Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementدکتر علی ربیعی 1 * , هادی رزقی شیرسوار 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: cultural-social dimension, political dimension, management dimension, Educational, research and technology dimens,
Abstract :
Today’s crisis management is important branch ofmanagement. By developed country in the entire world used crisis managementcourses and texts in university and colleague. To know this you can see crisismanagement in several natural and disnature crisis. In other hand according theimportance of higher education in political, social and cultural process, we can see thenecessity of management crisis.Method:According the importance of topic, crisis management in I.A.U. this researchis applied research. Population is all of the top and middle management and facultyfrom this research use Cochran model to select sample of population 479persons.Finding: The result of research shows, according the managers and faculty ideas,cultural-social dimension has a les differentiation and political dimension has moredifferentiation to other dimension in this research. In other hand political dimension isin crisis circumstance.Results:According to the study in this research, suggested: In educational researchand technology dimension must be attention: The term engagement has differentmeanings depending on its context. We most commonly hear the word when we saythat two people are engaged to be married. This condition normally means that theyare seriously committed to each other’s ell being, have mutual romantic feelings,understand each other’s behavior well enough to accept one another, and are planninga happy future together. For a marriage to be successful, the two parties must beseriously interested in each other. They must be able to understand how eachcomplements the other. Ideally, there will be areas to complement and areas where thetwo’s skills overlap. They must enjoy spending time together, seeking advice fromeach other, playing together, and even working hard together. They must have acommon dream that guides their actions. Unless most or all of these conditions aremet, chances are that the two parties will eventually go their separate ways.