• karimi.fariba A Model for the Quality of College Life with an Emphasis on Educational Facilities [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1399]
  • keikha.zahra Identifying the dimensions and components of organizational agility in education and training based on information technology approach in a process model [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • khodadadi Tirkolaei.Hanieh A model of an environmental ethics curriculum based on social constructivism in the second high school [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1398]
  • kodestani.fereshte Provide a model for attracting faculty members to higher education institutions with a thematic analysis approach [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1398]
  • kordestani.fereshteh Identification of information literacy status of teachers and provide a suitable pattern(Case study:education Qom city) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1399]