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        1 - Halab, Capital of Hamdanids in Syria; Effective Factors on Locating
        Davood Yahyaei Armindokht Amin
        Designation of a certain place as the capital has always been related to the numerous political and geographical factors. In fourth century AH in Islamic world, there were many capitals belonged to various dynasties had selected their capitals due to specific reasons. A More
        Designation of a certain place as the capital has always been related to the numerous political and geographical factors. In fourth century AH in Islamic world, there were many capitals belonged to various dynasties had selected their capitals due to specific reasons. After the conquest of Syria by Sayf al-dawlah Hamdani in 333 AH (912), Halab was selected as the capital. The results of this study have indicated that the factors such as the history of settlement of Bani Taghleb the ancestor of Hamdanids in Halab, the importance of Halab as the ethnic origins and cultural mainstay for Sayf al-dawlah, the ecological and geographical situations such as the access to domestic and international transport ways, the strategic and defensive location of Halab and especially the strategies of Naser al-dawlah  Hamadani -the governor of the branch of Hamdanids in Mosul- to protect his government and possessions in Jazireh have been effective in locating the Halab as a capital. The total allocations and facilities in this city, as the capital, led to flourish the sciences and literature at the time of Hamdanids especially in Sayf al-dawlah reign. References Abū ʿAlī Ibn Miskawayh, Tadjārib al- Umam, Vol. 1, Trans. Abolghasem Emami, Tehran, Surūsh, 1369/ 1990, Vol. 5 & 6: Ali Naghi Monzavi, Tehran, Tūs, 1376/ 1997. Ahmadi Por, Zahra & Gholi Zadeh, Ali Vali, Mabānī-i Djughrāfiyyā’ ī _ Siyāsī-i- Makān Guzīnī-i Pāyitakht- hā Dar Iran, Mashhad, Papulī, 1390/ 2011. Ashraf Ahmad, wīzhigī- Hāy-i-Tarīkhī-i- Shahr Nishīnī dar Iran dar Dawrih-i- Islāmī, Nāma-i ʿUlūm Idjtimāʿī, No. 4, Summer 1353/ 1974. al- Anṭākī, Yaḥyā b. Saʿīd, Tarīkh-i Yaḥyā b. Saīd al- Anṭākī, Beirut, Ābāʾ al- Yasūʿayn (Print),1909/ 1287. Balādhūrī, Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā, Futūḥ al- Buldān, Trans. Mohammad Tavakol, Tehran, Nashr-i Nuḳra(1st ed.), 1337/ 1958. Balʿamī, Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad, Tarīkh-i Balamī, Revised by Mohammad-Taqi Bahar & mohammad parvin Gonabadi, Tehran, Idarih Kul-i-Nigārish-i Wizārat-i Farhang, 1341/ 1962. Burūsawī, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī, Awḍaḥ al- Masālik Alā Marifa al- Buldān wa al- Mamālik, Revised by Mahdī ʿAbd al- Rawāḍiyya, Beirut, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, 1427 AH/ 2006 AD. Chelongar, MohammadAli, Tarīkh-i Fāṭimiyyān wa Ḥamdāniyyān, Tehran, Samt, 1390/ 2010. Dīnawarī, Abū Ḥanīfa Aḥmad, Akhbār al- Ṭiwāl, Trans. Mahmood Mahdavi Damghanī, Tehran, Nashr- i-Niy(4th ed.), 1371/ 1992. Freund, Julien, Djamia Shināsī-yi Weber Max( Weber Max de Sociologie), Trans. Abdolhossein Nikgohar, Nashr-i Nīkān (1st ed.), 1362/ 1983. Habibi, Mohsen, Az Shār Tā Shahr: Taḥlīlī Tarīkh-i Az Mafāhīm-i Shahr wa Sīmāy-i-Kālbudī ān Tafakkur wa Taththur, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1392/ 2012. Ḥafiẓ Ābrū, ʿAbdallah b. luṭfallāh, Djughrāfiyyāy-i Ḥāfiẓ Ābrū, Revised by Sadegh Sajadi, Tehran, Mīrāth Maktūb, 1375/ 1996. Hafez Nia, Mohammad Reza, Uṣūl wa Mafāhīm Zhiupulītīk, Mashhad, Paplī(4nd ed.), 1393/ 2014. Ḥalabī Ghazzī, Kāmil b. Ḥusayn, Nahr al- Dhahab fī Tarīkh-i Ḥalab, Revised by Shaʿth, Shawḳī, & Fākhūrī, Maḥmūd, Ḥalab, Dār al- Ḳalam,  1419 AH/ 1998 AD. Ḥudūd al- Ālam min al- Mashriḳ ilal-, Maghrib Revised by Yūsuf al- Ḥādī, Cairo, Dār al- Thaḳafiyya lil- Nashr, 1423 AH/ 2002 AD. Ḥusaynī Ḥanbalī, ʿAbd al- Raḥman b. Ibrāhīm, Ḳalāid al- Adjyād fī-mā Ittafaḳ fī al- Tasmiyya min al- Biḳā  wa al- Bilād, Revised by Walīd ʿAbdallāh Manīs, Kuwait, Markaz al- Buḥūth wa al- Dirāsāt al- Kuwaytiya, 1430 AH/ 2009 AD. Ibn ʿAdīm, al- Ṣāḥib Kamāl al- Dīn ʿUmar b. Aḥmad b. Abī Djarāda,  Bughyat al- Ṭalab fī Tarīkh Ḥalab, Revised by Suhayl Zakkār, Beirut, Dār al- Fikr(2nd ed.), ( Und.). Ibid, Zubdat al- Ḥalab Fī Tarīkh Ḥalab, Revised by Suhayl Zakkār, Damascus, Dār al- Kitāb al- ʿArabī, 1425 AH/ 2004 AD. Ibn Athīr, al- Kāmil,( Kāmil) Tarīkh- i Buzurg- i Islām wa Iran), Trans. Abolghasem-e-Halat & Abbas Khalili, Tehran, Muʾassisa Maṭbūʿātī ʿIlmī, 1371/ 1992. Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Safar-nāma-i Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, trans. Muhammad Ali Movahed, Markaz Intishārāt-i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī( ed.), 1361/ 1982. Ibn Ḥawḳal, Muḥammad, Ṣurat al- Arḍ, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir( 2nd ed.), 1938/ 1316. Ibn Ḥidjar ʿAsḳalānī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, al- Aṣāba fī Tamyīz al- Ṣaḥāba, Revised by ʿĀdil Aḥmad ʿAbd al- Mawdjūd & ʿAlī Muḥammad Mʿawwaḍ, Beirut, Dār al- Kutub al- ʿIlmiyya(1st ed.) 1995 AD/ 1415 AH. Ibn Khaldūn, al-Ibar, Tarīkh-i Ibn Khaldūn, Abd al_ Muhammad Ayati(trans.), Muassisa Muṭāliʾāt wa Taḥḳīḳāt-i Farhangī, (1st ed.), 1363/ 1984. Ibid, Muḳaddama-i Ibn Khaldūn, Trans. Mohammad Parvin-Gonabadi, Tehran, Intishārāt-i th ed.), 1375/ 1996. Ibn Khurdādhbih, al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik, Trans. Saeed Khakrand Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1889 AD/ 1306 AH(Offset Printing). Idrīsī, Muḥammad b. Idrīs, Nuzhat al- mushtāḳ fī khtirāḳ al- āfāḳ, Beirut, ʿĀlam al- kutub(1st ed.), 1989 AD/ 1409 AH. Iṣṭakhrī, Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad, al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik, Revised by Abūzayd & Aḥmad b. Sahl, Beirut, Dār Ṣādir, 1927/ 1305. Javedani Moghaddam, Mahdi, "Hilāl Shīʿī Bāzyābī -i Huwiyyat Yā Tawṭiʾa- -i Tawahhūm" ,Dar Rahyāft-i Inḳilāb-i Islāmī, Spring 1387/ 2007, No. 4. Kaḥāla, ʿUmar Rezā, Mudjam Ḳabāil al- Arab al- Ḳadīma wa al- Ḥadītha, Muassisa al- Risāla (6th ed.), 1414 AH/ 1994 AD. Khāndjī, Muḥammad Amīn, Mundjam al- Imrān fī al- Mustadrak Alā Mudjam al- Buldān, Cairo, Maṭbaʿa Saʿāda(1st ed.), 1325 AH/ 1907 AD. Ḳudāma b. Djaʿfar, al- Kharādj, Trans. Hosein Gharachanlu, Tehran, Nashr-i Alburz (1st ed.), 1370/ 1991. Kurdalī, Muḥammad, Khiṭaṭ al- Shām, Beirut, Maktaba al- Nawrī(3rd  ed.) 1403 AH/ 1982 AD. M.Lecke,"Taghlib B. Waii",El2(2000),Vol.x. Maḳrīzī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, Kitāb al- Mawāiẓ wa al-Itibār Fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa l- Āthār, Revised by Sayyid, Aīman Fawād, London, Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1422 AH/ 2001 AD. al- Māwardī al- Baṣrī, Abū al- Ḥasan, Āyīn-i Ḥukmrānī, Revised by Hosein Saberi, Tehran, Intishārāt-i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, (Und.). Moezzi, Maryam, Pīshgāmān-i Ḥukūmat- hāy-i Shīī Tarīkh-i Ḥamdānīyān wa Fāṭimīyān, Tehran, Samt (1st  ed.), 1390/ 2011. Maḳdisī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Aḥsan al- Taḳāsīm fī Marifat al- Aḳālīm, Trans. Ali Naghi Monzavi, Tehran, Shirkat-i Mūʾalifān wa Mutardjimān (1st  ed.) 1361/ 1990. Nāṣir Khusraw Ḳubādiyānī( Ḳubādhiyānī) Marwazī, Safarnāma- i Nāsir Khusraw, Revised by Mohammad Siaghi Dabir, Tehran, Zawwār (10th ed.), 1389/ 2010. Naṣr b. Muzāḥim, Piykār-i  Ṣiffīn, Trans. Parviz Atabaki, Tehran, Intishārāt-i Inḳilāb-i Islāmī, 1370/ 1999. al- Nuwayrī, Shāb al- Dīn Aḥmad, Nihāyat al- Arab fī Funūn al-Adab, Cairo, Dār al- Kutub ,(1st ed.), 1423 AH/ 2002 AD. Sāmir, Fayṣal, Dawlat-i Ḥamdānīyān, Trans. Alireza Zekavati Gharagozloo, Qom, University Research Institute, 1388/ 2009. Sayf al- Dawla Sulṭān Muḥammad, Safarnāma-i Sayf al- Dawla Marūf Bih Safarnāma-i Makka, Revised by Ali- Akbar Khoda Parast, Tehran, Nashr-i Niy(1st ed.) 1364/ 1985. Ṭabarī, Muḥammad b. Djarīr, Tārikh- i Ṭabarī, Trans. Abolghasem Payandeh, Tehran, Asāṭīr(5th ed.), 1375/ 1996. Ṭabbakh, Muḥammad Rāghib, Alām al- Nubalā bi- Tarīkh Ḥalabal-Shahbā, Dār al- Ḳalam al- Arabī(2nd ed.), 1408 AH/ 1987 AD. al- Tanūkhī, Abū ʿAlī al- Ḥasan b. ʿAlī b. Muḥammad b. Abī al- Fahm, Kitāb Djāmi al- Tawārīkh al- musammā Nishwar al- Muḥāḍara wa- Akhbār al- Mudhākara, Amīn( Print),Hind_ Egypt, 1921/ 1299. Tatawī, Ḳāḍī Aḥmad, Ḳazwīnī, Āṣif Khan, Tārīkh-i Alfī, Revised by Gholamreza Tabatabai Majd,Tehran, Intishārat-i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1382/ 2002. Yaʿḳūbī, Aḥmad b. Isḥāḳ, al- Buldān, Beirut, Dār al- Kutub al- ʿIlmiyya, 1422 AH/ 2002 AD. Ibid, Tārīkh-i Yaūbī, Trans. Mohammad Ebrahim Ayati,Tehran, Intishārāt-i ʿilmī wa Farhangī(6th ed.), 1371/ 1992. Yāḳūt Hamawī, Mudjam al- buldān, Trans. Mohammad Taghi Monzavi, Tehran, Cultural Heritage Organization(1st  ed.), 1380/ 2009.   Manuscript profile
