Acceptance process in the Journal of Human Residence Planning Studies
- Prepare and adjust the article based on the frameworks specified in the Authors' Guide
- Sending an article via the system with full profile, phone number and writer's email or writers
- Determine one of the authors as a responsible author related to the publication
- Initial review of the article by the Specialized Magazine secretary to determine the assignment on initial acceptance, or correction in accordance with the format and in the next stage of sending to arbitration or declaration of its disappointment at the same stage and archive of the article
- In the event of verification of the article by the magazine management; send it to the related referees and the publication of the publication through the system
- In the event of verification of referees and their comments on the necessity of reforming the article, send it to the author or authors to enforce reforms
- Re-arbitration to control the reforms requested by matching referees
- Article Plan at the Editorial Board meeting to review and verify or rejection
- Paper on the turn of the print based on the magazine management discretion
- Print an admitted article in Quarterly
The detailed Journal peer review process is based on the following Flow Diagram: