• Abbasi.Asqhar Jurisprudential and legal review of the role of customs in the consumption of intoxicants (see article 264 of the Islamic Penal Code) [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Afzali Ghadi.Farahnaz Analyzing and criticizing the documentation of the legitimacy of the addition of Article 1082 of the Civil Code with reference to the rule of al-kharaj in the guarantee [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Aghahpour.Maryam Challenges of the institution of oath; ‌ Possibility ‌ ‌ Refusal ‌ Replacement ‌ ‌ In ‌ Iran ‌ Criminal Law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ahangaran.Mohammad rasoul Conditionalization of the realization of the crime of armed uprising in Article 287 of the Islamic Penal Code in critical scales [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Akrami.Farzaneh Jurisprudential and legal study of the transfer of proprietary property in the Iranian banking system [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Aliakbaribabukani.Ehsan Jurisprudential analysis of Sheikh Saduq's popular views on inheritance [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ameri Nia.MohammadBagher Examining the annulment of the marriage contract due to the supposed death and its effects on the relationship of couples in Iran and Egypt [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Amindehghan.Sadegh The Effects of Principal Viva Voce and Legal Hermeneutics on Interpreting and Solving the Conflicts between the Laws of Contract of assignment and Bill of Exchange [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • amini.mohammad Jurisprudential analysis of Sheikh Saduq's popular views on inheritance [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • amirkhani.shakiba Jurisprudential analysis of hacking information systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Arefnia.Tayyebe The effect of the victim's consent on the criminal responsibility in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • asghari.rouzbeh Functions and territory of the people's participation and Non governmental organizations in the criminal prosecution process based on Imamiyah jurisprudence [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ayati.Mohammad Reza The rule of conditions and its application in family law [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Bagheri.Parviz Representation of third party beneficiary exceptions in the contract [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Daroei.Abbasali A Reflection on the Challenges of Martyrdom in Iranian Judicial System [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]


  • elyasinia.abolfazl The effect of the victim's consent on the criminal responsibility in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Eskandari.Hasan A Reflection on the Challenges of Martyrdom in Iranian Judicial System [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • eskandari.hossein A Reflection on the Challenges of Martyrdom in Iranian Judicial System [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • ESKANDARI.MAHBOUBEH Examining the objections of the rule of multiple punishments regarding the deputy and the director of crime in fifth and sixth degree criminal offenses from the perspective of legislative policy and rules of criminal law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Esmaeili.Mehdi Minimal Penal policy in Imami jurisprudence (looking at Iranian law) [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Fadavi.rahele The Explanation of environmental values "In the light of studying the components of urban aesthetics related to the rules of urban jurisprudence" [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • firoozpoor.tooba The rule of conditions and its application in family law [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • ghanbarpor.behnam A search in the jurisprudential and legal foundations of the legitimacy of gamete storage in the reproductive process and its practical fruits [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ghiasi.jalalodin Examining the objections of the rule of multiple punishments regarding the deputy and the director of crime in fifth and sixth degree criminal offenses from the perspective of legislative policy and rules of criminal law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • GHolbaghi Masoleh.Sayyad Ali Jabbar Feasibility study of criminalization of soft annihilation of the Islamic government with the viewpoint of rebellion concept [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • ghorbani.ali Jurisprudential and legal review of the role of customs in the consumption of intoxicants (see article 264 of the Islamic Penal Code) [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Gilani.Zeinab Jurisprudential analysis of hacking information systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • golmohammadi.aliasghar Condonation of usury in contract functions with a new reflection on the penalty clause [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Golmohammadi.houshangh Jurisprudential and legal study of the effectiveness of the rule of repelling corruption to corruption [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]


  • Haydari KHormizi.Sayyad Mohammad A Feasibility Study of Plurality of Authorities in the Age of Nations-States in the Views of Imamiyeh Jurisprudence and International Law System [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • heydari.sayyed masoud The theory of reduced liability in the light of the concept of the criminal development stipulated Article in 91 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hosseini.Seyed Mohammad Reza Investigating the security commitment of digital and software systems manufacturers in Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian and European subject laws [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • IranAghideh.Mohammad Sadeq Feasibility study of criminalization of soft annihilation of the Islamic government with the viewpoint of rebellion concept [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • jafari.esmael Minimal Penal policy in Imami jurisprudence (looking at Iranian law) [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Jahani.Mohammad Hosein Jurisprudential review of the criminal responsibility of the non-observer in the crime of intentional homicide [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • jani pour.karam The Status of Unfair Contracts in Imami Jurisprudence Compared to the Unfair Condition in Iran's Electronic Commerce Law and International Systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]


