Cross-border Insolvency, the transition from absolute territorial sovereignty to Modified universalism in the light of customary international law
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
Afshin Ebrahimifar
Fathollah Rahimi
mehdi montazer
1 -
2 - Faculty member of the Department of Law at the Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Law, Damavand Branch,
Keywords: Customary International Law, Cross border Insolvency, Behavioral International Law, Public International Law, Modified Universalism ,
Abstract :
The international Insolvency bankruptcy system requires an unbiased system to select approaches that are consistent with internationally recognized legal standards of international law. Modified universalism provides a set of principles and norms for dealing with cross-border bankruptcy proceedings that focus on efficiency, coherence, minimal exceptions, the jurisdiction of the foreign main proceedings state (center of the debtor’s main interests), and host state sovereign controls (state which approves recognition of a foreign proceeding). This article examines the perspective of cross-border bankruptcy developments in the light of international law. This article pursues to answer the question, what is the perspective of cross-border bankruptcy in international law? The result suggests that considering state practices and the widespread adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency by over 49 countries, the modified universalism seems to arrive in a new era from a "mere theory" into an "emerging international custom" as a source of the main sources of international law
فهرست منابع
الف- فارسی:
- کتاب
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- مقاله
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