• List of Articles Hamadan

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study on the Structure of Rab’i Rashidi in Ilkhanids Era
        Amir Dehghan Nejad Abdolrasoul Emadi Mohsen Rahmati
        Rab’-i- Rashidi” was the largest medical center with a great religious endowment in Ilkhanids era. It was a hospital, for admitting and treating patients and a place for teaching medicine as well as preparing various drugs. The present paper investigates the More
        Rab’-i- Rashidi” was the largest medical center with a great religious endowment in Ilkhanids era. It was a hospital, for admitting and treating patients and a place for teaching medicine as well as preparing various drugs. The present paper investigates the Rab’-i-Rashidi’s management structure, financial system, medical and scholarly functions via an analytic-descriptive study. The results show that, with the financial backing Rab’-i-Rashidi has had many functions as the modern hospitals. Using theoretical and clinical teaching methods simultaneously and also connecting to the educational centers worldwide, particularly China and India, Rab’-i- Rashidi tried to transform the scientific accomplishments to Iran. References Awḥadī Marāghiʾī, Rukn al- Dīn, Kulliyyāt- i Ashār- i Awḥadī Marāghiī (Manṭiḳ al- ʿUshshāḳ, Djām- i Djam), Revised by Saeed Nafisi, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Sanāyī, 1391/ 2012. Chardin, Jean, Safar- Nāma (Journal du voyage du Chevalier Chardin en persea aux Indes Orientals), Trans. Eghbal Yaghmaei, Tehran, Tūs, 1372/ 1992. Clavijo, Ruy González de, Safar-Nāma- yi Clavijo(Clavijo Embassy), Trans. Masoud Rajab Nia, Tehran, Bungāh- i Tardjuma wa Nashr- i Kitāb, 1377/ 1998. Clinical Research Development Units (CRDU) Hospital Research Development Committee  (HRDC) Declaration of Alma-Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata,  USSR, 6-12 September 1978. Sadeghiani, Ebrahim,  Sāzmān wa Mudīriyyat- i Bīmāristān, Vol. 2, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Djahān Rāyāna, 1377- 1389/ 1998- 2010. Gholi pour, Ariyan & KhaterehSilani, Mudīriyyat- i Manābi- i Insānī dar Bīmāristān- hā wa Marākiz- i Bihdāshtī wa Darmānī, Tehran, Mehraban Publishers , 1392/ 2013. Hamdānī, Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl ullāh, Āthār wa Iḥyā, Revised by Manouchehr Sotodeh & Iraj Afshar, Tehran, University of Tehran McGill, 1368/ 1989. Idem, Djāmi al- Tawārīkh, Tarīkh- i Aḳwām Pādishāhān- i Khatā, Revised by Mohammad Roshan, Tehran Mīrāth- i Maktūb, 1385/ 2006. Idem, Laṭāif al- Ḥaḳāyiḳ, Revised by Gholamreza Taher, Vol.2, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1356/ 1977. Idem, Mukātibāt- i Rashīdī, Revised by Mohammad Shafi, Lahore, Lahore press, 1945/ 1324. Idem, Sawāniḥ al- Afkā al- Rashīdī, Revised by Mohammad Taqi Danesh Pajouh, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1358/ 1979. Idem, Tansūḳ- Nāma Yā Ṭib- i Ahl- i Khatā, Prolegomena by Mojtaba Minovi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1350/ 1971. Idem, Tarīkh- i Mubārak Ghāzānī, Karl Jahn, Hertford, Steven Austin press, 1940/ 1319. Idem, Waḳf-nāma- yi Rab- i Rashīdī, Revised by Mojtaba Minovi & Iraj Afshar, Tehran, Intishārāt- iAndjuman- i Āthār- i Millī, 1356/ 1977. Herse,paul and kenneht H. Blancard, management of Organizional Behavior:Utilizing  human Resources, Englewood cliffs, New jersey, prentice Hall, Inc, 1989. Ivancevich, j, Human Resource management,11th  Editon. Irwin professional pub,2010. Jafari, Gholam- Ali & Others, Istāndārd- Hā- yi Itibār Bakhshī- yi Bīmāristān dar Iran, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Markaz- i Nashr- i Ṣidā, 1391. Khwāndmīr, Ghiyāth al- Dīn b. Hamām al- Dīn Ḥusaynī,Ḥabīb al- Siyar fī Akhbār-i Afrād al- Bashar, Vol. 4, Tehran, Intishārāt-i Kitāb Furūshi- yi Khayyām, 2nd ed., 1380/ 2001. Koontz, Harold & Others, Uṣūl- i Mudīriyyat(Essentials of management), Trans. Mohammad Ali Toosi & Others, Vol. 2, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Markaz Āmūzish- i Mudīriyyat- i Dawlatī, 1374/ 1995. Mīrkhwānd, Muḥammad b. Khwānshāh b. Maḥmūd, Rawḍat al- Ṣafā fī Sīrat al- Anbiyā wa l Mulūk wa l Khulafā, Revised by Jamshid Kian Far,Vol. 15, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Asāṭīr,1380/ 2001. Mojtahedi, Karim, Madāris wa Dānishgāh-hā- yi Islāmī wa Gharbī dar Ḳurūn- i Wusṭā, Tehran, IHCS, 1379/ 2000. Mustawfī, Ḥamdullāh, Nuzhat al- Ḳulūb, Revised by Mohammad Dabirsiaghi, Tahouri Bookstore, 1336/ 1957. Nahas VL and Others, Jordanian undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of effec  clinical teachers, Nurse Educ Today 1999; 19(8): 639-48.  Nasr, Hossein, Maḳām- i Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh dar Tarīkh- i Falsafa wa Ulūm-i Islāmī, Madjmūa- yi Khaṭaba- Hā- yi Taḥḳīḳī Darbara- yi Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamdānī, University of Tehran, 1350/ 1971. Petrushevsky, Ilya Pavlovich & John Masson Smith, Tarīkh-i Idjtimāī- Iḳtiṣādī-yi Iran Dar Dawra- yi Mughūl,Trans. yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Intishārāt- i  Iṭilāʿāt, 1366/ 1987. Rahnima, Majid, "Rashīd al- Dīn wa Rabʿ al- Rashīdī", Madjmūa- yi Khaṭaba- Hā- yi Taḥḳīḳī Darbara- yi Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamdānī, Tehran, Tehran University Press, 1350/ 1971. Rezaeian, Ali, Mabānī- yi Mudīriyyat- i Raftār- i Sāzmānī, Tehran, Samt, 1382/ 2003. Samarḳandī, Dawlatshāh, Tadhkirat  al- Shuarā, Revised by Edward Browne, Tehran, Asāṭīr, 1382/ 2003. Samarḳandī, Kamāl al- dīn ʿAbd al- Razzāḳ, Maṭla al- Sadayn wa-Madj ma-i al- Baḥrayn, Revised by Abdolhossein Navaei, Vol. 4, Tehran, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1383/ 2004. Sarton, George, Muḳaddamih’ ī  bar Tarīkh- i Ilm(Introduction to the History of Science), Trans. Golamhossein Sadri Afshar, Vol.3, Tehran, Intishārāt- i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1383/ 2004. Shanghi Ranking consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 29 January 2015. Tabrizi, Hossein Abdoh, Nahād- i Mālī- yi Ṣandūḳ- hā- yi Waḳfī wa Uṣūl- i Islāmī- yi Faāliyyat- i Ān dar Iran, Nashriyya Markaz- i Taḥḳīḳāt- i Dānishgāh Imām Ṣādiḳ, No.25, 1384/ 2005. Ṭūsī, Khwadja Naṣīr al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Madjmūa Rasāil Khwadja Naṣīr al- Dīn Ṭūsī, Revised byMohammad Taqi Modarres Razavi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 2nd ed., 1390/ 2011. Waṣṣāf, Faḍl Allāh b. ʿAbdullāh, Tarīkh- i Waṣṣāf al- Ḥaḍrat, Revised by Mohammad Mahdi Esfahani, Tehran, Ebne Sina & Allama Jafari Library, 1338/ 1959. Yidan, Wang, Khadamāt- i Khwādja Rashīd al- Dīn Hamdānī Dar Gustarish- i chīn Shināsī, Madjmūa- yi Maḳālāt Darbāra- yi Khwādja Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍlullāh wa Rabl- Rashīdī Tabrīzī, Revised by Reza Rahmani, Vol.2, Tehran, (Und.), 1388/ 2009.               Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Quest for Urban Identity through Using Natural Elements in Cities (Case Study: City of Hamadan, Iran).
