• فهرس المقالات Network DEA

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - اندازه‌گیری کارایی یک شبکه سه مرحله ای با استفاده از رویکرد تحلیل پوششی داده ها با در نظر گرفتن مرز دوگانه
        احسان واعظی سید اسماعیل نجفی سید محمد حاجی مولانا فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی مهناز احد زاده نمین
        این مقاله یک روش را برای اندازه گیری کارایی، رتبه بندی و خوشه بندی شبکه های پیچیده با درنظر گرفتن مرز دوگانه پیشنهاد می دهد. مدل پیشنهادی ساختار جعبه سیاه را باز می‌کند و اطلاعات مهمی در خصوص نقاط کارا و ناکارای شبکه ارائه می‌دهد. بدین منظور در این مقاله یک شبکه سه مرحل أکثر
        این مقاله یک روش را برای اندازه گیری کارایی، رتبه بندی و خوشه بندی شبکه های پیچیده با درنظر گرفتن مرز دوگانه پیشنهاد می دهد. مدل پیشنهادی ساختار جعبه سیاه را باز می‌کند و اطلاعات مهمی در خصوص نقاط کارا و ناکارای شبکه ارائه می‌دهد. بدین منظور در این مقاله یک شبکه سه مرحله ای شامل ورودی ها و خروجی های اضافی مطلوب و نامطلوب در نظر گرفته می شود و از رویکرد همکارانه کارایی کل شبکه محاسبه می‌گردد. به دلیل اینکه هر نتیجه‌گیری که یکی از این دو دیدگاه خوشبینانه یا بدبینانه را شامل شود یکطرفه و ناقص خواهد بود، در این مقاله از مرز دوگانه جهت تحلیل شبکه استفاده می شود. همچنین با توجه به پیچیدگی مدل همکارانه، یک روش حل اکتشافی برای خطی سازی مدل های غیرخطی ارایه می گردد. پس از مشخص شدن نقاط کارا و ناکارای شبکه، از الگوریتم کامینز جهت خوشه بندی واحدها استفاده می‌شود. نهایتا در این مقاله به منظور کاربرد مدل پیشنهادی یک کارخانه تولید محصولات لبنی با یک منطقه تولید، یک منطقه انبار و یک منطقه تحویل شبیه سازی و بصورت پویا در 24 دوره زمانی مورد ارزیابی قرار می گیرد. نتایج رتبه بندی نشان داد که دوره زمانی 10 بهترین و دوره زمانی 1 بدترین کارایی را در بین 24 دوره زمانی دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - کارایی هزینه در فرایند سه مرحله ای شبکه DEA-R
        پریسا کامیاب محمدرضا مظفری
        در بسیاری از سازمانها و موسسات مالی همواره داده های ورودی و خروجی در دسترس نمی باشند، بلکه فقط نسبتی از ورودیها به خروجی ها( یا بالعکس) در دسترس می باشد. در تحلیل پوششی داده ها کارایی هزینه باتوجه به بردار هزینه ورودیاا استاندارد ورودیها را مشخص می کند. در فرایند چندمرح أکثر
        در بسیاری از سازمانها و موسسات مالی همواره داده های ورودی و خروجی در دسترس نمی باشند، بلکه فقط نسبتی از ورودیها به خروجی ها( یا بالعکس) در دسترس می باشد. در تحلیل پوششی داده ها کارایی هزینه باتوجه به بردار هزینه ورودیاا استاندارد ورودیها را مشخص می کند. در فرایند چندمرحله ای شبکه تحلیل پوششی داده ها نیز بحث کارایی هزینه علاوه بر استاندارد ورودی، استاندارد بردارهای میانی را بااستقاده از مدلهای برنامه ریزی خطی مشخص می کند. در این مقاله براساس مجموعه امکان تولید در فرایندهای سه مرحله ای شبکه DEA-R ابتدا مقیاس کارایی در هر مرحله و کارایی کلی محاسبه میشود. سپس فرایند سه مرحله ای شبکه DEA-Rکه تلفیقی از تحلیل پوششی داده ها و داده های نسبتی است پیشنهاد میشود. بااستفاده از بحث کارایی هزینه استاندارد وروریها و پیوندهای میانی در هرمرحله مشخص میشود. در خاتمه، کارایی کلی و کارایی هزینه برای ۳۰ مرکز اموزشی و تحقیقاتی در ایران مربوط به شش ماهه اول ۲۰۱۵ بر اساس فرایند سه مرحله ای شبکه DEA-R بررسی میشود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - ارزیابی کارایی شعب بانک با استفاده از مدل تحلیل پوششی داده‌های پویا با رویکرد SBM
        مرتضی شفیعی
        ارزیابی کارایی سازمان­ها و علی­الخصوص بانک­ها، یکی از مسائل بسیار مهم در حوزه مدیریت می­باشد. تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده­ها، ابزار بسیار قدرتمندی به منظور ارزیابی سازمان­ها، با در نظر گرفتن شاخص­های متعدد ورودی و خروجی می­باشد. مدل­های س أکثر
        ارزیابی کارایی سازمان­ها و علی­الخصوص بانک­ها، یکی از مسائل بسیار مهم در حوزه مدیریت می­باشد. تکنیک تحلیل پوششی داده­ها، ابزار بسیار قدرتمندی به منظور ارزیابی سازمان­ها، با در نظر گرفتن شاخص­های متعدد ورودی و خروجی می­باشد. مدل­های سنتی تحلیل پوششی داده­ها، تنها به ارزیابی کارایی در طول یک دوره زمانی می­پردازند و عامل زمانی را به عنوان یکی از مهم­ترین فاکتورهای تأثیرگذار بر کارایی، نادیده می­گیرند. در این پژوهش به منظور رفع این مشکل، یک مدل SBM پویا ارائه شده است. مدل SBM، یک مدل غیر شعاعی در تحلیل پوششی داده­ها است که می­تواند تغییرات نامتناسب را در ورودی­ها و خروجی­ها اعمال کند. در این پزوهش به منظور نشان دادن یافته­های تئوریک حاصل از مدل جدید ارائه شده، به صورت عملی، کارایی 10 شعبه یک بانک ایرانی در طول 3 سال مالی متوالی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. همچنین به منظور شناسایی شاخص­های مؤثر بر کارایی شعب بانک، چک لیستی حاوی شاخص­های مهم در زمینه ارزیابی شعب بانک تهیه شده و در اختیار سرپرستان شعب قرار گرفته و از آنها درباره اهمیت هر کدام از شاخص­ها در ارتباط با شعبه تحت سرپرستی خود، نظرخواهی شده است. در ادامه 2مدل SBM پویا با فرض بازده نسبت به مقیاس ثابت و SBM پویا با فرض بازده نسبت به مقیاس متغیر حل شده و نتایج آنها با یکدیگر مقایسه شده است. در آخر نیز پیشنهاداتی به سرپرستان شعب ناکارا، به منظور رسیدن به مرز کارایی، ارائه گردیده است.  تفاصيل المقالة
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        4 - Efficiency analysis in multi-stage network DEA-R models
        Mohammad Reza Mozaffari masoud Sanei josef jablonsky
        In many organizations and financial institutions, it is in many cases more cost and time efficient to access ratio data. Therefore, it is of great importance to evaluate the performance of decision-making units (DMUs) which only have access to ratios of inputs to output أکثر
