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  • Publication Ethics

    Ethical principles of the publication

    The Quarterly of “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” in the case of research ethics follows the principles and rules Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

     The Charter of Ethics, published in our journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law”, is based on the guidelines provided by COPE, and everyone is expected to adhere to these ethical principles. Obviously, any plagiarism or other immoral behaviour will lead to the archiving and removal of the article from the process of judgment. This charter sets out the duties and responsibilities of the editor in chief and members of the editorial board, authors and referees.

     Editor in chief and editorial board

    - Acceptance of articles:

    The editor of the journal is responsible for deciding whether or not to accept the submitted articles. The editor in chief, with the help of the editorial board and considering issues related to copyright, plagiarism, etc., as well as at the discretion of the referees and editors accepts the article.

    - Adapting the strategy:

    The editor in chief proposes the necessary strategies to the editorial board to improve the quality of the articles and implements them after the approval of the board of directors. It is the responsibility of the editor in chief to answer the questions and requests of the readers and the authors.

    - Justice:

    The editor in chief and the editorial board judge the received articles merely based on scientific merit, without any bias or personal grudge, as well as without considering nationality, gender, religion and ethnic, racial or political issues.

    The editor in chief is obliged to select suitable referees to evaluate the articles according to the titles and specialized field of the articles, and to respect the revisions proposed by the referees and the reasonable and logical answers of the authors; the editor in chief should take measures teaching research ethics to the authors and readers, and in performing editorial duties should try not to overshadow ethical and rational standards by financial needs.

    Confidentiality and avoid using (the articles) for personal purposes:

    The editor in chief and the editorial board, in all stages of processing the article, from receiving to determining its final task (non-acceptance or publication), are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the articles submitted to the journal, and except for referees, authors and editors cannot allow users to access the information and contents of the articles.  

    Moreover, the editor in chief and the editorial board may not use any parts of the unpublished submitted articles in their personal research without written consent and permission of the authors; what is more, the information, opinions and ideas obtained through the evaluation of articles are confidential matters that must be kept confidential and shall be protected from personal use.

    Conflict of interest:

    The editor in chief is obliged to avoid conflicts of interest or its consequences and should not surrender the article to referees who are known for personal prejudice, for or against the author or the subject of the article. If the editor in chief or any other members of the editorial board is the author or is among the authors of the article submitted to the journal, they are prohibited from any interference or actions sceptical of interference in the process of processing the article, from its receiving to its publication; and if the article is criticized after its publication in the journal, they are completely prohibited from exercising their right of responsibility for the article.

    The editor in chief is required to adopt a method of managing the conflict of interest among the editor, editorial board, referees, staff, and authors; moreover, he is required to adopt a clear procedure for resolving the disputes over writings to ensure impartial review.


    - Findings:

    The ultimate responsibility for the entire content of the submitted article lies with corresponding author. This does not negate the responsibility of other authors of the article; as a result, all authors shall be considered responsible for the proper content of the article. The authors of the article are obliged to report their findings in full and pay special attention to representing the findings and their interpretation. The paper should contain sufficient details and sources to allow other researchers to access the same data set to conduct the research again.

    The authors of the articles should not submit all or part of the article submitted to the journal to another journal at the same time, nor should they submit them for presentation at a conference or the likes. Exhibiting such behaviour means archiving and removal of the article from the review process, and the authors of such articles will be dealt with in accordance with the regulations.

    The authors of the articles must refrain from exhibiting any kind of immoral behaviour such as racial, ethnic, gender and political discrimination, data falsification, data distortion, plagiarism in any of its kind, whether quoting the exact or purport of the phrase, as well as publishing, using and applying the information, thoughts and opinions of others without citing the source, using others to do research and mentioning their own name instead of the original author(s), submitting all or part of the text or translation of their published article to domestic or foreign publications.

    The authors of the articles are obliged to make sure that their work is done properly before submitting the article to the journal. Citation of reliable sources is necessary; hence, the sources used in compiling the article should be reliable and valid, and the use and citation of dubious or unreliable sources should be strictly avoided. In case of using compiled tables, pictures, diagrams and questionnaires in the article or research report of others, reference to the original text is required.

    - Acknowledgments:

    If there are financial sources that support the research, these sources and sponsors must be mentioned clearly. Authors of articles with such description should refer to and appreciate the centres or individuals influential in shaping and conducting the research in the footnote of the front page of the article.

