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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Structural and discursive analysis of primers in Najmuddin Zarkoub's Fotovvat-nāmeh based on Halliday's theory
        Davud Ghanbary Narges Oskouie aziz hojjaji
         The initiator, as the point of departure of the message, provides the possibility of processing the text message for the speaker as well as determining the action and intellectual direction of the message for the audience. In this research, in order to analyze the More
         The initiator, as the point of departure of the message, provides the possibility of processing the text message for the speaker as well as determining the action and intellectual direction of the message for the audience. In this research, in order to analyze the structural and discursive text of Najmuddin Zarkoub's fotovvat-name and discover the mechanisms between the author's mind and language and the cultural-social context of the text, the analysis of primers has been used. From the analysis of the types of primers in this text, which was done using a combined method (descriptive, analytical and statistical), the following results were obtained: the significant frequency of experimental primers in this text indicates the predominance of explanatory and explanatory action in the author's discourse. The significant reduction of interpersonal initiators indicates the low level of communicative and interactive actions in the text and confirms the strengthening of monophonic and authoritative discourse meanings in the experimental structures. Among the text starters, structural elements are more prominent than the other two types (continuity and link addition) due to the role they play in the continuity and development of the text. In this text, the frequency of simple and unmarked starters is more than that of compound and marked starters, whose impact in the text can be seen in the form of ease and regularity of language and grammar, as well as textual coherence in the context of the text's ideological discourse. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Structural and thematic effectiveness of prominent Khorasani poets in describing the beloved of the Moalahgate Sab?
        Hossein Ali Sarhadi Masoud Akbarizadeh mostafa salari
         The Suspensions of the Seven is one of the most brilliant works of poetry in the pre-Islamic era and a full-fledged mirror that shows the culture of the customs and life of the people as well as the geographical, social and literary situation of that era. Many sch More
         The Suspensions of the Seven is one of the most brilliant works of poetry in the pre-Islamic era and a full-fledged mirror that shows the culture of the customs and life of the people as well as the geographical, social and literary situation of that era. Many scholars in various literary fields have worked on it; Because the suspensions of Saba are the identity of the pre-Islamic era, and the correct understanding of these poems and examining them from different aspects is a way to know the pre-Islamic era. Due to the geographical proximity of Arab and Iranian civilizations, Arabic literature is one of the most important channels of influence of Arabic culture and language on Persian literature, although this influence is reciprocal and deep; But undoubtedly the influence of Arabic literature on the poets of the early periods of Persian literature is deeper and greater. One of the main objectives of this research is to analyze and compare the structural and thematic effectiveness of prominent Khorasani poets in describing the beloved from the suspensions of Saba. Most scholars agree that Iranian poets have followed in the footsteps of Arab poets and imitated Arab poets in composing poems related to Atlal and Daman. The present article tries to identify the structural and thematic effectiveness of prominent Khorasani poets in describing the beloved from the descriptions of Saba with a comparative method and descriptive-analytical approach and to answer the questions that the influence of prominent Khorasani poets in the description of the beloved What about suspended poets? And which Khorasani style poet has been more influenced by suspended poets? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Comparative Study of Belief in Human Freedom in the Thoughts of William Blake and Rumi
        Zahra Iranmanesh
         One of the fields of study in comparative literature is the study of subject matter, position, literary expression and the like in the works of poets. The main aspects of comparative study are subject and thought and feeling. The aim of this research is to compare More
         One of the fields of study in comparative literature is the study of subject matter, position, literary expression and the like in the works of poets. The main aspects of comparative study are subject and thought and feeling. The aim of this research is to compare the human belief in freedom in Blake and Rumi's poems with a descriptive-analytical method. To understand the connection between world and Iranian literature and the extent to which different writers are influenced by each other, it is necessary to conduct global comparative studies. In this research, the thought of Rumi and Blake in poetry is important and is examined. In this study, it has been concluded that Blake's calm spirit is not completely compatible with the situation of the society of his time and shows his attitude towards the freedom of these spirits. Kingdom, materialism and scientism, unity of existence and attention to the inner world of man and imagination are among the signs of the Iraqi style that exist in Rumi's poems, and these signs can also be seen in Blake's poems. Rumi's freedom is mystical and individual and is expressed by leaving worldly belongings and spiritual and personal attachments. In contrast, Blake's freedom is social and political. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Metodat e ndikimit të Mohammd Ikbal Lahorit në mënyrën e përshtatjes nga Kurani Famëlartë
        Ali Zaboli Mehdi Abadi Ahmad Sadeghian aboalghasem asi moznab
         The manifestation of the divine word in poetry becomes its source of freshness, depth and stability, and the more fruitful the literary work is than the transcendent concepts, the greater its power of influence and influence. Iqbal Lahori is one of the prominent c More
         The manifestation of the divine word in poetry becomes its source of freshness, depth and stability, and the more fruitful the literary work is than the transcendent concepts, the greater its power of influence and influence. Iqbal Lahori is one of the prominent contemporary poets in using the verses of the Quran who has used the verses of the Quran extensively in his poems in various ways. Array of solution and adaptation is one of the most important and effective literary industries in rhetoric and has been used in Iqbal's poetry in various ways that are effective in understanding concepts. Due to the high frequency of this array and its various forms of application, the need for this research is felt. This research, in a descriptive-analytical way, and library tools, seeks to analyze Iqbal poems in which the industry of solving and adapting has been formed using the verses of the Qur'an, and the methods of influencing and interpreting Iqbal from the Qur'an in the ways of using this array. Explore its various semantic aspects and its rhetorical secrets and mysteries. The results of the research show that the rhetoric of the Qur'an, in addition to the effect it has had on Iqbal's thought and language, has also played a significant role in the evolution of all kinds of allusions and guarantees in Iqbal's poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A look at what the concepts of "Human Dignity", "Social Justice" and "Freedom" mean In Hafez's lyric poems and the UN Declaration of Human Rights
        ezzat khalighi Saeid Roozbahani Abolghasem Amirahmadi
         The concept of Human Rights is respected in all cultures and numerous laws have been enacted in this regard, and it is not necessarily limited to the contemporary era. As literature is a manifestation of culture reflected in the context of society, it reflects exa More
         The concept of Human Rights is respected in all cultures and numerous laws have been enacted in this regard, and it is not necessarily limited to the contemporary era. As literature is a manifestation of culture reflected in the context of society, it reflects examples of human rights. In the field of Persian literature, Hafez in the mirror of the Divan of Ghazals, while dealing with lyrical, romantic, mystical and ... issues, has also spoken about Human Rights issues. In various verses, he has repeatedly objected to the shortcomings of Human Rights and called on his audience to directly and indirectly adhere to its principles. To achieve this goal, Hafez has made innovations, including the development of Rend's personality. In this study, citing library sources and descriptive-analytical method, the concepts of "Human dignity", "social justice" and "freedom" in Hafez's sonnets (with an approach to Rand actions) and the UN Declaration of Human Rights have been explored. . The results of the research show that Hafez's creation in the Divan of Ghazals was a critical and protest attempt to highlight the deprivations related to Human Rights in Iranian society and to increase the scope of knowledge and insight of the oppressed people. Also, in this way, the "insider / foreigner" dichotomy in the whole political structure of Iranian society is described. Another is that The concepts mentioned in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have no roots exclusively in the contemporary world and go beyond time and geographical boundaries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analysis of similarities between the nature of wisdom in Friedrich Nietzsche's perfect man and divine insight in Islamic mysticism
        Saeed Mohammadi kish Farah Niazkar
        One of the most fundamental pillars of Islamic mysticism, which is called the chosen principle of Sufism, is the perfect human being. The perfect human being is the manifestation of the divine names, which was created in the midst of the grace of truth. In this research More