        In many organizations and financial institutions, it is in many cases more cost and time efficient to access ratio data. Therefore, it is of great importance to evaluate the performance of decision-making units (DMUs) which only have access to ratios of inputs to outputs or vice versa (for instance, ratio of employees to students, ratio of assets to liabilities and ratio of doctors to patients). In this paper, we will propose two-stage network DEA-R model with multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) structures. Then, introducing a production possibility set (PPS) in each network stage, we will compare efficiency values in network DEA and DEA-R. In the end, through an applied study on 22 medical centers which treat special patients in three stages, we will suggest an output-oriented multi-stage network DEA-R model under assumption of CRS technology. The medical centers are evaluated in all three stages based on overall network efficiency. The results of the analysis are presented and a future research in this field is discussed in the final section of the paper. تفاصيل المقالة
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        5 - The performance measurement of supply chain with network DEA
        Morteza Shafiee Mehdi Ghotbi
        Abstract: Many of researchers and strategists believed that essence of occupation in the 21 century have been changed, and this changing would be endured with ever-increasing speed. Witness of this claim changing of produce-based work to service work and changing of old أکثر
        Abstract: Many of researchers and strategists believed that essence of occupation in the 21 century have been changed, and this changing would be endured with ever-increasing speed. Witness of this claim changing of produce-based work to service work and changing of old economic strategy to network economic. One of the new network economic model, is supply chain management that as collection of ways- is about management and coordination all of supply chain management. The supply chain including different dimension that to attentive to great effect in the total organization efficiency, always to notice to evaluation. Now a day's one of the ways that has great utilization in this field is a network DEA model. In this research for calculating one of the networks of supply chain, considers15 chains that including two stages, supplier and producer, and with complicated actions and reactions that to exists in the supply chain, we consider three difference to introduce in the concepts of centralism, decentralism or mixed method. In this research efficiency each one of the chain was calculated under this three control of supplying chain, then will have examine the results of each one and relation between this three controls mechanism, and at the end will be compared with classic DEA model. تفاصيل المقالة
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        6 - Input Estimation in Two-Stage Systems with Undesirable Outputs Based on Cost Efficiency
        Zahra Shiri Daryani Shabnam Razavyan
        In the Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis (InvDEA) models, inputs and outputs of Decision Making Units (DMUs) are estimated while their relative efficiency scores remain unchanged. But, in some cases, the inputs cost information is available. This paper uses the inputs c أکثر
        In the Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis (InvDEA) models, inputs and outputs of Decision Making Units (DMUs) are estimated while their relative efficiency scores remain unchanged. But, in some cases, the inputs cost information is available. This paper uses the inputs cost information and generalized the InvDEA concept in two-stage network structures with undesirable output in the second stage. To this end, it proposes a four-stage method to deal with the InvDEA concept for estimating the inputs of the DMUs with a two-stage network structure method, while the allocative efficiency scores of all units remain stable. Eventually, an empirical example is presented to illustrate the capability of the presented method. تفاصيل المقالة
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        7 - A ‎D‎ivergence Measure for Combining Super-Efficiency Scores in Performance Measurement of Two-Stage Production Systems
        M. Khounsiavash R. Kazemi Matin M. Khodabin
        In the conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) internal sub-processes of the production units are ignored. The current paper develops a network-DEA super-efficiency model to compare the performance of efficient network systems. A new ranking method is developed by أکثر
        In the conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) internal sub-processes of the production units are ignored. The current paper develops a network-DEA super-efficiency model to compare the performance of efficient network systems. A new ranking method is developed by aggregating the computed super-efficiency scores with a J-divergence measure. The proposed approach is then applied to evaluate wheat productions in Iran provinces. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - Congestion-Based Benchmarking and Accessing Sustainability in Network DEA, Case study: Nine Iranian ‎T‎omato Paste Supply Chains‎
