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    Legal Studies of Cyberspace ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal


    As per Assessment of the Islamic Azad University Publications in August 2022, The "Legal Studies of Cyberspace" Journal under the Permission No. 92317 of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance secured the point of 82 (out of 100).

    The PhD students could secure 2 points out the 5 required points for research section of Centralized Defense Sessions of their Viva Voce.


    The "Legal Studies of Cyberspace" Journal abides by the regulations of the COPE in publication of its articles.


    According to the latest By-law, the review and publication fee of the articles are as below: 

    Row  Fee Service
    1 Rls. 1500000 Receipt and Review
    2 Rls. 3500000 Acceptance and Publication

     Account Number for Payment of fees:
    0115860635003- Bank Saderat Iran
    Card Number: 6037691990486037- Bank Saderat Iran

    The "Legal Studies of Cyberspace" Journal allows the readers to download, copy, distribute, print, search and link the full content of the articles and the users are allowed to use the articles for any other legal purposes.
    The articles and journal are open-access.
    The Articles received by The "Legal Studies of Cyberspace" Journal  are checked against plagiarism using Samim Noor Plagiarism Software.


    General characteristics of the scientific quarterly of Legal Studies of Cyberspace
    •    Publisher: Maragheh Branch pf the Islamic Azad University
    •    Electronic International Standard Serial Number: 2821-126X
    •    Type of access to articles: open access
    •    Type of journal: Print and electronic
    •    Printing Intervals: Quarterly
    •    Language: Farsi (Abstracts in English)
    •    Area of Expertise: Cyberspace Law 
    •    Type of review: Peer review by at least 2 reviewers 
    •    Average review duration: At least 6 weeks
    •    Average initial review duration:7 days
    Citation method: APA
    •    Impact factor (ISC):-

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    Adress : Maragheh ,Islamic Azad University Maragheh Branch.




    Phone Number: +984137455111


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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 3
    Number of Issues 10
    Printed Articles 60
    Number of Authors 353
    Article Views 19971
    Article Downloads 4089
    Number of Submitted Articles 208
    Number of Rejected Articles 88
    Number of Accepted Articles 95
    Acceptance 36 %
    Time to Accept(day) 124
    Reviewer Count 168
    Last Update 10/1/2024