Survey of antifungal effect of extract and essential oil of Lavender and the effect of each on physicochemical and sensory properties of toast bread
Subject Areas : Shelf Life of Food Products and Agricultural ProductionsShabnam Haji Hosseini 1 , fatemeh Hosseinmardi 2 , Alireza Rahman 3
1 - Department of of Food Science & Technology, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Food Science & Technology, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Food Science & Technology, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: : Lavender, Toast, Essential oil, Extract,
Abstract :
In the current research, the effect of lavender essential oil and extracts (aqueous, alcoholic and hydroalcoholic) on Penicillium expansum and Aspergillus niger molds was investigated. Then, a concentration of the obtained essential oil and extracts according to their Minimum lethal and Inhibitory concentration was added to the bread formulation. Chemical, Microbial and Sensory characteristics (General Acceptance Rate) of bread samples were measured in time intervals of 3, 6 and 9 days after production. The prepared toast samples included control, containing 0.016% essential oil containing 1.66% aqueous-ethanolic extract, containing 3.2% ethanolic extract, containing 4.26% aqueous extract. In surveying the results, pH and Humidity of the samples were observed within the standard range during storage. Regarding the Minimum Inhibitory and Lethal Concentration of the investigated fungi, the lowest and highest amount was obtained for the essential oil and the aqueous extract respectively (p≤0.05). On the third day of bread storage, the control sample had the highest total microbial population and the other studied samples had no microbial population. On the sixth day, the highest total microbial population and mold population belonged to the control sample, and after that, the sample contained 3.2% ethanol extract and 4.26% aqueous extract. The lowest total microbial population and mold population were observed on the sixth day in the sample containing 0.016% essential oil and on the ninth day in the sample containing 1.66% water-ethanol extract (p≤0.05). The sample of toast containing 66.1% water-ethanol extract of lavender plant had the highest sensory score (General Acceptance) (p≤0.05).