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        2 - Classifier Ensemble Framework: a Diversity Based Approach
        Hamid Parvin Hosein Alizadeh Mohsen Moshki
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        3 - Data Replication-Based Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment
        Bahareh Rahmati Amir Masoud Rahmani Ali Rezaei
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        4 - Investigating of the relationship between quality of life with sprawl and compact urban in Khoramdeh city’s neighborhoods
        Ladan Mostafazadeh Esmaeil Shieh Ghader Ahmadi
        This paper examines the relationship between urban Sprawl and urban compaction with quality of life. By technology progress and the use of fast means of transportation, the deployment of city‌dwellers was possible in rural areas around the city. However, due to problems More
        This paper examines the relationship between urban Sprawl and urban compaction with quality of life. By technology progress and the use of fast means of transportation, the deployment of city‌dwellers was possible in rural areas around the city. However, due to problems in urban centers (such as high price of housing and land, over population jamming, etc.) population is poured into the suburb and on the other side due to the existence of highways, they were able to meet their requirements easily by refering to urban centers where it was caused spread cities horizontally. Urban sprawl event was stared at the united states in twentieth century then it was taken in to place in other countries like Iran. And surely conseques of this event have had some effect on quality of life (positive or negative). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of urban sprawl on the quality of life and the sample is Khoramdareh city. The main question in this study is that if the urban sprawl affects on the quality of life and how much is it? Therefore, after the study and examination of the theories, concepts and approaches to the phenomenon of urban sprawl and quality of life, the global experiences in respect of sprawl and quality of life and indicators of their measurement was investigated. First in the evaluation of case study, causing factors of dispersion in Khoramdareh was analyzed and then urban sprawl was investigated by examining 13 factors in 12 urban district. It was divided into sprawl district (1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 neighborhoods) and compact districts (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 neighberhoods). Then urban neighberhoods of Khoramdareh gradation based on sprawl from 1 until 12 dirges (11, 12, 10, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 6 neighberhoods). Also quality of life by 18 indexes and questionnaire design by 18 indexes and by filling it in Khoramdeh selected neighberhoods (1 and 11 neighborhoods from sprawl district and 6 and 8 neighborhoods from compact district) were evaluated. The number of questionnaires was calculated by Cochran formula and the number rose to 130 in the four neighberhoods of Khoramdeh and by Using of this technique, the samples were made to collect data. Then the questionnaire data were analyzed and summarized by using of descriptive statistics tools (tables and charts) and finally analyzed by using of inferential statistical techniques and the results was granted with a certain confidence level of extension. Used analysis includes: Mann-Whitney Test and t Test by using of SPSS16 software and exploratory factor analysis by using the LISREL 8.5 software. The results show that the quality of life in 1 and 11 neighborhoods (ave = 2/5) is upper than the quality of life in 6 and 8 neighborhoods (Average = 2/22), with 95 percent confidence level. And then by this 95 percent confidence level, it can be said that quality of life in sprawl neighberhoods is upper than the quality of life in compact neighborhoods. Manuscript profile
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        mohammadhosein pourmohammad seyed ali rahmanzadeh esmaeil kavousy
        In this study, in order to Study The Role of IRIB organization in developing Creative City in Ghiyamdasht, some different intellectuals’ opinions have been brought up and investigated. And also some different opinions among Citizens in Ghiyamdasht were gathered an More
        In this study, in order to Study The Role of IRIB organization in developing Creative City in Ghiyamdasht, some different intellectuals’ opinions have been brought up and investigated. And also some different opinions among Citizens in Ghiyamdasht were gathered and analyzed and then the presented opinions by them have been used. The method conducted in this study is field research and library literature one. In terms of the way of conducting, it will be correlational research and in terms of the research purpose, it will be among applied researches According to a sample formula should be 384. Therefore, 400 questionnaires were distributed among members of the target population. In Next Phase, the researcher has analyzed and interpreted the data gathered. Both descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to analyze the data of this study. Description of data has been presented in table representing different indices such as absolute and relative frequency, mean, standard deviation and variance in background and main variables. Correlational tests, multiple regression and F-test were used to get into the proper conclusion and test hypotheses. The results showed that The Role of IRIB organization effected in developing Creative City in Ghiyamdasht Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Evaluation of soil erosion and sediment yield in Namdan basin using MPSIAC and GIS Model
        محمد ابراهیم عفیفی
        The Flat and low slope morphology of Namdan and its margin springs have made Shadkam River less accessible in the middle parts. Thus the agricultural development in this area is difficult. Namdan has a deep alluvial sedimentary basin and the thickness of sediments is pr More
        The Flat and low slope morphology of Namdan and its margin springs have made Shadkam River less accessible in the middle parts. Thus the agricultural development in this area is difficult. Namdan has a deep alluvial sedimentary basin and the thickness of sediments is predicted about 100 meters. Soil is an important natural resources and its erosion causes the serious vulnerability in social and economic development as well as environmental hazards. In this article, the quality of sedimentation in Namdan basin has been evaluated using GIS and MPSIAC model. The first goal of this study is the Zonation of sedimentation in terms of sediment production in studied area and the second is to calculate the quality of sedimentation (QS), total sediment production and their classifieds in the basin. The results of basin zonation are classified in high, medium, and low erosion class. Also, the zonation with high sedimentation from North West to South East of the basin in Shadkam River, where type of lithology and land cover are rivers and waterways, alluvial deposits, silty clay, sand and rubber, is seen Manuscript profile
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        7 - Diagnostic Value of Milk Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) in Cows with Subclinical Mastitis
        , M. Shekari , F. Moosavinasab , O Ghasemian
        The sensitivity and specificity of milk somatic cell count (SCC) and bacterial culture as the golden standards for the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis are low. Mastitis leads to the increased formation of free radicals, elevated oxidative and nitrosative stress More
