Open Access Article
1 - Effect of Metabolic Stress on Ovarian Activity and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cattle: A Review
م. فرمان س. ناندی و. گریش کومار س.ک. تریپاسی پ.س.پ. گوپتا -
Open Access Article
2 - Intramuscular Fatty Acid Composition of the Longissimus Muscle of Unweaned Minhota Breed Calves at Different Slaughter Age
جی.پی. آرایجو پی. پیرس جی.ل. سرکواِیرا م. باروس ت. مورنو -
Open Access Article
3 - Dry Matter Intake, Milk Yield and Milk Fatty Acid Composition of Dairy Cows Fed Raw or Microwave Irradiated Safflower Seed as a Substitution to Cottonseed
ح. پایا ا. تقی زاده -
Open Access Article
4 - Productive Efficiency of Lactating Buffaloes Fed Bypass Fat under Field Conditions: Effect on Milk Yield, Milk Composition, Body Weight and Economics
S.G. Vahora S. Parnerkar K.B. Kore -
Open Access Article
5 - The Effects of Crossbreeding on Meat Fatty Acids Profile in Qazvinian Native Goats
م.ح. هادی-تواتری ا. رشیدی ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی م. رزمکبیر -
Open Access Article
6 - Evaluation of Various Approaches in Prediction of Daily and Lactation Yields of Milk and Fat Using Statistical Models in Iranian Primiparous Holstein Dairy Cows
M. Elahi Torshizi M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
7 - Effects of Gender and Dietary Ionophores on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Moghani Lambs
س. صادقی س.ع. رافت ج. شجاع ح. امانلو -
Open Access Article
8 - Effect of Dietary and Animal Factors on Milk Fatty Acids Composition of Grazing Dairy Cows: A Review
A.I. Roca Fernandez A. Gonzalez Rodriguez -
Open Access Article
9 - Fatty Acid Composition of Fat-Tail and Visceral Fat Depots from Chaal and Zandi Pure Bred Lambs and Their Crosses with Zel (Three Iranian Breeds)
م. مؤمن ن. امام جمعه کاشان س.د. شریفی م. امیری رودبار ا. آیتالهی مهرجردی -
Open Access Article
10 - Effects of Different Fat Sources in Finisher Diet of Broiler Chickens on Performance, Fat Deposition and Blood Metabolites
س.ع. میرقلنج ا. گلیان م.ع. بهروزلک س. مرادی -
Open Access Article
11 - Evaluation of Functional Properties and Fatty Acid Profiles of One-Hump and Crossbred (Dromedarius and Bactrianus) Camel Meat
ز. عبادی ف. سرحدی -
Open Access Article
12 - Assessment of Lipid Metabolism in Broilers against Plant Extract and Probiotic Substance or Their Combined Use
G. Duskaev O. Kvan I. Vershinina S. Rakhmatullin -
Open Access Article
13 - A Review on Biohydrogenation and Effects of Tannin on It
ر. ولیزاده یونجالی ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق ب. نویدشاد س. کرامتی جبهدار -
Open Access Article
14 - Effects of Varying Levels of Oxidized Fat and Copper Sulfate on Broiler Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Metabolites and Immune Cells
A. Nobakht A. Sehati H. Aghdam Shahryar -
Open Access Article
15 - Feeding of Safflower (Carthamus tintorius) Cake in Small Ruminant Total Mixed Rations: Effects on Growth Traits and Meat Fatty Acid Composition
V. Tufarelli A. Vicenti M. Ragni F. Pinto M. Selvaggi -
Open Access Article
16 - Metabolic Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Chickens: A Review
ب. نوبدشاد م. رویان ع. اخلاقی -
Open Access Article
17 - Effects of Concentrate Source (Cottonseed vs. Barley)on Milk Performance and Fatty Acids Profile of Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cows
A.I. Roca-Fernandez A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez O.P. Vazquez-Yanez J.A. Fernandez-Casado -
Open Access Article
18 - Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for Milk Production Traits in the First and Second Lactation in Romanian Simmental Dairy Cows
E. Nistor V.A. Bampidis M. Pentea M. Matiuti V. Ciolac F. Adebambo -
Open Access Article
19 - Effect of Feeding Dietary Treated Wheat Straw with Urea and Whey on Fattening Lambs Performance
O. Dayani R. Tahmasb A. Khezri A.R. Sabetpay -
Open Access Article
20 - Effect of Different Levels of Chromium Methionine Supplementation on Growth Performance, Meat Oxidative Stability and Ruminal Metabolites of Male Goat Kids
A. Emami A. Zali M. Ganjkhanlou A. Hozhabri A. Akbari Afjani -
Open Access Article
21 - Effects of Fat Supplementation and Chop Length on Milk Composition and Ruminal Fermentation of Cows Fed Diets Containing Alfalfa Silage
