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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Strategies for Improving Intellectual Capital in Cultural Organizations and Institutions: Ebnesina Community Center
        دکتر اسماعیل کاوسی محمد صادق تیموری
        Nowadays, organizations are entering into a knowledgebasedeconomy; an economy in which knowledge and intangible assets are the mostimportant competitive benefits of the organizations. One of the most importantelements of intangible assets is intellectual capital playing More
        Nowadays, organizations are entering into a knowledgebasedeconomy; an economy in which knowledge and intangible assets are the mostimportant competitive benefits of the organizations. One of the most importantelements of intangible assets is intellectual capital playing a significant role in theperformance and implementation of the organizational strategies. Intellectual capitalmakes it possible for any organization to continuously adapt itself to changingconditions. Regarding the importance of the subject matter and in order to improvethe performance of Ebnesina Community Center and to offer strategies for improvingintellectual capital in the organization, the researchers have studied the level ofhuman, structural and physical capitals in the organization.Research methodology: This research is applied in terms of objective anddescriptive-survey in terms of data collection.Findings: According to the t-test of human, structural and physical capital factors itcan be said that human capital in Ebnesina Community Center is weak but structuraland physical capitals are desirable. Also, regarding the results of Friedman test, interms of desirability, physical capital, structural capital and human capital can beprioritized respectively. Finally, it can be said that there is a significant correlationbetween human, structural and physical capitals and improvement of intellectualcapital.Conclusion: By virtue of the findings of the research, Ebnesina Community Centernot only should take care of the three factors of human capital, structural capital andphysical capital, but also should improve human resources competency throughtraining, develop information systems in the organization, prepare a succession plan;develop responsibility, decrease bureaucracy, and produce new products. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - study of entrepreneur characteristics and effectiveness of some managers of The Islamic Azad University
        دکترسید رضا صالحی امیری دکتر علی شاه حسینی
        In contemporary competitive and market-basedeconomy that is along with international quick changes and the process of industrialsociety to informational society, entrepreneurship is as a motor of economicdevelopment which can be important in economic growth of countries More
        In contemporary competitive and market-basedeconomy that is along with international quick changes and the process of industrialsociety to informational society, entrepreneurship is as a motor of economicdevelopment which can be important in economic growth of countries and theiremployment and social welfare. The goal of this research is the study of entrepreneurcharacteristics and effectiveness of some managers of The Islamic Azad University.Method:This research has an applied goal and its method is correlation. Statisticalsociety and sample of the research are four groups of The Islamic Azad University'sprofessors, managers and assistances, employees and students. 747 persons areselected through quota - random sampling.Findings:In regard to Friedman test's results, six basic features of entrepreneurshipabout successful managers of the sample are: need of success, need of independence,trend of creativity, having inner control, tolerance of ambiguity and risk. On the otherword, the features of need of success and tolerance of risk are the strongest andweakest ones in the sample of managers.Conclusion:In regard to Friedman test about answers of professors, employees andstudents to the questions of levels of effectiveness of the managers, computationalservices, initiative and positive thinking are the first and second ones and the featureof adaptation of personal goals with the university's goal is the last. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The program of Tehran Municipality s art and cultural in promotion of cultural capital of citizenship (case study : woman s non governmental organization of zone n.6 of Tehran )
        دکتر محمود رحمانی زهرا گل رو مفرد
        Cultural capital in each society follows cultural developmentcapabilities and consequently social and economical development, whatever we havecultural promotion and development we will have dynamic society, too. Organizationsrole and function and cultural centers are so More
        Cultural capital in each society follows cultural developmentcapabilities and consequently social and economical development, whatever we havecultural promotion and development we will have dynamic society, too. Organizationsrole and function and cultural centers are so important and its influence are the maingoals of research.Methods: According to research history in the field of cultural capital and culturalcenters activities, it's been used the researcher questions and distributed amongwomen studied and influence rate of cultural centers programs surveyed by using Spsssoftware.Results :Chi-square shows that multi repeated activities in cultural centers relate topromoting cultural capital but the rate and intensity of its influence can not becalculated , so it used agreement coefficient to determine its influence rate andcultural centers programs in education field, art workshop and tourism wererecognized effective.Conclusion: Cultural centers managers care about recognizing addressee of programsand according to cultural changes in society, cultural centers employees will bechosen based on the individuals who have high cultural capital and continuously beunder the service training and reformed the interaction manner of centers memberswith cultural centers employees.Since the activities of Tehran Cultural Organization are used as a model for othercities, centers activitie are considered particularly in the area of public participation asa strategic study and positive and negative experiences are sent to cultural centers ofcountry cities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Assessment ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY according learning organization criteria and suggestion strategy
