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    Trends in Phytochemical Research ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    "Trends in Phytochemical Research (TPR)", is a prominent journal that publishes original research and review articles. It covers a wide range of topics including the characterization and processing of essential oils, analytical assessments of bioactive compounds, natural products chemistry, phytochemical evaluations of essential oils and extracts, and their antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal properties. The journal also explores areas such as food chemistry and the biological activities of naturally occurring compounds. The abbreviated form of this journal is "Trends Phytochem. Res.". TPR is an open access and a free of charge journal for all authors all over the world. In other words, there is no article processing charge for each accepted and subsequently published article in the journal.

    "Trends in Phytochemical Research (TPR)" publishes original research articles, review papers, short communications, letter to editor, technical notes, and book reviews. At present, it publishes four issues per year. “Trends in Phytochemical Research (TPR)”, an international open access and quarterly journal that has been regularly published since  March 2017. This journal has received an official approval from the 103rd session of the Journals Evaluation Committee of Islamic Azad University, Central Organization on 10 October 2016The Editor-in-Chief of TPR is Prof. Majid Mohammadhosseini from the Chemistry Department of Islamic Azad University of Shahrood. This journal is published by Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch Press, Shahrood, Iran.

    ISSN Print: 2588-3623

    ISSN Online: 2588-3631 


    Journal Home Page:

    The headlines of Trends in Phytochemical Research (TPR) are as follows.

    Analytical Chemistry Disciplines with Focus on Medicinal and Herbal Plants

    Spectroscopy: Atomic and Molecular

    Separation: Chromatography (GC, HPLC, GC-MS, Headspace…); Extraction (SPME, …)

    Hyphenated techniques: GC-MS, Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography,….

    Critical Reviews in Phytochemistry

    Food Science

    Food Chemistry: Analysis, Sensory Evaluation,…

    Quality control


    Essential Oils: Classical and Advanced Techniques for Isolation of the Essential Oils, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial Evaluations, etc.




    Flavor, Perfumes and Cosmetics

    Pharmaceutical Formulations and Herbal Drugs

    Ethnopharmaceutical Reports


    Computational and Theoretical Studies Related to Different Aspects of Phytochemistry

    Considering the statistics of TPR in 2019, the acceptance rate the submitted articles was about 49%. The average time between submission and final decision is six to eight weeks and the average time between acceptance and publication is about one month.

    The submitted papers are also tracked via reliable "Plagiarism Checker" like "iThenticate plagiarism checker" to make sure their originality. The other objective of our journal is to publish the highest quality articles and disseminate to all readers through our "Open Access" mode. The published articles are not recommended for commercial use.

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    Number of Volumes 8
    Number of Issues 32
    Printed Articles 211
    Number of Authors 1767
    Article Views 82693
    Article Downloads 19035
    Number of Submitted Articles 537
    Number of Rejected Articles 247
    Number of Accepted Articles 215
    Acceptance 33 %
    Reviewer Count 418
    Last Update 2025-3-04