        E. Mollaeian Farhad Hosseinzade Lotfi A. Toloie-Eshlaghy M. Rostamy Malkhalifeh M. A. Afshar Kazemi
        This paper deals with benchmarking for a three-stage DMU. After investigating and eliminating congestion, adjustment of intermediate products and initial inputs have achieved by utilizing an Inverse DEA model, which dominates the current vectors and serve as a benchmark أکثر
        This paper deals with benchmarking for a three-stage DMU. After investigating and eliminating congestion, adjustment of intermediate products and initial inputs have achieved by utilizing an Inverse DEA model, which dominates the current vectors and serve as a benchmark that is to the best of this paper knowledge. This process has two cases. First, the overall efficiency stays fixed, and the second case, is corresponded to the overall efficiency ‎improvement.‎ تفاصيل المقالة
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        9 - An Inverse Dynamic FDH Approach to Estimate Outputs
        F. Asadi S. Kordrostami AR. Amirteimoori M. Bazrafshan
        In many situations, the performance and the changes of outputs related to dynamic systems should be estimated while the convexity property is relaxed. Accordingly, first, a dynamic free disposal hull (FDH) model is proposed in this paper to address the efficiency of pro أکثر
        In many situations, the performance and the changes of outputs related to dynamic systems should be estimated while the convexity property is relaxed. Accordingly, first, a dynamic free disposal hull (FDH) model is proposed in this paper to address the efficiency of processes in multiple period of time while the convexity assumption is unsatisfied. Also, two problems, including a mixed integer linear programming and a linear programming model are provided to compute the dynamic FDH model that is a mixed integer non-linear programming problem. Then the changes of multi-period outputs are dealt with for changes of inputs related to several periods using the proposed inverse dynamic FDH model while the efficiency levels are preserved. A case study of gas industry is, moreover, presented to demonstrate the introduced models. The results show the proposed technique is useful to analyze the performance and to estimate outputs in dynamic processes without including convexity. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - On the relative efficiency in general network structures
        F. Boloori J. Pourmahmoud Gazijahani
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an eciency measurement tool for evaluation of similar Decision Making Units (DMUs). In DEA, weights are assigned to inputs and outputs and the absolute eciency score is obtained by the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to weighted sum أکثر
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an eciency measurement tool for evaluation of similar Decision Making Units (DMUs). In DEA, weights are assigned to inputs and outputs and the absolute eciency score is obtained by the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to weighted sum of inputs. In traditional DEA models, this measure is also equivalent with relative eciency score which evaluates DMUs in compare with the most ecient DMU. Recently network DEA models are appeared in the literature, which try to assess DMUs regarding their internal production divisions and intermediate products. In this paper we compare absolute and relative eciency scores in network framework. Since in network DEA models, an ecient DMU does not exist necessarily, the relative eciency model helps us to have at least one ecient DMU in our assessments. تفاصيل المقالة
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        11 - Groups performance ranking based on inefficiency sharing
        M. Momeni G. R. Jahanshahloo M. Rostamy Malkhalifeh S. Razavi K. Yakideh
        In the real world there are groups which composed of independent units. The conventional data envelopment analysis(DEA) model treats groups as units, ignoring the operation of individual units within each group.The current paper, investigates parallel system network app أکثر
        In the real world there are groups which composed of independent units. The conventional data envelopment analysis(DEA) model treats groups as units, ignoring the operation of individual units within each group.The current paper, investigates parallel system network approach proposed by Kao and modifies it. As modi ed Kao' model is more eligible to recognize ecient groups, a new ranking method is proposed based on a model which calculates eciencies with additional constraint that made model share constant ineciency among groups.To show advantages, modi es model is applied to eciency calculation of both arti cial and real groups and results is compared with conventional DEA model and parallel system network model as well.Finally it is shown by tow numerical and empirical examples that ecient groups recognized by modi ed model how can be ranked according to proposed ranking model. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - Hybrid model in network DEA
