants contain bioactive compounds with potentials of antibacterial activity and suggest that they could be employed as alternative in the treatment of bacterial infections after safety profiles is appraised. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Study of the Grounds of Formation and Growth of Islamic Radicalism in Nigeria: Case Study of Boko Haram
        Abolghasem Shahriari Mohaddaseh Jazaei Sara Akbari
        Abstract From nearly two decades ago the fundamentalist groups expanded their organized activities in the whole Africa continent and displayed a wave of Islamic radicalism in several African Countries. One of the recent groups that has been radicalized is Boko Haram in More
        Abstract From nearly two decades ago the fundamentalist groups expanded their organized activities in the whole Africa continent and displayed a wave of Islamic radicalism in several African Countries. One of the recent groups that has been radicalized is Boko Haram in Nigeria. The article attempts to examine this group as a case study and evaluate the process of formation of Islamic radicalism in Nigeria. The paper takes the help of Alain Touraine’s theory of social movements to explain this question that, what are the factors that prepared the ground for the emergence and growth of Islamic radicalism in Nigeria? The underlying hypothesis of the paper is that internal variables like widespread poverty in Muslim inhabited areas as compared to Christian region, absence of effective participation in political arena, the existence of deep rooted ethnic conflicts, the feeling of losing identity in a secular government accompanied by external factor like the support of international terrorist groups have led to radicalization and resort to violence by Boko Haram. The finding of the study shows that for reducing human and financial losses of Boko Haram, alternative strategies to confrontation should be substituted so that the intensity of attack decreased and no new forces join them. Therefore, in the first step use of strategy of compromise and persuasion can be a suitable way for stopping Boko Haram attacks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - اثر سویه، سن و ارتباط بین کیفیت خارجی و داخلی تخم مرغ در دو سویه از طیور تخم‌گذار در مناطق جلگه‌ای گینه شمالی در نیجریه
        ام. کبیر آر.اُ. سلیمان آر.کا. ادریس اس.بی. آبدو اُ.ام. دائودو اس.ام. یاشیم ام.آر. حسن اچ.وای. آدامو ان.ام. اچه تی.اس. اُلوگبمی آی.آی. آددیبو
        آزمایشی برای تعیین تفاوت­های موجود در وزن بدن (BW)، مصرف خوراک (FI) و برخی از صفات تولید تخم دو سویه از طیور تخم‌گذار (ایسا بران و نرا بلاک) و تعیین همبستگی بین صفات مورد بررسی صورت گرفت. مطالعه در سن 26 هفتگی مرغان تخم‌گذار آغاز شد و مجموع 200 مرغ (100 مرغ از هر سو More
        آزمایشی برای تعیین تفاوت­های موجود در وزن بدن (BW)، مصرف خوراک (FI) و برخی از صفات تولید تخم دو سویه از طیور تخم‌گذار (ایسا بران و نرا بلاک) و تعیین همبستگی بین صفات مورد بررسی صورت گرفت. مطالعه در سن 26 هفتگی مرغان تخم‌گذار آغاز شد و مجموع 200 مرغ (100 مرغ از هر سویه) مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. 60 تخم مرغ تازه (30 تخم از هر سویه) در هفته­های 26، 32 و 38 تخم‌گذاری جمع آوری شد. نتایج تجزیه واریانس اثر اصلی سویه، تفاوت­های معنی‌دار (05/0>P) در BW را نشان می­دهد که ایسا بران (IB) دارای وزن سنگین­تری (1978 گرم) نسبت به نرا بلاک (NB) بود (1887 گرم). در هر حال، سویه بر FI اثری نداشت. مقادیر صفات کیفیت خارجی تخم مرغ برای وزن تخم مرغ، وزن پوسته تخم مرغ و ضخامت پوسته تخم مرغ به ترتیب به صورت 06/58 گرم در مقابل 26/54 گرم، 4/5 گرم در مقابل 00/5 گرم و 44/0 میلی‌متر در مقابل 31/0 میلی‌متر بود که مقادیر مربوطه برای سویه IB بیشتر بود. در‌حالی‌که مقادیر صفات کیفیت داخلی تخم مرغ برای وزن سفیده، وزن زرده و ارتفاع زرده به ترتیب به صورت 46/36 گرم در مقابل 60/33 گرم، 60/15 گرم در مقابل 26/12 گرم و 86/1 سانتی‌متر در مقابل 62/1 سانتی‌متر بود که مقادیر مربوطه برای سویه IB بیشتر بود. صفات دیگر (طول تخم مرغ، عرض تخم مرغ، ارتفاع سفیده و واحد هاو) به وسیله سویه تحت تأثیر قرار نگرفتند. اثر اصلی سن نشان داد که بیشتر صفات داخلی و خارجی تخم مرغ با افزایش سن مرغ­های تخم‌گذار کاهش یافت. وزن زرده با افزایش سن مرغ­های تخم‌گذار افزایش یافت که این مطلب اشاره ضمنی به این موضوع دارد که تخم مرغ­های پرندگان جوان­تر دارای مقدار کلسترول کمتری هستند. تجزیه همبستگی برای بیشتر صفات مورد مطالعه مثبت بود. BW به طور مثبت و معنی­داری (05/0>P) با FI (73/0) و وزن تخم مرغ (54/0) همبسته بود. نتیجه گرفته می­شود که سن از نظر عددی بیشتر صفات کیفیت مورد مطالعه را کاهش داد، درحالیکه سویه اثر معنی­داری بر BW داشت و برخی از صفات کیفیت تخم مرغ در سویه ایسا بران دارای عملکرد بهتری نسبت به سویه نرا بلاک در مناطق جلگه­ای منطقه گینه شمالی در نیجریه هستند. Manuscript profile
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        17 - انواع ژنتیکی ترانسفرین در اکوتیپ فولانی و یوروبا جوجه‌های بومی نیجریه
        آ.اُ. ایگ آ.ای. سالاکو
        جوجه­های اکوتیپ فولانی (FEC) و جوجه‌های اکوتیپ یوروبا (YEC) دو نوع اصلی جوجه‌های بومی در نیجریه هستند. آنها در شرایط پرورش سنتی زندگی می‌کنند و بنابراین آمیزش آنها سیستم خاصی ندارد و تنوع ژنتیکی آنها از بین رفته است. FEC و YEC جهت تعیین تنوع ژنتیکی جایگاه ژنی ترانسف More
        جوجه­های اکوتیپ فولانی (FEC) و جوجه‌های اکوتیپ یوروبا (YEC) دو نوع اصلی جوجه‌های بومی در نیجریه هستند. آنها در شرایط پرورش سنتی زندگی می‌کنند و بنابراین آمیزش آنها سیستم خاصی ندارد و تنوع ژنتیکی آنها از بین رفته است. FEC و YEC جهت تعیین تنوع ژنتیکی جایگاه ژنی ترانسفرین با استفاده از الکتروفورز استات سلولز و ایجاد ارتباط ژنتیکی در درون و میان این دو اکوتیپ مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. روش مستقیم شمارش ژن برای تفسیر نتایج پس از الکتروفورز مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. از آماره‌های توصیفی دیرینه شناسی (PAST) برای ایجاد دندوگرامی استفاده شد که برای اندازه‌گیری تشابه ژنتیکی بکار گرفته می‌شود. ترانسفرین بر اساس پنج فنوتیپ (AA، AB، BB، AC و BC) تفسیر می‌شود که توارث آنها از نظر ژنتیکی توسط سه آلل هم بارز (TfA، TfB و TfC) کنترل می‌شود. فراوانی‌های ژنی TfA، TfB و TfCدر YEC به ‌ترتیب 35/0، 2/0 و 43/0 و در FEC به ‌ترتیب 21/0، 32/0 و 44/0 بود. درحالیکه فراوانی‌های ژنوتیپی برای YEC به ترتیب 5/12، 10، 75، 35، 5/17 و 15 درصد و برای FEC به ‌ترتیب 19/11، 5/2، 6/16، 2/22 و 7/27 درصد بودند. خوشه‌های اصلی مشاهده شده از روی دندوگرام نشان می‌دهند که 72 درصد تشابه ژنتیکی در FEC، 58 درصد تشابه ژنتیکی در YEC و 70 درصد تشابه ژنتیکی بین FEC و YEC وجود دارد. هیچ ارتباط ژنتیکی بین ترانسفرین و صفات فنوتیپی (جنسیت، رنگ پر و بال و نوع تاج) وجود نداشت. در نتیجه، دو جمعیت از نظر جایگاه ژنی ترانسفرین ارتباط نزدیکی با هم دارند. باید در ارتباط با نشانگرهای پروتئینی دیگر و در سطح DNA مطالعات بیشتری صورت گیرد و در جهت جلوگیری از حذف بیشتر این جوجه‌ها و توسعه نژادهای لاین جوجه در نیجریه باید روش‌های حفاظتی بکار گرفته شوند. Manuscript profile
