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    About Publication

    Journal History

    The journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” is the result of many years of efforts and activities of some respected members of the Department of Jurisprudence and Law of the Islamic Azad University, Lahijan branch, which initially started its activity as a quarterly through publishing several issues, entitled “Theology and Islamic knowledge” in various fields of theology, Islamic studies, jurisprudence and law, in one of the specialized journals of Islamic Azad University, Lahijan branch. Subsequently, in line with the policy of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology to specialize the country’s scientific journals, and in accordance with the resolution of the twenty-seventh session of the Council for Validation of Publications in the field of humanities and art of Islamic Azad University, dated: 1400/06/22, in the form of a quarterly and under the supervision of new editor in chief and members of the new editorial board, the journal received the announcement of the resumption of its activities in scientific journals of the Islamic Azad University with the new name “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law”; its activity is based on letter No.: 32/37021 / saad (ص), date of issue: 1400/06/31 by the Central Organization of the Islamic Azad University.

    The main approach of the Journal “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” is based on research paper, and research articles are published in order to improve scientific knowledge of the researchers, facilitate scientific exchange between them and introduce major developments in various fields of jurisprudence and law. In this journal, only scientific articles of research type can be published; hence, the Journal of “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” through maintaining the scientific and research position of the journal, tries to publish scientific and research articles in the field of jurisprudence and Penal Law, regularly.

     Free access

    The Journal of the “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law” is free to access. Under the Free Access License, authors retain copyright to their content, and authors are allowed to upload, copy, reuse, distribute, reprint and modify their content, provided that the original authors and the sources are mentioned correctly; therefore, all content is available free of charge to the users of the magazine, and it is possible for the users of the magazine to read, download, copy, publish, search or link to the full texts of the articles of the journal of the “Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law”, without prior permission of the publisher or authors.

     Storing and archiving articles in the journal database

    PDF versions of all articles are available online on the journal database. A backup copy of the articles is kept on the journal. In the case of a problem with the journal database and the loss of information, each article will be republished online on the journal database.

     Indexing databases

    The main information and abstracts of articles published in the Journal of the Doctrines of Jurisprudence and Penal Law are indexed in several databases and systems.

     Confidentiality of information

    Names and mailing addresses entered in the publication system are merely used for the purposes of the publication and are not accessible to other sections and will not be made available to any other person or organization.

    The necessity to follow the rules of the journal

    Before submitting an article to the journal, please make sure that your article is edited in accordance with the guidelines of the journal mentioned in the Authors Guide, otherwise they will be archived.

     Complete worksheets

    It is necessary to complete and submit the forms of commitment and conflict of interest when submitting the article.

    Paper Plagiarism Checker

    After registration and before submission to the referee, through some systems and software (plagiarism checkers) such as Samim Noor, Iran Dock, Hamyab and Hamanandjoo, articles are checked and those with significant part of overlap with previously published works (without citing the source) will not be sent to the referee and will be archived.

     English translations

    In order to ease the acceptance of articles and to ensure the uniformity in the quality of their publication, all authors of articles are exempt from translating the title, abstract, keywords, sources, names and titles of the authors of the article into English and the quarterly will provide such services.

     Acceptance certificate

    The acceptance certificate of the article is issued only after completing all the steps of judging and receiving the approval of the article from the editorial board and paying the require amount.


    If the submitted article is sponsored by a specific institution or has a specific sponsor, be sure to include the text of acknowledgment to the sponsor in the footnote of the first page; otherwise, the consequences of not including it, would merely be the responsibility of the corresponding author.

     Article identification code (or Digital Object Identifier)

    Accepted articles will be assigned a DOI code