List of Articles international law Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The role of general international law in the field of globalization hossein shahraki عسگر جلالیان Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Environmental Challenges of Waste in International Law Zeynab Poorkhaghan Shahrezaee Zahra sadat Hosseini 10.30486/JEML.2023.1999949.3434 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Justification of aviation sanctions in the light of general international law and international air law (Concepts, basics, classification and legitimacy) Mehdi Aliyari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Good Faith in the International Commercial Law کوروش Jafarpour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The Impact of Sanctions on Air Pollution in Iran from the Perspective of International Law ali saberpour Masoud Akhavan Fard Gholam Hossein Masoud 10.22034/jest.2021.50759.4993 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - With a Glance to the Implementation of Environmental Treaties Seyed Abbas Poorhashemi mojtaba sobhaninia 10.22034/jest.2020.33284.4124 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - International Responsibility of the Sponsoring State for Exploitation of the Area Resources in Light of the Requirements of International Environmental Law Javad Salehi Hossein Alekajbaf 10.30495/jest.2020.36357.4296 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Different Approaches for the Implementation of International Environmental Law in the Domestic Law of selected Countries with a review of the Iranian Legal System azam parandeh motlagh shirin shirazian ali zare 10.30495/jest.2023.55548.5196 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Environmental terrorism risk management solutions with a focus on prevention in the light of international law behrooz sepehri Nowruz Kargari Mohammad Ashouri ghassem ghassemi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Development of the principle of prevention in the climate change legal system mona davanlou Seyed Abbas Poor Hashemi Ali Zare Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Identification of Jus Cogens Norms of International Law with a Glance to the Possibility of Emergence of Jus Cogens Norms of International Environmental Law mojtaba sobhaninia Mohsen Abdollahi Abbas Poorhashemi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - The Yemen Crisis from the Perspective of the International Community with Reference to the United Nations Charter Elham Karimi Sohrab Salehi Abomohamad Asgarkhani 10.22034/sej.2021.1943586.1394 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - The Principle of Resorting to Force in International Relations Abbas Foladi Maryam Moradi Mohsen Dianat Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - The international responsibility of the Persian Gulf countries for marine pollution caused by oil and gas extraction from the perspective of international marine environmental law. mohamad masouri azade mirzaei elnaz Heravi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - Historical course of flexibility in international treaties عمیق amigh محمد ادیبی مهر علی پور قصاب امیری Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - Le rôle de l'éthique dans l'adhésion aux traités internationaux dans l'histoire contemporaine de l'Iran omid amigh mohamad adibi ali por Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - A Comparative Study of the Concept of Citizenship in Contemporary international Law Systems and Islamic Law Mosoud Hemmat Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 18 - The Private Military and Security Firms and Humanitarian Law: The Place and Responsibility Leila Raisi Abdolnaeim Shahriary Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 19 - The globalization of human rights standards and its effects in Iran's legal system shabodin qasemi zeinab poor Khaghan Shah Rezaei leila raisi 10.30495/alr.2022.1947363.2241 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 20 - Examining the legal role of the military personnel in the fight against terrorism, from the perspective of international law ebrahim samandari SomayeSadat MiriLavasani Hatam Sadeghiziari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 21 - Iran's Challenges on the rights of child labor according to the international law Mojdeh Pourmohammad Golzari Nobar Behshid Arfania Maryam Afshari Mostafa Taghizadeh Ansari 10.30495/alr.2023.1967741.2460 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 22 - The role of the Martens clause in the development of international humanitarian law in the face of new challenges maysam gharaei heibatollah najandimanesh mohammad reza Alipour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 23 - The unilateral performance of the United States and the European Union in the international arena Mehdi Ashtari Ali Pourghasab Amiri Fakhrodin Abooye Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 24 - Analyzing the verdict of illegal immigration from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence Mohammas Reza Kikha zeinab sanchooli 10.71678/ijrj.2024.1105154 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 25 - The role of governments in the formation and identification of international customary rules with a look at the opinion of the International Court of Justice in the Yerodia case hadi keramati moez Akbar Alizadeh Mehdi SHAHBAZI Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 26 - Faculty of Law and Human Sciences, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran mostafa amiri masoomeh rahmaninejad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 27 - Legal analysis of the use of force in response to cyber threats in the international arena mohadeseh ghavamipoursereshkeh amirreza mahmoudi ali jamshidipour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 28 - The connection and interaction of the prohibition of resorting to force with other fundamental principles of international law abbads fooladi maryam moradi mohsen dianat Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 29 - Legal issues of Metavers perspective from the public international law mohadeseh ghavamipour sereshkeh Amirreza Mahmoudi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 30 - Developments in Classical International Law in the Shadow of the Cooperation and Competition of the Great Powers Aboozar Omrani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 31 - The role and position of territorialization and border guarding of cyber space in exercising sovereignty over national cyberspace محمد رضا حسینی mehrab ramak ehsan kiankhah Seyed Hosein Alavi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 32 - Examining the position of deep web and dark web in international law Alireza Ansari Mahyari Zahra sadat Hosseini Ahmad Radman Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 33 - Cross-border Insolvency, the transition from absolute territorial sovereignty to Modified universalism in the light of customary international law Afshin Ebrahimifar Fathollah Rahimi mehdi montazer