        The sensitivity and specificity of milk somatic cell count (SCC) and bacterial culture as the golden standards for the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis are low. Mastitis leads to the increased formation of free radicals, elevated oxidative and nitrosative stresses, and decreased antioxidant activity in milk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of milk malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant status (TAS) for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. A total of 90 clinically healthy Holstein cows were randomly selected from dairy farms of Tehran province, Iran. Next, 55 of these cows were diagnosed to have subclinical mastitis based on an SCC of higher than 130×1000 cells/mL of obtained milk samples. Milk MDA level was determined by the thiobarbituric acid method and TAS was measured using a commercial kit (Randox Laboratories, England). The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off points for the tests were determined by the receiver operating characteristic analysis. Our findings revealed that the mean and median of milk MDA and TAS were significantly higher and lower in the milk samples collected from cows with subclinical mastitis, compared to the healthy subjects. Moreover, milk MDA level was found to have the highest clinical accuracy at the cut-off points of 44.5nmol/ml. The results showed that the sensitivity and specificity of this biomarker in milk for subclinical mastitis diagnosis was both 100%. According to the results of this study, MDA can be considered as potential reliable substitutes for SCC in the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Ecotourism Valuation Rural Tourism Target of Malhamdare Village in Asadabad County of Hamedan Province
        Habib Shahbazi
        Economic valuation of environmental resources is allocated the great part of environmental economic studies. Environmental economist believed that economic valuation is necessary for environmental and services of non-market resources and denying of it will have results More
        Economic valuation of environmental resources is allocated the great part of environmental economic studies. Environmental economist believed that economic valuation is necessary for environmental and services of non-market resources and denying of it will have results as regret in long run. When environmental functions tied to historical and rural heritage, results of non-valuation will have more prominents. The purpose of this study is determining the recreational value of Malhamdare village services (environmental and historical) in Asadabad County (Hamedan Province). So, for this, individual travel cost method is used in household production function framework for years of 2015. The results show that the time, distance and costs of travel are effective factors on production recreation and recreation marginal cost, with the assumption of competitive conditions, is equivalent to 1397650.2 Rials per days which is shadow price of recreation. Also demand for recreation has negative relationship with the shadow price of recreation and has a positive relationship with income. On the other hand, visitor’s willingness to pay has a significant and positive relationship with quality of the environment, education level, age and marriage status of visitor. So, increasing environmental quality and preparing facilities in Malhamdare village by private sector investing will have increased environmental, recreation and ecotourism value of Malhamdare village. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The study of common theme in imprisonments of Abu Feras Hamdany and Masood-e Sa’ad-e Salman
        Zahra Soleymani
        A large part of the Arab and Persian literature has been devoted to prison and poems about it. Democratic poets from the distant past to the present created beautiful things in the field of human themes that studying them is not unpleasant and useless. Ab More
        A large part of the Arab and Persian literature has been devoted to prison and poems about it. Democratic poets from the distant past to the present created beautiful things in the field of human themes that studying them is not unpleasant and useless. Abuferas Hamdani, a famous poet of the fourth century is considered among the pioneers of Habsyyat in Arabic literature who has poetized ballades called “Roomyyat” about prisons and their belonging things during his captivity. In Persian literature from the earliest Habsyyah belongs to Masood-e Sa’ad-e Salman, a famous poet of fifth and sixth centuries. The Habsyyaat of these two poets has been reviewed in this article to find common themes. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Amir Arsalan's fictional application to the narrative theory of Tzotan Todorov
        naeimeh safaei nia Amir Esmail Azar
        Amir Arsalan Namdar is one of the surviving oral story writers of ancient Persian literature. They have considered it as the intersection of traditional storytelling and novelism in Iran. Folk tales have always been the focus of structuralists and narrators. In the mean More
        Amir Arsalan Namdar is one of the surviving oral story writers of ancient Persian literature. They have considered it as the intersection of traditional storytelling and novelism in Iran. Folk tales have always been the focus of structuralists and narrators. In the meantime, Todorov has found remarkable success in exploring mythical narratives, especially tales. In this article, we analyze the narrative aspects of the Amir Arsalan Namdar story. he predominant state of the propositions in the story is the Predictive and it is the time of the past verbs. In the meantime, there are more hypothetical funds. The conditional and predictive aspects are both equally in the story. Forecasts made by Ramel and Astrolabe are often correct and People prediction is probably wrong. The number of wishes is greater than the mandatory This shows that the aspirations of individuals advance stories and events more than the laws governing society. In the Todorov classification, Amir Arsalan is placed in the mythical narrative. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Effect Of Exhaustive Exercise and Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine on TAC, MDA and CRP in Wistar Rats after a Single bout Of Exhaustive Exercise
        Ali Aalizadeh Najmeh Mobseri
        Inroduction and ObjectivePhysical activity exhausting the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species activated (RNS) is a well has a dual role as both deleterious and beneficial species is known. N - Acetylcysteine (NAC) acetylating of the amino-L-cys More
        Inroduction and ObjectivePhysical activity exhausting the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species activated (RNS) is a well has a dual role as both deleterious and beneficial species is known. N - Acetylcysteine (NAC) acetylating of the amino-L-cysteine, which is converted in the body into metabolites that are capable of stimulating glutathione synthesis may be resulting in the elimination of free radicals. Effective properties of complementary N – acetylcysteine ​reduces fatigue and effects on sub maximal contractions.Material and Methods: This study used 16 female Wistar rats weighing 150 to 200 g and (8 to 10 weeks old) were divided into 2 groups. First group effervescent tablets were given (600 mg) of N-acetyl cysteine dissolved in water) four hours before the experiment by gavages and group was taken as the control. Blood samples were taken 1 hour before starting the exhaustive exercise - immediately after the exhaustive exercise and after one hour at rest.Results: Significant decrease was observed in the concentration of MDA immediately after the exhaustive exercise in the group consumed NAC and blood concentration of TAC one hour after exhaustive exercise as compared with the control (P≤0.05). Reactive protein concentrations - C (CRP) in the period before, immediately and after exhaustive exercise did not show any significant difference.Conclusion:The results of our study demonstrated that orall administration of N-acetyl cystein at least four hours before an exhaustive exercise can significantly reduce the harmful effects of oxidative stress in rats. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Effect of 8 Weeks Aerobic Training and Supplementation of Resveratrol on Oxidative Marker MDA and Antioxidant SOD and GPX Cardiomyocytes Tissue in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats
        ali mehri
        Inroduction & Objective:The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of aerobic training with resveratrol supplementation on regulatory and executive factors of cardiomyocytes apoptosis in streptococci diabetic male rats Material and Method:In an exper More