        A. Jahanshahloo
        Traditional DEA models deal with measurements of relative eciency ofDMUs regarding multiple - inputs VS. multiple-outputs. One of the drawbacksof these model is the neglect of intermediate products or linkong activities. Af-ter pointing out needs for inclusion of them أکثر
        Traditional DEA models deal with measurements of relative eciency ofDMUs regarding multiple - inputs VS. multiple-outputs. One of the drawbacksof these model is the neglect of intermediate products or linkong activities. Af-ter pointing out needs for inclusion of them to DEA models. We propose hybridmodel that can deal with intermediate products formally using this model wecan evaluate divisional eciency of decision making units (DMU) and we showthis model with an example. تفاصيل المقالة
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        13 - توسعه یک مدل تحلیل پوششی داده‌های شبکه‌ای مضربی جهت بررسی ساختار درونی واحد‌های تصمیم‌گیرنده
        Reza Soleymani-Damaneh
        تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها به دلیل عدم نیاز به تابع تولید، از زمان ارائه موردتوجه محققین جهت ارزیابی عملکرد بوده است. اما مدل‌های اولیه تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها جهت بررسی ساختار درونی واحدها ناتوان هستند و دیدگاه جعبه سیاه دارند. از جمله متداول‌ترین ساختارهای شبکه‌ای، دومرحله‌ای مت أکثر
        تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها به دلیل عدم نیاز به تابع تولید، از زمان ارائه موردتوجه محققین جهت ارزیابی عملکرد بوده است. اما مدل‌های اولیه تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها جهت بررسی ساختار درونی واحدها ناتوان هستند و دیدگاه جعبه سیاه دارند. از جمله متداول‌ترین ساختارهای شبکه‌ای، دومرحله‌ای متوالی است. مدل‌های موجود جهت ارزیابی این ساختار عمدتا دارای رویکرد تجزیه می‌باشند، به عبارت دیگر اولویت آن‌ها کارایی کل است و از تجزیه کارایی کل، کارایی مراحل بدست می‌آید. در این مقاله تلاش شده است تا یک مدل چندهدفه مضربی که همزمان کارایی کل و کارایی مراحل را مدنظر قرار می‌دهد توسعه داده شود. همچنین برای حالت جواب چندگانه، مدل‌هایی جهت محاسبه کارایی‌ها ارائه و اثبات شد که در تمامی مدل‌ها نمرات کارایی بین صفر تا یک می‌شود و تنها در صورتی یک واحد کارای شبکه‌ای می‌شود که در هر دومرحله کارا باشد. مدل‌های توسعه‌داده شده به ساختار دومرحله‌ای با ورودی و خروجی مازاد نیز تعمیم داده شد. از مدل ارائه شده در یک مثال کاربردی استفاده شد و نتایج نشان داد که مدل موجود نسبت به مدل‌های سنتی ارزیابی واقع‌بینانه‌تری انجام می‌دهد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - A Network Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Efficiency Measurement of Poultry Industry Production Chains
        Ali Taherinezhad Alireza Alinezhad Saber Gholami Mahsa Abdolvand
        In this paper, models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) were investigated with the aim of measuring the efficiency of production chains in Iran's poultry industry. DEA tool can determine the efficiency frontier and the reference production chain to improve the performa أکثر
        In this paper, models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) were investigated with the aim of measuring the efficiency of production chains in Iran's poultry industry. DEA tool can determine the efficiency frontier and the reference production chain to improve the performance of the poultry industry. Statistical data were collected for 28 active production chains and 8 variables including: Material cost, human resource cost, equipment and facilities cost, transport cost, number of poultry, poultry price, profit, and cost of slaughter. Then, the relative efficiency of each chain was measured using traditional and network DEA. Finally, cross efficiency method was used to rank efficient chains. Traditional DEA results showed 25% of production chains to be efficient. Meanwhile, this percentage was equal to 10.7% in the proposed model of the paper (two-stage DEA). Therefore, the scientific accuracy of the reference production chain will be higher in the network model. The rest of the results and their details were presented and discussed. The results of this paper can be useful in the decision-making and policies of poultry industry managers and also improve the performance of production chains in this industry. تفاصيل المقالة
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        15 - Measuring the performances of Medical Diagnostic Laboratories based on interval efficiencies
        Ehsan Vaezi
        The classic data envelopment analysis (DEA) models have overlooked the intermediate products, internal interactions and the absence of data certainty; and deal with analyzing the network within the “Black Box” mode. This results in the loss of important info أکثر