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        18 - آنالیز ژنتیکی جمعیت‌های بُز بومی نیجریه با استفاده از نشانگرهای ریزماهواره
        اُ.آ. اُجو جی.ن. آکپا م. اُرونمویی آی.آ. آدیینکا م. کبیر سی. آلفونسوس
        این مطالعه با هدف تعیین رابطه ژنتیکی بین چهار جمعیت تاریخی بُز بومی نیجریه صورت گرفته است. 200 بُز از سه نژاد به نام­های ساحل (60)، سوکوتو قرمز (60)، کوتوله غرب آفریقا (60) و سویه قهوه­ای کانو (20) در این مطالعه به کار برده شدند. نمونه­های بافت از گوش حیوانا More
        این مطالعه با هدف تعیین رابطه ژنتیکی بین چهار جمعیت تاریخی بُز بومی نیجریه صورت گرفته است. 200 بُز از سه نژاد به نام­های ساحل (60)، سوکوتو قرمز (60)، کوتوله غرب آفریقا (60) و سویه قهوه­ای کانو (20) در این مطالعه به کار برده شدند. نمونه­های بافت از گوش حیوانات با استفاده از پانچ گوش آلفلکس جمع­آوری گردیده و در لوله­های پلاستیکی حاوی ماده نگهدارنده بافت آلفلکس قرار داده شدند. استخراج DNA تکثیر و توالی­یابی در موسسه بین­المللی تحقیقات حیوانات اهلی (ILRI) نایروبی کنیا انجام شد. آنالیز ژنتیکی DNA با استفاده از 25 نشانگر پیشنهاد شده مشترکاً توسط سازمان خواربار و کشاورزی ملل متحد (FAO) و انجمن بین­المللی ژنتیک حیوانی (ISAG) انجام شد. نتایج حاصل از این مطالعه نشان داد که بالاترین هتروزیگوتی به ترتیب در بُزهای قهوه­ای کانو (04/0±68/0) و سوکوتو قرمز (04/0±64/0) دیده شده و کمترین مقدار نیز در کوتوله غرب آفریقا (05/0±58/0) دیده می­شود. در کُل جمعیت بُزها، همخونی اندکی مشاهده گردیده و میانگین Fis و Fit به ترتیب 105/0 و 129/0 بود. همان­گونه که انتظار می­رفت، جمعیت­های سوکوتو قرمز و قهوه­ای کانو بالاتری قرابت ژنتیکی را داشتند (فاصله ژنتیکی برابر با 022/0). این موضوع تأیید می­کند که قهوه­ای کانو یک سویه از نژاد سوکوتو قرمز است. جریان ژنی (Nm) نقش مهمی در یکنواختی ژنتیکی در جمعیت­هایی که از نظر جغرافیایی همسایگی نزدیکی داشتند، ایفا می­کرد (868/14). دندروگرام نیز درجه مطابقت قابل توجهی با منشا جغرافیایی در این کشور داشت. اطلاعات حاصل از این مطالعه در توسعه، کاربرد و حفاظت از بُزهای بومی نیجریه مفید واقع می­شوند. Manuscript profile
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        19 - صفات کمّی مربوط به شکل ظاهری و همبستگی بین وزن بدن و صفات اندازه بدن در جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Isa Brown و Ilorin
        T.R. Fayeye J.K. Hagan A.R. Obadare
        روی داده‌های جمع‌آوری شده 400 جوجه در سال 2012 تجزیه واریانس دو‌طرفه صورت گرفت تا وزن بدن، صفات کمّی شکل ظاهری و همچنین همبستگی بین وزن بدن و صفات کمّی شکل ظاهری در جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Isa Brown و Ilorin برآورد شوند. صفات کمی شکل ظاهری مورد مطالعه شامل طول تاج، طول نوک، طول More
        روی داده‌های جمع‌آوری شده 400 جوجه در سال 2012 تجزیه واریانس دو‌طرفه صورت گرفت تا وزن بدن، صفات کمّی شکل ظاهری و همچنین همبستگی بین وزن بدن و صفات کمّی شکل ظاهری در جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Isa Brown و Ilorin برآورد شوند. صفات کمی شکل ظاهری مورد مطالعه شامل طول تاج، طول نوک، طول سر، طول گردن، طول بدن، طول بال، طول استخوان شانک، طول ساق پا، طول انگشتان، طول سینه و تنفس سینه‌ای بودند. نتایج نشان داد که ژنوتیپ، جنسیت و اثر متقابل ژنوتیپ و جنسیت به طور معنی‌داری (05/0>P) بر وزن بدن و مقادیر صفات کمی شکل ظاهری اثر می‌گذارند. جوجه‌های Isa Brown دارای وزن بدن هنگام بلوغ بالاتری (05/0>P) نسبت به جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Ilorin بودند. جوجه‌های Isa Brown در تمامی صفات کمی شکل ظاهری به استثنای طول انگشتان بالاتر (05/0>P) از جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Ilorin بودند. پرندگان نر دارای وزن بدن بالاتری بوده (05/0>P) و از نظر بیشتر صفات کمی شکل ظاهری نسبت به ماده‌ها مقادیر بالاتری را به خود اختصاص دادند. اثر متقابل بین ژنوتیپ و جنسیت برای تمامی صفات وزن بدن و شکل ظاهری به استثنای طول سینه و تنفس سینه‌ای معنی‌دار بود (05/0>P). صفات کمی شکل ظاهری اندازه‌گیری شده در پرندگان جوان به استثنای وزن بال در جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Isa Brown و طول سینه در جوجه‌های Ilorin با وزن بدن به طور معنی‌داری (05/0>P) همبسته بود (95/0-68/0). همبستگی بین صفات وزن بدن و صفات شکل ظاهری در جوجه‌های بالغ Isa Brown نسبت به این همبستگی‌ها در جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Ilorin بالاتر بود (95/0-27/0 در مقابل 91/0-02/0). همبستگی منفی معنی‌دار بین وزن بدن و طول نوک (72/0-) در جوجه‌های Isa Brown و بین وزن بدن و طول بال (35/0-) در اکوتیپ Ilorin به دست آمد. صفات شکل ظاهری اندازه‌گیری شده در پرندگان نر به استثنای تنفس سینه‌ای دارای همبستگی بالاتری با وزن بدن (95/0-68/0) در مقایسه با پرندگان ماده بودند. مطالعه حاضر نشان داد که دو ژنوتیپ می‌توانند به حد کافی به وسیله شاخص‌های شکل ظاهری شناسایی و توصیف شوند. همچنین این مطالعه نشان داد که شاخص‌های شکل ظاهری نظیر طول بدن و طول تاج می‌توانند به حد کافی برای پیش‌بینی وزن بدن پرندگان در دو ژنوتیپ استفاده شوند. در هر حال، همبستگی منفی به دست آمده بین وزن بدن و طول بال در دو جوجه‌های اکوتیپ Ilorin نیاز به بررسی و تحقیق بیشتری برای تعیین اساس آن جهت ایجاد انطباق و سازگاری در جوجه‌ها دارد. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Analysis of Farm Management Extension Services Performed by Extension Agents of Agricultural Development Projects in Southwest Nigeria
        Rashid Adisa Mudashir Mustapha Kayode Balogun Hussein Ibrahim Waliyat Oloyede
      • Open Access Article

        21 - The Estimation Model of Determinant of Mobile Phone Apps’ Usage by Smallholder Farmers in North West Nigeria
        Abdullahi Khidir Idowu Oladele Daniel Ekpa
      • Open Access Article

        22 - Informal Sources of Financing Climate Change Adaptation amongst Crop Farmers in Nigeria
        Agbugba Ikechi K. Ihemezie Eberechukwu J Adam E. Ahmed
      • Open Access Article

        23 - Empirical Evidence of Fisheries Sub-Sector’s Contribution to the Nigerian Economy
        Mafimisebi T.E. Thompson O. A
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Labour Information Utilization by Farmers in SW Nigeria
        Odeleye Taiwo Grace
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        25 - Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behavior among Cassava Farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
        Oko-Isu Anthony Nwachukwu Ifeanyi Ndubuto Oteh Ukeh Ogbonnaya Njoku Maria Etomchi
      • Open Access Article

        26 - An Assessment of Agricultural Marketing Information System among Farmers Associations in Kano State, Nigeria
        Hassan Ibrahim Zhou Jing Ibrahim Abdu Mustapha Sanusi Nafiu Bala Sanda
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        27 - Determinants of Poverty among Rural Households in South Western States, Nigeria
        Olubunmi Lawrence Balogun
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        28 - An Assessment of Farmers` Awareness on Extension Services in Nigeria: The Case of Farming Households in Kano State
        Hassan Ibrahim Zhou Jing Li Min
      • Open Access Article

        29 - Constraints to Effective Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Small-scale Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria
        E.N. Ajani
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        30 - Prospects of Selected Forest Fruits and Vegetables in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria
        Eneje N.C. Onwubuya E.A. Mbah E.N
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        31 - Factors Influencing Adoption of Improved Cassava Processing Technologies by Rural Women in Enugu State, Nigeria
        Asadu A.N. Agwu A.E. Chah J.M. Enwelu I.A
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        32 - Challenges to Soil Erosion Control Measures among Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Extension Policy
        Eze S.O Mbah E.N
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        33 - بهبود کیفیت دانه‌های کاکائو ازطریق شیوه‌های زراعی بهتر در ایالت‌های اصلی تولیدکنندة کاکائو در نیجریه
        جیمز آیگون آلبونمی آشیمولو استیفن آدیگون Samuel Mesele Eniola Fabusoro
        ازجمله دلایل سطح پایین پذیرش نوآوری‌های کشاورزی از سوی زارعان غرب آفریقا، پیچیدگی ساختار نوآوری است. به عبارت دیگر، دانش جدید فراتر از ظرفیت‌های سازگاری اجتماعی ـ اقتصادی زارعان است. در نیجریه، کارهای زیادی روی افزایش کیفیت دانه‌های کاکائو انجام شده است ازجمله توصیة &la More
        ازجمله دلایل سطح پایین پذیرش نوآوری‌های کشاورزی از سوی زارعان غرب آفریقا، پیچیدگی ساختار نوآوری است. به عبارت دیگر، دانش جدید فراتر از ظرفیت‌های سازگاری اجتماعی ـ اقتصادی زارعان است. در نیجریه، کارهای زیادی روی افزایش کیفیت دانه‌های کاکائو انجام شده است ازجمله توصیة «شیوه‌های زراعی بهتر» یا «بهترین شیوه‌های شناخته‌شده» (ICMP). این تلاش‌ها به خاطر پیچیدگی ICMP موفقیت چندانی نداشته‌اند. بنابراین، مطالعة حاضر سعی می‌کند این مشکل را در ایالت‌های اصلی تولیدکنندة کاکائو در نیجریه ازطریق رویکرد مشارکت زارعان ـ پژوهشگر به کمک هدایت مصاحبه‌ای حل کند. داده‌های جمع‌آوری‌شده با استفاده از آمار توصیفی و تحلیل مولفه‌های اصلی در SPSS تحلیل شدند تا حداقل شیوه‌های اصلی از میان کل ICMP برای دستیابی به پایداری در تولید کاکائو شناسایی شوند. نتایج نشان داد که زارعان کاکائو از 47 شیوه استفاده می‌کردند که جزو ICMP به شمار می‌روند. این شیوه‌ها در چهار گروه خزانه، مزرعه، برداشت و بعد از برداشت طبقه‌بندی شدند. بالاترین درصد استفاده از شیوه‌ها 3 درصد بود درحالی‌که کمترین درصد کمتر از یک درصد بود. نتایج نشان داد که 13 شیوه از میان 47 شیوه، 45/71 درصد ICMP کل را تشکیل دادند درحالی‌که درصد استفادة تجمعی فعلی از این 13 شیوه، 28 درصد بود. درصد استفاده از هر کدام از این 13 شیوه حدود 3 درصد بود. مواردی که بیشترین سهم را در این 13 شیوه داشتند با علائم ba1 و ba11‌ کدگذاری شدند درحالی‌که کمترین مورد با bb4 نشان داده شد. باید سعی شود به جای 47 شیوه، استفاده از این 13 شیوه در میان زارعان تشویق شود تا بتوانند به تولید پایدار کاکائوی باکیفیت دست یافت. Manuscript profile
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        34 - ویژگی های گروه های پویا و وضعیت اقتصادی اجتماعی تولیدکنندگان کاکائو در ایالت اگون نیجریه
        Olaoluwa Ayodeji Adebayo
      • Open Access Article

        35 - Impact of Youth Commercial Agricultural Development Programme on Poverty Status of Rural Households in Ekiti State, Nigeria
        Adetomiwa Kolapo Olanrewaju Adebayo Olanipekun یوآنده بوبولا آکانده Matthew Kolawole Opeyemi Muhammed
      • Open Access Article

        36 - Production Risk, Total Factor Productivity, Risk Premium, Sistan and Baluchestan
        Javad Shahraki Shahram Saeedian
        The study investigates consumers’ preference for cowpea reflected in the Nigerian markets through price discounts and premiums that consumers pay for different cowpea characteristics. The price data used for this study were obtained through a market survey. A comm More
        The study investigates consumers’ preference for cowpea reflected in the Nigerian markets through price discounts and premiums that consumers pay for different cowpea characteristics. The price data used for this study were obtained through a market survey. A common data collection protocol was employed. Every month, between October 2009 to December 2010, five cowpea samples per seller were bought from randomly selected sellers in six markets and the prices noted. In the laboratory, the non-price data, such as, 100 grain weight, number of bruchid holes per 100 grains, eye colour and texture of the testa were obtained. A hedonic pricing regression model was used to analyze data collected. Hedonic pricing methods provide a statistical estimate of premiums and discounts. Results indicate that eye colour is the most important determinant of cowpea market prices. Cowpeas with brown colour commands a clear premium in all but one market. The consumers discount prices for insect damage in most markets. In general, this study signals the need for cowpea breeders to identify cost effective ways of breeding for brown coloured cowpea (Ife-brown specie) which was noted to attract price premium.Risk-averse farmers are prudent to use different inputs because every input has a distinct effect on output fluctuations and production risk as well. This paper examines the effect of input using growth on producer welfare of date farmers in Sistan and Baluchestan province which is the second greatest producer and exporter of date in Iran. It is well known that input using growth impresses both productivity and risk premium. These two factors contribute to producer welfare so that increasing the productivity will boost the welfare and an addition to risk premium shall detract the welfare of risk-averse farmers. Results showed that technical change has reduced both productivity and production risk in 2011/2012 and the welfare increased as 912727.21. But, in 2010/2011, productivity and risk premium had a positive growth and finally the producer's welfare experienced a reduction as 1041478.41. Manuscript profile
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        37 - An Assessment of Beneficiaries’ Satisfaction of the Management of Loan Contract Components by Farmer Cooperative Societies in Edo State, Nigeria
        Grace Oghenerobor Alufohai Tosan Jolomi Okorosobo
        The study assessed beneficiaries’ satisfaction in the management of loag-contract components by cooperatives involved in the farm credit delivery in Edo State. The objective was to identify the components of the farm loan contract, examine the management strategie More
