ارزیابی اثرگذاری شاخص ها و زمینه های مساعد کارآفرینی در توسعه بهینه کارآفرینی روستایی (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای شهرستان اردبیل)
محورهای موضوعی : مطالعات برنامه ریزی شهری و منطقه ای
بهرام ایمانی
علی ناصری منش
ابراهیم آرامی
1 - استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران
2 - مدرس گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران
3 - مدرس گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران
کلید واژه: کارآفرینی روستایی, روستاهای شهرستان اردبیل, شاخص های کارآفرینی روستایی, زمینه های کارآفرینی روستایی,
چکیده مقاله :
در جهان پیچیده و متحول امروز تحولات اساسی وقوع یافته در قالب انقلاب کارآفرینی، تاثیر عمده ای در میزان توسعه کشورها داشته است تا آنجا که در حال حاضر توسعه کارآفرینی هسته برنامه توسعه بسیاری از کشورها می باشد. ایجاد کسب و کار و خود اشتغالی در روستاها یکی از موضوع های مهم در کشور بوده و توجه به کارآفرینی روستایی با نگرشی به مشکلات موجود در این نواحی از اهمیت بسیار زیادی برخوردار است. در این راستا شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر بهبود شرایط کارآفرینی و زمینه های مساعد کارآفرینی روستایی در مناطق روستایی امری ضروری می باشد. شیوه جمع آوری اطلاعات در پژوهش حاضر از نوع کتابخانه ای و میدانی و نوع تحقیق توصیفی - تحلیلی بوده است. برای تعیین تعداد نمونه آماری مورد بررسی از مدل کوکران استفاده شد و 400 نمونه (سرپرست خانوار)، برای نمونه از جمعیت روستایی شهرستان اردبیل (جمعیت 79212 نفر (20890 خانوار)) انتخاب شده است. در پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از مدل رگرسیون چندگانه و ضریب Beta به بررسی عوامل موثر بر کارآفرینی روستایی (عوامل اقتصادی، اجتماعی، زیرساختی و فردی) و میزان تاثیر گذاری آن بر کارآفرینی روستایی و شناسایی زمینه های مساعد کارآفرینی روستایی (آزمون فریدمن و مدل Rank) در محدوده روستاهای شهرستان اردبیل اقدام شد. نتایج بدست آمده از پژوهش نشان می دهد متغیرهای اقتصادی با ضریب رگرسیونی (489/0)، زیرساختی با ضریب (397/0)، اجتماعی با ضریب (310/0) و متغیر فردی با ضریب (294/0) به ترتیب بالاترین تاثیر رگرسیونی را روی متغیر توسعه کارآفرینی روستایی داشتهاند؛ یعنی به ازای افزایش یک انحراف استاندارد در متغیر اقتصادی میزان توسعه کارآفرینی روستایی در شهرستان اردبیل به میزان 489/0 انحراف استاندارد افزایش خواهد یافت. نتایج مدل فریدمن (مدل Rank) برای ارزیابی زمینه های مساعد کارآفرینی روستایی نشان می دهد که زمینه کشاورزی با میانگین (73/3) مساعدترین زمینه توسعه کارآفرینی روستایی و زمینه گردشگری با میانگین (67/1) کمترین مساعدت برای توسعه کارآفرینی روستایی را در محدوده مورد مطالعه نشان می دهد.
In order to improve planning and improve the conditions of rural entrepreneurship, identify areas conducive to entrepreneurship and indices affecting rural entrepreneurship is essential. The results of the study indicate that about 82.2% of the variance within the village of Ardabil rural entrepreneurship and agriculture account for 17.8 percent of the criteria or other variables, also assess the role of economic factors indicate that about 73.4% of the variance of economic agents comply rural entrepreneurship and 6/26 percent for criteria or other variables. The results of the Beta coefficient indicate that agricultural entrepreneurship is far greater proportion compared with other criteria in predicting the dependent variable (rural entrepreneurship) are, so that a unit change in the standard deviation of Agriculture, makes the standard deviation of the dependent variable (rural entrepreneurship) as much as 71.1 percent of change. Beta coefficient to assess the role of economic factors in improving the conditions of rural entrepreneurship shows that a standard deviation unit change in economic factors, makes the standard deviation of the dependent variable (rural entrepreneurship) as much as 85.7 percent of change.