        Inroduction & Objective:The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of aerobic training with resveratrol supplementation on regulatory and executive factors of cardiomyocytes apoptosis in streptococci diabetic male rats Material and Method:In an experimental study, 50 male rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of 10 healthy controls, diabetics, resveratrol supplements, aerobic training and complementary resveratrol + aerobic training. Diabetes was induced by single injection of streptozotocin, ml / kg. The program of exercise, exercise and supplementation groups began for 8 weeks and 5 days a week on the training of Treadmill. All animals were completely and similarly treated, followed by 14-12hours of fasting and 48 hours after the last training session, anesthetized and sacrificed. After cardiac output and homogenization, the concentration (GPX, SOD, and MDA) was measured as ELISA.  Results: After induction of diabetes, the concentration of GPX and SOD in the cardiac system was significantly lower than healthy controls, while MDA concentration increased significantly in these conditions. However, exercise interaction and resveratrol had a significant effect on the concentration of cardiac SOD, while the interaction of these two effects there was no concentration of MDA and GPX in the heart. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise and resveratrol have a beneficial effect on cardiac apoptosis in inducing diabetes, but their interaction is not significant in the process of cardiac apoptosis. Of course aerobic exercise and resveratrol can be used as complementary medicine for protecting myocardial cells against the invasive induced apoptosis induced by diabetes. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The effect of green tea supplementation and climbing to altitude on the serum level of Malondialdehyde and Glutathione Peroxidase In non-professional healthy mountaineer females
        Azar Momtaz Mokhtar Nasiri
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        14 - Analysis of the "Hero's Journey" in the Amir Arsalan Namdar based on the theory of Joseph Campbell
        Neda Reyhani
        The hero is one of the oldest archetypes, and other archetypes are associated with meaning. Therefore, recognizing this archetype is a good guide for receiving and analyzing Campbell's reincarnation theory. In this research, the author intends to study and analyze the n More
        The hero is one of the oldest archetypes, and other archetypes are associated with meaning. Therefore, recognizing this archetype is a good guide for receiving and analyzing Campbell's reincarnation theory. In this research, the author intends to study and analyze the novel of the Amir Arsalan Namdar based on the theory of Joseph Campbell. Campbell sees life as a journey in which the protagonist must, while being aware of his or her strengths and weaknesses and identifying his or her inner desires and secrets, take individual action. The three main parts of the hero's travel theory are departure (separation), approach (return), and return. The element of travel and during its stages by the hero is one of the central elements of the plot of the story in Amir Arsalan's novel.. Amir Arsalan, with his inner call to join his beloved, fights with Shirgovia, Alhahak Div, Reyhaneh Jado, Fooladzreh Div, and his mother, etc. They take it and lean on the throne of victory and supremacy. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Magical Realism in Gholam Reza Rezaei's stories
        hossein khosravi azita gholigaleh amir hossein hemati
        Imagination shows the half hidden reality that it is the truth and it is the material that is the creator of the marvelous world of literature, which allows it to better understand it through creative imagery by recreating the facts. The primitive regions of the South i More
        Imagination shows the half hidden reality that it is the truth and it is the material that is the creator of the marvelous world of literature, which allows it to better understand it through creative imagery by recreating the facts. The primitive regions of the South in the climate stories show the effects of fear, loneliness and hideousness. Exotic beliefs, the economic and cultural poverty of people in remote and natural areas that are violent and scary, have made magical realism in the works of some writers. In this way, realism patterns collide with magic, illusion, and elements. In this mix, there is a combination of Reza'i stories that have an independent and separate character, and the dream and reality have become so widespread that the imagination of these events is genuinely real. In several works of Gholamreza Rezaei, we come up with stories that combine truth and delusion together so that the reader moves the sequence of time, but this feature has created a new and exciting quality. In thsis article, the reflection of magical realism in the collection of Reza's stories has been examined. Among the important features of Reza's stories can be say: Humor and fantasy, belief in strange beliefs, vagabond survivors' legends, incredible events, sudden fears and excitement. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Hbsiyha writing in Arabic and Persian Poetry (Comparative Research: Poetry Abvfras malk alshoaraye Bahar)
        Toraj zainivand Payman Salehi
        Hbsyh, any one of the poet's poetry is the conscience of her B sin, separation from relatives and friends, prison difficulties, resorting to elders and Amir and ... word says. In Arabic and Persian poetry, famous choral reputation  in  this  field   More
        Hbsyh, any one of the poet's poetry is the conscience of her B sin, separation from relatives and friends, prison difficulties, resorting to elders and Amir and ... word says. In Arabic and Persian poetry, famous choral reputation  in  this  field  have  reached.  Abvfras  Hamdani,  poet  and composer Abbasid period of the "Romans" in Arabic literature, the lead ball is stolen from others. Bahar poet laureate of the poets of the period Constitutional Persian literature is considered that the prison years Bndmvyh that is pulled up to the order. This research is based on the American  school  in  comparative  literature  review  and  comparative analysis of themes and structures common or Hbsyh differently by the two poets pay. The basic research topics include: A) a short preface, writing about Hbsyh garlic in Persian and Arabic literature and research overview. B) Comparative analysis of the content and structure of para   Mvyh Abvfras and Bahar. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Yeynash and the method of Hamdollah Mostofi Ghazvini in the history
        parvin ranjbar
        Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic hist More
        Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic historian has been based on two approaches to narrative and critical thinking, and the persistence of religious beliefs. The defense of Iranian Ilkhans has provided a wealth of information in the political, social, economic, geographic and cultural areas of the Mongols. Key words: Hamda ... Mostofi, Ilkhanan, Historiography, Providence Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic historian has been based on two approaches to narrative and critical thinking, and the persistence of religious beliefs. The defense of Iranian Ilkhans has provided a wealth of information in the political, social, economic, geographic and cultural areas of the Mongols. Key words: Hamda ... Mostofi, Ilkhanan, Historiography, Providence Manuscript profile
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        18 - Al Buye and Hamdanian relations
        rajab alli vosoghi
        During the rein of Moaz o Dolla in Iraq which lasted from 334 to 356, for sure one of his worries concerning  foreign policy was suppressing the Hamdany’s government. The reason was that The Hamdanys always were a threat for his government as a separatist and More
        During the rein of Moaz o Dolla in Iraq which lasted from 334 to 356, for sure one of his worries concerning  foreign policy was suppressing the Hamdany’s government. The reason was that The Hamdanys always were a threat for his government as a separatist and dangerous power. As a result, their relations were usually accompanied by hostility and enmity. Moaz o Dolla’s military moves to the Hamdanys’ territory centered in Musel in 334, 337, 347, 353 AH can be a proof for this. All this was despite their claims to be Shiite, following the same value systems. Studying the relations of  the two, the researcher will find that political ambitions are favored over religion and religion as a constructive element could not creat strong ties. Since one of important section of the relations between Al Buye and Hamdanys was during the rein of  Moaz o Dolla, the present study investigates the main causes and consequences of their relations. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The survey of the developments in NOUR historically
        safar yosefi