        Aliasghar Rahimiyon
                  Identity crisis in the cities is one of the important issues for urban society of IRAN. Lack of a logical relationship between physical aspects and constructive elements of urban identity is a common problem in the More
                  Identity crisis in the cities is one of the important issues for urban society of IRAN. Lack of a logical relationship between physical aspects and constructive elements of urban identity is a common problem in the contemporary cities. Cities have natural, social, cultural, economic and physical dimensions. In this research one of these categories namely natural elements identities is studied. City is where to growth and promotes human being; cities, like people with diverse characteristics, are different from each other which make distinction from each other. Each city based on natural conditions, cultural and social can be certain characteristics which are causeof the Identify form other cities and human settlements. The identity components can be divided into three categories: 1- natural characteristics; 2- individual characteristics and elements; and 3- human characteristics and elements (humanized environment). The goal of this research is steps taken to solve the identity crisis in the contemporary Iranian cities through identifying the natural elements and phenomena. The research hypothesis is expressed that the natural elements of cities is to be classified and can be effective in improving the quality of the physical aspects of cities. This research, for defining and classifying urban and natural elements, identity use descriptive methods and study of documents for developed theoretical framework in relation to the concept of the identity and the nature. Then, in the field of the natural elements of urban identity using comparative and analytical and comparative methods  to extract  criteria of urban identity, including criteria  for urban planning and urban design. Reviewing case study shows that Hamadan is one of the foothill cities of west of Iran. This city has cold and mountainous climate and slope less than ten percent from south to north is one of its main characteristics. According to Iranian culture and Islamic thoughts, we can find that nature is composed from 4 inanimate elements, which are water, air, soil and light. From composition of these elements, diverse natural phenomenon is created. In Hamadan City, we can find many natural phenomenons from composition of these elements. This composition and its results as a phenomenon make a unique identity for whole environment of city which can be used for and make a unique context for its urban identity.  Literature review about identifying critical urban identity criteria shows that we can find two criteria categories related to urban planning and design. With identifying indicators and effective characteristics in reviving urban identity with emphasis to natural elements, we can say that urban identity is extracted from human identity (material and spiritual) which could be classified under four distinctive categories: 1- human sensual characteristics; 2- characteristics which are originated from religious construction; 3- characteristics which were originated from national and cultural construction; and 4- characteristics which were originated from physical construction of built environment. These characteristics play essential roles in reviving urban identity and this research, with identifying and using these characteristics try to deal with reviving urban identity with emphasis on its natural elements.      Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Assessment of Thermal Comfort in Vernacular Buildings in the Cold and Mountainous Region (Case S‌tudy: Hamadan, Iran)
        Farnoush Shams Azad Vahdaneh Fooladi
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Providing a Social Marketing Model for Social Health Services
        Alireza Pirhayati Hossein Vazifedust pejman jafari Asghar Seif
        Introduction:In today's world, Businesses need to gain trust among their audience. Social marketing as the latest marketing philosophy, It has such a capacity. And it can reflect on the interests of business and customers along with the interests of the community. More
        Introduction:In today's world, Businesses need to gain trust among their audience. Social marketing as the latest marketing philosophy, It has such a capacity. And it can reflect on the interests of business and customers along with the interests of the community. The main purpose of the present study, Provide a social based marketing model. Methods: To achieve this goal, in the qualitative phase, while reviewing the subject literature and interviewing marketing and municipal experts, with the Grounded Theory approach, effective criteria were identified using MAXQDA software. In the next step, the identified criteria were identified using the interpretive structural modeling approach in new dimensions of classification and levels of components and their relationships. Results: The results of the first question led to the identification of nine main factors including: Responsibility, Strategicism, Marketing Infrastructure, Tendency to Social Marketing Capabilities, Understanding Environmental Dynamics, Citizens Understanding, National Characteristics, Social Marketing Mix and Developing Citizen Beliefs and Attitudes. The results of interpretive structural modeling showed the influence of responsibility, marketing infrastructure and strategy as independent variables on the tendency to social marketing capabilities. Conclusion: Finally, based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that by utilizing social marketing strategies and influencing the attitude and mentality of citizens, it can be possible to develop citizens' beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, the increasing attention of senior executives of organizations is essential to the vital role of social marketing. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A quality assessment study of services provided by libraries of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences: Using gap analysis model
        Mahdi Moradian Tamjid Saeid Ghafari Atefeh Zarei
        Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the quality level of services of Hamedan Medical Sciences University libraries through gap analysis. Method: This study is applied based on survey – analytical method which evaluates the quality of provided services More
        Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the quality level of services of Hamedan Medical Sciences University libraries through gap analysis. Method: This study is applied based on survey – analytical method which evaluates the quality of provided services by means of the questionnaire a“I.A. LibQual”.  The population of this study consists of the active users of Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries based on a random stratified sampling, using the Kerjcie and Morgan,which a sample size equal to 367 persons was obtained. Results: The quality level of services provided by the libraries equals to 2/987 according to the users; and these libraries have, in general, been able to meet the minimum expectations of the users and there is a big gap for them to reach the goal of meeting the whole expectations of the users. From the users’ perspective, the scopes of “hiring”, “staff” and “information station” have received the highest degree of preference and importance respectively. And “publication”, “press” and “audiovisual resources” received the lowest level of importance. On the other hand, the result of the first five hypotheses show that from the users’ perspective, there is a meaningful importance between the level of importance of the basic five main components of quality and the performance level. Conclusions: The gap between the level of importance and the quality level of current services in five components is negative. In other words, to achieve the level of users’ satisfaction and to increase the quality of existing services, Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries need more effective planning and efforts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Climate Change Phenomenon Effect on the Hamadan Climate Parameters
        Mohammadtaghi Asadi Hamid Zareabyaneh Nasrin Delavar Azar Asadi
        Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were More
        Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were designed based on stable climate. Method: In this study the output of general circulation models (GFCM21, HADCM3, INCM3, IPCM4 and NCCCSM) was used to simulate the climate parameters (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours) in Hamadan station during 2046-2065. Three scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 were considered. Monthly changes of climate parameters were calculated by LARS-WG model. Findings: The results showed that the most increasing in minimum temperature were seen under A1B scenario of GFCM21 model (2.5˚C). The least increasing was related to INCM3 under B1 scenario (1˚C). The highest and lowest increasing in maximum temperature were seen in GFCM21 model under A1B and B1 scenarios by 2.4 and 1.4˚C, respectively. B1 scenario of IPCM4 model showed the highest increase in precipitation by 15.8 percent and A1B scenario of GFCM21 model reported the highest decrease by 13 percent. Solar radiation project by HADCM3 model, A1B scenario showed the most increase about 24 percent and based on NCCCSMmodel, A2 scenario lowest increase (by 13 percent) was seen. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study indicated minimum and maximum temperatures will increase in period of 2046-2065. Both increases and decreases in precipitation were seen. Also variations sun hour is very little. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Effects of Rangeland Exclosure on Chemical and Organic Properties of Soil (Case study: Gonbad Area)
        Abbas Ghobadi Davoud Akhzari
        Background and Objective: Grazing as one of ecological disturbances causes changes in soil characteristics of rangelands. This study was carried out to study the effect of Grazed pasture on plant cover, microbial deposits and some soil characteristics of Gonbad in Hamed More
