Pathology of Whistleblowing Phenomenon in Virtual Social Networks
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
reza ghaderi
جمال بیگی
فاطمه احدی
1 - PhD student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
2 - استادیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مراغه
3 - دانشیار گروه حقوق کیفری و جرم شناسی، واحد مراغه، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مراغه، ایران
Keywords: Disclosure, Social Networks, Virtual Space, Public Reporting,
Abstract :
The increase in crimes and corruption in organizations has become one of the global concerns due to the alarming consequences. Using public capacity and public reporting to discover, identify and deal with crimes and corruption in the form of disclosure is one of the effective solutions. The purpose of this research is the pathology of disclosure in virtual social networks. The present research was carried out with a descriptive-analytical method and the use of library resources by studying the research done in this field. The findings of the research show that the disclosure that used to be done systematically and by the whistleblower guild with the emergence of social networks due to features such as ease of access, large number of audiences, anonymity of users, lack of media literacy of users and lack of validation. Data from users has given rise to second-generation disclosures. The results of the research show that the damages of the disclosure phenomenon are divided into the layers of the whistleblower, users, and the platform of social networks. Users' lack of ability to manage data, lack of understanding of the realm of privacy in social networks, republishing fake news and affecting security are some of these damages. Therefore, the new systematization of the phenomenon of disclosure in social networks can be achieved by considering the improvement of the transparency principle, strengthening the free flow of information and expanding the culture of disclosure
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