        The precedent of history of noor district would beget not only to the fieldof history , but also it reaches to long periods of history in touch withfamous political families with strong status. Once this district has been amajor part of ancient royan province, but as ti More
        The precedent of history of noor district would beget not only to the fieldof history , but also it reaches to long periods of history in touch withfamous political families with strong status. Once this district has been amajor part of ancient royan province, but as time passed it has beenconsidered as a main part of rostamdar province and being callednoorcity.In contrast to its appearance it has created several stories around itself,and in spite of its political centrality, and its social progressiveness, italso benefit of a suitable economic condition. The ancient relics andmonuments have been remained in this zone emphasize exactly on its oldestablished civilization and importance during different periods of iranhistory. We are trying to take a look on dark corners of the district byresearching different kinds of sources and accessible book. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Comparison of serum oxidative status in healthy Arabian and Dareshoor horses
        maryam karimi dehkordi Naser Salehi Pardis BaniMehdi
        Oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between the production of oxygen free radicals and the body's antioxidant defense, is strongly associated with physical activity during a horse's sporting life. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the serum levels of Malo More
        Oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between the production of oxygen free radicals and the body's antioxidant defense, is strongly associated with physical activity during a horse's sporting life. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the serum levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxatase (GPX) and catalase (CAT) as indicators of oxidative stress and to compare them between two horse races of Arab and Dareshoor. For this purpose, 26 non-pregnant and non-lactating female horses from Yazd province (13 Arab and 13 Dareshoor) were randomly selected. Blood samples were taken from all horses at rest. MDA, TAC and antioxidant enzymes were tested in the serum of the studied horses. The results showed that the rate of MDA in the serum of Arabian horses was significantly lower than Dareshoor horses (0.98±0.55 vs 1.59±0.56 µmol/L, respectively). Also, serum TAC concentrations in Arabian and Dareshoor horses did not show any statistically significant difference, although the rate of this parameter in Arabian horses was slightly higher than in Dareshoor (113.54±70.75 vs 112.56±53.93 µmol/L, respectively). In Arab race, level of SOD, GPX and CAT were also higher than Dareshoor. These differences between SOD and GPX enzymes were statistically significant (p<0.05). High levels of antioxidant enzymes and low levels of MDA indicate better health status for Arabian horses, and breed and genetics appear to play a role in enhancing the strength of the antioxidant defense system. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Developing a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Model while Enhancing the Resolution of Decision-Making Units in Data Overlay Analysis through a Fuzzy Inference System
        Navid Sharifi Maghsood Amiri Laya Olfat Amir Yousefli
        The utilization of data envelopment analysis models for assessing and ranking organizational performance is on the rise. One of the important challenges of this model is the diminishing of the decision-making unit’s precision when dealing with a multitude of input More
        The utilization of data envelopment analysis models for assessing and ranking organizational performance is on the rise. One of the important challenges of this model is the diminishing of the decision-making unit’s precision when dealing with a multitude of inputs and outputs. Hence, the aim of the present research was to develop a comprehensive performance evaluation model while enhancing the resolution of decision-making units. To this end, a balanced scorecard was used to identify comprehensive indicators. At the same time, for the first time, two objective and subjective approaches based on factor analysis and fuzzy inference system were used simultaneously to reduce indicators and improve the resolution of decision-making units. This study used an explanatory-descriptive method and was conducted as an applied-developmental research. The statistical population for identifying performance evaluation indicators and developing fuzzy inference rules included the experts of higher education institutions of Semnan city. Moreover, twenty-four higher education institutions of Semnan city were selected for model testing. The researcher made two questionnaires for the data collection. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by content and construct validity, respectively. Also, the reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha value and composite reliability of more than 0.7 respectively. The main accomplishment of the research can be designing a unified model with objective and subjective approaches to improve the resolution of decision units. In this regard, 26 indicators were identified and reduced to 8 structures by factor analysis. Also, the structures were scored by relying on the designed fuzzy inference system. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in the resolution of decision-making units when utilizing the proposed model, in contrast to conventional models which are mostly based on objective and subjective methods. As a result, the number of effective units in the proposed model effectively reduced to 10. Additionally, the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test and the calculation of the standard deviation of the efficiency scores revealed that the proposed model with an average rating of 48.29 and a dispersion of 0.221 has a lower efficiency rating and a greater dispersion as compered to other models. This finding serves as a confirmation of the enhanced resolution achieved by the proposed model Manuscript profile
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        22 - Synergistic effects of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles and Paclitaxel combination on the DNA structure and their antiproliferative role on MDA-MB-231cells
        Azadeh Hekmat Masoumeh Afrough Saeed Hesami Tackallou Faizan Ahmad
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        23 - Synergistic effects of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles and Paclitaxel combination on the DNA structure and their antiproliferative role on MDA-MB-231cells
        Azadeh Hekmat Masoumeh Afrough Saeed Hesami Tackallou Faizan Ahmad
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        24 - The effect of D-ribose supplementation on LDH, CK and MDA following a plyometric activity in young beginner wrestlers
        Bahman Hasanvand Darush Nazari
        Introduction: The present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of D-ribose supplementation on LDH, CK and MDA following a plyometric activity in young beginner wrestlers.Methods: In this semi-experimental study, which was conducted with a repeated measurement More
        Introduction: The present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of D-ribose supplementation on LDH, CK and MDA following a plyometric activity in young beginner wrestlers.Methods: In this semi-experimental study, which was conducted with a repeated measurement design, 32 young beginner wrestlers from Khorramabad city, with an age range of 15 to 18, were selected as available, and in 2 groups of 16 people, they took D-ribose supplements with They were treated with plyometric exercise and taking a placebo along with plyometric exercise. In the pre-test stage, the first stage of blood sampling was done. In the D-ribose supplement- plyometric exercise group, the participants took 15 grams of D-ribose supplement one hour before performing the activity and performed the relevant plyometric exercises. 24 hours and 48 hours after performing the plyometric exercise, the second and third stages of blood sampling were performed, respectively. In the placebo group - plyometric exercise, the participants consumed 15 grams of placebo (sorbitol and β-cyclodextrin) one hour before performing the activity.Findings: The obtained data were analyzed by the analysis of variance test with repeated measurements. The results showed that D-ribose supplementation is effective in reducing lipid peroxidation (MDA) and oxidative stress (CK, LDH) indices following a plyometric activity (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it is recommended that young wrestlers use D-ribose supplementation to prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation caused by relatively intense sports activities and its subsequent consequences. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Typology of factors affecting the satisfaction of urban and civil services of the municipality of Tehran's 15th district to the people of Ghiamdasht