        Background and Objective: Grazing as one of ecological disturbances causes changes in soil characteristics of rangelands. This study was carried out to study the effect of Grazed pasture on plant cover, microbial deposits and some soil characteristics of Gonbad in Hamedan. Method: Five transects of 1000 meters were considered separately for soil characteristics in each region (grazed and ungrazed). Systematic sampling of soil was performed every 100 meters in May 2016. The elements of Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn and Zn were measured by atomic absorption spectrometer, acidity with pH meter, bulk density from clavicle method, total nitrogen from Kjeldahl method, organic carbon and soil organic matter by the oxidation method of Walkybak and Zeitous Carbon microbial was calculated by quenching-extraction method. Findings: After analyzing, it was determined that the concentrations of K and Zn in the soil of the sample area and the concentration of Mg in the soil of the control area increased significantly at 5% level. Soil acidity in the control area increased from 7/1 in the sample area to 7/23. Soil moisture content decreased significantly in the control area and from 27.11% in the sample area reached 18.12%. Soil bulk density in the control area was 1.16 g / cm3, which decreased significantly in the sample area and reached 0.98 g / g / cm3. The carbon microbial biomass was significantly differed in the soil of grazed and control areas. The comparison of the mean microbial carbon content in studied rangelands showed that this parameter ranged from 0.83 g / kg in the control area (grazed) to 0.95 g / kg and increased significantly. Discussion and Conclusions:  The exclosure area has been enclosed with exclosure, soil characteristics in the path of sequencing and achieving ideal conditions, but it still needs attention and continued conservation.   Manuscript profile
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        8 - Spatial distribution of (Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu and Co)in the Surface (Superficial) Soil of Hamadan county with Geostatistic & GIS
        parisa Farzaneh ali reza Soffianian faramarz Moattar
        Introduction: Heavy metals are one of the most important soil pollutants. The increased level of them in environment in respect to their stability has led to researchers’ attraction at recent decades. the principal goal of present study  is to  determin More
        Introduction: Heavy metals are one of the most important soil pollutants. The increased level of them in environment in respect to their stability has led to researchers’ attraction at recent decades. the principal goal of present study  is to  determine the spatial distribution of heavy metals  (Ni, Cr,  Pb, Cu and Co) in surface soil of Hamadan county. Material and methods: For this Sampling was carried out based on systematic method from depth 0-20cm. heavy metals concentration and soil characteristics including PH, silt,clay and sand percentage were measured. Interpolation for  heavy metals levels concentrations were done by geo-statistics methods . Different elements were interpolated through Radial basic function(RBF), Ordinary and Disjunctive Kriging and inverse distance weighting .The method accuracies were compared by using mean absolute error and mean bayas error. Results: for heavy metal concentration maps, Cr,Co and Pb, we used (RBF),for Cu inverse distance weighting(IDW),for Ni  ordinary kriging with exponential model. Overplaying heavy metals distribution maps with geology and land use maps showed that Cr, Co and Ni have geological origin, The highest levels of Lead concentration is controlled by geological formation, agricultural activities and also urban pollution. Cu have originated from bed rock. But, excessive consumption of chemical fertilizers according to agricultural activities can increase most of these elements in soil. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Comparative Study of the Position of Social Themes in the "Maqamat" of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamadani and the "Hadith Isa Ibn Hisham" by Muhammad Muwaylihi
        Mohammadreza Lotfi zahra Khosravi vamakani Ali Saberi
        Recognition and analysis of literary works and the lives of the creators of those works is not possible without studying and analyzing the society and culture in which they have developed. In other words, researching the way of life, social relations, beliefs, failures More
        Recognition and analysis of literary works and the lives of the creators of those works is not possible without studying and analyzing the society and culture in which they have developed. In other words, researching the way of life, social relations, beliefs, failures and victories, pains and joys and ups and downs of the society in which the artist lives, a more detailed and comprehensive study of life and works Makes it possible."Maqamat" is the most important work of "Badi at al-Zaman Al-Hamadani" which was written in Arabic and was first published in Beirut in 1889 with 51 descriptions. He created a new style in Arabic prose writing; The hero of his officials, Abolfath Eskandari, appears every time in clothes and travels to different cities and talks about various issues such as a powerful storyteller. It is a literary place. He sees the story as a place to show his literary power in using metaphorical expressions along with metaphor, irony, metaphor and proverb.Writers in the contemporary period also followed his style and expressed their thoughts in the form of "maqamah", among which we can include well-known figures such as Muhammad Muwaylihi, Nasif Yazji, Ahmad Shoghi, Muḥammad Tawfīq Al-Bakrī and Hafez Ibrahim.This research, which has been written in a comparative-analytical way, has comparatively studied social themes in the "authorities" of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamadani and the "hadith of Isa Ibn Hisham" by Muhammad Muwaylihi. Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Sudy on the Concept of "Kufr" in Sufism until the 5th Century A.H
        Seyyed Amir Muhammad Tabatabayi Waez Seyyedeh Fatemeh Zare Hoseini
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this More
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this regard. However, these views are sometimes in clear contradiction, but through studying and putting together these views, we can realize that this concept have had a gradual development in meaning throughout the history of Islamic Sufism. From the 2nd century A.H., when Sufis started to write their thoughts and teachings, this concept was used in meanings similar to the viewpoints of Muslim theologians ans jurists. Then, its meanings changed differently and separately in the writings of Junayd and Hallaj. For a while, this concept received a transcendental point in Sufism and Islamic mysticism and in the thought of Ayn al-Quzat Hamdani, where not only it does not essentially contradict with faith, but also plays a key role in achieving Right and Truth. In this essay, by studying and analyzing the opinions of the Sufis who have spoken or written about the Kufr, we will inquire the semantic evolution of the concept of kufr in Sufism until the 5th century A.H. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Monitoring of heavy metals in length of moradbeik River of Hamadan
        SH Sadeghi M.H Saghi M.T Samadi زین العابدین Yahyapour
        Heavy metal pollution of water sources due to discharge of factories into environment is the highest riskfor human and environment health. Humans and animals by consuming vegetables and food staff washedwith polluted water are at high risk. The quality of surface waters More
        Heavy metal pollution of water sources due to discharge of factories into environment is the highest riskfor human and environment health. Humans and animals by consuming vegetables and food staff washedwith polluted water are at high risk. The quality of surface waters is a very sensitive issue. Sampling forwatershed was carried out over 4 months (April, May, June and July) from 6 stations and qualityparameters were determined. These parameters are: pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni and Fe. Also the data wereanalyzed with standard methods and atomic absorption. Results showed that in April the highestaverage was that of pb (.0.54 mg/l) and the lowest cadmium (0.001 mg/l ). In May, the highest averagewas related to pb (1.15mg/l) and the lowest its was Fe (0.013mg/l ). In June the highest and lowestaverages were Cu(.0.56 mg/l) and Fe (0 mg/l) respectively, while also in July they were Cd (0.018 mg/l)and Fe(0 mg/l). The River was polluted with heavy metals in some stations and water quality of this riverdoes not matchwith standards. With physical, chemical and biological agent monitoring and also withcontrol of water quality indexes in these stations, we observed wastewater and other pollution arrive river.Environmental effects of pollution are seen in different parts of the river. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Classification, Typology, and Chronology of Glazed Pottery from Bozanjerd Islamic Site, Hamadan Plain
        Mostafa Rezaei Maryam Mohammadi Kazem Mollazadeh
        In 2019, during archaeological investigations of the Islamic sites in the Hamadan Plain, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the Bozanjerd site, marking the first time exploration of this location. One of the key indicators for understanding past cultures lie More
        In 2019, during archaeological investigations of the Islamic sites in the Hamadan Plain, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the Bozanjerd site, marking the first time exploration of this location. One of the key indicators for understanding past cultures lies in the examination and analysis of pottery artifacts within ancient sites, as they play an important role in elucidating the cultural fabric of settlement centers. Given the impressionability of pottery cultures of the Hamadan Plain, especially the Bozanjerd site, which stands as a pivotal pottery center from the Islamic era, this research aims to categorize, typology, and establish a chronology for the various types of glazed pottery unearthed at this site. The study relies on archaeological data. The overarching objectives are twofold: first, to identify the local pottery types at the Bozanjerd site, and second, to discern the cultural influences shaping pottery cultures within this region. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection is done by documentary method. Additionally, field findings from this site are compared with those from other sites within the same cultural horizon. The findings reveal significant similarities between the pottery of Bozanjerd and neighboring sites such as Zolfabad, Âveh, Aqkand, Soltanieh, Qorveh, Kangavar, Bistoun, and Borujerd. These sites are located along the major communication routes of the Hamadan Plain. Furthermore, in terms of technical and artistic attributes, the most notable local pottery types in this site include sgraffito glazed vessels and vessels adorned with multi-colored decorations on white glaze. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The role of Mughira bin Sha'ba in the attacks of Muslim Arabs on Iran
