Examining the restoration of executive operations in administrative law
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Hosseini Najafi
Ramezan Dehghan,
Hossein Ghorbanian
1 - PhD student in private law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
2 - Department of Law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran.
3 - Department of Law, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
Keywords: responsible for compensation, directions for restitution, substitutes for restitution, Restoring executive operations, administrative proceedings,
Abstract :
When dealing with various issues in administrative proceedings, many events occur; Orders and orders are issued, followed by a series of executive operations. This operation is performed during the proceedings, after the conclusion of the proceedings and as a result of the execution of the verdict or decision. An operation that is executed in a complete or incomplete way, sometimes needs to be restored. This return can be in different directions, including simple or fundamental mistakes, and in some cases it is accompanied by problems for which alternatives should be sought here. In the meantime, there is a possibility of incurring losses and people are also responsible for it. The type of votes and decisions taken in administrative proceedings, because these legal acts are unilateral, is such that it is distinguished from private or penal rights, on the one hand, we are on the side of the government, and on the other hand, with the rights of individuals. This distinction and feature will cause the restoration of executive operations in administrative proceedings to be done with special care. As a result, it is necessary to mention that the traditional way of restoring executive operations needs to be changed and the old way will not be the answer to the society's problems in some cases due to the prevailing public order.
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