م. شریفی ع. حسین خانی م. صوفی زاده ج. موسوی -
Open Access Article
22 - In vitro Effects of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes on Rumen Fermentation of Wild Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum)
اس. سوجانی آ.ن. پاتهیرانا ر.ت. سرسینهه ک.ب. داسانایاکا -
Open Access Article
23 - Olive Cake and Barley Malt Rootlets in Hen Diets to Improve Egg Lipids and Fatty Acids
S.M. Hashish L.D. Abd El-Samee -
Open Access Article
24 - Comparative Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition of Yolk Lipids in Indigenous and Conventional Chicken Eggs
ع. کیانی م.ح. قارونی -
Open Access Article
25 - Effect of Feeding Canola or Sunflower Seeds on Conjugated Linoleic Acid Enrichment in Cow’s Milk Fat
J.W. Schroeder W.L. Keller D. Carlson -
Open Access Article
26 - The Comparison of Chemo Signal Compositions in Body Fluids of Holstein Cows from Different Estrus Periods
Ö. Anitaş S. Göncü -
Open Access Article
27 - In vitro Evaluation of Oil Releasing Extent from a Calcium Salt of Fatty Acids in Different Sites of Gastrointestinal Tract
P. Peravian H. Mirzaei-Alamouti M. Dehghan-Banadaky H. Amanlou M. Vazirigohar H. Khalilvandi P. Rezamand -
Open Access Article
28 - Effect of Exogenous Enzymes on Nutrient Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation of Holstein Cows
R.J. Tseu L.L.C. Paucar F. Perna Junior R.F. Carvalho R.G.S. Nogueira E.C.O. Cassiano D.C.Z. Vasquez L.A.R. Solórzano P.H.M. Rodrigues -
Open Access Article
29 - Genetic Evaluation of some Carcass Characteristics Assessed by in vivo Real Time Ultrasonography in Baluchi Sheep
ع. محمدی س. حسنی س. زره داران م. باقری ع. میرشاهی -
Open Access Article
30 - Fatty Acid Profile in Milk of Jersey Cows Fed Green Forage or Hay
ر. اورتگا پرز ای. پالاسیوس مچتنوو اُ. آرجونا لوپز ا. پالاسیوس اسپینوزا ب. موریلو آمادور ا. گیلن تروجیلو ج.ل. اسپینوزا ویلاویسنسیو -
Open Access Article
31 - The Effects of Replacement of Soybean Meal by Mechanically-Processed Sesame Meal on Performance and Milk Fatty Acids Profile in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows
V. Ashjae A. Taghizadeh Y. Mehmannavaz A. Nobakht -
Open Access Article
32 - CSN1S1 Gene: Allele Frequency, and the Relationship with Milk Production Traits in Three Indigenous Cattle Breeds and Holstein
S. Zakizadeh E.M. Prinzenberg M. Reissmann S.R. Miraei Ashtiani P. Reinecke G. Erhardt -
Open Access Article
33 - Chemical Composition, Fatty Acids Profile and Biological Evaluation of Tannins of Selected Date Seeds Grown in Iran
آ. رضایینیا ع.ع. ناصریان ا. مختارپور -
Open Access Article
34 - The Effect of Age and Location Pattern on the Morphometry of Purebred Redhead Barbary Ewes Reared under Arid Climate
S. Megdiche M. Ben Hamouda -
Open Access Article
35 - The Effects of Sugar Beet Pulp with Tallow and Soybean Oil on Broiler Chicken Performance and Jejunum Morphology
F. Aziz-Aliabadi A. Hassanabadi A. Golian S. Zerehdaran H. Noruzi -
Open Access Article
36 - Inbreeding Effects on Average Daily Gains and Kleiber Ratios in Iranian Moghani Sheep
N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
37 - The Effects of L-Carnitine and Different Levels of Animal Fat on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, some Blood Parameters and Immune Response in Broiler Chicks
K. Parsaeimehr M. Afrouziyeh S. Hoseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
38 - Association of PIT1 Gene with Milk Fat Percentage in Holstein Cattle
ز. ابراهیمی حسینزاده م.ر. محمدآبادی ع. اسمعیلیزاده الف خضری ع. نجمی نوری -
Open Access Article
39 - Effects of Replacing Alfalfa Hay and Wheat Straw by Pistachio by-Product Silage and Date Waste on the Performance and Blood Parameters of Fattening Lambs
ب. سلطانی نژاد O. دیانی ر. طهماسبی ا. خضری -
Open Access Article
40 - The Optimum Energy Density in Diets for Lori-Bakhtiari Lambs during a Fattening Program
م. کاظمی بن چناری م.ر. جوانمرد م. اسلامیزاد -
Open Access Article
41 - Effects of the Time of the Switch from an Unsaturated (Sunflower Oil) to a Saturated (Tallow) Dietary Fat Source on Performance and Carcass Fatty Acid Profile of Broiler Chickens
M. Ahmadi Y. Mohammadi H. Darmani Kuhi Y. Yousefi -
Open Access Article
42 - Relationship of Dietary Fat Sources with Semen Characteristics, Blood Plasma Metabolites and Scrotal Circumference in Mature Rams