        دکتر کریم حمدی
        Learning organization is a mission; it’s not bydeveloped country in the entire world used crisis management courses and texts inuniversity and colleague. To know this you can see Learning organizationmanagement in several natural and disnature Learning organizatio More
        Learning organization is a mission; it’s not bydeveloped country in the entire world used crisis management courses and texts inuniversity and colleague. To know this you can see Learning organizationmanagement in several natural and disnature Learning organization.Method: According the importance of topic, learning organization criteria in I.A.U.this research is applied research. Population is all of the top and middle managementand faculty from I.A.U.in this research use Cochran model to select sample ofpopulation 385 persons.Finding: The result of research shows, the ideal relationship between an organizationand its knowledge management Program should mirror the pattern of “courtship,”“engagement”, and “marriage” that occurs in romantic love, and, to a degree, thisalready has begun to take shape. After all, we have observed knowledge managementactivities in organizations for quite some time. The field of knowledge Managementhas its roots in the works of philosophers who spent much effort probing theepistemological issues of knowledge.Results: According to the study in this research, suggested: In discussion with seniormanagers at the regional offices, we learnt that the regional approach rather than anorganization-wide endeavor gives theBenefit of shorter lead-time between thought and action. Organization-wideendeavors take years to be executed owing to the sheer mass of personnel, networks,and inter-relationships that require management. Regional efforts are substantiallyless time-consuming owing to the close-knit ties and commonality found betweenlocal offices. One adverse effect of this strategy was the difficulty in sharingknowledge beyond the individual regions. Since each region deployed its own toolsand initiatives to capture and store knowledge, exchanges between regions becameCumbersome, with email as the only viable exchange mechanism Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - consider the amount of managers and experts connection with process of cultural planning and measuring its effect on the degree of tendency towards the essence purpose of cultural organizations
        سعید قاسمی محسن نوغانی
        The purpose of this research is to consider theamount of managers and experts connection with process of cultural planning andmeasuring its effect on the degree of tendency towards the essence purpose of culturalorganizations. The result of the research shows that the s More
        The purpose of this research is to consider theamount of managers and experts connection with process of cultural planning andmeasuring its effect on the degree of tendency towards the essence purpose of culturalorganizations. The result of the research shows that the strategic range of planninglong-term and practical range of planning-short term has partly great effect onmanagers and experts tendency towards essence purposes of cultural organizations.The research method: This research is practical from the purpose side and has adescriptive and measurement nature from the method side which is based oncorrelation, that researcher has collected the data by research-mode tests and by wholenet complement census in a period of time.Findings: Among the effects of planning process, 5 dimensions, the most effectbelongs to the notification amount of planning contents and it has party a great effecton managers and experts degree of tendency towards the essence purposes oforganizations. After that the amount of participation in producing plans has a goodeffect on the degree of tendency and in the 3rd step amount of agreement with theroutine planning has affected this tendency partly well. Among these basis variantsbackground of cooperation has affected tendency towards the essence purposes. Itmeans that if the people have more background of cooperation, their tendencyincreases towards their organizations essence purposes.Results: On the base of this researches findings, cultural planning as a part of culturalorganizations technical knowledge doesn’t have any effect per se, on the tendency ofplanning experts and cultural managers towards the essence purposes oforganizations and it is not possible to make changes by prophecy planning to anorganization, and planning executors are human capitals that their education,background, power of thinking and practicing are qualified for giving ideas, planningand cooperation in edited plans, so being inattention to them means not assistingthem, and this will cause the purpose of organizations not to be done completely Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Estimation of Cinema Demand Function in Islamic Republic of Iran
        دکتر میثم موسایی عبدالرحیم رحیمی
        Presently, the culture of economics in somecountries is given top priority against other sectors of civilian economics. This importantis not only due to the economical values of culture but also due to the outmost importanteffects which are able to boost the civilian ec More
