• List of Articles Jacobson

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Toroidality and Projectivity index of Jacobson Graph
        Atossa Parsapour Khadijeh Ahmad Javaheri
        Given a graph Г, we denote the kth iterated line graph of Г by LK(Г) and LK(Г)=L(LK-1(Г)). In particular, L0(Г)=Г and L1(Г)=L(Г) is the line graph of Г. The toroidality (and projectivity) index of a graph Г is the smallest integer k such that the kth iterated line graph More
        Given a graph Г, we denote the kth iterated line graph of Г by LK(Г) and LK(Г)=L(LK-1(Г)). In particular, L0(Г)=Г and L1(Г)=L(Г) is the line graph of Г. The toroidality (and projectivity) index of a graph Г is the smallest integer k such that the kth iterated line graph of Г is non-toroidal (and non-projective). We denote the toroidality index of a graph Г by ξT and the projectivity index of a graph Г by ξP. If LK(Г) is toroidal (and projective) for all k≥0, we define ξT=∞ (and ξP=∞). Let R be a commutative ring with nonzero identity. Then the Jacobson graph of R, denoted by 𝔍R, is defined as a simple graph with vertex set RJ(R) such that two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if 1 - xy is not a unit of R. In this paper, we study the toroidality and projectivity indices of Jacobson graphs. We give full characterization of this graph with respect to its toroidality and projectivity indices. Moreover, the toroidality and projectivity index of Jacobson graph is either infinite or two. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The generalized Jacobson’s trace form
        امیرحسین نخودکار
        در این مقاله فرم رد جیکوبسن را به فرم‌های هرمیتی پادمتقارن روی جبرهای تقسیم کواترنیون با برگردان متعامد در مشخصه‌ی دلخواه تعمیم می‌دهیم. با استفاده از این فرم تعمیم‌یافته، یک رده‌‌بندی از فرم‌های هرمیتی مذکور ارائه می‌نمائیم. همچنین نشان می‌دهیم یک فرم هرمیتی ایزوتروپ ( More
        در این مقاله فرم رد جیکوبسن را به فرم‌های هرمیتی پادمتقارن روی جبرهای تقسیم کواترنیون با برگردان متعامد در مشخصه‌ی دلخواه تعمیم می‌دهیم. با استفاده از این فرم تعمیم‌یافته، یک رده‌‌بندی از فرم‌های هرمیتی مذکور ارائه می‌نمائیم. همچنین نشان می‌دهیم یک فرم هرمیتی ایزوتروپ (متابولیک) است اگر و تنها اگر فرم رد جیکوبسن تعمیم‌یافته‌ی آن ایزوتروپ (متابولیک) باشد. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Semiotic of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran
        علی اصغر محکی راضیه سوزن چی کاشانی
        The semiotics of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran is the topic of a descriptive and interdisciplinary research that tries to meet these symbols through using semiotics . The heaven in the holy Koran denotes to be the eternal place of the emancipated More
        The semiotics of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran is the topic of a descriptive and interdisciplinary research that tries to meet these symbols through using semiotics . The heaven in the holy Koran denotes to be the eternal place of the emancipated people and has been referred as Jannah (Garden), Firdaus (Paradise), Rizvan and Adn (Eden .( In this research, Islamic literature on the eloquence and the rhetoric of speech has been taken into consideration and at the same time Jacobson’s theory of communicative functions of language ‐ broadly speaking, similar to this Islamic tradition ‐ has played a leading role. To meet these ends, the frequency of the six functions of the language in Jakobson's theory (Referential, Expressive [emotive or affective], Conative, Poetic, Phatic and Metalingual) has been verified in all verses containing heaven . And with a clear focus on these sort of verses, every aspects of functions have been scrutinized to see if they have a dominant function in the text or not, or what kind of functions do they represent simultaneously . At the end of the day, the research has been designed in a way to have an introduction, review of literature, methodology, findings, conclusion and suggestions . The review of the literature and conceptual framework of the research has four parts: Heaven in the Holy Koran, semiotics, Koran’s Rhetoric and literary devices and finally the language functions . Annotating, or better to say, underlining key words and phrases and the patterns in the text such as repetitions, contradictions, similarities and so on, are all based on the close reading method. In this research, 283 verses about Heaven have been used as the unit of analysis. Research findings show note worthy points to ponder about related verses to heaven. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A study of the literary and linguistic level of Mahmoud Manaf's poems, the poem "The Great Debate" as a model (In light of Roman Jacobson's communication theory)
        seyed mohammad bagher mahdavi tahere chaldare katayoun fallahi
        Mahmood Muhammad Al- mousavi known as Mahmood Manaf is one of the anonymous poets in the world of Arab literature today. In addition to his poetic language, he is famous for his poetic genius out of which he gained invaluable experiences. They give value to the generati More