    - Compilation:

    All the people mentioned in the authors section of the article should have significant assistance and cooperation in conducting research and should be accountable for the results obtained; moreover they should have their own share of the credibility and privilege as the authors in proportion to their assistance in the different sections of the article and accept their responsibility.

    Corresponding author must obtain the consent of all co-authors and contributors to submit the article to the journal and publish it, and while uploading the article in the journal system, should register the names and information of all contributing authors. Registering names of the deceased co-authors is also required and the date of death of the deceased author should be included in the footnote of the front page of the article. The responsibility for complying with all of the abovementioned issues lies with corresponding author.

    It is possible to change the names of co-authors or corresponding authors before determining the outcome of the judgment and only with the approval and agreement of all authors of the article, but it is impossible to change the names and order of authors or corresponding author after acceptance of the article.

    To maintain the confidentiality of the process of evaluating the submitted article, the authors of the article should refrain from providing any information or using anything in the article that reveals their identity.

    - Conflict of interest:

    The authors of the articles are obliged to express and present any conflict of interest that affects the result of the research or the interpretation of the findings. All authors of the article are obliged to complete, sign and submit the letter of commitment and conflict of interest when uploading and submitting the article.

    - Review, return and removal of the article:

    The authors of articles are obliged to report any significant errors or inaccuracies in the article submitted to the journal at any stage of the processing in the journal (before or after publication) and fully cooperate in the process of reviewing and correcting the article.

    Return of an article is only possible before publication by submitting a request signed and approved by all authors and sending it to the editor in chief through the journal system. If the article is in the process of being processed, the returners of the article are required to pay for all the processing costs of the article until its return.

    Request for removal of the article after its publication in the journal, is only possible in case of errors and irreparable mistakes, by preparing a request with the signature and approval of all authors, stating the reasons for the request and sending it through the system of the journal to the editor. After examining the reasons, editorial board makes the appropriate decision. After removing the article from the journal, the editor in chief announces the reasons for its removal to the scientific community in the first current issue of the journal.



    - Comment on the acceptance of articles:

    The referees assist the editor in chief and the members of the editorial board in deciding whether or not to accept an article, and contribute to the promotion of the authors’ article by evaluating the article and stating the need for correction.

    - The right of not accepting the evaluation request:

    The referees have the right of refusing to accept the request for evaluation and judging of the article based on such matters as time, situation etc. Referees, who feel they lack the necessary qualifications and expertise, or lack adequate time to evaluate a research paper, should refrain from evaluating the paper and return the paper immediately.

    The referees to whom articles are submitted for evaluation should, immediately after reviewing the summary of the article, inform the editor of the publication of their decision on whether or not to accept the judgment (due to the lack of qualifications and expertise in the required field, lack of time etc.), and in the case of accepting the articles they must review and evaluate the article at the time set for the judgement.

    If the referees of article find that the article has been submitted to another publication or that the contents of the articles, in whole or in part, are similar to or overlap the published or unpublished articles of other authors without citing the reference, they must inform the editor in chief. 

    The referees may not delegate the review of the article to another person without the knowledge and permission of the editor in chief.

    - Confidentiality:

    The referees must respect the confidentiality of the article evaluation process and consider the article received for evaluation as a confidential document; hence, without the written permission of the author, they should not disclose contents of the articles to anyone other than the editor in chief; in the case of needing expert opinion on the matter, referees should do it through obtaining permission from the editor in chief and introducing the identity of the experts being consulted.

    If the reviewers of the article become aware of the identity of the author or authors of the article, they are not allowed to communicate directly with them without the permission from the editor in chief.

    Scientific fairness with no bias:

    Judging and evaluation of articles should be done objectively, impartially and fairly based on scientific documentation and sufficient and clear arguments; consequently, the reviewers of the article should judge the quality of the article based on its merits and advantages in a realistic and non-subjective manner, and respect the intellectual independence of the authors of the article, and refrain from using offensive, harsh and unscientific expressions; moreover, they should avoid involving ethnic, national, racial, political, religious and gender issues as well as personal criticism and bias in their evaluation and recommendations to the authors of the articles, and give sufficient explanation and justification for their judgment, so that the authors of the articles understand the basics and principles of their opinions. Any comments on previous publication of the article or the similarity and overlap of all or part of its content must be accompanied by sufficient references and documents.