        The classic data envelopment analysis (DEA) models have overlooked the intermediate products, internal interactions and the absence of data certainty; and deal with analyzing the network within the “Black Box” mode. This results in the loss of important information and at times a considerable modification occurs in efficiency results. In this paper, a Three-stage network model is considered with additional inputs and undesirable outputs and obtains the efficiency of the network, as interval efficiency in presence of the imprecise datum. The proposed model simulates the internal structure of a diagnostic lab (the pre-test, the test and the post-test). In this study, the criteria for evaluation are obtained by using the Fuzzy Delphi method. Due to the social, economic and environmental problems of health care organizations, the importance of sustainability criteria is evident in the case study indicators. We utilized the multiplicative DEA approach to measure the efficiency of a general system and a heuristic technique was used to convert non-linear models into linear models. Ultimately, this paper concentrates on the interval efficiency to rank the units. تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - Efficiency evaluation of wheat farming: a network data envelopment analysis approach
        Reza Kazemi Matin Roza Azizi
        Traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models deal with measurement of relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) in which multiple-inputs consumed to produce multiple-outputs. One of the drawbacks of these models is neglecting internal processes of each s أکثر
        Traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models deal with measurement of relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) in which multiple-inputs consumed to produce multiple-outputs. One of the drawbacks of these models is neglecting internal processes of each system, which may have intermediate products and/or independent inputs and/or outputs. In this paper some methods which are usable for network systems are briefly reviewed. A new unified model is also introduced which can be easily applied for performance measurement of all type of network production process. As an application of network DEA models, performance evaluation of wheat production in Iran provinces is considered and the results are compared.Traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models deal with measurement of relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) in which multiple-inputs consumed to produce multiple-outputs. One of the drawbacks of these models is neglecting internal processes of each system, which may have intermediate products and/or independent inputs and/or outputs. In this paper some methods which are usable for network systems are briefly reviewed. A new unified model is also introduced which can be easily applied for performance measurement of all type of network production process. As an application of network DEA models, performance evaluation of wheat production in Iran provinces is considered and the results are compared. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - The Design of Inverse Network DEA Model for Measuring the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains with Uncertain Demands
        Sajjad Aslani Khiavi Simin Skandari
        Two different bullwhip effects with equal scores may have different sensitivities and production patterns. As a result, the difference between these two seemingly equal scores has been ignored in previous methods (such as frequency response and moving average). So, the أکثر
        Two different bullwhip effects with equal scores may have different sensitivities and production patterns. As a result, the difference between these two seemingly equal scores has been ignored in previous methods (such as frequency response and moving average). So, the present study constructs a model of Inverse Network Data Envelopment Analysis, to introduce the relative and interval scores of the bullwhip effect magnitude, when a series of uncertain demands are made in a specific time interval. In the first stage of the proposed network, the uncertain demands and the forecasted uncertain data are regarded respectively as the model’s inputs and outputs. These output data constitute the intermediate variables and consequently the inputs of the second stage of the study model. In the second stage, after considering the ordering policies, the uncertain orders are sent. Due to utilizing both the optimistic and pessimistic perspectives, the study methodology includes an interval value for measuring the bullwhip effect with relative attitude. In the optimistic perspective, the analyzed decision making unit has the optimal status in comparison with other decision making units. In the pessimistic perspective, the analyzed decision making unit has the worst status in comparison with other decision making units. The results show that time is an unfair factor in the size of the bullwhip effect. The impact of uncertainties on the bullwhip effect in the demand forecasting stage is greater than the ordering stage. According to the research findings, cross-sectional planning is possible at different times according to different conditions. Therefore, using the results of the research, a fair score of the bullwhip effect can be obtained by considering all perspectives. تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - توسعه مدل تحلیل پوششی داده های شبکه ای باز و ناهمگن
        وحید اتحادی حسن حسینی نسب محمدباقر فخرزاد حسن خادمی زارع