Ahmadpur Dariani, M., & Moghimi, M. (2007). Foundations of Entrepreneurship. Tehran: Fraandysh Publications. (In Persian).
Azkia, M. (2005). Iran has developed and undeveloped rural sociology. information Publication, Tehran. (In Persian).
Baba Zadeh, SA. & Khavari, M. (2010). Regression analysis of climate stations using the Iranian election. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 1, 95-107. (In Persian).
Dobrev, S., & Barnett, W. (2005). Organizational Roles and Transition to Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Journal, 48 (3), 433- 449.
Dareban Astane, A.R. Ghadiri Masom, M., & Ferozi, M. (2013). The relationship between organizational performance and entrepreneurial skills of rural local managers (Case Study: VA Qazvin Province). Journal of Rural Studies, 1, 27-59. (In Persian).
Faraji Sabokbar, H., Badri, S.A., Sajaji Gheydari, H., Sadeghlo, T. & Shadad Khaje Asgari, A. (2012). Prioritization development of entrepreneurship in rural areas by using Prometea (Case Study: Khoda village near the central city of Zanjan province). preceding studies human geography, 75, 68-53. (In Persian).
Fallahi, H. (2013). Factors affecting the development of rural entrepreneurship (Case Study: Manoujan city). Village of entrepreneurship doctoral thesis, Allameh Tabatabaei University. (In Persian).
Farahani, H., RasouliNia, Z., & Asdaqy Saraskanroud, Z. (2015). Factors affecting the growth of entrepreneurship in rural areas: Jaber-e Ansar Rural District in the city ABDANAN. space and Rural Development Quarterly Journal of Economics, 3(9), 1-16. (In Persian).
Johannisson, B. (2002). Energizing Entrepreneurship: Ideological Tensions in the Mediumsized Family Business, in Fletcher (Ed) Understanding the Small Family Business. London: Rout ledge Studies in Small Business.
Habbershon, T.G., Pistrui, J., & McGrann, M. (2006). Enterprising Families: Mindset and Methods for Wealth Acceleration in a Dynamic Marketplace. Snider Entrepreneurial Center, Wharton School.
Hall, A., Melin, L., & Nordqvist, M. (2001). Entrepreneurship as Radical Change in the Family Business: Exploring the Role of Cultural Patterns, Family Business Re-view, 14, 193-208.
Heriot, Kirk C., & Campbell, Noel D. (2002). A new approach to rural entrepreneurship: A case study of two rural electric cooperatives”. Available on:
Heidari Sarban, V. (2013). Factors Affecting agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas Case Study: city Meshkinshar. Journal - Research Geographical Society of Iran, 10(35), 278-263. (In Persian).
Heydari Mokarar, H., & Mohebi, Z. (2013). Factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas. the National Conference of entrepreneurship and business management knowledge, research firm Torud north, Babolsar, 19-1. (In Persian).
Karami, Sh., Aghahi, H. (2016). Analysis of the approaches and models of entrepreneurship the development of agricultural entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship in the agricultural journal, 2 (2), 83-103. (In Persian).
Lordkipanidze, M., brezet, H., backman, M. (2005). the entrepreneurship factor in sustainable tourism development. journal of cleaner production, 13, 787-798.
Moqimi, M. (1381). Interdisciplinary field of entrepreneurship and inclusive. monthly assessments, 22, 2-10. (In Persian).
Mirza Amini, M.R. (2003). Strategies for rural development entrepreneurship and job creation. employment assistance Conference alumni organization. the Supreme Council of Information Tehran, 45-21. (In Persian).
Najarzadeh, M., & Rezvani, M.R. (2009). Study and Analysis of Villagers, Background Knowledge on Entrepreneurship in the Process of Rural Development Case Study: South Baraan District (Isfahan County). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 1(2), 161-182. (In Persian).
