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    Recent Developments in public law ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    New achievements in public law

    -Publication period: Quarterly

    -Arbitration time: 2 months

    -Secretariat: Sirjan, Shahid Fakhrizadeh Boulevard, Sirjan Islamic Azad University Campus, Research Building

    -The magazine welcomes all original and research articles and researches of writers and researchers.

    -It is necessary to check all the submitted articles by similarity search systems.

    Dear authors and researchers

    With regards and respect, the magazine informs you that if it is not possible to send an article through the magazine's website, the way of communication between you and the magazine is through the email:

    The magazine's phone answering time is also from Saturday to Wednesday from 9:00 to 12:00

    The quarterly journal of new achievements in public law is published electronically. Before submitting the article, the authors should read the authors' guide and adjust their article according to the mentioned style. In case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions listed in the authors' guide, the article will be returned to the responsible author only once to apply the mentioned terms and conditions. Also, respected authors must complete the authors' commitment form carefully and upload its image along with the original file of the article in the quarterly system.




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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University of Sirjan
    Executive Manager
    Online ISSN: 2821-1979

    Publication period: Quarterly



    Number of Volumes 3
    Number of Issues 13
    Printed Articles 72
    Number of Authors 475
    Article Views 29035
    Article Downloads 7973
    Number of Submitted Articles 257
    Number of Rejected Articles 149
    Number of Accepted Articles 82
    Acceptance 23 %
    Time to Accept(day) 38
    Reviewer Count 14
    Last Update 2025-3-03