        Gholamali Salim gandomi ghafar porbakhtiar Abdolaziz Movahed
        Mughira bin Shuba is one of the elite Arabs from the Thaqif tribe, who has played an important role in many important accidents of the early days of Islam. Since various sources mostly mention Mughira as a veteran politician, no independent research has been done on his More
        Mughira bin Shuba is one of the elite Arabs from the Thaqif tribe, who has played an important role in many important accidents of the early days of Islam. Since various sources mostly mention Mughira as a veteran politician, no independent research has been done on his military performance. Meanwhile, to know exactly the thoughts and ideas of Maghira, we should also pay attention to his military activities.Because according to fragments of documents, in addition to being present in the political and social arenas, Mughira accompanied the Prophet in many of the Islamic conquests, and in overseas wars to confront the two empires of Iran and Rome in great conquests such as Qadisiyah , Nahavand and Hamedan, which led to the complete occupation of Iran, were present and this presence has left a noticeable impact on his performance during his chancellorship in Basra and Kufa. Some consider his progress in the field of management , due to his presence in fronts outside the peninsula and his familiarity with Iranian and Roman culture.Now, in this research, we are looking for an answer to the question, what role did Mughirah bin Shuba play in the conquests that led to the conquest of Iran? Based on this hypothesis, it seems that Mughira was in charge of the negotiating team before the Qadisiyah war and was present in the conquest of Nahavand and Hamadan as a high-ranking commander Manuscript profile
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        14 - Rashid o Din Fazlolah and history writing in Mongols era
        amir akbari
        Rashid o Din Fazlolah Hamadany, the great historian of Il Khani era, was a minister of Khazan and Aljayto for twenty minutes. Besides cultural reforms, he was credited with writing 52 books. Among his works, Jameo Tavarikh ( The Encyclopedia of History) is of great valu More
        Rashid o Din Fazlolah Hamadany, the great historian of Il Khani era, was a minister of Khazan and Aljayto for twenty minutes. Besides cultural reforms, he was credited with writing 52 books. Among his works, Jameo Tavarikh ( The Encyclopedia of History) is of great value. Mongols who were interested in history created conditions for the growth of history writing. This gave scholars like Rashid o Din an opportunity to use all resources available to create great works such as Jameo Tavarikh. He used all documents about Il Khani from many nations to write Jameo Tavarikh as a universal book to fit Mongols empire. His book is actually is a collection of general, mythical history, local history, nations, geographical history and social, economic, epical, religious, ….developments. It can be regarded as a turning point in history  writing and specifically in Mongols era.   Manuscript profile
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        15 - Extracting and evaluating the components of solitude in the open spaces of residential complexes in Hamadan city
        soudeh mohammadi Manouchehr foroutan Sara Jalalian Nasrolah Erfani
        In a broader sense, housing is more than a mere physical shelter and includes all services and public facilities necessary for human living. A residential complex is a number of building blocks that can include different types of housing, single-family, short and high-r More
        In a broader sense, housing is more than a mere physical shelter and includes all services and public facilities necessary for human living. A residential complex is a number of building blocks that can include different types of housing, single-family, short and high-rise apartments. In these complexes, apartment blocks are placed on a piece of land based on a pre-thought design. The blocks can be combined with each other in different forms and the open space can be meaningfully connected with the buildings. Residential complexes can be completely closed and separated from the rest of the city with hard boundaries, and they can somehow maintain their environmental connection and at the same time have their own privacy and territory.In a general view, the residential complex consists of blocks and open space between them. According to the number of blocks, the height and arrangement of open and closed space, there are various forms of residential complexes. The design of residential complexes is proposed in three major scales, firstly in the scale of the external link of residential complexes with the surrounding environment, secondly in the scale of internal relations of residential complexes and thirdly in the scale of residential units. In the territory of a residential complex, three private, semi-public and public arenas can be distinguished. Private arenas are residential units. The semi-public area includes the entrance hall, corridors, stairs, elevator and parking. It means the public area of the complex. The typology of high-rise residential complexes consisting of different blocks, in addition to the typology based on the type of access and relationships of internal spaces, is also based on the placement and coexistence of open and closed spaces. The dominant types of these complexes are peripheral arrangement, single blocks, row blocks and a combination of other blocks. The environmental arrangement is in accordance with the principles of traditional Iranian central courtyard houses. In this way, the main facade of the blocks faces the public passage and the private space is located behind the block. The arrangement of blocks around the central core creates a private open space that can be common to all blocks or divided into small private pieces. In the single layout, high-rise residential blocks stand separately next to each otherResidential communities are an integral part of contemporary urban planning in developing countries, and their use for the settlement of people in a specific cultural and social class is increasing day by day. The outer spaces and open spaces of residential complexes are the boundary between urban public spaces and private spaces in residential complexes and are the place of communication and interaction between people and the surrounding environment. With the aim of extracting the components of solitude that are involved with signs, this research tries to explain the contribution of each one in creating this category. Therefore, the research method in this research is a combination of nested type with analytical weighting in the quantitative part. Therefore, in this research, in the qualitative part, the components that are relevant to the scope of the study are refined with a semi-structured interview. In order to reduce the diverse data obtained from the interview, by using grand theory techniques, they are coded in the Atlasti software. In the quantitative section, after compiling the questionnaire from the obtained components and distributing it among the space users, the results are entered into the Originpro software and analyzed with inferential statistics. Sampling in the qualitative section is done with the Delphi panel in three phases and by specifying Kendall's coefficient; And in the quantitative section, the upper limit of Morgan's table is defined as 384 people. The results show that based on the obtained results, it was determined that "increasing the sense of ownership of the residents towards the public space", "clarity of the boundaries between public and private areas" and "public and private hierarchy" with a value of (1.000) have the greatest effect in The creation of solitude in the open spaces of the residential complexes of Hamadan city is the least related to the exclusive use of public and semi-public spaces by the people of the residential complexes with a value of (0.395). Manuscript profile
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        16 - Ranking of Social development of Hamedan province
        Daryoush Zafari Mohammad Hussein Hosseini Mohammad Ali Khaliji Mohammad Hussein Fathi
        Social development is a concept that is associated with how individuals live; enhance their level of life, and related to issues such as housing, employment, education and leisure activities. Social development is a step towards the creation of security among citizens, More
        Social development is a concept that is associated with how individuals live; enhance their level of life, and related to issues such as housing, employment, education and leisure activities. Social development is a step towards the creation of security among citizens, which is resulted to balance in society. The purpose of this paper is to measure and evaluate the social development indices and to show the development levels of the cities of Hamadan from the benefiting of spaces and social development points of view. The research method is comparative and social indicators were used. Statistics and indices used in this study are from the statistical calendar of 1390. Also, this is an applied research and TOPSIS model is used.Regarding the considered criteria for the classification of cities, Bahar, Hamadan and Malayer ranked as the first to third and Kaboudarahang, Asadabad, Tuyserkan and Nahavand ranked as the next level.                                                                                                          Manuscript profile
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        17 - Survey of ochratoxin A in raisin produced in Hamadan province factories and relationship between contamination with defective seeds