        Presently, the culture of economics in somecountries is given top priority against other sectors of civilian economics. This importantis not only due to the economical values of culture but also due to the outmost importanteffects which are able to boost the civilian economics both direct and indirect. In Iranalso, the culture economics has its own specific importance and it includes industriessuch as cinema, theater, mass media, publications, tourism and sports. Among these,cinema industries as an attractive phenomenon is much more effective with compare toother cultural products and is considered as a center of attraction and interests not onlyby all the culture and art lovely people but also by the sensitive politicians andeconomists too. Unfortunately, cinema demand in Iran has been decreased during last 3decades. Therefore, in view of such importance issue, this paper is aimed at estimatingthe function of demand for cinema in Iran based on the Iran's time series data during1985-2007 periods.Research Methodology: this research tries to use Case and Field Study ResearchMethod. Also according to Classic demand theory and econometric models is usedOrdinary Least Square Technique (OLS) for function of demand for cinema in Iran. Thisestimation is carried out by Eviews economical modeling package.Findings: In this research we have selected the best linerly equation as function ofdemand for cinema in Iran after estimation some equations and tested them. Regardingcinema demand in Iran, average price of ticket, and income, we found all relevant teststatistics indicate that there is relation between these variables. Here, cinema attendance inIran (cinema demand) as dependent variable and other variables such as ticket price,population and income are independent.Conclusion: We start our analysis with the specification of several approaches for cinemademand. According to calculation all of cinema demands elasticity, we analyzed theeffective factors on cinema demand in Iran, such as iterance cost, consumers incomeindex and population growth during 1985-2007 periods in this paper. However, in thisstudy we found cinema demand to be inelastic and elastic with respect to price andincome. Thus, cinema in Iran as cultural good from economic of viewpoint may indeed beseen as a luxury good. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Culture and Art in Wittgenstein's Philosophy
        دکتر سروش دباغ تکتم فرمانفرمایی
        Wittgenstein's account of philosophy and the researches performed by him in thefield of human behavior has got vast consequences on humanities and the studies onhuman being as a social and cultural creature. As the study of these phenomena is, infact, the study of volun More
        Wittgenstein's account of philosophy and the researches performed by him in thefield of human behavior has got vast consequences on humanities and the studies onhuman being as a social and cultural creature. As the study of these phenomena is, infact, the study of voluntary behavior of human being-any behavior subsumes undernorms and criteria which have certain rules and normative constrains, having haddefinite reasons for producing and consuming these productions- Wittgenstein 'sphilosophy could provide a convincing philosophical and logical background toexplain the impact of culture on creating an artwork.Method of this research is documentary and the results are obtained from thedocuments which are gleaned from Wittgenstein’s philosophical system.According to later Wittgenstein, language is the context of the emergence ofcultural and social phenomena, and art, as a language, is related to the culture and theform of life of a linguistic community .So the creation of an artwork occurs in acultural context. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Crisis Management in ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSTY
        دکتر علی ربیعی هادی رزقی شیرسوار
        Today’s crisis management is important branch ofmanagement. By developed country in the entire world used crisis managementcourses and texts in university and colleague. To know this you can see crisismanagement in several natural and disnature crisis. In other ha More
        Today’s crisis management is important branch ofmanagement. By developed country in the entire world used crisis managementcourses and texts in university and colleague. To know this you can see crisismanagement in several natural and disnature crisis. In other hand according theimportance of higher education in political, social and cultural process, we can see thenecessity of management crisis.Method:According the importance of topic, crisis management in I.A.U. this researchis applied research. Population is all of the top and middle management and facultyfrom I.A.U.in this research use Cochran model to select sample of population 479persons.Finding: The result of research shows, according the managers and faculty ideas,cultural-social dimension has a les differentiation and political dimension has moredifferentiation to other dimension in this research. In other hand political dimension isin crisis circumstance.Results:According to the study in this research, suggested: In educational researchand technology dimension must be attention: The term engagement has differentmeanings depending on its context. We most commonly hear the word when we saythat two people are engaged to be married. This condition normally means that theyare seriously committed to each other’s ell being, have mutual romantic feelings,understand each other’s behavior well enough to accept one another, and are planninga happy future together. For a marriage to be successful, the two parties must beseriously interested in each other. They must be able to understand how eachcomplements the other. Ideally, there will be areas to complement and areas where thetwo’s skills overlap. They must enjoy spending time together, seeking advice fromeach other, playing together, and even working hard together. They must have acommon dream that guides their actions. Unless most or all of these conditions aremet, chances are that the two parties will eventually go their separate ways. Manuscript profile