        One of the most fundamental pillars of Islamic mysticism, which is called the chosen principle of Sufism, is the perfect human being. The perfect human being is the manifestation of the divine names, which was created in the midst of the grace of truth. In this research, the wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche's perfect man in the work "So Said Zarathustra" is discussed from the perspective of divine insight in Islamic mysticism in a descriptive-comparative way. This work is a philosophical and poetic narrative in which Nietzsche recounts his views in the language of Zoroaster.The results of the research show that there are similarities between Nietzsche's perfect man and the vision of the perfect man in Islamic mysticism. Nietzsche considers the will and the inner insight directed to power as the only approach to truth. As in Islamic mysticism, the divine vision of the perfect human being is the manifestation of the absolute truth in the form of names and attributes. From Nietzsche's point of view, now the imitative and petrified reality of humanity has become the present God in the world and considers the suffering world to be the same in front of him based on the surrounding of old thoughts.With the help of independent will, Nietzsche calls this field to be recreated. From his point of view, man is not affected by the freedom and choice and analysis of his thoughts and has lived among other beliefs and false evaluations. Therefore, human life has a higher mission than fruitlessness and passive obedience, just as in Islamic mysticism, man turns his back on the world of matter and its appearances with the efforts of the soul and discovers the truths of existence in divine vision and attains its existential knowledge. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Comparative Study of the Parades of Resistance and Persistence Literature in the Poetry of Qaisar Aminpour and Kamal Nasser
        mohammad arjestani ashraf chegini alireza gojezadeh
        Foundations of nations’ literature are best indicator for acquainting with every nation’s attitude and belief. Literature of resistance and persistence is of literary works divisions that is exciting and sensational in service of humanity, influential in lit More
        Foundations of nations’ literature are best indicator for acquainting with every nation’s attitude and belief. Literature of resistance and persistence is of literary works divisions that is exciting and sensational in service of humanity, influential in literature in terms of content. Qaisar Aminpour and Kamal Nasser are among stylish and hard-working poets in Iran and Palestine who have expressed Islamic resistance and persistence and people’s problems and pains in their poems in their own way, considering political, social, cultural, etc. situations based on religious principles and foundations, and have instilled in audience concepts such as: patriotism, sacrifice, love of man and homeland, resistance, and persistence as most important features of resistance literature. Islamic Revolution, Imposed War, and Occupation of Palestine have been discussed internationally last decades that explaining struggle culture in two countries by introducing main elements of resistance and persistence, besides enlightening and reviving thinking of oppression fighting and justice, are effective steps toward advancing relations between two countries.This research, meanwhile studying works and style of two great contemporary poets in an analytical-descriptive method, has evaluated some characteristics of resistance and persistence. Features such as: sincere emotion, modern language, variety of subjects, dealing with valuable concepts, and new ideas ripple through Aminpour's poetry. Kamal's poetry contains his feelings, personal sufferings, social and political issues of his life, and events he has witnessed. In his poetry, he defends suffering and displaced people who have fallen victim to coercion and policies of occupiers and submission of the Arab rulers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - بررسی اثر پس‌کنشی زبان دوم بر زبان اول در یادآوری کلمه و فعال‌سازی واژگان
        Afsaneh Alsadat Movahedpour Amin Naeimi
        هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی تاثیر یادگیری زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان دوم بر یاداوری و به کارگیری لغات در بین زبان آموزان ایرانی بود. به این منظور یک نمونۀ آماری که شامل 45 زبان‌آموز مونث و مذکر بود، انتخاب شدند و به دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل تقسیم شدند. هرکدام شامل پانزده داوطلب. More
        هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی تاثیر یادگیری زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان دوم بر یاداوری و به کارگیری لغات در بین زبان آموزان ایرانی بود. به این منظور یک نمونۀ آماری که شامل 45 زبان‌آموز مونث و مذکر بود، انتخاب شدند و به دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل تقسیم شدند. هرکدام شامل پانزده داوطلب. به منظور آزمون یاداوری لغات یک آزمون با زمان محدود در بین سه گروه اجرا شد. آن‌ها باید به شانزده کلمۀ فارسی غیر هم‌خانواده گوش می‌دادند. هرکدام در 2 ثانیه باید آن‌ها را به یاد می‌آ‌وردند و بازگو می‌کردند. برای فعال‌سازی واژگان، یک آزمایش انجام شد که طی آن شرکت کنندگان باید لغاتی را که بر روی صفحه می دیدند، بازگو کنند. نتایج نشان داد که شرکت‌کنندگانی که در معرض آموزش زبان نبودند نسبت به گروه زبان آموزان با سطح متوسطه یا پایین عملکرد بهتری داشتند. همچنین نمرات گروه اول در آزمون یادآوری لغت از دوگروه دوم بالاتر بود. در آزمون یادآوری کلمه، میانگین نمرات گروه کنترل از دو گروه دیگر بالاتر بود. اگرچه نتایج تفاوت معناداری بین سه گروه را در این آزمایش نشان نداد، نتایج تحقیق حاضر نکاتی برای مدرسان زبان انگلیسی و گردآورندگان مطالب آموزشی دارد. مدرسان می‌توانند، ارتباطی بین دانش واژگان دو زبان پیدا و بیان کنند و از این طریق به زبان آموزان کمک کنند تا دانش لغوی خود را با بار شناختی کمتری فعال کنند. Manuscript profile