  • karimi salimi.mohammad mahdi Examining the relevance of ignorance to the Shari'a ruling in criminal liability [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • mazloomrahni.Alireza Investigating the security commitment of digital and software systems manufacturers in Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian and European subject laws [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • mmm.mmm The conflict and justification of the reversal of the burden of proof in money laundering with the principles and rules of jurisprudence [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • moftekhar.marzieh The Status of Unfair Contracts in Imami Jurisprudence Compared to the Unfair Condition in Iran's Electronic Commerce Law and International Systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • MOHAMADIAN.ALI The Explanation of environmental values "In the light of studying the components of urban aesthetics related to the rules of urban jurisprudence" [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • MOHAMADIAN.ALI The jurisprudential reflection in cases of necessity granting equal suitor by warden of girl [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Mohammadian Kebria.Ali Jurisprudential principles of the treaty between Muslims and non-Muslims with emphasis on the view of the Supreme Leader [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • mohammadkhani.abbas Comparison of insulting Hadi and Ta'ziri sanctities in Iranian criminal law [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mohammadzadeh.Mehdi The Explanation of environmental values "In the light of studying the components of urban aesthetics related to the rules of urban jurisprudence" [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mojtahed Solimani.Aboulhassan Challenges of the institution of oath; ‌ Possibility ‌ ‌ Refusal ‌ Replacement ‌ ‌ In ‌ Iran ‌ Criminal Law [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • molavi.shahla Analyzing and criticizing the documentation of the legitimacy of the addition of Article 1082 of the Civil Code with reference to the rule of al-kharaj in the guarantee [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • moshayedi.hajar Examining the annulment of the marriage contract due to the supposed death and its effects on the relationship of couples in Iran and Egypt [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • mousazadeh.meysam Jurisprudential and legal review of the role of customs in the consumption of intoxicants (see article 264 of the Islamic Penal Code) [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Naghibi.Seyed Ab-Alghasem The rule of conditions and its application in family law [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • najem hesari.mohammad The jurisprudential reflection in cases of necessity granting equal suitor by warden of girl [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Nazari Tavakkoli.Saeed Jurisprudential analysis of hacking information systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Nourshargh.Jamshid Review Challenges and Resolve of Conflict of Electronic Substituted Service Rules in Jurisprudence and Iran Legal System with Looking at France rules [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Parsa.Pezhman The theory of reduced liability in the light of the concept of the criminal development stipulated Article in 91 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • poormanuchehri.sid ali Juridical recognition of sexual education and matching it with 2030 document [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Pour Javaheri.Ali The Status of Unfair Contracts in Imami Jurisprudence Compared to the Unfair Condition in Iran's Electronic Commerce Law and International Systems [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Pour Javaheri.Ali Examining the annulment of the marriage contract due to the supposed death and its effects on the relationship of couples in Iran and Egypt [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Rabbani Mousavian.Seyed Ali The Rules governing Smart Contracts in Islamic Jurisprudence and Positive Law [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Rajabzadeh Ashtabanati.Alireza Investigating the security commitment of digital and software systems manufacturers in Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian and European subject laws [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rostami Qafsabadi.Alireza Jurisprudential review of the criminal responsibility of the non-observer in the crime of intentional homicide [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • saberyan.alireza Feasibility study of criminalization of soft annihilation of the Islamic government with the viewpoint of rebellion concept [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • sadeghi bahmani.sahand Jurisprudential analysis of Sheikh Saduq's popular views on inheritance [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Sadri.SeyedMohammad Examining the relevance of ignorance to the Shari'a ruling in criminal liability [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Salimi.Mohammad Reza Jurisprudential and legal study of the transfer of proprietary property in the Iranian banking system [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Savarani.Parviz Review Challenges and Resolve of Conflict of Electronic Substituted Service Rules in Jurisprudence and Iran Legal System with Looking at France rules [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Sazehalighol.Bahman Conditionalization of the realization of the crime of armed uprising in Article 287 of the Islamic Penal Code in critical scales [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Shahandeh.Vahid Jurisprudence and legal review of factoring (agency) with the right of reference [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • SHokri.Mohammad Jurisprudential and Legal Approach of intent in Trade documents (drafts, promissory notes, and checks) [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]


  • taghizadeh.ebrahim Jurisprudential and Legal Approach of intent in Trade documents (drafts, promissory notes, and checks) [ Vol.18, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Taherkhani.Hossein Review Challenges and Resolve of Conflict of Electronic Substituted Service Rules in Jurisprudence and Iran Legal System with Looking at France rules [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]
  • tavallaei.ali Condonation of usury in contract functions with a new reflection on the penalty clause [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]


  • VAHDATI.MEHDI Review Challenges and Resolve of Conflict of Electronic Substituted Service Rules in Jurisprudence and Iran Legal System with Looking at France rules [ Vol.18, Issue 68 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Zanghbari.Naser Jurisprudential and legal study of the transfer of proprietary property in the Iranian banking system [ Vol.18, Issue 67 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Zohori.Somayeh The effects of condition of consideration on free possessive contracts [ Vol.18, Issue 69 - Autumn Year 1401]