        The study assessed beneficiaries’ satisfaction in the management of loag-contract components by cooperatives involved in the farm credit delivery in Edo State. The objective was to identify the components of the farm loan contract, examine the management strategies and rate the beneficiaries’ satisfaction of such management strategies. This was done by purposively selecting 40 cooperatives involved in farm credit delivery in Oredo, Egor and Ikpoba-Okha LGAs of Edo State where there is a proliferation of cooperatives who are actively involved in farm credit delivery. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, queuing model and satisfaction indices. Results showed the main loan-contract components to be loan volume, repayment regime, interest rates charged, default management, collateral required, timeliness and loan monitoring. Average beneficiaries' index was 4.28 out of 5 indicating high satisfaction originating from good queue management with traffic density of 1.12, moderate interest rate of 9% p.a, active loan monitoring, no physical collateral, timely disbursement of loan and accommodative repayment regime. Only individual loan volumes were low as a result of inadequate loanable fund. Study recommends that cooperative societies should take advantage of external sources of funds to boost the volume of their loanable funds. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Consumers’ Preference for Cowpea in Nigeria
        Kalu Ukpai Ifegwu Joshua Olusegun Ajetomobi
        The study investigates consumers’ preference for cowpea reflected in the Nigerian markets through price discounts and premiums that consumers pay for different cowpea characteristics. The price data used for this study were obtained through a market survey. A comm More
        The study investigates consumers’ preference for cowpea reflected in the Nigerian markets through price discounts and premiums that consumers pay for different cowpea characteristics. The price data used for this study were obtained through a market survey. A common data collection protocol was employed. Every month, between October 2009 to December 2010, five cowpea samples per seller were bought from randomly selected sellers in six markets and the prices noted. In the laboratory, the non-price data, such as, 100 grain weight, number of bruchid holes per 100 grains, eye colour and texture of the testa were obtained. A hedonic pricing regression model was used to analyze data collected. Hedonic pricing methods provide a statistical estimate of premiums and discounts. Results indicate that eye colour is the most important determinant of cowpea market prices. Cowpeas with brown colour commands a clear premium in all but one market. The consumers discount prices for insect damage in most markets. In general, this study signals the need for cowpea breeders to identify cost effective ways of breeding for brown coloured cowpea (Ife-brown specie) which was noted to attract price premium. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Application of Linear and Non-linear Programming Model to Assess the Sustainability of Water Resources in Agricultural Patterns
        Seyed Abolghasem Mortazavi Reza Hezareh Sina Ahmadi Kaliji Samira Shayan Mehr
        Water resources sustainability is one of the major issues in the agricultural sustainability. In this study sustainability of water resources has been investigated by use of linear and non-linear models in six models based on optimal utilization of water resources in th More
        Water resources sustainability is one of the major issues in the agricultural sustainability. In this study sustainability of water resources has been investigated by use of linear and non-linear models in six models based on optimal utilization of water resources in the north parts farms of Iran because of incorrect use of agricultural water resources, from 2011 to 2012. Also “gross margin per a unit of water consumption” and “employment per a unit of water consumption” are used as indicators for assessing the sustainability of cropping patterns. The results show that cropping pattern of fractional goal programming (FGP) model has been near to current situation and has shown realistic conditions according to expertise and advantage of this area in cultivation of certain crops. So the FGP model has desirability in each of indicators than other five models. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Labour and Poverty: Empirical Relationship Using House Data from South Nigeria
        Nsikak-Abasi A. Etim Sunday Okon Inibong A. Akpabio
        In Nigeria, most farming activities rely on family labor. However, rural-urban drift and the movement of young people away from agriculture are making labor increasingly pause. Thus, labor has become a major constraint to expanding the scope of production by small-scale More
        In Nigeria, most farming activities rely on family labor. However, rural-urban drift and the movement of young people away from agriculture are making labor increasingly pause. Thus, labor has become a major constraint to expanding the scope of production by small-scale resource poor farmers. This paper provides an empirical relationship between labor and poverty using data from households. Through a multi stage sampling procedure, 150 farming households were selected using questionnaire. Results of Foster, Greer and Thorbecke decomposition show that poverty incidence, depth and severity increase with increase in labor employed in farm operations implying that poverty is directly related to labor. Finding further reveals that the difference in poverty incidence of one of the sub-group (1-50 Vs 50-100) pair is statistically significant at (P<0.05). Results suggest that the mandays of labor employed significantly affect the poverty incidence of farm households. Manuscript profile
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        41 - -Empirical Assessment of Environmental and Health Risks in Intensive Poultry Production in Kwara State, Nigeria
        بوسلا آمولگبه خدیجت آبیمبولا عثمان موتیات اولاینکا آنیماشون جوبریل
        The study was designed to assess the environmental and health risks arising from intensive poultry production in Kwara State, Nigeria. A total of 120 poultry farmers in Kwara State under the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) were selected randomly for the study, and More