آ. رادمنش ح. درمانی کوهی آ. ریاسی -
Open Access Article
43 - Milk Production, Milk Fatty Acid Profiles and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Dairy Cows Fed Diets Based on Dried Citrus Pulp
B. Ebrahimi A. Taghizadeh Y. Mehmannavaz -
Open Access Article
44 - Potential Relevance of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Peel in the Nutrition, Health, and Quality Products of Poultry
E.A. Akuru C.I. Chukwuma C.E. Oyeagu T.C. Mpendulo F.B. Lewu -
Open Access Article
45 - Effects of Copper Sulfate and Arginine Supplements on Performance and Carcass Traits in Broiler Chickens Fed with Canola Meal Based Diet
ص. عظیمی یوالاری پ. فرهومند پ. باغبان کنعانی ب. حسینتبار قاسمآباد -
Open Access Article
46 - Study of Factors Affecting Longevity and Survival of Iranian Guilan Sheep Using Linear and Non-Linear Models
م. نداف فهمیده ن. قوی حسین زاده م. گلشنی -
Open Access Article
47 - Effect of Different Fat Sources on some Blood Metabolites, Hormones, and Enzyme Activities of Lambs with Different Residual Feed Intake in Heat-Stressed Condition
G. Halakoo ا. تیموری یانسری M. Mohajer Y. Chashnidel -
Open Access Article
48 - Effect of Tannins and Monensin on Rumen Fermentation and Feed Energy Partitioning of Nellore Cows
R.J. Tseu F. Perna Junior R.F. Carvalho G.A. Sene C.B. Tropaldi A.H. Peres F. Dos Anjos P.H.M. Rodrigues -
Open Access Article
49 - Effect of Grape By-Products Inclusion on Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Lactating Saanen Goats
M. Badiee Baghsiyah M. Bashtani S.H. Farhangfar H. Sarir -
Open Access Article
50 - Effect of Dietary Rapeseed Meal on Fatty Acid Profile of Lamb Carcass
M.R. Yossifov -
Open Access Article
51 - Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Zel Breed Lambs Fed Different Ratios of Forage and Concentrate
S.D. Mousavi Kashani S. Gharahveysi K. Jafarikhorshidi -
Open Access Article
52 - Effect of Slaughter Weight, Carcass Weight and Sex on the Carcass Fatty Acid Composition of Boutsiko Breed Lambs
V. Alexandridis B. Skapetas D. Kantas P. Goulas A. Eleptheriadou -
Open Access Article
53 - Performance of Artificial Neural Networks Model under Various Structures and Algorithms to Prediction of Fat Tail Weight in Fat Tailed Breeds and Their Thin Tailed Crosses
ک. نوبری S.D. Sharifi N. Emam Jomea Kashan M. Momen A. Kavian -
Open Access Article
54 - Effect of Different Levels of Live Yeast in a High Concentrate Diet on Performance, Blood Constituents and Immune System Status of Zandi Lambs
م. راغبیان ا. بابایی یزدی ن. دبیری ا. حاجی محمدی پ. حاتمی ع. راغبیان ج. شمیزی م.ج. بحرانی -
Open Access Article
55 - Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Regression Analysis for Prediction of Fat Tail Weight of Sheep
م.ع. نوروزیان م. وکیلی علویجه -
Open Access Article
56 - Bayesian Estimates of Genetic Relationships between Growth Curve Parameters in Shall Sheep via Gibbs Sampling
ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
Open Access Article
57 - Physicochemical Characteristics and Fatty Acid Profile of Meat and Adipose Tissue from Lambs Fed Diets with Different Levels of Pomegranate Seed Oil
A.R. Karampour R. Naseri Harsini F. Kafilzadeh -
Open Access Article
58 - Effects of Slaughter Weight on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Fatty Acid Composition of Afshari Male Lambs
N. Papi M. Zahedifar -
Open Access Article
59 - Impact of Dietary Sodium Bentonite and Direct Application of Aluminum Sulfate to the Litter on Egg Quality Traits and Laying Performance of Nigerian Noiler Hens
C. Ezenwosu A.E. Onyimonyi N.W. Anizoba C.O. Osita H.O. Edeh M.C. Ugwu V.C. Udeh M.O. Onodugo N.S. Machebe N.E. Ikeh R.C. Ezeokonkwo -
Open Access Article
60 - Studying the Effect of Source and Feeding Duration of Protected Omega-3 and Omega-9 Fatty Acids on Production Performance and Expression of Genes Involved in Fat Metabolism in Fattening Lambs
A. Mirshamsollahi M. Ganjkhanlou -
Open Access Article
61 - Interaction Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid (N-6 vs. N-3) and Rumen Undegradable Protein Source (Fish Meal vs. Corn Gluten Meal) on Plasma Metabolites, Hormones and Reproductive Performances of Lori Goats during the Breeding Season
A. Shiravand M. Shamsolahi F. Fatahnia Y. Mohammadi M. Nemati