    - Sources:

    Observance of documenting is one of the principles of writing scientific research articles; therefore, the authors should document the expression of any thoughts, discussion and conclusion that is taken from the thoughts and writings of others through citing their sources, and the referees responsible for evaluating the article should also identify and review the sources referred to by the authors in the text of the article.

    Conflict of interest:

    The referees responsible for evaluating the article can not use the information and ideas they get in the evaluation process for their own benefit and use it in their own name. Referees should also refrain from evaluating articles that are in conflict of interest, including mutual financial, organizational, personal, or any other affiliation with the companies, entities, or individuals associated with the articles.

    Therefore, the referees in charge of evaluating the article are obliged to refrain from judging the received article for evaluation in case of feeling any potential conflict of interest, and immediately inform the editor of the article by stating that there is a conflict of interest.


    According to principles and rules of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) mentioning the thoughts and opinions of others or expressing other published or unpublished materials (articles, books, dissertations, etc.) directly or by changing the expressions, whether by maintaining the writing style of the original author, or in a different style, as well as any use of other people’s works in the article, without citing the original source and reprinting the author’s own published work, is considered plagiarism.

    After registering the article in the journal system, a message will be sent to the e-mails of all the authors of the article. Obviously, mentioning the names of the authors in the article means their essential role in compiling the article; if the authors of the article did not play a role in compiling it and their names were misused, they should be notified immediately via email. All authors are responsible for the originality of the work. The journal reserves the right to evaluate plagiarism cases.

    Our Journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” seeks to prevent any plagiarism in articles; thus, all articles submitted to the journal, before being referred to judgement, are identified through some software such as Samim Noor, and if plagiarism is detected in the submitted article, the article will be archived and if plagiarism is proven after the publication of the article, the published article will be removed from the system of the journal and the authors who commit plagiarism will be dealt with legally as follows:

    • The names of all the authors of the article are included in the blacklist of university publications.
    • Legal proceedings will be instituted through the competent judicial authorities.
    • By sending an official letter, the plagiarism file will be shared with other relevant domestic and foreign universities and journals.
    • The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Islamic World Science Citation Centre (ISC), universities, institutes, journals and any other places will be notified by sending an official letter about the plagiarism of the mentioned authors stating that they have used the privilege of publishing the article.

    Ethical principles of the publication


    The Quarterly of “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” in the case of research ethics follows the principles and rules Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

     The Charter of Ethics, published in our journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law”, is based on the guidelines provided by COPE, and everyone is expected to adhere to these ethical principles. Obviously, any plagiarism or other immoral behaviour will lead to the archiving and removal of the article from the process of judgment. This charter sets out the duties and responsibilities of the editor in chief and members of the editorial board, authors and referees.

     Editor in chief and editorial board

    - Acceptance of articles:

    The editor of the journal is responsible for deciding whether or not to accept the submitted articles. The editor in chief, with the help of the editorial board and considering issues related to copyright, plagiarism, etc., as well as at the discretion of the referees and editors accepts the article.

    - Adapting the strategy:

    The editor in chief proposes the necessary strategies to the editorial board to improve the quality of the articles and implements them after the approval of the board of directors. It is the responsibility of the editor in chief to answer the questions and requests of the readers and the authors.

    - Justice:

    The editor in chief and the editorial board judge the received articles merely based on scientific merit, without any bias or personal grudge, as well as without considering nationality, gender, religion and ethnic, racial or political issues.

    The editor in chief is obliged to select suitable referees to evaluate the articles according to the titles and specialized field of the articles, and to respect the revisions proposed by the referees and the reasonable and logical answers of the authors; the editor in chief should take measures teaching research ethics to the authors and readers, and in performing editorial duties should try not to overshadow ethical and rational standards by financial needs.

    Confidentiality and avoid using (the articles) for personal purposes:

    The editor in chief and the editorial board, in all stages of processing the article, from receiving to determining its final task (non-acceptance or publication), are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the articles submitted to the journal, and except for referees, authors and editors cannot allow users to access the information and contents of the articles.  

    Moreover, the editor in chief and the editorial board may not use any parts of the unpublished submitted articles in their personal research without written consent and permission of the authors; what is more, the information, opinions and ideas obtained through the evaluation of articles are confidential matters that must be kept confidential and shall be protected from personal use.