        The study was designed to assess the environmental and health risks arising from intensive poultry production in Kwara State, Nigeria. A total of 120 poultry farmers in Kwara State under the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) were selected randomly for the study, and structured questionnaires were administered. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and the linear regression. The study revealed that about 79.5% of the poultry farmers were literate, having completed at least a tertiary educational level. In addition, the results showed that the environmental and health issues were significant during production and processing. It was further revealed that the type of battery cage used and educational level of the farmers were positively significant, while the year of establishment was negatively significant when it comes to the adoption practices. This implies that the higher the level of education, the more likely farmers adopt improved practices. Moreover, it was observed that the majority of the poultry farmers do not abide by the environmental and public health laws and regulations; therefore, it is recommended that government should enforce strict supervisory agencies of the sanitation/health policies aiming at environmental preservation and protection. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Trade Liberalization, Exchange Rate Changes, And the Competitiveness of Carbohydrate Staple Markets in Nigeria
        Maduabuchi Mkpado C.J. Arene
        This study examined the effects of trade liberalization and exchange rate changes on carbohydrate staples in Nigeria. Secondary data published from 1974 to 2006 on cassava exports and rice imports as well as non-tradable carbohydrate staples were used. It was hypothesiz More
        This study examined the effects of trade liberalization and exchange rate changes on carbohydrate staples in Nigeria. Secondary data published from 1974 to 2006 on cassava exports and rice imports as well as non-tradable carbohydrate staples were used. It was hypothesized that exchange rate changes and trade liberalization via price relatives, trade intensity and nominal protection coefficient have affected prices of carbohydrate staples in Nigeria. Results show that the effects of trade liberalization on prices of non-tradable carbohydrate staples were mixed. Trade liberalization accounted for most changes in the price of non-tradable rice than other crops. World prices positively affected the prices of maize and non-tradable rice. Also increasing exchange rate will lead to increase in price of non-tradable rice due to price competition with imported rice. The intensification of liberalization exercise from the removal of quantitative restriction to use of tariff, among other recommendations, should be encouraged because it can be a remedy to the negative impact of increase in the trade intensity and erosion of nominal protection coefficient on prices of the non-tradable crops. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Assessment of Use of Selected Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Extension Service Delivery: Implication for Agricultural Development in Nigeria
        Saheed Ige Adetumbi Olumuyiwa Akin Olaniyi Jacob Gbemiga Adewale
        The study was carried out to assess the implication of the use of selected Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for extension service delivery in Nigeria. The simple random technique was used to select fifty percent of the total extension agents which equiv More
        The study was carried out to assess the implication of the use of selected Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for extension service delivery in Nigeria. The simple random technique was used to select fifty percent of the total extension agents which equivalent to forty-two respondents as sample size for the study. Frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistic. Also, Chi-Square test and Spearman’s rho correlation were employed as inferential statistic to test for the hypotheses. Findings indicated that access to various ICTs tools especially Radio and Mobile phone and were found to be relevant to farming operations. The result of Chi square test revealed that significant relationship exist between sex, age, level of education, years of working experience of the extension agents and level of use of ICTs. Furthermore, the result of Spearman rho Correlation showed that there was no significant relationship between ICT training of extension workers and the level of use of ICTs. The study recommended among others that, there should be a periodic review of the use of current ICTs in extension service delivery to facilitate effectiveness in the use of ICTs for extension service and adequate funding of extension service should also be ensured to enhance the maintenance of ICTs made available to extension personnel. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Determinants of Rural Poverty in Nigeria
        Nsikak-Abasi A. Etim Edet J. Udoh
        Most of the population of Nigeria is rural and agriculture is the mainstay of the impoverished people’s livelihood. This paper estimated the determinants of rural poverty in Nigeria using the Tobit regression model. Through the multistage sampling technique, prima More
        Most of the population of Nigeria is rural and agriculture is the mainstay of the impoverished people’s livelihood. This paper estimated the determinants of rural poverty in Nigeria using the Tobit regression model. Through the multistage sampling technique, primary data were obtained from 150 rural farming households using a questionnaire. The Result of Tobit regression analysis shows that increase in farm income, farm size and amount of agricultural loan led to a decrease in the level of poverty by 0.9953, 0.1220 and 0.4016 x 10-6 respectively. Membership of the cooperative by household heads, ownership of certain assets, access to extension services, and modern farming inputs, increase in educational attainment and male heads of households decreased the likelihood of being poor. Findings also reveal that except for access to loan that is elastic, the responsiveness of the probability and intensity of poverty to dependency ratio, farming experience, farm size and income are inelastic. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Determinants of Repayment of Loan Beneficiaries of Micro Finance Institutions in Southeast States of Nigeria
        Stephen Umamuefula Osuji Onyeagocha Sunday Angus Nnachebe Dixie Chidebelu Eugene Chukwuemeka Okorji
        The study investigated the loan repayment, its determinants and socio-economic characteristics of microfinance loan beneficiaries in the Southeast states of Nigeria. It was carried out in three states of the five southeast states. Using a multistage sampling technique, More