        علی Heshmati علی اصغر Vahidinia مرضیه Jafari
           Ochratoxin A is one of the most common of raisin mycotoxins which is potential nephrotoxin in human and a teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and immunosuppressive toxin. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of ochratoxin in raisin produced in More
           Ochratoxin A is one of the most common of raisin mycotoxins which is potential nephrotoxin in human and a teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and immunosuppressive toxin. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of ochratoxin in raisin produced in Hamadan factories and its relationship with product quality (percentage of defective seeds). Sixty six raisin samples from 22 raisin producing plants in Hamadan province gathered in 2011-2012. Ochratoxin A from samples was extracted, cleaned up by immunoaffinity column and quantified with HPLC. Defective seed contents (in percentage) were determined by dividing unripe, damaged, moldy and sugary seed weight to sample weight (100 g). Ochratoxin average value and defective seed percentage was 1.72 μg/kg and 3.49%, respectively. Twenty three sampled had no ochratoxin; in 38 samples, Ochratoxin level was less than the national standard level (5 μg/kg); 5 samples had ochratoxin level more than 5 μg/kg. In all samples, defective seed percentage was less than the maximum allowable amount (10%). The apparent quality of raisin, defective seed percentage, was not significantly correlated with the amount of ochratoxin (P< 0.05).  Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Effect of Brainstorming Method on Reducing Reading Learning Disorder in Elementary School Students of Hamedan City
        elaheh zahedi no Azam ghavidel
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of brainstorming teaching method on reducing reading learning disorder in elementary school students of Hamadan city. The present study was a cross-sectional study in terms of practical purpose, a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of brainstorming teaching method on reducing reading learning disorder in elementary school students of Hamadan city. The present study was a cross-sectional study in terms of practical purpose, a cross-sectional study in terms of time, a quantitative data type, and a semi-experimental one in terms of research method, with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the students with learning disabilities of the reading type, in the primary level, who had referred to the learning disabilities center in Hamedan city in the academic year of 2001-2001. From the aforementioned statistical population, 30 people were selected by available sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups, then the experimental group underwent 8 training sessions (two sessions in one week) for 45 minutes. brainstorming training, but the intervention was not implemented for the control group. Then, both groups were given a post-test using the mentioned questionnaire. The research tools include the brainstorming program based on Le Francois (1991) brainstorming protocol and Shirazi and Nilipour's reading disorder test (2013), in order to analyze the data and examine research hypotheses from multivariate and univariate covariance analysis. used. The results showed that the effects of brainstorming teaching on reading comprehension are significant and the effects of brainstorming teaching do not affect reading speed and reading accuracy. The brainstorming teaching method could not create a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the components of reading speed and correctness of the material. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Analysis of the effect of window geometry on the thermal performance of the north and south facades of urban housing in the cold climate of Hamedan City
        Introduction: In a cold climate, it is necessary to correctly determine the window geometry parameters in order to access sunlight and improve thermal performance. The window is one of the main factors that can increase the demand for cooling energy in summer and reduce More
        Introduction: In a cold climate, it is necessary to correctly determine the window geometry parameters in order to access sunlight and improve thermal performance. The window is one of the main factors that can increase the demand for cooling energy in summer and reduce heating energy in winter. Therefore, the goal is to investigate the effect of window geometry parameters (WWR, U, SHGC, Shading) on energy consumption, in order to determine the optimal window level of the cold climate urban housing of Hamedan city. The ratio of the surface of the window to the wall and its geometric parameters, as an independent variable, and the amount of energy consumption, is a dependent variable. Methodology: The type of research is quantitative and based on the numerical data of the window-to-wall surface (WWR) and energy simulation, and statistical methods have been used in the analysis of the findings. In the data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, variance comparison analysis and follow-up tests were used to determine the relationship between the variables and determine the optimal level (WWR). This study in four stages; Investigating the window-to-wall surface ratio (WWR) of traditional houses, the effect of the WWR of the north and south facades of contemporary housing on building energy, the optimization of WWR due to variables (U, SHGC, SHADING) and the determination of the optimal level have been carried out.The statistical population of this research is in the first part of the selected houses of traditional housing in Hamadan city and to simulate contemporary housing, of the northern and southern parts in the new texture (conventional linear pattern) with an area of 240 square meters in each plot. Results: the results showed that; The southern front of traditional housing has 55.69% more glass wall surface than the north-facing front. In the contemporary context of Hamadan city, adding windows to the south-facing walls reduces the heating, lighting and final energy, and the north-facing walls increase the cooling, heating and final energy. The south-facing front has a better thermal performance than the north-facing front with a decrease in final energy (-21.55%). In cold climate, the lower the value of U and SHGC, the lower the energy consumption and the type of relationship is direct. For the north face, shading has no effect on energy consumption. But for the southern front, horizontal and combined fixed shading are effective and reduce cooling energy and increase heating energy, so to prevent the increase of heating energy due to the creation of fixed shading, movable shading can be used, Or it is better to reduce the amount of heating energy consumption by increasing the vertical distance of the awning from the top of the window. Conclusion: On the south front, the optimal window-to-wall level equal to 60% WWR has a final load reduction of -18.52%, and on the north facing front, WWR = 40% has a final load reduction of -8.38%. Based on the results, a revision proposal has been presented in Appendix 10, Topic 19 of the National Building Regulations. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Toleration of tourism destination on the side effects of climate changes (studied by Hamedan province)
        mostafa shayegan mohsen ranjbar Reza Borna Azade Arbaby
        The phenomenon of global warming and climate change may not only lead to climate change, but may also cause major changes in the tourism situation of the region and its sustainability, which will have far-reaching consequences and will destabilize the industry. The aim More
        The phenomenon of global warming and climate change may not only lead to climate change, but may also cause major changes in the tourism situation of the region and its sustainability, which will have far-reaching consequences and will destabilize the industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of vulnerability to climate change and resilience of tourism destinations on the sustainability of tourism development. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The sample size corresponded to the statistical population was 185 people. The required data and information were collected in the form of library and field. Pls software was used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that vulnerability to climate change has a negative effect on the sustainability of tourism development and resilience of tourism destinations has a negative effect on vulnerability to climate change. The results of this study also showed that the resilience of destinations has a positive effect on the sustainability of tourism development. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Factors affecting the location of fire stations With an emphasis on cluster analysis technique
        fatemeh shiri مجید شمس
        In this study, we have tried to investigate the location of fire stations in Hamadan made cluster analysis approach. For this purpose, according to theory, a conceptual model is presented as the main parameters of the 8 criteria to locate fire stations provided. All of More
        In this study, we have tried to investigate the location of fire stations in Hamadan made cluster analysis approach. For this purpose, according to theory, a conceptual model is presented as the main parameters of the 8 criteria to locate fire stations provided. All of these measures in the next stage to be produced in GIS spatial layers and then use Delphi 8 benchmark in terms of expertise and the combined weight of all layers of the information specified and according to the weight gained Tlfyqshdh each layer and a map of each of 8 It is final. The cluster analysis model to achieve the target spots, Delphi for weighting and valuation models used to locate the eight criteria and models, such as buffering and Dnsyty and .... for the production of each of the layers of gis for each of the eight criteria is used. According to the map made three spots to create a new station is proposed. The three spots in the central, western and eastern parts of the city are the need of the new station will be created. Manuscript profile