    Conflict of interest:

    The editor in chief is obliged to avoid conflicts of interest or its consequences and should not surrender the article to referees who are known for personal prejudice, for or against the author or the subject of the article. If the editor in chief or any other members of the editorial board is the author or is among the authors of the article submitted to the journal, they are prohibited from any interference or actions sceptical of interference in the process of processing the article, from its receiving to its publication; and if the article is criticized after its publication in the journal, they are completely prohibited from exercising their right of responsibility for the article.

    The editor in chief is required to adopt a method of managing the conflict of interest among the editor, editorial board, referees, staff, and authors; moreover, he is required to adopt a clear procedure for resolving the disputes over writings to ensure impartial review.


    - Findings:

    The ultimate responsibility for the entire content of the submitted article lies with corresponding author. This does not negate the responsibility of other authors of the article; as a result, all authors shall be considered responsible for the proper content of the article. The authors of the article are obliged to report their findings in full and pay special attention to representing the findings and their interpretation. The paper should contain sufficient details and sources to allow other researchers to access the same data set to conduct the research again.

    The authors of the articles should not submit all or part of the article submitted to the journal to another journal at the same time, nor should they submit them for presentation at a conference or the likes. Exhibiting such behaviour means archiving and removal of the article from the review process, and the authors of such articles will be dealt with in accordance with the regulations.

    The authors of the articles must refrain from exhibiting any kind of immoral behaviour such as racial, ethnic, gender and political discrimination, data falsification, data distortion, plagiarism in any of its kind, whether quoting the exact or purport of the phrase, as well as publishing, using and applying the information, thoughts and opinions of others without citing the source, using others to do research and mentioning their own name instead of the original author(s), submitting all or part of the text or translation of their published article to domestic or foreign publications.

    The authors of the articles are obliged to make sure that their work is done properly before submitting the article to the journal. Citation of reliable sources is necessary; hence, the sources used in compiling the article should be reliable and valid, and the use and citation of dubious or unreliable sources should be strictly avoided. In case of using compiled tables, pictures, diagrams and questionnaires in the article or research report of others, reference to the original text is required.

    - Acknowledgments:

    If there are financial sources that support the research, these sources and sponsors must be mentioned clearly. Authors of articles with such description should refer to and appreciate the centres or individuals influential in shaping and conducting the research in the footnote of the front page of the article.

    - Compilation:

    All the people mentioned in the authors section of the article should have significant assistance and cooperation in conducting research and should be accountable for the results obtained; moreover they should have their own share of the credibility and privilege as the authors in proportion to their assistance in the different sections of the article and accept their responsibility.

    Corresponding author must obtain the consent of all co-authors and contributors to submit the article to the journal and publish it, and while uploading the article in the journal system, should register the names and information of all contributing authors. Registering names of the deceased co-authors is also required and the date of death of the deceased author should be included in the footnote of the front page of the article. The responsibility for complying with all of the abovementioned issues lies with corresponding author.

    It is possible to change the names of co-authors or corresponding authors before determining the outcome of the judgment and only with the approval and agreement of all authors of the article, but it is impossible to change the names and order of authors or corresponding author after acceptance of the article.

    To maintain the confidentiality of the process of evaluating the submitted article, the authors of the article should refrain from providing any information or using anything in the article that reveals their identity.

    - Conflict of interest:

    The authors of the articles are obliged to express and present any conflict of interest that affects the result of the research or the interpretation of the findings. All authors of the article are obliged to complete, sign and submit the letter of commitment and conflict of interest when uploading and submitting the article.

    - Review, return and removal of the article:

    The authors of articles are obliged to report any significant errors or inaccuracies in the article submitted to the journal at any stage of the processing in the journal (before or after publication) and fully cooperate in the process of reviewing and correcting the article.

    Return of an article is only possible before publication by submitting a request signed and approved by all authors and sending it to the editor in chief through the journal system. If the article is in the process of being processed, the returners of the article are required to pay for all the processing costs of the article until its return.

    Request for removal of the article after its publication in the journal, is only possible in case of errors and irreparable mistakes, by preparing a request with the signature and approval of all authors, stating the reasons for the request and sending it through the system of the journal to the editor. After examining the reasons, editorial board makes the appropriate decision. After removing the article from the journal, the editor in chief announces the reasons for its removal to the scientific community in the first current issue of the journal.



    - Comment on the acceptance of articles:

    The referees assist the editor in chief and the members of the editorial board in deciding whether or not to accept an article, and contribute to the promotion of the authors’ article by evaluating the article and stating the need for correction.