        The study investigated the loan repayment, its determinants and socio-economic characteristics of microfinance loan beneficiaries in the Southeast states of Nigeria. It was carried out in three states of the five southeast states. Using a multistage sampling technique, a total of 144 loan beneficiaries in the three segments of MFIs, namely; formal (commercial and development banks); semi-formal (NGOs-MFIs) and informal (ROSCAS, “Isusu” and co-operative societies) were randomly selected and interviewed in the three states. An ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression analysis was carried out to isolate and examine the determinants of loan repayment from the respondents’ perspective. Results showed that beneficiaries had low level of education, operated enterprises at a relatively small scale, had large family size and were of middle age. Further, it was found out that the majority of the respondents were involved in farming enterprise (crop and poultry) even though trading was the most prominent single non-farming enterprise (trading, processing and artisanship). The result affirmed that the informal sector respondents recorded the best repayment rate, followed by the respondents of semi-formal and the banks brought the rear. Outstanding among the determinants of loan repayments from the respondents’ perspective were; loan size, level of education, experience, profitability and portfolio diversity. These, therefore deserve special attention in loan administration of MFIs. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Land and Poverty: Some Empirical Findings Using Cross Sectional Data from Niger Delta Region, Nigeria
        Nsikak-Abasi A. Etim Agnes U. Akpan Uduakobong A. Brown
        Poverty is the most serious threat to natural resources and the environment and most of the poor are rural-based who engage in various agricultural activities. Land is a critical asset for the rural poor and lacking means to appropriately intensify agriculture which com More
        Poverty is the most serious threat to natural resources and the environment and most of the poor are rural-based who engage in various agricultural activities. Land is a critical asset for the rural poor and lacking means to appropriately intensify agriculture which compels the poor to either overuse or misuse this natural resource base to meet basic needs. This study presents empirical relationship between land and poverty using Foster, Greer and Thorbecke weighted poverty measure. Through the multi-stage sampling procedure, 150 rural farmers were selected with the aid of questionnaire. The results of poverty decomposition show that the prevalence of poverty is more among the nearly landless farming households. Result of stochastic dominance analysis indicate that poverty incidence is sensitive to changes in poverty lines and there is second order stochastic dominance as poverty depth and severity are robust to the choice of poverty line for this sub-group. Results further suggest that households with little or no access to farmland depend on non-farm income sources for family survival. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Comparative Cost Structure and Yield Performance Anzlysis of Upland and Mangrove Fish Farms in Southwest, Nigeria
        Mafimisebi Taiwo Ejiola Okunmadewa Foluso Yinka
        The bias against mangrove areas in siting fish farms prompted a comparison of the cost structure and yield performance in upland and mangrove locations. Tools utilized included descriptive statistics, budgetary and cash flow analyses and profitability ratios. Empirical More
        The bias against mangrove areas in siting fish farms prompted a comparison of the cost structure and yield performance in upland and mangrove locations. Tools utilized included descriptive statistics, budgetary and cash flow analyses and profitability ratios. Empirical results revealed that substantial revenue could be realized from both farms. While the upland farms yielded average gross revenue per hectare per year of $9, 183.53, the mangrove farms made $8, 135.93 revealing a slight difference. Results of combined cash flow and sensitivity analysis buttressed that of budgetary analysis. NPVs were $10, 888.11 and $10, 375.84, B/Cs was 1.28 and 1.29 and IRR were 48.55% and 48.51% for the upland and mangrove farms, respectively. Profitability ratios were also comparable but slightly higher in the upland farms. The conclusion is that there was little or no difference in yield performance. However, the high risk of investment loss in years of excessive flood should prompt investors in mangrove farms to compulsorily insure their farms. Manuscript profile
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        48 - An Investigation into Credit Receipt and Enterprise Performance among Small Scale Agro Based Enterprises in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
        Ubon Asuquo Essien Chukwuemeka John Arene Noble Jackson Nweze
        The study was designed to analyze credit receipt and enterprise performance by small scale agro based enterprises in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was adopted in selecting 264 agro based enterprises and 96 agro based enterprises that More
        The study was designed to analyze credit receipt and enterprise performance by small scale agro based enterprises in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was adopted in selecting 264 agro based enterprises and 96 agro based enterprises that accessed informal and formal credit respectively. The Heckman model was used to examine the factors affecting amount of informal and formal credit received by the enterprises. Financial ratios such as the current ratio and return on capital employed ratio were used in addition to the t-test to examine the performance of enterprises that borrowed from informal and formal credit markets in the area. Analyses of informal credit amount received reveal that gender, age and social capital are significant for the first hurdle, whereas gender, size, income, guarantor and social capital are significant for the second hurdle. Similarly, gender, education, age, size, and collateral are significant for the first hurdle for formal credit, while the second hurdle reported significant results with age, size, income, collateral and social capital. Formal credit was less accessible than informal credit but enhanced greater performance. Formal credit should be made to be easily accessible and efficiently utilized. This will go a long way in complementing the amnesty programme of the federal government of Nigeria in the region. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Shocks and Coping Strategies of Rural Households: Evidence from Ogo-Oluwa Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria
        Seyi Olalekan Olawuyi Olapade-Ogunwole Fola Raufu Mufutau Oyedapo
        Rural households in Nigeria are vulnerable to shock because of their limited capacity to make informed decision on secured coping strategies which is further aggravated by some households’ specific socio-economic characteristics. Attempts were made to identify sho More