Otto, M. (2009). Green: challenges and Opportunities for Business Growing Green: Challenges and opportunities for Business. United Nations climate change conference dec7- dec18.
Petrin, T., & Gannon, A. (1997). Rural Development through Entrepreneurship. Rome: FAO Regional Office for Europe.
Rezvani, M.R, Najarzadeh, M. (2009). Investigation and analysis of rural entrepreneurship in development of rural areas Case Study: Rural South, too, (city of). Journal of Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 182-161. (In Persian).
Rezvani, MR. (2005). Introduction to Rural Planning in Iran. Tehran: Ghomes Publications. (In Persian).
RuknalDin Eftekhari, A., & Sajaji Gheydari, H. (2011). Rural development with emphasis on entrepreneurship (definitions, perspectives and experiences). Tehran: Samt Publications. (In Persian).
Sayad Bid Hindi, L. (2013). Rural entrepreneurship. Tehran: publishing municipal and village administrations in the country. (In Persian).
Sydayi, S.A, Sadeghi, H. (2015). Entrepreneurship and rural development planning. Tehran: Darkhoein Publications. (In Persian).
Statistical Center of Iran. (2017). Statistical Yearbook of Ardabil province in 1390. Tehran: Iran's statistics center. (In Persian).
Shane, S., & Venkataraman, S. (2000). The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217-226.
Smith, A.E. (2002). Enhancing Community Assets. Southern Perspectives, 5 (4), 9-11.
Stathopoulou, S., Psaltopoulos, D., & Skuras, D. (2004). Rural Entrepreneurship in Europe, A Research Framework and Agenda. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 10(6), 404-425.
Stevenson, H.H., & Gumpert, D. E. (1985). The Heart of Entrepreneurship. Harvard Business Review, 63, 85-94.
Velayi, M., Abdolahi, A., Manafi Azar, R., & Safari, N. (2015). Analysis of factors affecting sustainable rural development with an emphasis on entrepreneurship (Case Study: Rural America Marhamatabad - city Sect). Regional Planning Journal, 5(19), 149-162. (In Persian).
Zali, MR., & Razavi, S.M. (2009). Research on barriers to entrepreneurship development in Iran, Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Tehran. (In Persian).
_||_Ahmadpur Dariani, M., & Moghimi, M. (2007). Foundations of Entrepreneurship. Tehran: Fraandysh Publications. (In Persian).
Azkia, M. (2005). Iran has developed and undeveloped rural sociology. information Publication, Tehran. (In Persian).
Baba Zadeh, SA. & Khavari, M. (2010). Regression analysis of climate stations using the Iranian election. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 1, 95-107. (In Persian).
Dobrev, S., & Barnett, W. (2005). Organizational Roles and Transition to Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Journal, 48 (3), 433- 449.
Dareban Astane, A.R. Ghadiri Masom, M., & Ferozi, M. (2013). The relationship between organizational performance and entrepreneurial skills of rural local managers (Case Study: VA Qazvin Province). Journal of Rural Studies, 1, 27-59. (In Persian).
Faraji Sabokbar, H., Badri, S.A., Sajaji Gheydari, H., Sadeghlo, T. & Shadad Khaje Asgari, A. (2012). Prioritization development of entrepreneurship in rural areas by using Prometea (Case Study: Khoda village near the central city of Zanjan province). preceding studies human geography, 75, 68-53. (In Persian).
Fallahi, H. (2013). Factors affecting the development of rural entrepreneurship (Case Study: Manoujan city). Village of entrepreneurship doctoral thesis, Allameh Tabatabaei University. (In Persian).
Farahani, H., RasouliNia, Z., & Asdaqy Saraskanroud, Z. (2015). Factors affecting the growth of entrepreneurship in rural areas: Jaber-e Ansar Rural District in the city ABDANAN. space and Rural Development Quarterly Journal of Economics, 3(9), 1-16. (In Persian).
Johannisson, B. (2002). Energizing Entrepreneurship: Ideological Tensions in the Mediumsized Family Business, in Fletcher (Ed) Understanding the Small Family Business. London: Rout ledge Studies in Small Business.