    - The right of not accepting the evaluation request:

    The referees have the right of refusing to accept the request for evaluation and judging of the article based on such matters as time, situation etc. Referees, who feel they lack the necessary qualifications and expertise, or lack adequate time to evaluate a research paper, should refrain from evaluating the paper and return the paper immediately.

    The referees to whom articles are submitted for evaluation should, immediately after reviewing the summary of the article, inform the editor of the publication of their decision on whether or not to accept the judgment (due to the lack of qualifications and expertise in the required field, lack of time etc.), and in the case of accepting the articles they must review and evaluate the article at the time set for the judgement.

    If the referees of article find that the article has been submitted to another publication or that the contents of the articles, in whole or in part, are similar to or overlap the published or unpublished articles of other authors without citing the reference, they must inform the editor in chief. 

    The referees may not delegate the review of the article to another person without the knowledge and permission of the editor in chief.

    - Confidentiality:

    The referees must respect the confidentiality of the article evaluation process and consider the article received for evaluation as a confidential document; hence, without the written permission of the author, they should not disclose contents of the articles to anyone other than the editor in chief; in the case of needing expert opinion on the matter, referees should do it through obtaining permission from the editor in chief and introducing the identity of the experts being consulted.

    If the reviewers of the article become aware of the identity of the author or authors of the article, they are not allowed to communicate directly with them without the permission from the editor in chief.

    Scientific fairness with no bias:

    Judging and evaluation of articles should be done objectively, impartially and fairly based on scientific documentation and sufficient and clear arguments; consequently, the reviewers of the article should judge the quality of the article based on its merits and advantages in a realistic and non-subjective manner, and respect the intellectual independence of the authors of the article, and refrain from using offensive, harsh and unscientific expressions; moreover, they should avoid involving ethnic, national, racial, political, religious and gender issues as well as personal criticism and bias in their evaluation and recommendations to the authors of the articles, and give sufficient explanation and justification for their judgment, so that the authors of the articles understand the basics and principles of their opinions. Any comments on previous publication of the article or the similarity and overlap of all or part of its content must be accompanied by sufficient references and documents.

    - Sources:

    Observance of documenting is one of the principles of writing scientific research articles; therefore, the authors should document the expression of any thoughts, discussion and conclusion that is taken from the thoughts and writings of others through citing their sources, and the referees responsible for evaluating the article should also identify and review the sources referred to by the authors in the text of the article.

    Conflict of interest:

    The referees responsible for evaluating the article can not use the information and ideas they get in the evaluation process for their own benefit and use it in their own name. Referees should also refrain from evaluating articles that are in conflict of interest, including mutual financial, organizational, personal, or any other affiliation with the companies, entities, or individuals associated with the articles.

    Therefore, the referees in charge of evaluating the article are obliged to refrain from judging the received article for evaluation in case of feeling any potential conflict of interest, and immediately inform the editor of the article by stating that there is a conflict of interest.


    According to principles and rules of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) mentioning the thoughts and opinions of others or expressing other published or unpublished materials (articles, books, dissertations, etc.) directly or by changing the expressions, whether by maintaining the writing style of the original author, or in a different style, as well as any use of other people’s works in the article, without citing the original source and reprinting the author’s own published work, is considered plagiarism.

    After registering the article in the journal system, a message will be sent to the e-mails of all the authors of the article. Obviously, mentioning the names of the authors in the article means their essential role in compiling the article; if the authors of the article did not play a role in compiling it and their names were misused, they should be notified immediately via email. All authors are responsible for the originality of the work. The journal reserves the right to evaluate plagiarism cases.

    Our Journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” seeks to prevent any plagiarism in articles; thus, all articles submitted to the journal, before being referred to judgement, are identified through some software such as Samim Noor, and if plagiarism is detected in the submitted article, the article will be archived and if plagiarism is proven after the publication of the article, the published article will be removed from the system of the journal and the authors who commit plagiarism will be dealt with legally as follows:

    • The names of all the authors of the article are included in the blacklist of university publications.
    • Legal proceedings will be instituted through the competent judicial authorities.
    • By sending an official letter, the plagiarism file will be shared with other relevant domestic and foreign universities and journals.
    • The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Islamic World Science Citation Centre (ISC), universities, institutes, journals and any other places will be notified by sending an official letter about the plagiarism of the mentioned authors stating that they have used the privilege of publishing the article.