Examining the Role of Forensic Nurses in Cybersecurity and Preventing Crimes in Cyberspace
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
امیررضا محمودی
mitra Sedghi Sabet
atefeh lorkojori
شادی دهقان زاده
1 - استاد و سرگروه تخصصی حقوق دانشگاه آزاد لاهیجان
2 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Law, Department of Law, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.
3 - department of law, lahijan branch, islamic azad university, lahijan, iran
4 - گروه پرستاری - دانشگاه آزاد واحد رشت -ایران - رشت
Keywords: Supreme Council of Cyberspace, National Cente of Cyberspace, Virtual Space, Privacy,
Abstract :
Nowadays, virtual space has become an inseparable part of people's lives, and with a rapid speed, it has affected all aspects of life. Technological revolution, influenced the freedom of expression in such a modern way that the development of radio and television had never done. This revolution revealed new manifestations of freedom of expression. With new developments in this field, gradually, cultural participation in various fields of the society became more prominent and the relations that were done in limited formats became bolder and more noticeable. However, the possibility to control and make restrictions in different types of communication also became more evident. Such Control that is done mainly through governmental mechanisms and opposition to the free exchange of information has entered a new stage with emergence of the social networks. Censorship, filtering and monitoring of the data and content, and progress in interception methods of correspondence and conversations in such networks have increased in line with the epidemic of these networks. In the present research, while attempting at referring to the freedom of information circulation in the virtual space, the role of the Supreme Council of Cyber Space in explicitation of the laws governing the cyberspace has been examined.
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