        Mahmood Muhammad Al- mousavi known as Mahmood Manaf is one of the anonymous poets in the world of Arab literature today. In addition to his poetic language, he is famous for his poetic genius out of which he gained invaluable experiences. They give value to the generations with the framework of linguistic elements, aiming at accomplishing perfection. Employing descriptive-analytic research method, the present study seeks to investigate one of his doctrinal poems named " major debate" based on Roman Jacobson's theory. Jacobson presents six language functions within his communicative theory: motivating, emotive, poetic, uniting (or possessive), symbolic and metalingual. The study also, relying on three stylistic levels, namely intellectual, literal and linguistic, investigates his poetic functions with a view on emotive, poetic and motivating functions. One of the findings of the study indicates that the poet is honest in his enthusiasm since he uses complete ballade which is one the most comprehensive ballades; he uses that in order to highlight simple and unsophisticated emotions such as rage, joy and pride. Likewise, another conclusion is that the proportion of voiced letters is more than that of voiceless ones, which is in concordance with the general atmosphere of the poem because it shows the severity of his anger at the Umayyad’s policy. In all these matters, we see emotive and motivating functions as an outstanding role. The conclusion reached at out of the stylistic investigation of imagery and its function in this ballade is that Mahmud Manaf employs simile and metaphor . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of linguistic roles in the Zal myth based on Jakobson's theory of communication
        zahra abavisani Batool Fakhreslam
        Ferdowsi, in his work, has spoken in the corpus of narrated stories of myths. In many cases, cipher and allegory are included in the mythological concept. The story of Zal is one of the most perverse of them, which has a different expression for the narrative of cultura More
        Ferdowsi, in his work, has spoken in the corpus of narrated stories of myths. In many cases, cipher and allegory are included in the mythological concept. The story of Zal is one of the most perverse of them, which has a different expression for the narrative of cultural adventures and messages. This research, while analyzing the linguistic and communicative elements of language, message, audience and sender, is based on the verbal communication pattern of Kaboson, to re-examine the codes and symbols. Accordingly, the focus is on the role of phrasalism. The extent of the effect of linguistic roles on readers and the frequency of each of them, identification, ciphers and parables included in the Zal story, the understanding and reception of implicit abstract concepts, which are implicitly expressed, are the objectives of the research. The results of the study show that language roles are an effective tool for understanding secondaray meanings and interpreting the symbolic language of myth and is also a criterion for classifying allegorical and symbolic works in the epic context. Also, a good way to find out the extent to which cryptographic, inclusive messages are addressed to readers. In the end, it must be acknowledged that the aesthetics of epic and mythical stories are more and more evident in the light of this theory. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the linguistic roles of Ardeshir`s story and Haftdad Shahnameh (With an allegorical approach based on Jacobson`s verbal communiocation theory)
        Zahra AbaviSani Batool FakhrEslam ParvinDokht Mashhoor mahdi novrooz
        Language is a set of signs, causes, and effects that make a particular cohesion, the foundation of literary creation, and the provider of new thoughts. Ferdowsi speaks of myth and mystery in some of Shahnameh`s stories, such as Ardeshir`s story and Karam Haftdad, which More
        Language is a set of signs, causes, and effects that make a particular cohesion, the foundation of literary creation, and the provider of new thoughts. Ferdowsi speaks of myth and mystery in some of Shahnameh`s stories, such as Ardeshir`s story and Karam Haftdad, which is presented in allegorical and different way. In addition to analyzing linguistic roles and communication model, this study examines the hidden codes and symbols in the story.Because of the coded allegories in the story, the main role of meta- language is that the main purpose of this study to understand and receive abstract messages and identify important secondary historical, social, and political meanings that have been codified. Understanding the new category of allegorical and symbolic works at the height of the epic and the kind of teaching that is also reported in historical stories.Finally, we find that Jacobson`s linguistic roles are appropriate for understanding the effect of coding, persuasion, and referral messages. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Introduction of pyr-v –jvan Mirza Naseer Esfahani and Analysis of Aesthetics of on the language structure of Jacobson
        roghayeh porrostam leyla adlparvar mojtaba safaralizadeh
        < p >In the present study, with the aim of identifying and introducing the pyr-v -jvan , Mirza Nasir Isfahani, the linguistic and rhetorical features of this work have been analyzed based on Jacobson''s linguistic theory. Jakobson has used six aspects of communica More
        < p >In the present study, with the aim of identifying and introducing the pyr-v -jvan , Mirza Nasir Isfahani, the linguistic and rhetorical features of this work have been analyzed based on Jacobson''s linguistic theory. Jakobson has used six aspects of communication theory in literature: 1. message (literary role) 2. Message sender (writer or poet) 3. recipients (contacts) 4. codes (rules and norms of language) 5. contact fields (social and cultural status) 6. contact ducts (words or sounds). pyr-v -jvan poetry was written in the 12th century AH in the Zandieh era, and the subject of this conversation is old and young in the subject of sadness and love. A review of this work is illustrated by the Jakobson theory, The result shows: At the heart of the process of communication among the six roles is the literary role of language because of the variety of texts, especially in the first part of the poem. t has influenced other linguistic roles and has led to aesthetics Manuscript profile