        Noorooz Hashemzehi Somaieh Hashemzehi Samaneh Hashemzehi
        Providing people-centered services and providing the interests of all groups with benefits is one of the requirements of sustainable urban development and occurs when the trustees can satisfy the residents of that city with quality services.The services of the municipal More
        Providing people-centered services and providing the interests of all groups with benefits is one of the requirements of sustainable urban development and occurs when the trustees can satisfy the residents of that city with quality services.The services of the municipality are in the 15th district of Tehran,which was done by survey method and questionnaire.The statistical population consisted of citizens over18years of age who have lived in this city for at least 4 years and the sample size was 406 people.Selected step by step. Based on the results;Citizens were highly religious and had a national identity.The trust and social participation of most of the citizens of Ghiamdasht was moderate. Satisfaction with the performance of the municipality in the field of urban services, green space,urban planning and architecture, social and cultural, public relations, administrative staff, technical and civil field, which was assessed with 65 questions. , In total, was lower than average.The total score of satisfaction with the performance of the municipality in these areas was 8 out of 20.Religiosity was the only factor that had a high impact(with a beta of 0.26)on the satisfaction of municipal services in District 15 in the city of Ghiamdasht and also this factor played the most role. Has had the least role in the analysis of species from each other and in contrast to the variable of social trust.According to the process of social comparison of municipal performance, continuous attention to the quality of services is the most important factor that can maintain citizen satisfaction Manuscript profile
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        26 - A typology of factors influencing Ghiamdash residents’ satisfaction with municipal and constructional services of Tehran’s District 15
        Noorooz Hashemzehi Somaieh Hashemzehi Samaneh Hashemzehi
        The provision of people-oriented services and meeting the interests of all social groups is one of the essential elements of sustained urban development and it will take place when urban officials can provide quality services that brings residents’ satisfaction. T More
        The provision of people-oriented services and meeting the interests of all social groups is one of the essential elements of sustained urban development and it will take place when urban officials can provide quality services that brings residents’ satisfaction. This research aims to present a typology of factors influencing Ghiamdash residents’ satisfaction with municipal and constructional services of Tehran’s District 15 which was done through a survey research that utilized a questionnaire. The research population consisted of all the residents of Ghiamdash who were above 18 years and had resided there for at least 4 years. 406 individuals were selected using a multi-step cluster sampling technique. The findings showed that respondents were very religious and nationalistic. Social trust and participation levels were at the medium level. Satisfaction with the municipality’s performance in the areas of urban services, green space, architecture and city construction, social and cultural, public relations, and technical and construction field which were measured using 65 questions, generally were less than average. General satisfaction with municipality’s performance was 8 of 20. Religiosity was the only factor that had high (beta= 0.26) effect on satisfaction. Religiosity also had the most effect in separating different typologies. Social trust, on the contrary, had the least effect in separating different typologies.   Manuscript profile
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        27 - Effects of Rosehip Feed Supplementation on Egg Quality Parameters, Yolk Lipid Oxidation, and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens
        S. Grigorova N. Gjorgovska V. Levkov
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        28 - Cadmium stress consolation in melatonin supplemented Cucumis sativus through modulation of antioxidative defense system
        Anis Ali Shah Shakil Ahmed Nasim Ahmad Yasin
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        29 - Antioxidant Responses of Helianthus annuus L. under Vanadium Stress.
        Masoumeh Abedini Fatemeh Mohammadian Fatemeh Mohammadian Behrokh Daie-Hassani Leila Zarandi-Miandoab
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        30 - Biological removal of cadmium from soil by phytoremediation and its impact on growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, phenol and malondealdehyde content in Vetiveria zizianoides.
        Azhir Khalil Aria Hossein Abbaspour Sekineh Saeidi Sar Mohsen Dehghani Ghanatghestani
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        31 - Chaotic Time Series Prediction Using Optimal Fuzzy Systems Based on Sequential Quadratic Programming-Case Study: Gold Price
        Rasoul Rajaei Ali Akbar Gharaveisi Seyed Mohammad Ali Mohammadi
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        32 - ارزیابی فعالیت های ضد میکروبی و سمیت سلولی عصاره های متانولی برگ گیاه Sansevieria zeylanica (L.) Willd. روی سرطان سینه در انسان، لاین های سلولی MDA-MB-231
        S. Rajashekara S. Chudamani S. Rautela Sharvani Hegde S. Swaroopa
        گیاه Sansevieria zeylanica یک گونه علفی چند ساله مناطق خشک است که در قسمت­های گرمسیر و نیمه گرمسیر دنیا پراکندگی دارد. این گیاه، یک گیاه شگفت­انگیز دارویی است و مزایای زیادی دارد. هدف این مطالعه تعیین فعالیت­های سمیت سلولی در سرطان سینه در انسان روی لاین&shy More
        گیاه Sansevieria zeylanica یک گونه علفی چند ساله مناطق خشک است که در قسمت­های گرمسیر و نیمه گرمسیر دنیا پراکندگی دارد. این گیاه، یک گیاه شگفت­انگیز دارویی است و مزایای زیادی دارد. هدف این مطالعه تعیین فعالیت­های سمیت سلولی در سرطان سینه در انسان روی لاین­های سلولی MDA-MB-231 و نیز ارزیابی خاصیت ضد میکروبی با استفاده از عصاره برگ متانولی گیاه S. zeylanica است. آزمایش اصلی تعیین حساسیت میکروب­ها در برابر عصاره­های متانولی برگ گیاه S. zeylanica است. درصد بازدارندگی رشد اندازه­گیری شد و غلظت نمونه برای ممانعت از رشد سلول تا 50 درصد (IC50) برای درصد زنده­مانی تعیین شد. عصاره­های برگی بدست آمده از گیاه S. zeylanica روی لاین­های سلولیMDA-MB-231  سرطان سینه در انسان اثر سمیت سلولی نشان دادند. شاخص IC50 (78/1167 میکروگرم در میلی­لیتر) پس از تیمار 24 ساعته روی این لاین­ها بدست آمد. افزایش مرگ سلولی روی لاین­های MDA-MB-231 با افزایش غلظت عصاره نشان می­دهد که عصاره متانولی برگ این گیاه فعال است. برای اولین بار، ما تلاش کردیم تا خصوصیات بیولوژیکی عصاره برگ متانولی گیاه S. zeylanica را ارزیابی کنیم. نتایج حاصل کاربرد درمانی را تایید کرد و می­تواند برای کاربرد وسیع به­عنوان ماده­ای ضد میکروب، مدرک معتبری باشد. در این مطالعات نتایج غربال­گری فعالیت­های فایتوشیمیایی، ضد میکروبی و سمیت گیاه S. zeylanica تایید کرد که این گیاه می­تواند به­عنوان منبع گیاهی طبیعی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. این گیاه می­تواند برای مصارف دارویی و داروشناسی در مقیاس وسیع و بصورت صنعتی استفاده شود. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Identifying factors and measuring the level of people's satisfaction with the performance of Ghiamdasht Municipality
        nowruz hashemzehi somayeh hashemzehi nazanin malakiyan lela niromand keyvan mikaili agah
        The philosophy of the emergence of social organizations is to respond to the needs of society. Municipal services are one of the indicators of urban development management and a factor in the sustainability of urban life. Therefore, for the municipality, citizens should More
