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    Comparative literature is: analysis and investigation of the contexts and methods of international literature relationships and the influence of literary works at the level of different nations and ethnicities and the methods of influence and influence of culture, literature and art of one nation and nation on another nation and nation. Or adapting and taking from others' works of literature, such as: the influence of Iranian literature on Europeans, or the influence of European culture and literature on Iranians during the constitutional period. In comparative literature, many sciences and topics such as: the history of world literature, literary schools, literary criticism, stylistics, literary types, etc., as well as the methods of influence of world works are brought up, so as to find out what is the contribution of nations and ethnic groups in world literature?

    The main necessities and benefits of comparative literature are:

    1) knowing the initial stage and the emergence of literary types; 2) to discover the contexts and factors of modernism, new ideas and the real causes of literary and stylistic changes in national literature and world literature and to remove national and patriotic restrictions on the way to discover literary truths; 3) Knowing the dimensions of authentic and native literature and the capacities and capabilities and the contribution of nations to world literature; 4) Investigating and knowing the contexts, causes, methods and how the literature of nations affects each other; 5) laying the groundwork for the new critique, because the principles of the new critique are nothing but the fruit of deep comparative researches that enable interaction and exchange; 6) Acceptance of various national identities and differences in cultures and ideas while preserving the national identity; 7) To provide the ground for pursuing world literature and recounting literary and human truths and how world literature cooperates with each other and achieving a common language and understanding and friendship among nations through fair and scholarly comparative criticism.