Designing an Integrated Pattern for the Distribution of Basic Goods with the Aim of Fighting Brokering and Rent-Seeking
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Managementsajjad shamsi gooshki 1 * , Mohammad Solgi 2
1 - Doctoral student of Department of Business and Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Farabi School, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Financial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University (AS), Tehran, Iran,
Keywords: Integrated Distribution Pattern, Basic Goods, Grounded Theory, Brokerage, Rent Seeking,
Abstract :
Introduction: The aim of this research is to design an integrated pattern for the distribution of basic goods with the aim of fighting brokering and rent-seeking. Method: The required data was collected from 9 experts and managers related to the field of marketing and distribution (industry and university) using the interview tool and analyzed using the grounded theory. First, 213 primary codes were identified by the researcher, then 194 final codes were extracted by combining, verifying and discarding duplicate codes. By combining and categorizing the final codes, 59 concepts and 31 components were obtained for the research framework. Finding: The findings showed that the causal conditions include inappropriate economic conditions, inappropriate government policies, inappropriate infrastructural conditions, and inappropriate working and social ethics conditions. The findings showed that the main phenomenon consists of the components of traditional (offline) distribution methods, online distribution methods and all-channel distribution methods. The findings showed that the background conditions include logistics and maintenance, supply and production, organizations, unions, unions and non-governmental organizations, government participation, information and communication technology, and needs assessment and customer culture. The findings showed that the intervening conditions include characteristics and lifestyle, culture and consumption pattern, the nature of markets, customers and products, capabilities of marketing intermediaries, restrictive laws, capabilities of producers and distributors. The findings showed that the strategies and mechanisms for the components of transportation and maintenance, supply and distribution, laws and regulations, marketing, organizations, guilds and unions and non-governmental organizations, the field Government, taxes and subsidies are categorized. The findings showed that the consequences include economic, distribution, government, and consumer, social and competitive factors. Conclusion: In this research, causal conditions; contextual; the main phenomenon; Intervening conditions; strategies; and the consequences of integrated distribution of basic goods were identified.
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Abbas Zadeh M. (2011). “A reflection on validity and reliability in qualitative research”, Applied Sociology, 23(1), 19-34. (Persian).
Ghanavati N, Vahid M, Saei A. & Azghandi S.A. (2018). “Reproduction of Rentier Structure in Iran: The Challenge of Local Government”, Strategic Studies of public policy, 7(25), 203-221. (Persian).
Sharifi K, Masoudi M. & Seyed Javadin S.R. (2012). “Designing a model for goods procurement and distribution network in Iran”, Journal of Business Administration Researches, 4(7), 105-121. (Persian).
Hamuraru M. & Bulat V. (2022). “Sustainable Development in the Global Distribution of Goods”, Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics, (2022), 1-13.
Itoh M. (2007). “The Japanese Distribution System and Access to the Japanese Market”, In Trade with Japhuyoan (pp. 175-190). University of Chicago Press.
Chukwudi I.S. (2011). “Assessment of the effectiveness of the distribution strategies of AZ petroleum products LTD (Doctoral dissertation, University Of Nigeria Enugu Campus).
Affran S, Asare R.K. (2019). “Emergence of New Marketing Distribution Strategies: A Call for A Paradigm Shift”, European Journal of Business and Management Research, 4(6).
Fazli-nejad S & Ahmadian M. (2011). “Rentier economy in Iran and ways out of it. Economic magazine - monthly review of economic issues and policies, 11 and 12, 158-129. (Persian).
Coughlan A.T. (1987). “Distribution channel choice in a market with complementary goods”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 4(2), 85-97.
Adam M, Marwa T, Husni Thamrin K & Bashir, A. (2017). “Analysis of rice distribution in South Sumatera, Indonesia”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(3), 166-171.
Rezaei S. & Namamiyan, F. (2014). “The relationship between using new technologies and improving the distribution network of basic goods. The first international humanities conference with a native-Islamic approach and emphasis on modern researches, Mazandaran, Sari. (Persian).
Szopa P. & Pękała W. (2012). “Distribution channels and their roles in the enterprise”, Polish Journal of Management Studies, 6, 143-150.
Segetlija Z., Mesarić J. & Dujak D. (2011). “Importance of distribution channels-marketing channels-for national economy. In 22nd CROMAR Congress, 785-809.
Fayyaz R. &, Azizinia M. (2016). “Current challenges in distribution channels of cultural goods and services. Marketing and Branding Research, 3, 75-85.
Gherasim A. & Gherasim D. (2016). “The Role of Distribution in the Marketing Mix”, Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 19(1), 78.
Zheng L. & Zhang J. (2010). “Research on Green Logistics System Based on Circular Economy”, Beijin: xinum press.
George K. & Iravo M. (2014). “Factors Affecting the Performance of Distribution Logistics among Production Firms in Kenya: A Case Study of Bata Shoe Company (K) Limited”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(10), 279-287.
Hosseinpour A. (2018). “The Analysis of Intensive Distribution Approach”, Journal of System Management, 4(2), 67-78.
Da Silva A.M. (2008). “Distribution channel structure: an overview of determinants”, Revela Journal, 2(3), 1-13.
Kotler P. (2011). “Philip Kotler's contributions to marketing theory and practice. In Review of Marketing Research: Special Issue–Marketing Legends”, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Yeboah A, Owusu A, Boakye S. & Owusu-Mensah S. (2013). “Effective distribution management, a pre-requisite for retail operations: a case of Poku trading”, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, .1(3), 28-44.
Tamilia R.D. (2019). “History of Channels of Distribution and Their Evolution in Marketing Thought”, In Proceedings of the Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, 19, 120-138.
Pelton L.E, Strutton D. & Lumpkin J.R. (2016). “Marketing Channels A Relationship Management Approach. Edinburgh Business School”, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom.
Nguyen T. (2013). “E-business as a distributional strategy: case: Veikkaus Oy”, Lahti University of Applied Sciences Degree programme in International Business Thesis.
Kotler P. (2022). “Philip Kotler Answers Your Questions on Marketing Availble:
Endeshaw H. (2017). “An assessment of the relationship between distribution practice and sales volume in the case of Meta brewery (Doctoral dissertation, St. Mary's University).
Hsu S.H. (2017). “E-Commerce in the Distribution Management”, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 7(3), 25-32.
Borhaninejad A, Alizadehmeshgani F, Rezvani Chaman Zamin M. &, Rahmani K. (2022). “Designing and Explaining the Entrepreneurial Marketing Model on E-Marketing with the Effect of Brand Personality Differentiation on Purchasing Intention”, Jounal of Marketing Management, 17(57): 67-82. (Persian).
Rey-Moreno M. & Medina-Molina C. (2016). “Omnichannel strategy and the distribution of public services in Spain”, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 1(1), 36-43.
Hosseinzadeh, A., Esmaili, H. & Soltani, R. (2021). “Providing a system dynamics model to evaluate time, cost, and customer satisfaction in omni-channel distribution: A case study”, Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 14(2), 291-310.
Hey J. (2015). “Practical approach to the omnichannel marketing strategy in the frame of promptitude level of omnichannel customers on the Greek market. Department of Applied Informatics University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 2015.
Chopra S. (2018). “The evolution of omni-channel retailing and its impact on supply chains”, Transportation Research Procedia, 30, 4-13.
Pasqualini E. (2020). “Omnichannel customer strategy in the fashion industry during the age of digital transformation (Bachelor's thesis).
Liu L, Feng L, Xu B. & Deng W. (2020). “Operation strategies for an omni-channel supply chain: who is better off taking on the online channel and offline service?”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 39, 100918.
Kopot C. & Cude B.J. (2021). “Channel Depth or Consistency? A Study on Establishing a Sustainable Omnichannel Strategy for Fashion Department Store Retailers” Sustainability, 13(13), 6993.
Barnett-Page E. & Thomas J. (2009). “Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: a critical review”, BMC medical research methodology, 9(1), 1-11.
Abbas Zadeh M. (2011). “A reflection on validity and reliability in qualitative research”, Applied Sociology, 23(1), 19-34. (Persian).