The role of Corporate Responsibility on Customer Loyalty in banking sector
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementMohammad Javad Taghipourian 1 * , Mahsa Mashayekhbakhsh 2 , Azadeh Mohammadpour 3 , sepideh Ataei 4
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalus, Iran
2 - Master of Business Administration, Branch Babol, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Master of entrepreneurship, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalus, Iran
4 - Master of Business Administration, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalus, Iran
Keywords: cognitive loyalty, Banking, Social responsibility, Customer loyalty,
Abstract :
Research purpose: With respect to value-oriented marketing goals in today’s saturating market, the concepts of corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty in goods’ essence and services are, among others, two effective techniques of modern era. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of corporate responsibility on customer loyalty in banking industry. Research methodology: The study population is customers of Agricultural Bank in Mazandaran province. The data collection instruments are based on Rajasekhara’s (2010) and Sudhahar and colleagues’ study (2006). Based on a cluster sampling, 412 Analytical questionnaires were gathered. Research results: The results of the structural equations modeling indicated that (CSR) had positive and significant effect on customer service loyalty. Further, there were positive relationships between CSR dimensions (customers, society, and government) and all loyalty dimensions; i.e. behavioral, attitudinal, cognitive, conative, and affective dimensions. In this regard, CSR toward customers had the highest effect on conative loyalty and affective loyalty; CSR toward society had the highest effect on attitudinal loyalty; and finally, CSR toward government was the most effective on behavioral and cognitive dimensions of loyalty. Managerial usages of the research: Due to the competition between banks, the results of this research can be of great help to managers of private and public banks in attracting and retaining customers. Research innovation: Unlike conventional research that uses a one-dimensional or two-dimensional model of loyalty, this research is worthwhile considering all four dimensions of loyalty in the banking sector.
سازمان استاندارد و پژوهش های صنعتی ایران، (1389)، استاندارد ایزو 26000، 1-92.
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_||_سازمان استاندارد و پژوهش های صنعتی ایران، (1389)، استاندارد ایزو 26000، 1-92.
Afifah, N. & Asnan, A. (2015). “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility, Service Experience and Intercultural Competence on Customer Company Identification, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) PP. 277-284.
Csikósová, A., Čulková, K. & Janošková, M. (2016). “Evaluation of quantitative indicators of marketing activities in the banking sector”, Journal of Business Research.
Choi, B. & La, S. (2013). “The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Customer trust on the restoration of loyalty after service failure and recovery”, Journal of Services Marketing 27/3. PP. 223-233.
Chegini, & Goudarzvand, M. (2010). “Customer loyalty and value key dimensions interaction in organization”, China-USA Business Review, Vol. 9, Iss. 8, PP. 8-14.
Copeland, M.T. (1923). “Relation of Consumer's Buying Habits to Marketing Methods”, Harvard Business Review, 1, PP. 282-289.
Csikósová, A., Čulková, K. & Janošková, M. (2016). “Evaluation of quantitative indicators of marketing activities in the banking sector”, Journal of Business Research.
Danko, D., Goldberg, J., Goldberg, S., Stephen, R. & Grant, R. (2008). “Corporate social responsibility: The united states vs. Europe”, The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 19 (6), PP. 41-47.
Dick, A.S. & Basu, K. (1994). “Customer Loyalty: Toward and integrated conceptual framework”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 22, No. 2, PP. 99-113.
Day, G.S. (1969). “A Two-Dimensional Concept of Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 9, PP. 29-35.
Holme, R. & Watts, P. (2000). “Corporate social responsibility: Making good business sense”, World business Council for Sustainable Development.
Huang, Chi-Jui. (2010). “Corporate governance, corporate socialcresponsibility and corporate performance”, Journal of Management and Organization, 16 (5), PP. 641-655.
Harjoto, M.A. (2011). “Corporate governance and CSR nexus”, Journal of Business Ethics, 100 (1), PP. 45-67.
Jones, T.M. (1986). “Corporate social responsibility revisited, redefined”, Journal of California Management Review, 22 (2), PP. 59-67.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2012). “A framework for marketing management (5th ed.)”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2006). “Marketing Management, (12th ed.)”, New Dehli: Prentice-Hall of India.
Lombart, C. & Louis, D. (2013). “A study of the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and price image on retailer personality and consumers reactions (satisfaction, trust and loyalty to the retailer)”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 21, Issue 4, July 2014, PP. 630-642.
McWilliams, A. & Siegel, D. (2000). “Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: correlation or misspecification?”, Strategic Management Journal, 21 (5) , PP. 603-609.
McDonald, L. & Rundle-Thiele, Sh. (2008). “Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction”, International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol.26 No 3, PP. 170-182.
Mandhachitara, R. Poolthong, Y. (2011). “A model of customer loyalty and corporate social responsibility”, Journal of services Marketing 25/2. PP. 122-133.
Oliver, R.L. (1997). “Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer”, McGraw- Hill, New York.
Oliver, R.L. (1999). “Whence Customer Loyalty?”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63, PP. 33-44.
Rajumesh, S. & Sritharan, V. (2014). “Influence of moderating variables on attachment, brand trust and loyalty relationship”, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management.
Reichheld, F. & Sasser, E. (1990). “Zero Defections. Quality Comes to Service”, Harvard Business Review, sept-oct, PP. 105-111.
Sandhu, HS. & Kapoor, S. (2010). “Corporate social responsibility initiatives: An analysis of voluntary corporate disclosure”, South Asian Journal of Management, 17 (2), PP. 47-80.
Salmones, M.M., Crespo, A.H. & Bosque, I.R. (2005). “Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Loyalty and Valuation of Services”, Journal of Business Ethics 61, PP. 369-385.
Tripathi, S. (2009). “An Analysis of Customer-pull Factors and the Process of Store Loyalty”, Paradigm, Vol. 13, Iss 1, PP. 91-103.
Worthington, S., Russell-Bennett, R. & Hartel, Charmine, E.J. (2009). “A tridimensional approach for auditing brand loyalty”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17, Iss. 4, PP. 243-253.
Ying-Pin, Y. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility and service innovation on customer loyalty: An empirical investigation in wealth management services”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 33 Iss: 6, PP. 823-839.
Zaman khan, M. & Habib, d. (2010). “The effect corporate governancecelements on corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Journal of Law and Management, 52 (2), PP. 82-109.