        Rural households in Nigeria are vulnerable to shock because of their limited capacity to make informed decision on secured coping strategies which is further aggravated by some households’ specific socio-economic characteristics. Attempts were made to identify shocks being faced by households’ heads and coping strategies. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 80 respondents and well structured questionnaire was used to collect data through in-depth interview. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics to describe households’ socio-economic variables; Probit analysis was also used to determine the relationship between personal socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, shocks and choice of coping actions. The results revealed that a large share of households experience multidimensional shocks, which are mainly associated to ecological but also suffer from other economic, demographic and social factors. Majority of households undertake coping actions in response to shocks; coping strategies employed but not limited to include borrowing, distress sales of assets, remittances, adjustment in food intake, drawing on savings. Educational status, household size, per capita income, shocks type, coping strategies, among others are found to significantly affect the choice of coping actions and are likely to have implications for households’ future welfare status. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Evaluation of Nigerian hospital meal carts
        Sesan P. Ayodeji Michael K. Adeyeri Olaoluwa Omoniyi
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        51 - An Assessment of COVID 19 Response by Nigerian Government
        Bashir Abdullahi
        This study examined the Covid 19 Response by Nigerian Government. Covid 19 pandemic spread to every nook and cranny of the globe and disturbed every country. The study relied on the secondary data while content analysis was employed in analyzing the gathered data. Publi More
        This study examined the Covid 19 Response by Nigerian Government. Covid 19 pandemic spread to every nook and cranny of the globe and disturbed every country. The study relied on the secondary data while content analysis was employed in analyzing the gathered data. Public Policy was used as a framework of analysis in this study. The study discovered that Nigerian Government spare no time in formulating several policies in an attempt to stem the spread of Covid 19 virus. The measures included contact tracing, imposition of curfews, interstate travel ban among others. It was recommended that apart from reposition the health care sector through providing nieces instrument and facilities, government ensure proper check up at the country’s entry point so as to detect anyone with the virus before coming into the country. Citizens on there should be compliant to Covid 19 safety measures. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Nigeria Government Perception on Boko Haram and Search for National Security
        Shehu Enoch Amila
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        ENOCH SHEHU Bitrus Solomon
        International engagement is as old as the existence of mankind on the surface of planet earth. The complexity of cosmos intercourse increases and changes with respect to the development of human society, which is a response to discovery, innovation in science and techno More
        International engagement is as old as the existence of mankind on the surface of planet earth. The complexity of cosmos intercourse increases and changes with respect to the development of human society, which is a response to discovery, innovation in science and technology. Prior to the Westphalia treaty of 1648, monarchs and individuals were the dominant actors in global interaction (Odo, 2012). They were faced with some unique impediments in turn with time, environmental factors and likewise, vis-à-vis mechanisms for mitigation. With the birth of the modern state system, the state has taken a prominent position in shaping the international fora (Shehu & Garba, 2020). Scholarship and scholars' postulation about how, where, what, when and why of international relations is a contextual phenomenon. The scope of international relations is as wide as the challenges therein: general and specific. One of such is strategic thinking and within is international law and law war. Security studies is a component of international relations of mainstream political science. During the 40 years period that followed the Second World War, between 1945 and 1985, there have been more than 140 wars and armed conflicts. In the same epoch, armed conflict and war broke out on the territory of 69 countries with the participation of 81 states (Tunkin, 1986). In other sense, Nigeria state was geographically European during the 1884/1885 Berlin conference. Nigeria got her independence on 1st October 1960 from a British colonial lord. Since then Nigeria has not gone to war with any state but is fighting various internal crises. Among such is Boko Haram insurgency which came limelight in the year 2002 (Shehu, 2021). The movement is seeking to replace democratic institutions of government with Islamic oriented via jihad. The general thrust of this research is to examine historical development that midwife principles of jus ad bellum. While the specific are: to examine international law and jus ad bellum; to identify conventions and scholars on the jus ad bellum; and to identify and apply the principles of jus ad bellum in Nigeria respond to Boko Haram. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The echo of the Islamic Revolution in Nigeria based on broadcast theory
        mahmood alipour gorji Hadith Rahmati
        In addition to fundamental changes in Iranian society, the Islamic Revolution had impact overseas. In this regard, Nigeria is a country studied in this research through Torsen Hagerstrand theory of dispersion. In his perspective there are seven basic elements for the th More
        In addition to fundamental changes in Iranian society, the Islamic Revolution had impact overseas. In this regard, Nigeria is a country studied in this research through Torsen Hagerstrand theory of dispersion. In his perspective there are seven basic elements for the theory includinv the primary environment of the phenomenon, dispersion subject, dispersion source, dispersion destination, dispersion aim, dispersion time, phenomenon direction, and obstacles. According to this theory, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the source and Nigeria is the accepting environment whose religious and scientific fields activated by Islamic Revolution championship. Great scholars such as Mohammad Turi and Sheykh Zakzaky had great impact upon dispersion of Shia and Islamic Republic ideas. According to dispersion theory as a proped theoretical phramework to investigate overseas revolitions, the question is what impact have the Islamic republic of Iran had on Nigeria? The present method of study is descriptive- analytic and the leading idea of the research say that the Islamic Revolution, as a dispersion source, is going forward through pathes and ways of formation of Islamic movements, indenticating the Shia, Qods day domonstration, Mahdawi doctrine, hijab and mosques, and intervention of Nigerian army, Boko Haram and the Western world, particularely the US, are among the chief obstacles in Iranian Revolution influencing nigeria. The secondary questions of this study include the dispersion theory, the dispersion destination of Islamic Revolution, tje dispersion path and obstacles of Islamic Revolution. Key terms: dispersion theory, Islamic Revolution, Nigeria, Zakzaky, Boko Haram Manuscript profile
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        55 - Comparative Study of Structures of Governance in Nigeria and South Africa and Its Impact on Developing of Two Countries
        Ardeshir Sanaie Aboulghasem Vafaei
        In South Africa, the combination of ethnic and racial differences more than any other factor in a centuries-old process is influenced. Transformations and changes in the country since independence in 1910 was influenced by mentioned factor. Designed system was based on More
        In South Africa, the combination of ethnic and racial differences more than any other factor in a centuries-old process is influenced. Transformations and changes in the country since independence in 1910 was influenced by mentioned factor. Designed system was based on the segregation and apartheid and after apartheid ended in 1994; the country's political system was based on the realities of racial and ethnic indigenous. Although both Nigeria and South Africa have British colonial in their backgrounds but the differences are in the objectives of the colonists. They had chosen South Africa to stay and the industrialization process was developed normally. While in Nigeria the purpose of colonialists was domination and exploitation of resources of the country. However, ethnic diversity, adding religious diversity in forms of both Islam and Christianity in Nigeria has been the main causes of gap over the years after independence. Frequent coups and continuous military interference in politics and Governance, separatism, ethnic and religious conflicts, unfair distribution of wealth, the absence of influencing middle class, and political and bureaucratic corruption; has been the difficulties always suffered Nigeria. Since 1999, based on its new constitution, Nigeria has gone through four rounds of presidential elections and in these years there has not been a new coup. Overall all the experts agree that the Nigeria is politically underdeveloped. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Livestock Production at the Nexus of Resources Competition and Ethnoreligious Cynicism in Nigeria–Implicative Analysis on Food Security
        Akeem Sikiru
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        57 - Levels of Heavy Metals in Pasta Available in the Nigerian Market: Assessing the Human Health Implications
        Janefrances Ihedioha Irene Atiatah Nwachukwu Ekere Jonnie Asegbeloyin
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        58 - Liver Damage Risk Assessment Study in Workers Occupationally Exposed to E-waste in Benin City, South-South Nigeria
        John I. Anetor Oladele O. Osibanjo Humphrey Benedo Osadolor Festus A. Idomeh Williams Osazee Igiewe Ogochukwu Uzoma Kalikwu
      • Open Access Article

        59 - Quantitative Appraisal of Total Aflatoxin in Ready-to-eat Groundnut in North-central Nigeria
        Funmilola Adefolalu Daniel Apeh Susan Salubuyi Mary Galadima Augustine Agbo Michaella Anthony Hussaini Makun
      • Open Access Article

        60 - Sources and Cancer Risk Exposure of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils from Industrial Areas in Southeastern, Nigeria
        Uchechi Onyedikachi Chuka Belonwu Mattew Wegwu Emmanuel Ejiofor Mattew Awah
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        61 - Socio-cultural Drivers of Adaptations and Vulnerability to Climate Change: Lessons from Crop Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria
        Ademola Adegoroye   Tolulope Olubunmi-Ajayi Olayinka Oladosu Emmanuel Oloruntoba
        This study investigated the socio-cultural determinants of climate change adaptation and vulnerability among crop farmers in Ondo State, South-western Nigeria. Using a multi-stage sampling approach and the Delphi method, 150 respondents were selected from the three Sena More
        This study investigated the socio-cultural determinants of climate change adaptation and vulnerability among crop farmers in Ondo State, South-western Nigeria. Using a multi-stage sampling approach and the Delphi method, 150 respondents were selected from the three Senatorial Zones. Primary data were sourced with the aid of a survey and oral interviews. The collected data were analyzed using the vulnerability index, Ordinal logistic regression, and Heckman probit regression. The findings revealed that the socio-cultural characteristics of respondents contributed to their vulnerability to climate change, as indicated by an average livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) of 0.33. Notably, factors such as water availability and adaptation practices exhibited higher vulnerability indices of 0.49 and 0.42, respectively. The overall LVI and LVI-IPCC averages were 0.35 and 0.02, respectively, highlighting the existence of vulnerability among farming households. The results of ordinal logistic regression revealed that age, marital status, education level, and income from agriculture were statistically significant factors determining the level of vulnerability to climate change in the study area. Consequently, the results of the Heckman two-step regression model revealed that age, marital status, household size, education, religion, belief, family structure, and community teamwork were the significant factors affecting the adaptation and vulnerability to climate change in the area. Policy should be geared towards improving the socio-cultural factors for sustainable livelihoods with an income diversification strategy by the government for crop farmers in order to cushion the effects of low income realized from farming activities in the area. Manuscript profile