        The philosophy of the emergence of social organizations is to respond to the needs of society. Municipal services are one of the indicators of urban development management and a factor in the sustainability of urban life. Therefore, for the municipality, citizens should be seen as customers of the private sector and their maximum satisfaction should be provided.The purpose of this study is to identify the factors and the level of people's satisfaction with the services of Ghiamdasht Municipality, which was done by survey method and questionnaire. The statistical population consisted of citizens over 18 years old in Ghiamdasht who had lived in this city for at least 4 years and the sample size was 406 people who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling.Based on the results; Citizens were very religious and identical. The trust and social participation of most of the citizens of Ghiamdasht was moderate. Satisfaction in the areas of urban services, green space, urban planning and architecture, social and cultural, public relations, manpower, technical and civil engineering, which was assessed with 65 questions, was very high. The total score of performance satisfaction was 14 out of 20. Social participation was the only factor that had a high impact (with a beta of 0.27) on satisfaction with the performance of Ghiamdasht Municipality.Finally, people saw municipal actions as a reward, benefit, and power that provided them with positive emotions and satisfaction. Satisfaction with the performance of the municipality is an important factor in motivating participation in urban development and improving the quality of housing. In contrast, dissatisfaction with performance leads to despair and irresponsibility of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Mystical and Social Symbolism in Taqi Pournamdarian's Poetry
        Mohammad Behnāmfar Ardashir Sanchooli jadid
        Pouranamardian is one of the prominent critics and scholars of Iranian literary society, whose poetic aspect has been underestimated. Indeed, under the influence of Nima and his followers, like Shamloo, as well as his own studies on mysticism and symbolic stories, Poura More
        Pouranamardian is one of the prominent critics and scholars of Iranian literary society, whose poetic aspect has been underestimated. Indeed, under the influence of Nima and his followers, like Shamloo, as well as his own studies on mysticism and symbolic stories, Pouranamardian has a particular tendency to symbolic expression in his poems. Many of these symbols can be placed in the domains of mystical symbols and social or epic ones. The present article tries to study the mystical and social symbolism in the poems of Pournamdarian, considering the context of his detailed research in this field as well as the political and social conditions prevailing at the time of composing his poems. The methodology of the research is based on content analysis; it contains an introduction about symbolism and biography of Pournamdarian. Then, his poetry book, Rahrovan Bi-Bargh (Leafless followers) and the mystical and social symbols in his poems are analyzed and discussed. The results show that the poet's studies on mysticism and thinking about Muslim mystics have been very effective in creating the mystical symbols of his poems. Also, the results show that due to the specific political and social circumstances of the era of the imperial regime and the ruling tyranny (the second Pahlavi era), Pournamdarian turns inevitably to symbolism, and he portrays the crisis-ridden society of his age with a symbolic expression. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Comparing Discriminant Analysis, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis and Logistic Regression Methods for Geographic Distribution Modelling of Eurotia ceratoides (L.) C. A. Mey
        Lyla Khalasi Ahvazi Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki Faeze Ghorbannezhad
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        36 - A New Highly Controllable and Accurate Algorithm for Defuzzifier Circuit Implementation
        M Ranjbar F Razaghian
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        37 - An Overview of Fuzzy Inference Algorithms
        Omid Feizollahzade
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        38 - Effect of Zn without and with Sodium Nitro-Prusside (SNP) on growth and some physiological characteristics of Eldar pine (Pinus eldarica Medw)
        طاهر آبتین Javad Mirzaei Asghar Mosleh Arani Hamidreza Azimzadeh
        Although Zn is an essential element for plants, but it is poisonous in high concentrations and affect growth disturbance. This study was performed in 2013 to investigated the effects of different concentration (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg/L) of the Zn and also done a fixed a More
        Although Zn is an essential element for plants, but it is poisonous in high concentrations and affect growth disturbance. This study was performed in 2013 to investigated the effects of different concentration (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg/L) of the Zn and also done a fixed amount (750mg) of SNP on growth and some physiological parameters in Pinus eldarica. Results showed the accumulation of Zn (without SNP) in root, stem and leaves increased when concentration of Zn in soil increased. The most were measured in root (538.80mg/kg) and lowest in leaves (105.73mg/kg). Different concentration of Zn did not significantly effect on Chlorophyll a, b, and total Chlorophyll, MDA, and proline but increased soluble sugar in root and leaves. Also, SNP increased concentration of Zn in soil significantly increased in the root, stem, leaf and root and were measured most in root (662.36 mg/kg) and lowest in leaves (46.16 mg/kg). Generally, due to good resistance in 400 ml/l concentration and also the better accumulations in roots rather than shoots in Pinus eldarica, we can use as refinement in pollutant soils. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Synthesis of a carbon-14 analogue of N-(aryl-methyl)-3-phenyl-acryl amidine-[carboxy-14C] and its derivatives as NR2B-selective NMDA receptor antagonist
        Nader Saemian Kameh Esmailli Gholamhossein Shirvani Mohsen Javaheri Omid Khalili Arjomandi
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        40 - The effect of lead and copper on some physiological traits in plant species of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus (
        Mahtab Beladi Ali Kashani Davoud Habibi Farzad Pak nezhad Mahya Golshan
        Some plant species are tolerant to environmental adverse conditions so that with their functional mechanisms prevent more production of free radicals of oxygen or counter with produced free radicals of oxygen. This study was done to investigate the effect of lead and co More
        Some plant species are tolerant to environmental adverse conditions so that with their functional mechanisms prevent more production of free radicals of oxygen or counter with produced free radicals of oxygen. This study was done to investigate the effect of lead and copper on Lathyrus sativus in contaminated soils with these elements. To evaluate and recognize the study species ability against heavy metals lead and copper an experiment was carried out on Lathyrus sativus cultivar Zanjan in 2009. The experiment was carried out factorially as randomized complete design with four levels of lead Pb (NO3)2 (0, 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg) and four levels of copper Cu (So4)2 (0, 150, 300, 450 mg/kg) were used.Although the results suggested the decrease in total chlorophyll content and lipid membrane under the toxicity of lead and copper, the more activity of the enzyme Superoxide dismutase (SOD) along with the increase in the levels of lead and copper in thid species prevented the more production of free radicals of oxygen in the study species, so that a negative coloration was observed between chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll and the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). Also the coloration between Malondialdehyde (MDA) which is a means for measuring the lipid per oxidation process, and the enzyme Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was positive that means the increase in this biomarker content which is a sign of more production of oxygen for lipid membrane destruction, was accomplished with the more activity of enzyme Superoxide dismutase (SOD) for more digestion and elimination of destructive oxygen. Also the water condition in leaf tissues (RWC) was not effective by these elements.        Manuscript profile