Habbershon, T.G., Pistrui, J., & McGrann, M. (2006). Enterprising Families: Mindset and Methods for Wealth Acceleration in a Dynamic Marketplace. Snider Entrepreneurial Center, Wharton School.
Hall, A., Melin, L., & Nordqvist, M. (2001). Entrepreneurship as Radical Change in the Family Business: Exploring the Role of Cultural Patterns, Family Business Re-view, 14, 193-208.
Heriot, Kirk C., & Campbell, Noel D. (2002). A new approach to rural entrepreneurship: A case study of two rural electric cooperatives”. Available on:
Heidari Sarban, V. (2013). Factors Affecting agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas Case Study: city Meshkinshar. Journal - Research Geographical Society of Iran, 10(35), 278-263. (In Persian).
Heydari Mokarar, H., & Mohebi, Z. (2013). Factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas. the National Conference of entrepreneurship and business management knowledge, research firm Torud north, Babolsar, 19-1. (In Persian).
Karami, Sh., Aghahi, H. (2016). Analysis of the approaches and models of entrepreneurship the development of agricultural entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship in the agricultural journal, 2 (2), 83-103. (In Persian).
Lordkipanidze, M., brezet, H., backman, M. (2005). the entrepreneurship factor in sustainable tourism development. journal of cleaner production, 13, 787-798.
Moqimi, M. (1381). Interdisciplinary field of entrepreneurship and inclusive. monthly assessments, 22, 2-10. (In Persian).
Mirza Amini, M.R. (2003). Strategies for rural development entrepreneurship and job creation. employment assistance Conference alumni organization. the Supreme Council of Information Tehran, 45-21. (In Persian).
Najarzadeh, M., & Rezvani, M.R. (2009). Study and Analysis of Villagers, Background Knowledge on Entrepreneurship in the Process of Rural Development Case Study: South Baraan District (Isfahan County). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 1(2), 161-182. (In Persian).
Otto, M. (2009). Green: challenges and Opportunities for Business Growing Green: Challenges and opportunities for Business. United Nations climate change conference dec7- dec18.
Petrin, T., & Gannon, A. (1997). Rural Development through Entrepreneurship. Rome: FAO Regional Office for Europe.
Rezvani, M.R, Najarzadeh, M. (2009). Investigation and analysis of rural entrepreneurship in development of rural areas Case Study: Rural South, too, (city of). Journal of Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 182-161. (In Persian).
Rezvani, MR. (2005). Introduction to Rural Planning in Iran. Tehran: Ghomes Publications. (In Persian).
RuknalDin Eftekhari, A., & Sajaji Gheydari, H. (2011). Rural development with emphasis on entrepreneurship (definitions, perspectives and experiences). Tehran: Samt Publications. (In Persian).
Sayad Bid Hindi, L. (2013). Rural entrepreneurship. Tehran: publishing municipal and village administrations in the country. (In Persian).
Sydayi, S.A, Sadeghi, H. (2015). Entrepreneurship and rural development planning. Tehran: Darkhoein Publications. (In Persian).
Statistical Center of Iran. (2017). Statistical Yearbook of Ardabil province in 1390. Tehran: Iran's statistics center. (In Persian).
Shane, S., & Venkataraman, S. (2000). The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217-226.
Smith, A.E. (2002). Enhancing Community Assets. Southern Perspectives, 5 (4), 9-11.
Stathopoulou, S., Psaltopoulos, D., & Skuras, D. (2004). Rural Entrepreneurship in Europe, A Research Framework and Agenda. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 10(6), 404-425.
Stevenson, H.H., & Gumpert, D. E. (1985). The Heart of Entrepreneurship. Harvard Business Review, 63, 85-94.
Velayi, M., Abdolahi, A., Manafi Azar, R., & Safari, N. (2015). Analysis of factors affecting sustainable rural development with an emphasis on entrepreneurship (Case Study: Rural America Marhamatabad - city Sect). Regional Planning Journal, 5(19), 149-162. (In Persian).
Zali, MR., & Razavi, S.M. (2009). Research on barriers to entrepreneurship development in Iran, Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Tehran. (In Persian).