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        22 - An Analysis of the Impact of Social Marketing Plans Implemented by the Municipality of Hamadan on Environmental Beliefs
        Alireza Pirhayati hosein vazifehdoost Pezhman Jafari Asqar Seif
        Many environmental damages results from undesirable behaviors and attitudes. Social marketing is a process that exploits the principles of commercial marketing in order to influence the beliefs and behaviors of target audience. Many of the problems of urban management, More
        Many environmental damages results from undesirable behaviors and attitudes. Social marketing is a process that exploits the principles of commercial marketing in order to influence the beliefs and behaviors of target audience. Many of the problems of urban management, especially in the field of the environment have their roots in citizens’ misconceptions. Therefore, it is expected that the organizations related to urban management to eradicate undesirable beliefs and behaviors by implementing mixed social marketing and thereby to prevent the occurrence of many environmental problems. This research, by presenting a conceptual model explains the effect of the implementation of mixed marketing on environmental beliefs from the viewpoint of Hamadan municipality. The results showed that by implementing a mixed social marketing by influencing the emotional and operational values people's environmental beliefs can be affected. In fact, the implementation of the mixed social marketing can lead to preventive measures. With the introduction of emotional and operational value as an effective consequence of the integrated implementation of the mixed social marketing, these factors have been shown to affect the prediction of individuals’ environmental beliefs. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Ranking of Hamadan Districts Based on Good Urban Governance Indices
        sadegh hasani Parvaneh Zivyar mohsen rajbar
        In the context of Hamadan, recognized as a significant new urban center in the country, substantial challenges in urban management processes have emerged, encompassing both organizational and external dimensions. Recent years have witnessed mismanagement in service deli More
        In the context of Hamadan, recognized as a significant new urban center in the country, substantial challenges in urban management processes have emerged, encompassing both organizational and external dimensions. Recent years have witnessed mismanagement in service delivery, spatial injustices, physical-spatial disparities, lack of transparency in presenting plans and programs, and an increase in civic problems, exacerbating issues within the city. This complex scenario has the potential to escalate into serious regional crises. Acknowledging the urgency of addressing this matter and emphasizing the need for regional studies, the present research investigates the indicators of good governance in Hamadan, categorized by different regions. Employing a descriptive-analytical approach and utilizing a quantitative method, the study involves experts from the Hamadan management team, with a sample size of 35 individuals. The research findings, analyzed through average test models in SPSS software and the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making model in MATLAB software, reveal that the good governance indicators in Hamadan are not in a desirable state, particularly with districts 3 and 2 facing severe deficiencies in urban governance indicators. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Studying the borrowing of special Turkish words in Hamadani Persian dialect
        ali abolghasemi sorour zekrati
        The most common type of borrowing is of words. Almost all languages have been affected by other languages. Borrowing in language occurs due to interactions among languages which can affect all linguistic components, from syntax, semantic and morphology to lexicon. Persi More
        The most common type of borrowing is of words. Almost all languages have been affected by other languages. Borrowing in language occurs due to interactions among languages which can affect all linguistic components, from syntax, semantic and morphology to lexicon. Persian and Turkish language have mutual borrowing which is affected by Turkish to a great extend over centuries. As an example, Hamadani dialect has been affected by too many daily Turkish words due to close interactions between Turk and Fars people there. In this paper, we attempted to study the Turkish words in Hamadani dialect. It is important to notice that we avoid considering Turkish words used in other dialects of standard Persian. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Identifying the Capacity and Priorities in Tourism Development with Emphasis on Historical Spaces: A Case Study of Hamadan
        mitra refahi dahr Majid Shams
        This study focuses on the management of the central urban core of Hamadan, utilizing historical attractions and emphasizing the utilization of historical spaces. The research aims to determine the historical capacities of the central core in tourism development and iden More
        This study focuses on the management of the central urban core of Hamadan, utilizing historical attractions and emphasizing the utilization of historical spaces. The research aims to determine the historical capacities of the central core in tourism development and identify key management components with a specific focus on historical attractions. The statistical population for this research comprises residents, tourists, and businesses located within the central core of Hamadan city. The study falls under the category of fundamental research, employing a descriptive and analytical research method. Data and information were collected using both library and field methods. The SWAT technique, questionnaire surveys, and the SPSS software were employed for data analysis. The research findings demonstrate that the sub-criterion of local investment participation significantly contributes to the development of tourism in the region. Incentive facilities such as granting loans, reducing taxes, and providing specialized entrepreneurial consultations to local investors can encourage local capital to be directed towards the development of tourism-based activities. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Examining the effect of digital lifestyle on social identity (case of study: male and female students of high school in Hamedan city)
        Safeollh Safae
        Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city. Study method: The research method is applied in terms of objective, correlational in terms of de More
        Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city. Study method: The research method is applied in terms of objective, correlational in terms of descriptive nature, and survey method in terms of survey method. The statistical population included all secondary school students, male and female, of public and private schools in Hamedan city (11891 people), the sample size was estimated to be 377 people based on Cochran's formula, and they were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect the data, Safarinia and Roshan's social identity questionnaire (1390) and Mohajeri and Farqani's digital lifestyle questionnaire (1397) were used. The content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the opinion of sociological experts. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scales was estimated to be higher than 0.7, which indicated the internal consistency of the items and confirmed the reliability. The data was analyzed using the analysis of variance test using SPSS software. Findings: between the variable components of digital lifestyle (cultural consumption, how to spend free time, patterns of buying and selling, patterns of distance learning and education, body management through media) and social identity among female students and There was a relationship with a high school boy in Hamadan city and this relationship is reversed. Manuscript profile
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        27 - An Examination of the effects of digital lifestyle on social identity (case of study: male and female students of high school in Hamedan city)
        Safiallah Safaei
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city.The survey research method was utilized. The research population included all secondary school students, m More
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city.The survey research method was utilized. The research population included all secondary school students, male and female, of public and private schools in the city of Hamedan (11891 people) of which, on the basis of Cochran's formula, 377 people were selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect the data, Safarinia and Roshan's social identity questionnaire (1390) and Mohajeri and Farqani's digital lifestyle questionnaire (1397) were used. The content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the opinion of sociological experts. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scales was estimated to be higher than 0.7, which indicated the internal consistency of the items and confirmed the reliability. The data was analyzed using the analysis of variance test using SPSS software.The findings showed a significant and reverse relationship between components of digital lifestyle (cultural consumption, how to spend free time, patterns of buying and selling, patterns of distance learning and education, body management through media) and social identity among male and female high school students.       Manuscript profile
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        28 - Assessment of Citizens' Satisfaction with Intra-City Transportation System in Hamedan City
        Hamed Abbasi
        Transportation is one of the most important constituent parts of urban life that determines the shape and way of social and economic development of the city. In this regard, the quality of transportation in Hamadan city, which can be very useful in its development, was More