        در این مقاله، تحلیل پوششی داده ها در ساختار شبکه ای ترکیبی ناهمگن، که خروجی های هر مرحله، می تواند به عنوان ورودی ها، وارد مرحله بعد در همان لایه یا لایه دیگر گردد و یا به عنوان محصولات نهایی از سیستم خارج شود، مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. در این مدل، هر مرحله می تواند، علا أکثر
        در این مقاله، تحلیل پوششی داده ها در ساختار شبکه ای ترکیبی ناهمگن، که خروجی های هر مرحله، می تواند به عنوان ورودی ها، وارد مرحله بعد در همان لایه یا لایه دیگر گردد و یا به عنوان محصولات نهایی از سیستم خارج شود، مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. در این مدل، هر مرحله می تواند، علاوه بر ورودی های میانی، ورودی های مستقل نیز داشته باشد. بدین منظور یک مدل ریاضی توسعه داده شده است که در آن ورودی های مستقل و خروجی های نهایی برای اجزای تشکیل دهنده واحدهای تصمیم گیری، مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. برای نشان دادن کارایی مدل، داده های واقعی برای 20 واحد تصمیم گیری، مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و نتایج به دست آمده، با نتایج مدل های سنتی مقایسه شده است. نتایج به دست آمده از روش ارائه شده، نقص موجود در روش های سنتی برای تشخیص مناسب واحدهایی که روی مرز کارآ(دارای کارآیی یک) قرار می گیرد را بر طرف می نماید. روش توسعه داده شده می تواند فهم دقیق-تری از عملکرد اجزای واحدهای تصمیم گیری برای مدیران و تصمیم گیران فراهم آورد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        19 - Interval Efficiency Assessment in Network Structure Based on Cross –Efficiency
        nasim roudabr seyed esmaeil najafi
        As we know, in evaluating of DMUs some of them might be efficient, so ranking of them have a high significant. One of the ranking methods is cross-efficiency. Cross efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a commonly used skill for ranking decision ma أکثر
        As we know, in evaluating of DMUs some of them might be efficient, so ranking of them have a high significant. One of the ranking methods is cross-efficiency. Cross efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a commonly used skill for ranking decision making units (DMUs). Since, many studies ignore the intra-organizational communication and consider DMUs as a black box. For significant of this subject, we applied cross-efficiency for network DMUs. However, In view of the fact that precise input and output data may not always be available in real world due to the existence of uncertainty, we have developed the model with interval data. the existing classical interval DEA method is not able to rank the DMUs, but can only classify them as efficient or inefficient , so this paper improve that. The proposed method can be used for each network that includes DMUs with two stages in production process. However, this paper is the first study that examined cross efficiency of DMUs in structure framework with interval data. the new approach enables us to ranking of first stage for n DMU and second stages of them. DMUs with the best rank can be used as benchmark for improving efficiency of other DMUs. Finally, We present Illustrate example with two steps for proposed model that can be develop for more than two steps. تفاصيل المقالة
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        20 - Uncertain Location of Network Structured Production Units
        Azam Azodi Jafar Fathali Mojtaba Ghiyasi Tahere Sayar
        Facility location problems are one of the most important issues for healthcare organizations and centers to achieve social welfare and respond to customer needs. Proper distribution of health and treatment facilities in cities is vital to minimize costs and improve the أکثر
        Facility location problems are one of the most important issues for healthcare organizations and centers to achieve social welfare and respond to customer needs. Proper distribution of health and treatment facilities in cities is vital to minimize costs and improve the efficiency of health centers. The main contribution of the current article is dealing with the uncertainty issue in the p-median location-efficient problem. In this article, the p-median location problem along with network data envelopment analysis (Network DEA) is used in parallel mode to calculate the efficiency of health and treatment centers. In this issue, health centers are considered as parallel networks with two departments that operate independently. Due to the precision of the input and output values, triangular fuzzy numbers and the α-level fuzzy method have been used. The primary results that consider the uncertainty provide efficient solution and suggestions for the potential location of health centers in our case study. تفاصيل المقالة
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        21 - Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain under Decentralized Organization Mechanism
        علیرضا علی نژاد
        Abstract Nowadays among many evaluation methods, data envelopment analysis has widely used to evaluate the relative performance of a set of Decision Making Units (DMUs). Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA(is a mathematical tool for evaluating the relative efficiency of a se أکثر