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        41 - Nicotinic and NMDA Receptors Interaction in the Dorsal Hippocampus of Rats in the Elevated Plus-Maze Test of Anxiety
        مرتضی پیری محمد ناصحی مریم السادات شاهین
        Nicotinic and glutamatergic receptors have role on anxiety-like behavior. But determination site of action for these receptors in the brain needs to be investigated. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the possible involvement of nicotinic and glutamatergic recept More
        Nicotinic and glutamatergic receptors have role on anxiety-like behavior. But determination site of action for these receptors in the brain needs to be investigated. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the possible involvement of nicotinic and glutamatergic receptors in the dorsal hippocampus on anxiety- like behavior. The male Wistar rats were placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. Two stainless-steel cannuale were placed in the CA1 region of hippocampus. Then, anxiety-like behaviors of animals has been measured using the elevated plus-maze. Our results shown that intra-CA1 administration of MK801 (2 andmicro;g/rat) and mecamylamine (2 andmicro;g/rat) by itself, increased percentage of open arm time and open arm entries but did not alter locomotion. On the other hand, intra-CA1 co-administration of ineffective doses of mecamylamine (0.5, 1 andmicro;g/rat) with ineffective dose of MK801 (1 andmicro;g/rat) did not any significant effect on anxiety-like behavior and locomotion activity. Although both NMDA and nicotinic receptors play important role in the modulation of anxiety in the dorsal hippocampus of rats but between these receptors have no interaction on anxiety-like behavior in this site. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        42 - Involvement of ventral tegmental area muscarinic and NMDA receptors on memory retrieval in passive avoidance task
        گلاویز محمودی مرتضی پیری علی پورمتعبد صبریه امینی
        Behavioural studies have suggested interactions between cholinergic and glutamatergic systems. In the present study, the effect of intra-VTA pretest administration of a nonselective muscarinic acetylcholine antagonist, scopolamine, glutamatergic drugs and their interact More
        Behavioural studies have suggested interactions between cholinergic and glutamatergic systems. In the present study, the effect of intra-VTA pretest administration of a nonselective muscarinic acetylcholine antagonist, scopolamine, glutamatergic drugs and their interaction on inhibitory avoidance response was investigated.Rats were anesthetized with intra-peritoneal injection of ketamine hydrochloride, plus xylazine and then placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. Also, two stainless-steel cannuale were placed in the ventral tegmental area. A step-through inhibitory avoidance task was used for memory assessment in male Wistar rats. The drug injected 5 min before testing and the step-through latency was measured with a stopwatch as inhibitory avoidance memory.The results showed that intra-VTA pretest administration of scopolamine (3 and 4 andmu;g/rat) and NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 (1 and 2 andmu;g/rat) impair memory retention. Interestingly, co-administration of an ineffective dose of MK801 (0.5 andmu;g/rat) with ineffective doses of scopolamine (1 and 2 andmu;g/rat) significantly decreased the inhibitory avoidance memory. Although pretest intra-VTA injections of NMDA (0.001 and 0.01 andmu;g/rat) had no effect by itself,but its co-administration with scopolamine (4 andmu;g/rat) prevented the decreasing effect of scopolamine on inhibitory avoidance memory retention.Our data may indicate that muscarinic and NMDA receptors in the VTA may be involved in the mechanism(s) modulating inhibitory avoidance memory retention through the VTA dopaminergic projections. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        43 - The Effects of Geraniol and Exercise on Memory and Learning in Male NMRI Alzheimer’s Rats
        Bahareh Seifi Nahavandi Parichehr Yaghmaee Shahin Ahmadian Maryam Ghobeh Azadeh Ebrahim-Habibi
        Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most important neurodegenerative diseases occurring after the production of free radicals and inflammatory factors. Geraniol, which is a natural monoterpene, contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this stud More
        Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most important neurodegenerative diseases occurring after the production of free radicals and inflammatory factors. Geraniol, which is a natural monoterpene, contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Geraniol and exercise on memory and learning, SOD activity and MDA serum level, neurogenesis and amyloid plaque count in Alzheimer’s Wistar rats. To create the Alzheimer's disease model, Aβ 1-42 was injected bilaterally into the hippocampus of male rats. Grouping included control (-), control (+), exercise, Alzheimer, Alzheimer + exercise, Alzheimer + Geraniol, and Alzheimer + Geraniol + exercise. The results showed that SOD activity and MDA serum level were significantly increased in the Alzheimer + Geraniol, Alzheimer + exercise, and Alzheimer + Geraniol + exercise groups compared to other groups (P<0.001). In addition, shuttle box behavioral test demonstrated that the entry time to the dark box was notably increased in Alzheimer + Geraniol and Alzheimer + Geraniol + exercise groups compared to Alzheimer and Alzheimer + exercise groups (P<0.001). Moreover, neurogenesis was remarkably increased in Alzheimer + Geraniol and Alzheimer + Geraniol + exercise groups compared to Alzheimer and Alzheimer + exercise groups (P<0.001). Besides, the number of amyloid plaques was decreased Alzheimer + Geraniol and Alzheimer + Geraniol + exercise groups compared to other groups (P<0.001). Based on the results of this study, it seems that this compound along with exercise is notably capable of improving complications in memory, SOD activity, MDA serum level, and neurogenesis as well as amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Effect of Cineole on Biochemical, Behavioral and Histological Parameters in Alzheimer’s Male Wistar Rat Model
        Elnaz Khameneh Parichehreh Yaghmaei Maryam Ghobeh
        The Alzheimer’s disease is one of the neurodegenerative diseases affecting many individuals around the world with no definitive cure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cineole, as a natural antioxidant, on the behavioral, biochemical, and hist More
        The Alzheimer’s disease is one of the neurodegenerative diseases affecting many individuals around the world with no definitive cure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cineole, as a natural antioxidant, on the behavioral, biochemical, and histological symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in Wistar rats. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to six groups. The control group underwent any surgery with no special treatment. The other groups underwent surgery and were assigned to four beta-amyloid groups: one group receiving PBS (beta-amyloid solvent); the sham group was treated with tween 80 (cineole solvent) and the two experimental groups were treated with cineole at 0.02 and 0.04 mg/kg doses. The control group, the Alzheimer’s group and the PBS group did not receive any treatments. Finally, behavioral (Shuttle box), biochemical (malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase, TNF-α) and histological parameters (H&E and Thioflavine S staining) were investigated. In Alzheimer’s-induced rats, the time it took for the rats to go to the dark part of the shuttle box was significantly (p < 0.001) shorter than that of the control group. The levels of malondialdehyde and TNF-α in these rats were significantly increased and the level of superoxide dismutase was significantly decreased compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Furthermore, histological studies showed that in Alzheimer’s-induced rats, neuronal cell death occurred extensively in the hippocampus and amyloid plaques increased. Treatment of rats with cineole improved all of the investigated parameters significantly in a dose-dependent manner. Cineole may be used as a suitable natural antioxidant to treat Alzheimer’s disease and reduce its symptoms, requiring further research.   . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        45 - Edge Detection Based On Nearest Neighbor Linear Cellular Automata Rules and Fuzzy Rule Based System
        Rahil hosseini