        Transportation is one of the most important constituent parts of urban life that determines the shape and way of social and economic development of the city. In this regard, the quality of transportation in Hamadan city, which can be very useful in its development, was considered. The nonparametric regression model and artificial neural network were used to assess the citizens' satisfaction from the transportation system. For this purpose, first, a questionnaire was developed based on three main indicators (equipment and facilities status, physical status, management status, and service delivery). Citizens' perspective was gathered. Then, using a nonparametric regression model, independent indicators and satisfaction as an independent variable were used. The correlation and root mean square of the output errors of this model were 0.914 and 0.334 respectively. In another approach, using an artificial neural network, a model with three intrinsic neuron structures, one hidden layer and one output neuron was constructed. The output correlation of this model was 0.998 and the mean square error of the error was about 6 times lower than regression model. The results showed that the neural network model with both linear and nonlinear correlation estimates is more versatile and more suitable than nonparametric regression. On the other hand, price indices with coefficient (0.885), equality and welfare with (0.795) and decrease in demand for travel (0.790) are the most effective indicators for citizens' satisfaction with urban transport network. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Identifying Factors affecting Optimal Management of Agricultural Water
        Masoud Samian Karim Naderi Mahdei Heshmatollah Saadi Reza Movahedi
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        30 - نقش بهره برداران کشاورزی در مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی با تاکید بر محیط زیست (مطالعه موردی در شهرستان همدان)
        مسعود سامیان رضا موحدی الهام انصاری مسعود اسدی
        منابع طبیعی اثرات مستقیم و غیرمستقیم زیادی در توسعه اقتصادی– اجتماعی کشورها دارد. به رغم این اهمیت روند تخریب این منابع به دلیل رشد سریع جمعیت، بهره­برداری بی­رویه و بدون برنامه­ریزی و فقدان آگاهی مردم نسبت به توسعه و ترویج موازین احیا، توسعه و بهره&sh More
        منابع طبیعی اثرات مستقیم و غیرمستقیم زیادی در توسعه اقتصادی– اجتماعی کشورها دارد. به رغم این اهمیت روند تخریب این منابع به دلیل رشد سریع جمعیت، بهره­برداری بی­رویه و بدون برنامه­ریزی و فقدان آگاهی مردم نسبت به توسعه و ترویج موازین احیا، توسعه و بهره­برداری صحیح با شتاب بیش از حدی ادامه داشته است. بنابراین پایداری در مدیریت منابع طبیعی و حفظ آن از شروط اساسی برای رسیدن به توسعه پایدار کشاورزی و روستایی است. هم­چنین باید توجه داشت که مشارکت مردم در مدیریت منابع طبیعی نقش مهمی در جلوگیری از روند چنین تخریبی ایفا می­کند. مسئله مذکور باعث شده تا هدف این پژوهش به سمت تعیین میزان نقش و اهمیت بهره­برداران کشاورزی در مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی سوق پیدا کند. این پژوهش یک مطالعه تحلیلی– توصیفی است که جمع­آوری داده­های آن با رویکرد پیمایش انجام گردیده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 208 نفر از بهره­برداران کشاورزی در روستای اطراف شهرستان همدان می­باشند. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که 34 درصد کشاورزان در گروه ناپایدار، 54 درصد در گروه پایداری متوسط و 12 درصد کشاورزان در گروه پایدار جای گرفتند. هم­چنین نتایج حاصل از رگرسیون چند متغیره نشان داد که متغیرهای شخصی، آموزشی و ترویجی، اقتصادی، قانونی و نهادی و اجتماعی توانایی تبیین 79 درصدی (791/0 R2=) تغییرات متغیر مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی توسط کشاورزان را دارا می باشند. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Process of Individuation in Tamhīdāt: An Analysis
        Elnāz Khojaste zenoozi Mahin Panāhi
        Mystical text is an area of psychological exploration that provides a cognition, albeit a small one, of the position of nearness to God; it also reveals the hidden aspects of its author spiritual dimensions and shows how he/she understands his/her Lord and how he/she ap More
        Mystical text is an area of psychological exploration that provides a cognition, albeit a small one, of the position of nearness to God; it also reveals the hidden aspects of its author spiritual dimensions and shows how he/she understands his/her Lord and how he/she approaches to God. In Jung’s school of analytical psychology, “the process of individuation” is an unconscious effort to achieve mental development; it explains that human beings can never achieve the full psychological development, but can only achieve individual, comprehensive and inner experiences by recognizing the "superego". Tamhīdāt (The Preludes) a treatise written by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani, the prominent mystic of the fifth and sixth centuries AH, reflects a psychological development. The purpose of the present study is to investigate this development in the unconscious of the author of Tamhīdāt. The research has been done by descriptive-analytical method. The results indicate that the author, in his magnum opus, unconsciously shows the psychological development using the mystical teachings and exploring the unconscious. The unconscious influence of the archetypes, such as "Christ", "Wise old man" which eventually merge with the archetype of "shadow" and guide to light, is evident in the book; Ayn al-Quzat tries to achieve the process of individuation and to reach "the superego" in a pure and original way.     Manuscript profile
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        32 - A Look at the Structure of Mystical Letters; Based on the Letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
        Seid Amir Jahādi Hosseini Nāzanin Rostami Zādeh
        Mystical letters are one of the most valuable examples of informal writings. These letters show abundant imagination, creative mind and mystical pen of their writers, and distinguishes the mystics from the courtly writers who are well aware of the art of letter writing. More
        Mystical letters are one of the most valuable examples of informal writings. These letters show abundant imagination, creative mind and mystical pen of their writers, and distinguishes the mystics from the courtly writers who are well aware of the art of letter writing. A study of these texts shows that there is a regular and coherent structure in them. By using descriptive-analytical method, the authors of this study have tried to analyze the content of the letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi and Ayn al-Quzat in terms of structure and content of the letters. The style of writing, the subject, the addressee, and in general the structure of the letters is among the items that have received less attention; therefore, the need for such research in these areas is felt.  The findings of the study indicate that the structure of mystical letters is different from courtly letters. The difference is more evident in the speeches, the titles and the beginning of the letter; also, the main subject of the letter is the written requests. In addition, the letters of the mystics are full of advices that are morally and educationally valuable and for teaching ideological and mystical principles are useful.   Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
        Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkoohian Jamshid sadri
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of More
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of Sufis about the abrogation of the Islamic Laws by wise fools and to recognize the causes of it from their point of view. An attempt is made to answer these questions: In mystical anthropology, which human faculty is related to Islamic Laws? If the intellectual faculty declines, is there any other faculty related to these Laws? Considering the fact that the wise fools have a kind of intellect, can they be considered as obligated to enforce Islamic Laws like other wise men? The findings of the study show that the Sufis believe that the wise fools receive Divine inspirations and experience a state of intoxication and these spiritual modes justify their behavior.  According to some Sufi theories, the decline of intellect and consequently the abrogation of Islamic Laws is a gift from God; and some Sufis consider the intoxication state of a wise fool as constant praying. The aim of the research is to study the reasons for the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools from the point of view of Sufis, especially Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Gnostic Elements in the Mystical System of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
        Ebrahim Ranjbar Babak Savdagar
        According to the followers of Gnosticism, this school refers to the ideas and methods that are needed to achieve the most certain and supreme kind of knowledge, and consequently, to acquire true happiness and purification of the soul through intuition and illumination. More
        According to the followers of Gnosticism, this school refers to the ideas and methods that are needed to achieve the most certain and supreme kind of knowledge, and consequently, to acquire true happiness and purification of the soul through intuition and illumination. The school has been popular among many ethnic groups since ancient times and has influenced Islamic-Iranian mysticism over the centuries. Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani is also influenced by the teachings of Gnosticism. Using the analytical - comparative method, the present article first states the characteristics of the Gnostic school and then compare them with the views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. The purpose is to explain and illustrate the common points of Gnostic beliefs and his mystical principles. The common points are as follows: belief in the duality of light-darkness, trust in intuitive knowledge instead of acquired knowledge, believing that the being is a mystery, belief in esotericism, emphasis on self-knowledge to achieve true knowledge, belief in the originality of the spiritual world as opposed to the physical world and finally belief in Homo Deus or “perfect man”. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli about "Quality World" Based on Glasser's Choice Theory
        Zohreh Fahami Hasan por alashti Maseod Rohani Mostafā Gorji
        According to William Glasser's choice theory, a "Quality World" is a set of images about life that man has in mind for a good life; these images represent the world in which he/she aspires to live. They are similar to those portrayed by Muslim mystics through the interp More