        Abstract Nowadays among many evaluation methods, data envelopment analysis has widely used to evaluate the relative performance of a set of Decision Making Units (DMUs). Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA(is a mathematical tool for evaluating the relative efficiency of a set Decision Making Units (DMUs), with multiple inputs and outputs. Traditional DEA models treat with each DMU as a “black box" thus, the performance measurement may be not effective. So, there are necessities for network DEA models. The objective of this paper is to propose a new network DEA model for measuring the efficiency of two- supplier and one manufacturer chains under the decentralized organization mechanism. In this mechanism, each section of supply chain is controlled under unique decision maker with his/her own interest. We proposed that, in comparison with CCR model, for the supply chain under decentralized organization mechanism, it is not appropriate to ignore the internal structure and treat as a “black box”, while there is more than one decision maker with different interests. Furthermore, the relation between the supply chain efficiency and division efficiency is investigated. Numerical example demonstrates the application of the proposed model. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - Evaluation of the Performance in Dynamic Network Data Envelopment Analysis with Undesirable Outputs
        محمد نجاری الموتی رضا کاظمی متین محسن خون سیاوش زهره مقدس
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a mathematical technique to assess the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs) with similar inputs and outputs. The traditional DEA models disregard the internal structure of units and have a “black box” view. Thus, to أکثر
        Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a mathematical technique to assess the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs) with similar inputs and outputs. The traditional DEA models disregard the internal structure of units and have a “black box” view. Thus, to evaluate the structures with more than one stage, the network DEA (NDEA) models expanded. On the other hand, the dynamic optimization models have been presented to eliminate the limitations of static models in optimization. In the article, for the first time, a systematic approach is used to present a dynamic NDEA with constant inputs and undesirable outputs. First, we used an axiomatic approach in DEA with undesirable output and presented an NDEA model with undesirable output. Then, we extended the proposed approach and presented a dynamic NDEA with undesirable output and a constant input. Afterward, we applied this model to evaluate hospitals’ performance in an experimental study to estimate the efficiency of their dynamic network. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - Network DEA: an application to analysis of academic performance
        Mohammad Ali Saniee Monfared Mahsa Safi
        As governmental subsidies to universities are declining in recent years, sustaining excellence in academic performance and more efficient use of resources have become important issues for university stakeholders. To assess the academic performances and the utilization أکثر
        As governmental subsidies to universities are declining in recent years, sustaining excellence in academic performance and more efficient use of resources have become important issues for university stakeholders. To assess the academic performances and the utilization of the resources, two important issues need to be addressed, i.e., a capable methodology and a set of good performance indicators as we consider in this paper. In this paper, we propose a set of performance indicators to enable efficiency analysis of academic activities and apply a novel network DEA structure to account for subfunctional efficiencies such as teaching quality, research productivity, as well as the overall efficiency. We tested our approach on the efficiency analysis of academic colleges at Alzahra University in Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - Estimating multi-period global cost efficiency and productivity change of systems with network structures
        S. Tohidnia G. Tohidi
        The current paper develops three different ways to measure the multi-period global cost efficiency for homogeneous networks of processes when the prices of exogenous inputs are known at all time periods. A multi-period network data envelopment analysis model is presente أکثر
        The current paper develops three different ways to measure the multi-period global cost efficiency for homogeneous networks of processes when the prices of exogenous inputs are known at all time periods. A multi-period network data envelopment analysis model is presented to measure the minimum cost of the network system based on the global production possibility set. We show that there is a relationship between the multi-period global cost efficiency of network system and its subsystems, and also its processes. The proposed model is applied to compute the global cost Malmquist productivity index for measuring the productivity changes of network system and each of its process between two time periods. This index is circular. Furthermore, we show that the productivity changes of network system can be defined as a weighted average of the process productivity changes. Finally, a numerical example will be presented to illustrate the proposed approach. تفاصيل المقالة
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        25 - ارایه مدلی برای محاسبه کارایی شرکت‌ها به کمک تحلیل پوششی داده‌های شبکه‌ای با عوامل نامطلوب
        احمد رویایی فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی
        هر شرکت تولید فولاد، مواد اولیه مورد نیاز خود را از تولیدکنندگان مورد نظر خریداری می‌کند و بدین ترتیب با آنان تشکیل زنجیره‌های تأمین با خاصیت شبکه‌ای می‌دهد. از این رو لزوم انجام تحقیقی از بعد کارایی به منظور بهبود عملکرد این زنجیره‌ها احساس می شود. در مطالعات انجام شده أکثر
        هر شرکت تولید فولاد، مواد اولیه مورد نیاز خود را از تولیدکنندگان مورد نظر خریداری می‌کند و بدین ترتیب با آنان تشکیل زنجیره‌های تأمین با خاصیت شبکه‌ای می‌دهد. از این رو لزوم انجام تحقیقی از بعد کارایی به منظور بهبود عملکرد این زنجیره‌ها احساس می شود. در مطالعات انجام شده، بررسی ساختارهای خاص در زنجیرۀ تأمین کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. در این تحقیق سعی شده که شبکه و نحوه ارزیابی عملکرد آن در حضور عوامل غیرقابل کنترل، نامطلوب مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. برای این منظور، مدل‌هایی از DEA شبکه‌ای ارایه شده که عملکرد زنجیره را در حضور ورودی‌ها و خروجی‌های غیرقابل کنترل، خروجی نامطلوب حتی در ساختار درونی آن، ارزیابی می‌نماید. در ادامه،11 شرکت فولاد حاضر که زنجیرۀ متناظر هر یک از آن‌ها دارای دو مرحله‌ای است، توسط مدل‌های ارایه شده، در سال 1398 مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. مدل طراحی شده بر اساس تحلیل پوششی داده های شبکه ای متناسب با شرکت های مورد مطالعه ساخته شده و کارایی آنها محاسبه گردید. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده یک شرکت در زیر بخش اول و یک شرکت در زیر بخش دوم کارا شناخته شد و همه شرکت‌ها کارایی کل کمتر از یک داشتند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        26 - ارزیابی امتیاز کارایی هولدینگ‌های سرمایه گذاری با در نظر گرفتن متغیر نامطلوب با استفاده از مدل FDH: یک رویکرد تحلیل پوششی داده ها
        علیرضا ضیائی شیرکلائی محمد ابراهیم پورزرندی مهرزاد مینویی
        تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها یک روش ناپارامتریک برای اندازه‌گیری امتیاز کارایی یک مجموعه از واحدهای تحت ارزیابی محسوب می‌شود. اخیرا کاربرد مدل‌های تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها در ساختارهای شبکه‌ایی و یا چندمرحله‌ایی مورد توجه محققان بوده است. این مقاله به دنبال تقویت اولین اقدامات انجام أکثر
        تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها یک روش ناپارامتریک برای اندازه‌گیری امتیاز کارایی یک مجموعه از واحدهای تحت ارزیابی محسوب می‌شود. اخیرا کاربرد مدل‌های تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها در ساختارهای شبکه‌ایی و یا چندمرحله‌ایی مورد توجه محققان بوده است. این مقاله به دنبال تقویت اولین اقدامات انجام شده برای توسعه مدل‌های شبکه DEA مبتنی بر تکنولوژی نامحدب است. برای این منظور، روشی را برای ملحوظ دانستن خروجی‌های نامطلوب در یک تکنولوژی نامحدب ارائه می‌کند. مدل‌های ارائه شده در این مقاله، ضمن محاسبه امتیاز کارایی کلی در یک سیستم شبکه‌ایی قادر هستند بدون هرگونه محاسبه اضافی کارایی هر مرحله را نیز جداگانه در حضور عوامل نامطلوب، محاسبه نمایند و در اختیار مدیران سیستم قرار دهند. همچنین برای نشان دادن دقت مدل پیشنهادی در مقایسه با مدل پایه ایی CCR قرار گرفته است که بدلیل شناسایی تعداد واحدهای کارای کمتر نسبت به مدل CCR دقت محاسباتی مدل را نتیجه می گیریم. براساس نتایج حاصل شده، علی رغم اینکه برخی واحدها کارای کلی محسوب می شوند، اما بدلیل وجود ناکارایی در برخی مراحل ناکارا محسوب می شوند و تنها هولدینگ صنعتی ملی با توجه به اینکه در هر دو مرحله کارا است به عنوان تنها واحد کارا در نظر گرفته شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
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        S. Keikha- Javan M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric technique for evaluation of relative efficiency of decision making units described by multiple inputs and outputs. It is based on solving linear programming problems. Since 1978 when basic DEA model was introduced many أکثر
        Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric technique for evaluation of relative efficiency of decision making units described by multiple inputs and outputs. It is based on solving linear programming problems. Since 1978 when basic DEA model was introduced many its modifications were formulated. Among them are two or multi-stage models with serial or parallel structure often called network DEA models that are widely discussed in professional community in the last years. The exact known inputs and outputs are required in these DEA models. However, in the real world, the concern is systems with interval (bounded) data. When we incorporate such interval data into multi-stage DEA models, the resulting DEA model becomes a non-linear programming problem. In this study, we suggest an approach to measure the efficiency of series and parallel systems with interval data that preserves the linearity of DEA model. Also, the interval DEA models are proposed to measure the lower and upper bounds of the efficiency of each DMU with interval data. تفاصيل المقالة