        According to William Glasser's choice theory, a "Quality World" is a set of images about life that man has in mind for a good life; these images represent the world in which he/she aspires to live. They are similar to those portrayed by Muslim mystics through the interpretation of the holy books and personal discovery and intuition. The present article, by using descriptive-analytical method, attempts to study the views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli about "Quality World" based on Glasser's choice theory. In the mystical literary discourse, the "Quality World" is important because the mystics, by drawing a picture of their ideal world, have led their followers to an accessible world; however, sometimes their ideal world is an abstract and inaccessible one. They depict their lived experiences in metaphorical language and interpret a surreal world in their realist texts. Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli describe the "Quality World" with terms such as "divine majesty", "Face of God", "archangelic world", "the garden of eternity" and "eternal world"; in this world, the connection with the Almighty and the annihilation of God is realized. These two mystics change the mental images of people by using a variety of descriptive methods and lead them to a qauality world - albeit an abstract one - in which inherent desires, such as calmness and meaningfulness of life, prevail. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The Influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani on Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini, Regarding Their Epistemological Views in Tamhīdāt and Bahr al-Maani
        Kazem Asghary Somayyeh Khādemi
        Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini in his book Bahr al-Maani (The Sea of Meanings) pays considerable attention to epistemological issues. The purpose of the present article is to explain his the epistemological views and to examine the influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamada More
        Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini in his book Bahr al-Maani (The Sea of Meanings) pays considerable attention to epistemological issues. The purpose of the present article is to explain his the epistemological views and to examine the influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani's Tamhīdāt on his ideas. This study has been done by using descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The findings show that Mohammad Makki not only in content, but also in words and phrases, has been influenced by the epistemological views of Ayn al-Quzat. Both mystics have distinguished between inward knowledge and outward knowledge, and have considered outward knowledge as the divine knowledge that mystics receive it due to their degree of unshakable faith in God. According to both of them, man can attain divine knowledge through self-knowledge and the knowing of the prophet Muhammad; but knowing the divine essence is not possible and one can only know about divine names, attributes and acts. They speak of the existence of an obstacle (hejab) in knowing God and believe that this obstacle will not be completely removed; and for some reasons such as  content, human limitations and religious limitations, the inability of the audience to understand the concepts and the issue of confidentiality, the divine teachings are inexpressible. These topics are covered in more detail in Bahr al-Maani than in Tamhīdāt. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Function of Mirror in the Works of Mawlavi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani: A Comparative Study
        azim hamzeiyan somaye khademi
        In the works of Muslim mystics, mirror has a wide presence. According to historical documents, mirror has been used symbolically by Imam Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā, for first time to explain mystical monotheism. In prose and verse works of Muslim mystics, it is used for More
        In the works of Muslim mystics, mirror has a wide presence. According to historical documents, mirror has been used symbolically by Imam Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā, for first time to explain mystical monotheism. In prose and verse works of Muslim mystics, it is used for explanation of manifestation and presence of God and pantheism. As a mystical symbol, mirror is highly noticed in the works of Mawlavi (Rumi) and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. The application of mirror in these works can be analyzed in three stages: mystical ontology, mystical cosmology and mystical anthropology. Ayn al-Quzat uses the metaphor of mirror to express the inability of human reason in understanding God, the role of perfect man and being mirror-like in reflecting the reality, but Rumi uses the metaphor widely and has a different expression. He emphasizes on the role of perfect man and being mirror-like, refers to the mystical issues such as Divine names and attributes, pantheism and manifestation of God, and speaks about light and color which are related to symbol of  mirror. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Sociological Study of Badiozaman hamedanis Maqamat
        Katayoun fallahi Hadiseh motevalli
        Describe the characteristics of each community, is one of  the haracteristics offiction. So sociological approach to these works,Can bemappedto thesocietyof that time. Since Badi'ozaman stories reflect social conditions of the time, In this article we are going to More
        Describe the characteristics of each community, is one of  the haracteristics offiction. So sociological approach to these works,Can bemappedto thesocietyof that time. Since Badi'ozaman stories reflect social conditions of the time, In this article we are going to check Badi'ozaman stories, the overall outlook of the situation get the Abbasid era And to obtain general information of the period Manuscript profile
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        39 - Evaluation of Interception in Astragalus parrowianus, (Case Study: Gonbad Rangeland of Hamadan Province, Iran)
        Nasrin Kolahchi Mohsen Mohseni Saravi Ali Tavili Mohammad Jafari Ghassem Assadian
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        40 - Evaluation of Salivary Oxytocin Level in Pregnant Women during Pregnancy in Fatemiyeh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran
        Zahra Karami Hamid Reza Abdolsamadi Lida Samie Shohre Alimohammadi Alireza Soltanian
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        41 - The Investigation of Abundance and Population Density of Mountain Racerunner (Eremias montanus) at Meydan Mishan of Hamadan Provine of Iran
        عماد رهبر نصرالله رستگارپویانی محمود کرمی علیرضا محمدی
        Many biological studies require the estimation of population density or population size are also needed to determine the size of specimens of species distribution pattern is used. So the purpose of this study that on the mountain racerunner at Alvand heights such as acc More
        Many biological studies require the estimation of population density or population size are also needed to determine the size of specimens of species distribution pattern is used. So the purpose of this study that on the mountain racerunner at Alvand heights such as accepted, determine the density and distribution pattern .this species is Thus only within a small Zagros Mountains in the provinces of Kermanshah and Hamadan has been reported, and a species is considered native to Iran. In this study, that from April to October 2010 while starting activity species after hibernation done, the study area to two A and B share .was the exact density of these methods line transect using the Hine estimate respectively 16.9 and 20.1 individuals per hectare and the estimated population of this species respectively 725 and 321 individuals was calculated. the most important factors in the difference density such Among areas of plant density, the pores and gaps, bait needed, slope and elevation was determined, the pattern of distribution of this species using chi-squared random obtained, using plot and test index of dispersion, chi-squared goodness of fitness and G-test of Williams distribution pattern cavities and prey was Random and distribution pattern plants was pile. Manuscript profile
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        42 - The role of the General Command of the Police Force in the realization of the explanation jihad according to the statement of the second step of the revolution
        محمد شریفانی nasrin alavinia
        Background and purpose:The command of the police force (Faraja) as the institution in charge of security and order in the society has an important role in the realization of the jihad of explanation in the society. Explanation Jihad is one of the fundamental issues for More
        Background and purpose:The command of the police force (Faraja) as the institution in charge of security and order in the society has an important role in the realization of the jihad of explanation in the society. Explanation Jihad is one of the fundamental issues for the future of the revolution, which is the concern of the supreme leader (Madazaleh) and he has pointed out some points in this regard on various occasions.Therefore, Faraja's awareness of the conditions and factors affecting the realization of Jihad Tabbin can be the basis for reaching the desired society and the continuation of the revolution.The purpose of the current research is to present the role of the police force command in the realization of Jihad-at-Bayin according to the statement of the second step of the revolution Method: Qualitative approach and data-based theory. The required data were collected through theoretical and targeted sampling with the method of semi-structured interviews with the commanders of the police forces of Kermanshah,Hamadan,Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces and through three processes; Open, central and selective coding has been conceptualized and analyzed Findings and conclusions: The findings of the research include 330 primary concepts, 157 sub-themes and 18 main themes, the core category of which was created, "Faraja Command and Realization of Jihad-Tabbin" and the obtained paradigm model, conditions and causes, Represent the necessary factors and necessities, and in order to achieve the desired results, it is necessary for all the influencing components to provide the consequences of this by adopting the necessary strategies Manuscript profile